But he said that now the calendar is open for Jack Smith to prosecute Trump for the riot on the Capitol. And I hope he does with utmost speed right after Trump's trial in New York, which is proceeding with utmost efficiency.
On Lawrence last night. I can't remember the whole thing maybe can catch it online. I do remember the bottom line the last bit, which was pretty firm on not possible.
He said that it was highly unlikely (and he would know having been in that position himself), but he also said that with this ridiculous delay, she has opened up a window where other cases could be tried. I think the January 6 case was one he mentioned.
Katyal said that the window for Jack Smith to ask for Cannon's recusal had closed. If Smith had asked for such early on he might have been successful but that time has passed.
We executed the Rosenbergs for conspiring with Russia. A fking president has betrayed us. Why the hell else would he want those documents? Talk about a Manchurian Candidate. Hanging is too good for him.
Angela Lansbury in Manchurian Candidate, recast as Ginni Thomas, with her husband in Black Robes awaiting further instructions. Truth is stranger than fiction. And who among us grew up at the trial of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg? I was in kindergarten and appalled. I was my first government-sponsored electrocution. Their guilt was later confirmed by the Soviet Union. Thanks Russia, we were wondering what really happened. You know, PRAVDA, the truth!
Hanging is too quick a form of punishment. Also it looks gross, except in the movies. I would be happy with his exile to a tiny island with lots of noisy birds his only audience.
This is a good point. Trump does seem to collect random bits of knowledge from here, there & everywhere, though he has trouble reassembling them in a way that makes sense. So it wouldn't surprise me if he knew something about Napoleon, if only the part about making himself emperor.
I'm not convinced he knew anything about what was in those documents or had any plans to make deals with them. I think it's entirely possible that his #1 motive was sticking it to the incoming administration, which had the gall -- the gall, mind you! -- to defeat him at the polls. I do tend to agree about the hanging, though. <g>
They already have. Remember that kid who was sending top secrets to his buddies. He went right to the slammer and has been there ever since. And he ain't getting out for quite a while.
The incompetence and corruption can no longer be ignored or rationalized away. The most charitable explanation of this bullshit is that she is so far over her head she can't see the surface of the water. The more realistic explanation is she is so far up Trump's ass she can read his mind. Jack Smith has to go to the 11th Circuit and try and get her removed. Failing that he needs to file a new indictment on the stolen documents in NJ. Start by digging up Ivana, there is probably a treasure trove of documents in her coffin. But god damn, this Florida case is open and shut. 3 days max. And both Trump and Cannon know he is guilty as shit and would have to go to prison for YEARS. And that's why she is so busy making sure nothing happens until her Lord and Master can pardon himself, or shitcan the whole case.
No. But as a non-lawyer I have to think that he is looking for an opening that he can use. Recusal is a tough sell, it requires a total f'k up. This may be it.
Judge Cannon is part and parcel one of the main reasons that I did not want Trump in the first place.My rhetorical question back then was this”Would you want Donald Trump picking RBG’s successor?”Not many thought this way and here we are.It is going to take a bit of a long time to rid our judiciary of these Trump judges-vermin if you will if we ever will.I am still gobsmacked by the closeness of our 2024 presidential race, that it is a horse race between a Nazi liar and an experienced elder statesmen.Young people need to decide what kind of world that they are going to live in.They should heed that Project 2025 which lays out the horrific plan that Trump has for this country has Palestinians as targets.Our democracy would cease to exist with a Trump re-election.
I'm with you, Victoria. My belief in 2016 was that the election wasn't really about the presidency, it was about SCOTUS. Boy, howdy, was that accurate.
Yes.It is going to take decades for us to be free of the Trump judicial yoke.I am still sickened by all of the judiciary sleight of hand that is our own legacy because of this lying Nazi charlatan.
Does anyone really believe that *Trump* picked RBG's successor, or Gorsuch or Kavanaugh either? Or that Project 2025 is *Trump's* plan? Project 2025 (i.e., the Heritage Foundation, the Federalist Society, and the others behind it) depends on Trump's re-election (and, ideally, GOP majorities in both houses of Congress). It also depends on Trump doing what they tell him to, and I'm not betting on that for a minute. That might be the scariest part of Trump's getting re-elected: the battle royal between him and those who think they're going to be his handlers.
