Re "Even if she never collects a cent ..." That is highly unlikely. For that to happen, an appellate court would have to reverse the original finding of (essential) rape and void the $5million+. Then, an appellate court would have to reverse, or knock down the defamation penalty. The good news, however, is doubled: Because of the delay caused by appealing, interest will be charged. That will not be insignificant. And ... the guy who can't control his mean mouth must post bond - for the whole amount of both judgements - to assure the victim what she was awarded at trial if the appeals court upholds the judgments. If his properties need to be sold, perhaps at a loss, so be it. Let's see if the jerks want to cough up to help Trump meet his legal obligations having to do with rape and defamation. This, friends, is the real beginning of the end -- and it is coming way too late.

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There's really no reason she shouldn't collect. He is not destitute and at some point he's going to have to pay. Then there is a move to seize assets. This will be a whole lot of fun. 7 men on the jury. Excellent news.

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Jan 27, 2024
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He's so bad, Doris, that while I have to be careful about how much I despise him and what I wish for him, he deserves the absolute worst things to happen to him and collecting is way overdue. I think most of us who despise him would be glad if he disappeared so far his name would never come up again. Like Rush Limbaugh. Nobody ever brings up Rush Limbaugh. And it's wonderful.

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Just read his dreams; his tweets and plans for his "enemies" on his "Day One". He's not keeping any of those plans secret.

He deserves the exact same punishments that he plans for every Democrat and every Republican who opposed his legislation, who didn't vote for his fake Elector plot, for every single elected official and unelected bureaucrat who didn't leap and ask "How high???" when he yelled "JUMP!"

He is stuffed full of vengeful hatred.

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If allowed, his casket will need Gravy Seal guards in the Capitol Rotunda for the viewing, if traitors permitted.

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God, I sincerely hope NOT. Having his casket there--even guarded by the Gravy Seals would be a dire insult to every honorable man who had been memorialized in the same place.

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In his deposition he claimed under oath that he had over $400 million in cash. The rest of his wealth is tied up in real estate. But then he might have been lying.

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ya think?

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Lying? Trump ...

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i just read a very well laid out thread by Brian Manookian


who first pointed out alina habba was so incompetent that she missed going on record for items that could be appealed.

going into further details, he points out that if trump wishes to appeal, he would have to pay the entire amount into an escrow account. this money would be immediately given to ms. carroll if/when trump loses the appeal.

oh and he says trump would have to pay daily interest of $22k.

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Oh, delicious. This piece of detail is so delicious I could put it on a plate and eat it.

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The phrase: “Rake him over the coal”, comes to mind. Not that torture is the proscribed treatment, but l get the impression that that’s what the offender-in-chief has in mind for anyone who does not submit to his whims!

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I hope so.

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You gotta love that the jury was shown a tape where Trump bragged that he is worth $10 billion. Another lie. That must have factored into the size of the award. Next up, fraud case!

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maybe he can get mexico to pay for it

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I just did a real-life spit take of my glass of Negro Modelo.

Just "maybe"? Didn't Mexico send a check to cover the portion of "his" wall? Wasn't it for the exact same amount a court case found he/his family had personally donated to his family "charity" over 8 or so years, specifically, nothing.

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hee, hee!

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How about a Presidential Medal of Freedom for her? She's a hero, for sure!

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And Time Magazine's Woman of the Year!

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That would really frost his tater box!!!

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Wouldn't it now? Lol. Didn't he have a fake Time Man of the Year cover of himself hanging on a wall in Mar-a-Lago?

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He sure did.

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That popped into my mind immediately!!!!

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This is as good as it gets in this world. She is a hero. 7 men on the jury; two women. Trump's tragic read of the room is just glorious. Did he really think trashing an elderly woman, frail-ish but courageous in a way he could never understand, would be a winner for him? I do trials all the time and juries, when they do something like this, they are totally and thoroughly disgusted with whomever they assess this sort of win against. I do swear I smell blood in the water. It's going to be the girls that bring this bastard down. And he will only have his base base left and we all know he can't stand them in truth. They're the toothless, the heavy gut-beer bellied and obnoxious ignoramuses. This is the best day in the last umpteeump years since he oozed his way into the White House. I'm praying it's about to come to a gruesome ugly end for him. Karma seems to be wearing skirts and there isn't just one skirt.

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I get the feeling none of us care for trump enough to throw him a boulder if he was drowning.

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Cement boots.

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Make sure it's heavy enough.

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I care enough to throw him a boulder if he is drowning. A bigly one.

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Well said!!

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im wondering if he is a flight risk

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Well, his sanity has already taken flight, will his body soon follow.

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Trump is going to appeal. But in order to do that he has to put up a bond that will pay her WHEN HE LOSES THE APPEAL! This so he can't hide assets to avoid paying. And he already owes her $5M from the earlier trial. And if he keeps up his bullshit, she is going to sue him again. And win again. The only real question - will Habba Dabba Doo be disbarred before she can mount an incompetent appeal?

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Gosh, I hope not. Habibi is doing a great job. I'm delighted with her representation.

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I read they are working in a third suit as we speak.

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As well they should given his foul behavior. He's a fucking toddler, unable to control himself. Time to make him pay!

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Awww, come on-- toddlers are innocent little creatures who are sometimes obnoxious by adult standards. t-RUMP is a vicious, evil monster! Don't compare him to a blameless baby-- he could control himself, but he chooses not to.

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Her suits certainly are better tailored than the droopy ones he wears.

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Jan 27, 2024
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and to cover up his depends

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Habba Dabba Doo! Perfect.

Photo this morning showed her outside courtroom, standing next to the Deranged Sexual Predator wearing "studious" glasses. HDD trying to play down the pouty lips look.

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Her 'smart' glasses. She borrowed them from Rick Perry!

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Habba Dabba Doo has made my nite!! Thanx

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If not disbarred, she should be severely reprimanded for her behavior. She is, at best, incompetent.

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I was married to a compulsive liar and worked for another one. They really start believing their own lies and seem not to care or understand about losing trust, dignity, credibility. It's revealing that lying appears to be the only way they can deal with the challenges of real life. So very sad.

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My narc mother is a compulsive liar -- and DGAF who she hurts with her BS.

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I'm sorry...

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Me too

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I applaud this verdict. It is trump's time for Karma if there is such a thing. He is a petty mafia figure who cannot even lead the mafia. God bless the lady. I hope she sees some of the money. It is absolutely essential that trump be defeated. Every one of you needs to become an activist and you need to go out and get people to vote. The majority of Americans detest this ogre. Go out and get at least 3 people to vote against this lifelong criminal. Remember, the next president will select the SCOTUS justice when Clarence Thomas dies.

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You must be new to this site. These on Lucien's page are some of the most savvy and skilled compadres on the subject of Trump. Not sure they they need to be advised on what to do. :)

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It must really piss off orange face to be taken down by a woman, and one he raped. I hope all the other women he raped take him to court and finish him off.

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Is ol' Clarence dying? I haven't heard anything. He's probably fit as a fiddle.

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Where's the emoji for - Laffing So Hard I Tore My Pleural Membrane - when you really need it? Bravo E J Carroll!

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I was so shocked that I fell out of my chair and can't get up. I think I got a bone spur!

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(1) $83.3M-T'oughts and prayers.

(2) DJT: "They have taken away all First Amendment Rights” -Words matter.

(3) NYT: journos gasped. -Words matter, journo gasps don't. Journos aren't part of the story, NYT.

(4) Media kept reminding folk about Trump's words ad nauseum yet how many times did the media actually report exactly what Trump did to Ms. Carroll?

(5) Stopped counting how many times journos and reporters prefaced their reporting with I can't tell you because it's so _(fill in ya fav adjective_). Seems to be the media also needs a lesson in #!A and Journalism 101.