This part of her order is breathtakingly arrogant and void of shame: "...the Court finds that the ends of justice served by this continuance, through the last deadline specified in this Order, July 22, 2024, outweigh the best interest of the public and Defendants in a speedy trial."
I think she meant "the end of justice". As in "the cancellation of anything even vaguely resembling justice...outweighs the best interest of the public and Defendants in a speedy trial."
At this point DOJ needs to file 100 motions at least to get her disqualified. Although, I would not be surprised to find that Garland is in no hurry. After all what's a few years in the grand scheme of things? Can't anybody here play this game?
Garland is complicit and doesn't care how bad he looks. The new info about Cannon's brazen corruption should get her kicked off not only this case but the bench as well, but this country is absolutely broken and nothing will be done about her. I give up. They win again.
(MY PRIOR, IGNORANT COMMENT on Garland: "I used to defend Garland, but I long since gave that up. Honestly, I think he would have made a good Justice, but he doesn't have the initiative or courage to be Attorney General. He's so worried about bending over backwards to avoid even a hint of a whiff of even the appearance of lack of fairness, that he has just flat-out failed to do the job we desperately needed him to do: hold Donald Trump legally accountable and demonstrate that he is not above the law! ")
I am no lawyer but I cannot imagine why it took him so long to appoint Jack Smith. *Smith* is scrupulously fair and also bloody-mindedly determined and implacable. But he's hamstrung by how late Garland appointed him [due to Republican obstruction], and by Cannon and the folks in Georgia and all kinds of judicial customs. Smith is also hamstrung by the multiple Trump-bootlicking actions of the 6-Supreme-Injustice conservative majority:
1. The Supremely Trumpy super-majority's transparent decision to hear Trump's immunity claim in spite of the voluminously substantiated, ironclad decision that the Court of Appeals rendered, saying Trump is NOT immune.
2. The Injustices' sycophantic scheduling of those arguments to the very last possible day of this term,
3. The farcical excuses several of the Injustices gave for NOT confronting the details of Trump's case but instead scratching their weak chins and musing about how eliminating any of the presidential immunity which they themselves had just *invented* on the spot might somehow hamper some putative future president, and
4. Their toadying strategy of delaying delivering their ruling on Trump's outrageous claim of being above the law probably so that it will no doubt be the very last decision they publish this summer.
All of which make it highly unlikely--no, probably impossible--for Judge Chutkan to start the trial of the first President who has ever attempted to overthrow our democracy, until after the November election.
We need to do everything we possibly can to re-elect Biden by such a wide margin that it renders all of Trump's predictable nonsense claims of election tampering ridiculous and laughable. All of Trump's predictable 2024 lawsuits in swing states alleging Dem tampering will again be thrown out due to zero credible evidence. Once that's done, Chutkan can start the trial, and he can finally face justice for his multiple crimes.
And if we manage to elect 60 Democrats to the Senate, Biden can start rebalancing the Supreme Court.
MaryPat, thank you so much for posting this article about the facts of how Merrick Garland began investigating Trump the week he was sworn in as Attorney General, and all the delays came from manifold resistance and obstruction by leftover Trump appointees at the FBI and other agencies, and obstruction by Mitch McConnell of attempts to replace Trump appointees who were obstructing the investigation. Having read this post with the Merrick Garland facts, I see that my reply to Linda Fulcher is nonsense, and I will go mark it as such and insert this link. Thank you for educating me.
Garland is complicit. He had no intention of prosecuting Trump until the J6 Committee shamed him into doing so, but he has continually dragged his feet. The creatures in Congress are still walking around free to spew their bullshit, as are Roger Stone, Michael Flynn, Charles Flynn, ad infinitum, ad nauseam. So much for the rule of law.
Later Edit: My prior comment further below is nonsense. Everyone who is inclined to say Garland is complicit or incompetent, please read this link helpfully posted by MaryPat (https://muellershewrote.substack.com/p/the-facts-about-merrick-garland?triedRedirect=true) about the facts about all the things Merrick Garland did to investigate Trump, starting the week he was sworn in, and the manifold obstructions he faced from leftover Trump appointees and Mitch McConnell's chokehold on Senate appointments.
***I retract my prior comment below, which was based on my ignorant speculation:
"Please say more about what you mean when you say Garland is complicit. To me, "complicit" means in league with or explicitly favoring. I would say Judge Cannon is complicit with Trump and the conservative majority Supreme Court Injustices are complicit with Trump. Historically I think of the Catholic hierarchy who knew about widespread child abuse by priests, and just kept hushing it up, paying people off, and moving abusing priests to new parishes. I don't see Garland as complicit with Trump. I see Garland as severely handicapped in the job of Attorney General by a combination of antiquated, unrealistic idealism about how the justice system is supposed to work, which leads to a punitive set of perfectionistic standards for himself and those under him, combined with emotional issues that might be simple fear of screwing up or his actions backfiring or MAGA crazies coming after his family, or might be something more complicated involving shame or guilt, or trying to show how he would have administered justice had he been elevated to the Supreme Court, or an excessively rigid personality. I am speculating on the causes, but from what's been made public about his statements and his actions, I wouldn't call him complicit. I think it would be fair to say that without meaning to, he has enabled Trump." < That's nonsense. - E.M.
Possibly. I don't know all the ins and outs of the federal court system. But it seems to me the public is not getting their money's worth. This is not a speedy trial.....and both parties are guaranteed one.
What motion? Please list them and support each one since the moving party (since you advanced the notion of motions, that be you Run) bears the burden of proof.
As we have seen, it quite literally does not matter what cockamamie burden of proof you use to advance your motion, as long as you make one. Or several. Or a dozen. Or two dozen. Or 12 dozen. All that matters is that you file them, and keep filing them one after the next after the next until the end of time, thus forcing the system to deal with them.
You're conflating 2 very different things, a criminal defendant's constitutional very broad rights w/the very narrow circumstances of recusing/removing a Judge.
Trial judges have very broad authority over all aspects of a criminal trial including the docket. The unspecified motions you refer to would require briefs and scheduling which only adds more delays.
Exactly the point. Force her to work the case well into the next decade. Who cares about "narrow"? Anyone can file anything at any time, no matter how broad or narrow. You are advocating the use of rational discourse into a situation where it doesn't exist.
I'm aching for an informed discussion of where Smith can go from here. MSNBC can't get over Stormy Daniels. Maybe Lawrence? But that's an hour and a half away. I'm hoping Politico is working on it. If anybody finds something smart anywhere online on Smith's options, please be sure to share the location.
Medias touch Legal AF has covered all of Cannon’s 🐂 💩 and apparently she uses ‘paperless orders’ which, as I understand it, are not appealable. They have a good legal analysis podcast—highly recommend.
Thanks for that useful info, Leigh. I've fallen into the instant gratification trap—i want an immediate explanation. If I heeded more resources like these I might be able to figure it out for myself.
MSNBC now 9.53p ET [Neal Katyal sees no hope of getting her removed, a shred of hope for the January 6 trial; 10.05p my hope for Lawrence so far misplaced—yet another Stormy reconstruction]
I think you're wrong on two points: 1. The case isn't really complicated. Judge Cannon just says it is to justify delay. 2. Trump would not say "Excuse me, ..." because he doesn't care about others. He would just continue to fart and piss all over the laws as he sees fit.
How about dishonest whore? She has prostituted herself to Leonard Leo and doesn't seem to care who knows it. She apparently thinks she's untouchable, and she may be right. Reading about Stormy Daniels' testimony today, it seems that the judge doesn't particularly approve of her because of how she makes her living and I thought he treated her as if she is a prostitute, but she is honest and unapologetic. Cannon, on the other hand, is simply a hooker with no morals and no brains.