(6) That failure to report what's on the Court Record led many to mischaracterize (both higher and lower) the actual finding and by doing so sterilized the action by the replacing it with the nebulous term sexual assault.

(7) The only gasps that matter in this case are those in Federal Courtrooms coming from Judges and Justices reading/hearing how disrespectful and dishonorable Trump and his attorneys were throughout the proceedings to the Judge, Jury, and the nation (this isn't America).

(8) When one combines all-things 6Jan., the theft of USG records inc. natsec/def, Trump's move to have the RNC declare him the presumptive nominee don't know how much more proof the Judicial, Congress, and the nation requires that Trump has anointed self above all people, and above the written and unwritten laws.

(9) Melania calling her atty for a nuptial redux III.

(10) Trump's kids watching Daddy spend their inheritance- Priceless.

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Maybe they will throw him under the bus now....no need to back him anymore!

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The likelihood grows each and every day. As does the likelihood the NY state fraud trial decision will be next week. Am adding the DC Circuit panel's decision on Trump's US District Court appeal.

Trump family members are very much like him in that they consider themselves to be "special." Each and every one has to now wrestle with a dose of reality that can't be denied any longer, their father is on the path to destruction.

If the aforementioned decisions break against Trump, then Trump waiting to the election for revenge and retribution is far less likely. While the likelihood of a clarion call out to his supporters for "bedlam" grows and grows.

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all this makes me wonder more if he is considering fleeing.

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If it isn't in his mind, then it should be.

Sadly, it (exile) is not in American law although it should be.

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HAHAHAHAHA...I think Melanie already has divorce papers in hand and yes, his kiddies and grandkiddies might have to start selling a few of their toys and houses also. Makes you wanna cry, doesn’t it?

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Stephen is spot on about the movie "Women Talking."

When you see what Jean Carroll went through, it is no wonder why so many women refuse to come forward against powerful men.

Early on in Trump's presidency, or campaign (I forget when) I saw a middle-aged woman proudly wearing a t shirt that in effect said Trump could grab her (there) anytime. I often wondered about that -- her husband just stood by.

I am mystified by any woman, including woman governors or other women in positions of power, who would demean their own self-respect by voting for Trump, even if they despised Democrats.

He just trashed Kayleigh today for daring to suggest that he should consider Nikki as VP, even going so far as to label Kayleigh a RINO.

He will toss Alina under the bus at some point...

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I have no respect for women who support trump.

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Yup! It's getting crowded under there - just ask Peter Navarro!

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Mabel was my grandmother's name

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Mine, too.

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sooner rather then later...

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Or, he might marry her. Who knows?

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Some poor schmuck will be cleaning a gallon of ketchup off the wall tonight, wherever the orange antichrist is hiding.

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Powerful Men abusing women is a full fledged epidemic that has existed time in memoriam. Taking their money doesn’t solve a thing. Taking their freedom on a massive scale would be a start. Maybe.

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Taking Trump's freedom would be gratifying, of course, but I love the idea of taking Trump's money. Many people, true MAGA believers or not, have attached to him because in their minds money=worth=power=domination=God's favor. I can't wait to see who sticks with him when he's lost a good chunk of his money. Bannon? Flynn? Stone? Stefanik? Gaetz? MT Greene? Yuck and more yuck.

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Correct. ChristoFascists, who are not actual Christians, believe wealth is a sign of god's favor. The exact opposite of what Christ taught. Eye Of The Needle.

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Disarm the rapist.

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Brilliant. "Is he under? Good. Nurse, hand me those cuticle scissors."

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Ooohhhh. 🤣. Don't waste the anesthesia.

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And a magnifying glass.

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I think it may be in jeweler's loupe territory. [place crazy laughing emoji here.]

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Remove his arms? Hmmmm. 🤔

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Biden needs to invite her to the SOTU.

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If he doesn't, I'll be surprised.

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YAHOO! Congratulation to E. Jean and her team!

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Justice in the city !

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