This is beyond ridiculous, Cannon has completely lost control over this case. Jack Smith needs to do something outrageous, but he's been very quiet, like he's lost interest here.
He might have thrown his hands over his hand, said "Screw these people, let 'em stew in their own sauce," and worked on getting that overseas passport or bolthole he'll be needing in 2025 if things keep heading the way they're going.
What can Jack Smith do to get her booted off the case? She obviously isn't going to recuse. This is an obscenity - rule of law, indeed.
Well, Neil Katyal just put the kiebosh on that possibility!
But he said that now the calendar is open for Jack Smith to prosecute Trump for the riot on the Capitol. And I hope he does with utmost speed right after Trump's trial in New York, which is proceeding with utmost efficiency.
What did he say?
On Lawrence last night. I can't remember the whole thing maybe can catch it online. I do remember the bottom line the last bit, which was pretty firm on not possible.
He said that it was highly unlikely (and he would know having been in that position himself), but he also said that with this ridiculous delay, she has opened up a window where other cases could be tried. I think the January 6 case was one he mentioned.
Katyal said that the window for Jack Smith to ask for Cannon's recusal had closed. If Smith had asked for such early on he might have been successful but that time has passed.
Yes - that is my question also!!
He’s getting off free for this heinous act of treason. Anyone else doing this would have been sent to the slammer months’ ago.
We executed the Rosenbergs for conspiring with Russia. A fking president has betrayed us. Why the hell else would he want those documents? Talk about a Manchurian Candidate. Hanging is too good for him.
Angela Lansbury in Manchurian Candidate, recast as Ginni Thomas, with her husband in Black Robes awaiting further instructions. Truth is stranger than fiction. And who among us grew up at the trial of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg? I was in kindergarten and appalled. I was my first government-sponsored electrocution. Their guilt was later confirmed by the Soviet Union. Thanks Russia, we were wondering what really happened. You know, PRAVDA, the truth!
I liked Angela.....Ginni is no Angela.
I want him to rot in a damp, cold prison cell for the rest of his miserable life.
Hanging is too quick a form of punishment. Also it looks gross, except in the movies. I would be happy with his exile to a tiny island with lots of noisy birds his only audience.
Maybe Mussolini style?
Mussolini style would include his own MAGA worshipers savagely turning on him. I’ve read about the way mobs treated Mussolini’s corpse!
He's already upside down.
How about some 80 year old Russian pee girls
Except then he'd be comparing himself to Napoleon.
Maybe not. Napoleon was short. Has he even heard of Napoleon? Remember George Washington taking control of the airports. . .
This is a good point. Trump does seem to collect random bits of knowledge from here, there & everywhere, though he has trouble reassembling them in a way that makes sense. So it wouldn't surprise me if he knew something about Napoleon, if only the part about making himself emperor.
I'm not convinced he knew anything about what was in those documents or had any plans to make deals with them. I think it's entirely possible that his #1 motive was sticking it to the incoming administration, which had the gall -- the gall, mind you! -- to defeat him at the polls. I do tend to agree about the hanging, though. <g>
He monetizes everything. He at least had an idea as to potential value. Since he has pissed away every dollar his dad ever made he needed the money.
Little Jarad was given 2 billion dollars by the Saudis. Undoubtedly there were promises of access to what they could smuggle out to the Saudis.
Definitely possible, but I still doubt he knew what was in those docs. Jared and whoever else was doing the packing might well have, though.
I suggest the Mussolini solution...
George Washington would have had him swinging at the end of a rope!
Never would have made it out of Valley Forge....alive.
They already have. Remember that kid who was sending top secrets to his buddies. He went right to the slammer and has been there ever since. And he ain't getting out for quite a while.
The incompetence and corruption can no longer be ignored or rationalized away. The most charitable explanation of this bullshit is that she is so far over her head she can't see the surface of the water. The more realistic explanation is she is so far up Trump's ass she can read his mind. Jack Smith has to go to the 11th Circuit and try and get her removed. Failing that he needs to file a new indictment on the stolen documents in NJ. Start by digging up Ivana, there is probably a treasure trove of documents in her coffin. But god damn, this Florida case is open and shut. 3 days max. And both Trump and Cannon know he is guilty as shit and would have to go to prison for YEARS. And that's why she is so busy making sure nothing happens until her Lord and Master can pardon himself, or shitcan the whole case.
Does anyone KNOW why Smith is doing nothing to get her removed???
No. But as a non-lawyer I have to think that he is looking for an opening that he can use. Recusal is a tough sell, it requires a total f'k up. This may be it.
Maybe he is?
I hope so...this story just broke, so I hope he and Dreeben are scouring the law books or what ever it is lawyers do!
Smith will handle this...be sure of it!
I hope you are correct!
File indictment in NJ. Separate case.
Bunch of boxes over at Bedminster, in the caddyshack bathroom...
She should be impeached at the very least!
That was painful to read so going through the actual court document must have been excruciating. Here's where I defer to em those with legal training:
Can Smith appeal this to a higher court?
And yes, McConnell is the Gravedigger of Democracy. May he enjoy his "retirement" NOT
May he permanently freeze very soon.
Now is the moment for Jack Smith to have her removed. Isn't this obstruction of justice?
Judge Cannon is part and parcel one of the main reasons that I did not want Trump in the first place.My rhetorical question back then was this”Would you want Donald Trump picking RBG’s successor?”Not many thought this way and here we are.It is going to take a bit of a long time to rid our judiciary of these Trump judges-vermin if you will if we ever will.I am still gobsmacked by the closeness of our 2024 presidential race, that it is a horse race between a Nazi liar and an experienced elder statesmen.Young people need to decide what kind of world that they are going to live in.They should heed that Project 2025 which lays out the horrific plan that Trump has for this country has Palestinians as targets.Our democracy would cease to exist with a Trump re-election.
I'm with you, Victoria. My belief in 2016 was that the election wasn't really about the presidency, it was about SCOTUS. Boy, howdy, was that accurate.
Yes.It is going to take decades for us to be free of the Trump judicial yoke.I am still sickened by all of the judiciary sleight of hand that is our own legacy because of this lying Nazi charlatan.
Does anyone really believe that *Trump* picked RBG's successor, or Gorsuch or Kavanaugh either? Or that Project 2025 is *Trump's* plan? Project 2025 (i.e., the Heritage Foundation, the Federalist Society, and the others behind it) depends on Trump's re-election (and, ideally, GOP majorities in both houses of Congress). It also depends on Trump doing what they tell him to, and I'm not betting on that for a minute. That might be the scariest part of Trump's getting re-elected: the battle royal between him and those who think they're going to be his handlers.
This part of her order is breathtakingly arrogant and void of shame: "...the Court finds that the ends of justice served by this continuance, through the last deadline specified in this Order, July 22, 2024, outweigh the best interest of the public and Defendants in a speedy trial."
I think she meant "the end of justice". As in "the cancellation of anything even vaguely resembling justice...outweighs the best interest of the public and Defendants in a speedy trial."
Spot on.
At this point DOJ needs to file 100 motions at least to get her disqualified. Although, I would not be surprised to find that Garland is in no hurry. After all what's a few years in the grand scheme of things? Can't anybody here play this game?
Garland is complicit and doesn't care how bad he looks. The new info about Cannon's brazen corruption should get her kicked off not only this case but the bench as well, but this country is absolutely broken and nothing will be done about her. I give up. They win again.
LATER EDIT: MY COMMENTS HERE ABOUT GARLAND ARE BUNK. SEE this link posted by MaryPat, on the facts of what Merrick Garland has done, starting his first week, in the face of manifold obstructions from leftover Trump appointees and Republicans: https://muellershewrote.substack.com/p/the-facts-about-merrick-garland?triedRedirect=true
(MY PRIOR, IGNORANT COMMENT on Garland: "I used to defend Garland, but I long since gave that up. Honestly, I think he would have made a good Justice, but he doesn't have the initiative or courage to be Attorney General. He's so worried about bending over backwards to avoid even a hint of a whiff of even the appearance of lack of fairness, that he has just flat-out failed to do the job we desperately needed him to do: hold Donald Trump legally accountable and demonstrate that he is not above the law! ")
I am no lawyer but I cannot imagine why it took him so long to appoint Jack Smith. *Smith* is scrupulously fair and also bloody-mindedly determined and implacable. But he's hamstrung by how late Garland appointed him [due to Republican obstruction], and by Cannon and the folks in Georgia and all kinds of judicial customs. Smith is also hamstrung by the multiple Trump-bootlicking actions of the 6-Supreme-Injustice conservative majority:
1. The Supremely Trumpy super-majority's transparent decision to hear Trump's immunity claim in spite of the voluminously substantiated, ironclad decision that the Court of Appeals rendered, saying Trump is NOT immune.
2. The Injustices' sycophantic scheduling of those arguments to the very last possible day of this term,
3. The farcical excuses several of the Injustices gave for NOT confronting the details of Trump's case but instead scratching their weak chins and musing about how eliminating any of the presidential immunity which they themselves had just *invented* on the spot might somehow hamper some putative future president, and
4. Their toadying strategy of delaying delivering their ruling on Trump's outrageous claim of being above the law probably so that it will no doubt be the very last decision they publish this summer.
All of which make it highly unlikely--no, probably impossible--for Judge Chutkan to start the trial of the first President who has ever attempted to overthrow our democracy, until after the November election.
We need to do everything we possibly can to re-elect Biden by such a wide margin that it renders all of Trump's predictable nonsense claims of election tampering ridiculous and laughable. All of Trump's predictable 2024 lawsuits in swing states alleging Dem tampering will again be thrown out due to zero credible evidence. Once that's done, Chutkan can start the trial, and he can finally face justice for his multiple crimes.
And if we manage to elect 60 Democrats to the Senate, Biden can start rebalancing the Supreme Court.
I disagree: see the article about all the road blocks put up against Garland. Would have been the same for any DOJ appointed by Biden.
MaryPat, thank you so much for posting this article about the facts of how Merrick Garland began investigating Trump the week he was sworn in as Attorney General, and all the delays came from manifold resistance and obstruction by leftover Trump appointees at the FBI and other agencies, and obstruction by Mitch McConnell of attempts to replace Trump appointees who were obstructing the investigation. Having read this post with the Merrick Garland facts, I see that my reply to Linda Fulcher is nonsense, and I will go mark it as such and insert this link. Thank you for educating me.
You are very welcome, Elizabeth.
Thanks go to Lynell who posted it first. Love these substack communities!
Garland is complicit. He had no intention of prosecuting Trump until the J6 Committee shamed him into doing so, but he has continually dragged his feet. The creatures in Congress are still walking around free to spew their bullshit, as are Roger Stone, Michael Flynn, Charles Flynn, ad infinitum, ad nauseam. So much for the rule of law.
Later Edit: My prior comment further below is nonsense. Everyone who is inclined to say Garland is complicit or incompetent, please read this link helpfully posted by MaryPat (https://muellershewrote.substack.com/p/the-facts-about-merrick-garland?triedRedirect=true) about the facts about all the things Merrick Garland did to investigate Trump, starting the week he was sworn in, and the manifold obstructions he faced from leftover Trump appointees and Mitch McConnell's chokehold on Senate appointments.
***I retract my prior comment below, which was based on my ignorant speculation:
"Please say more about what you mean when you say Garland is complicit. To me, "complicit" means in league with or explicitly favoring. I would say Judge Cannon is complicit with Trump and the conservative majority Supreme Court Injustices are complicit with Trump. Historically I think of the Catholic hierarchy who knew about widespread child abuse by priests, and just kept hushing it up, paying people off, and moving abusing priests to new parishes. I don't see Garland as complicit with Trump. I see Garland as severely handicapped in the job of Attorney General by a combination of antiquated, unrealistic idealism about how the justice system is supposed to work, which leads to a punitive set of perfectionistic standards for himself and those under him, combined with emotional issues that might be simple fear of screwing up or his actions backfiring or MAGA crazies coming after his family, or might be something more complicated involving shame or guilt, or trying to show how he would have administered justice had he been elevated to the Supreme Court, or an excessively rigid personality. I am speculating on the causes, but from what's been made public about his statements and his actions, I wouldn't call him complicit. I think it would be fair to say that without meaning to, he has enabled Trump." < That's nonsense. - E.M.
Hope springs eternal!
Likely more incompetent. He's in the wrong branch of govt. He's definitely judicial, not executive material.
Motions take time....so much time that this case won't come to trial till next year. Which is the point.
Then it behooves the prosecution to make motions to recuse at this point at this point right?
Possibly. I don't know all the ins and outs of the federal court system. But it seems to me the public is not getting their money's worth. This is not a speedy trial.....and both parties are guaranteed one.
What motion? Please list them and support each one since the moving party (since you advanced the notion of motions, that be you Run) bears the burden of proof.
As we have seen, it quite literally does not matter what cockamamie burden of proof you use to advance your motion, as long as you make one. Or several. Or a dozen. Or two dozen. Or 12 dozen. All that matters is that you file them, and keep filing them one after the next after the next until the end of time, thus forcing the system to deal with them.
You're conflating 2 very different things, a criminal defendant's constitutional very broad rights w/the very narrow circumstances of recusing/removing a Judge.
Trial judges have very broad authority over all aspects of a criminal trial including the docket. The unspecified motions you refer to would require briefs and scheduling which only adds more delays.
Exactly the point. Force her to work the case well into the next decade. Who cares about "narrow"? Anyone can file anything at any time, no matter how broad or narrow. You are advocating the use of rational discourse into a situation where it doesn't exist.
I'm aching for an informed discussion of where Smith can go from here. MSNBC can't get over Stormy Daniels. Maybe Lawrence? But that's an hour and a half away. I'm hoping Politico is working on it. If anybody finds something smart anywhere online on Smith's options, please be sure to share the location.
Medias touch Legal AF has covered all of Cannon’s 🐂 💩 and apparently she uses ‘paperless orders’ which, as I understand it, are not appealable. They have a good legal analysis podcast—highly recommend.
Thanks for that useful info, Leigh. I've fallen into the instant gratification trap—i want an immediate explanation. If I heeded more resources like these I might be able to figure it out for myself.
MSNBC now 9.53p ET [Neal Katyal sees no hope of getting her removed, a shred of hope for the January 6 trial; 10.05p my hope for Lawrence so far misplaced—yet another Stormy reconstruction]
Lots of well written informative words that all lead back to… this “judge” is getting away with this shit, and with her, Trump! Damn!
I think you're wrong on two points: 1. The case isn't really complicated. Judge Cannon just says it is to justify delay. 2. Trump would not say "Excuse me, ..." because he doesn't care about others. He would just continue to fart and piss all over the laws as he sees fit.
We need to discover where Mitch McConnell will be buried so we can line up to do what he did to this country: take a good steaming dump.
Disgusting -- there is no other word to describe Judge Aileen Cannon.
How about dishonest whore? She has prostituted herself to Leonard Leo and doesn't seem to care who knows it. She apparently thinks she's untouchable, and she may be right. Reading about Stormy Daniels' testimony today, it seems that the judge doesn't particularly approve of her because of how she makes her living and I thought he treated her as if she is a prostitute, but she is honest and unapologetic. Cannon, on the other hand, is simply a hooker with no morals and no brains.
Every time I I ponder what has become of the Supreme Court I cringe.
And the assault upon the FBI and CIA - talk about Deep State - we're in deep shit!
The justice system and our national security is under House arrest,
and the leader of the band, wanne-be Fuhrer, wants to know if Russia is listening.
Ya Think?
This is beyond ridiculous, Cannon has completely lost control over this case. Jack Smith needs to do something outrageous, but he's been very quiet, like he's lost interest here.
He might have thrown his hands over his hand, said "Screw these people, let 'em stew in their own sauce," and worked on getting that overseas passport or bolthole he'll be needing in 2025 if things keep heading the way they're going.