Yesterday afternoon, Stars Insider decided to post a "what to do" series of slides, complete with updated recommendations from the CDC, on how to prepare for a nuclear attack. The fact that Putin would deliberately target a maternity hospital is evidence of the lengths to which he will go to "win" his criminal war.

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Do you have a minute to direct me to that link? I’d be most appreciative.

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I just saw your reply~apologies for replying weeks later. The link works but doesn’t allow me access to the full article. However, now I have the verbiage to search online. Thank You kindly.

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Seeing this makes me sick to my stomach. Looking at the pregnant woman trying to escape…I am going to repeat this until I am blue in the face…MEN cause wars!! Women NEVER willingly send their precious children away. NEVER! (I apologize for the caps but…)

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Marlene, think about Margaret Thatcher and the Falklands War. With a very few exceptions, the sons and daughters of the powerful seldom actually fight and die in modern wars.

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I still can't get it out of my mind when General Flynn and Trump Jr. hosted Lavrov for a little post election celebration to share thoughts on how the United States and Russia could co-operate in the future. So, by definition, Flynn was cozying up to a war criminal. And he still walks free peddlling his bilge.

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I think i may have stopped crying now. Sweet jeeezus I forgot about Mikey and Donny meeting with Lavrov. It was probably to tell him Putin could have any and everything he wanted just not to make TFG look bad!

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Truly horrifying. Modern weapons are a scourge. Germany's use of the V1 and V2 in the waning years of the war caused a new kind of terror in Londoners, but the bombing of civilians has never in history "broken the enemy's will to fight." Not in Copenhagen in 1807, not in London or Dresden, and not now. From what I've read, all it creates is an indomitable spirit of bitterness and lust for vengeance that lasts generations.

Putin's vaunted ability to control the narrative falls far short when compared to cellphone video fro m the scene. I guess the Putin story this time was the maternity hospital was actually a chemical weapons plant. The US is guilty of this too (especially with the ongoing drone war) but the two cases are not equal.

As far as pressure within Russia to change this, Americans tend to forget Russia is not a democracy and has a tightly-controlled press, so these atrocities are never mentioned at all.

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"the bombing of civilians has never in history "broken the enemy's will to fight." Except when you drop Nuclear warheads, as in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Just saying.

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That's the line we Americans were told, but it's patently false. They knew it was bullshit at the time, as contemporary accounts show. Even though the US had already burned 65% of all Japanese cities to the ground using B-29s and napalm bombs, the Yamato Spirit was alive and well. Nobody thought it a lost cause; they merely confirmed their idea that the Americans were technologically-advanced barbarians.

The Japanese political will to fight was broken at Saipan, so all that was left was the cockeyed fanaticism of Hirohito's "Ten million Gyokusai" idea that every Japanese would sacrifice themselves to repel the invaders. In short, the Japanese will to fight was whatever the emperor said it was, as proven on Saipan and (especially) Okinawa when civilians committed suicide rather than face capture.

The real reason the Japanese surrendered to the Americans was that the Soviets were poised to invade Hokkaido after defeating 10,000 Imperial troops in Manchuria on August 9th. LeMay ordered more bombing anyway, saying it would be a "big finale." The atom bomb was Truman's bluff aimed at Stalin. He wanted to have that up his sleeve at Potsdam, and was confident that Uncle Joe would never be able to build his own. Klaus Fuchs had already given the Soviets the secrets, so the cold war began. But that's another story.

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I'm grateful for the correction.

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You see this massive and inhumane destruction caused by Putin and his minions, and Representative Madison Cawthorn is in front of an audience calling Zelensky a corrupt thug and the Ukraine Government incredibly evil. How in the hell have we arrived at this place? It's insane.

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Another Putin wannabe.

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i saw a video of that crater this morning and was shocked by the depth. i didn't know the mk number of the type of bomb that would cause such a crater but knew it more than the usual armament.

as the person approached the lip of the crater the video shows extensive damage in a huge area around it.

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Heard about this on NPR this morning. Apparently, Lavrov denied the reports, saying it was "fake news." Looks like they are all working from the same fascist playbook.

They are all monsters.

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Lucian, Is there any way to get real news about these kinds of Russian military atrocities through to millions of Russian citizens? Anecdotal reports suggest that Russians are unaware that their nation is doing anything like this, and they for the most part remain loyal to Putin and believe that Russian military operations have a righteous cause.

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I don't have any idea how to break through Russian censorship. I'm told younger Russians have VPN's and can get around Russian restrictions, but I don't know for sure. Look at North Korea. They live in a world all to themselves. Russia is headed that way.

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I read today that once again Anonymous Ukraine hackers have released something in neighborhood of over 300,000 documents into the public domain - stolen from the state-run misinformation network. So, maybe some Russians are able to find out through this release. However, the downside according to some Ukrainians with Russian relatives, is that Putin has done such a thorough job of lying, they might not even acknowledge the truth if it is laid out in front of them. The only ones who might are the mothers of the dead conscripts.

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Oh Ellen, Is sure hope that’s true! Anonymous have become my new heroes. The first one is Zelensky.

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This was in The Jerusalem Post about three hours ago: "The Ukrainian Anonymous hacker group hacked into Roskomnadzor, the Russian federal agency responsible for monitoring and censoring media, and released 360,000 files, the group announced on Twitter on Thursday."

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But Ellen Massey's comment (above) is still valid. Just look at the United States. A lot of us still say they believe that the 2020 presidential election was stolen, Trump is a great guy, the January 6 assault on the capital was a peaceful protest. And we have open news coverage. But in Russia there were few alternatives to the party line. Citizens had to look hard to find the truth. Now with his invasion of Ukraine Putin has shut down independent news altogether.

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Anonymous for our Freedom

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My god, my god

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unfortunately, god has no presence here. if there was a god he/she/it would smite the sinners with a terrible swift sword. especially that serpent-eyed creature sitting in his bunker in russia.

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That what my mother said when she fled Nazi Germsny.

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It now seems fairly obvious to me that Putin will continue with his invasion, thousands of Ukrainians will die, most major cities will be decimated, and the likelihood of further invasions in other areas will become reality. Sanctions from the west may have a major impact on Russia, but will be ineffective in restraining Putin. I'm open to alternative views from other readers.

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Are we witnessing an alliance of amoral Hobbesian kleptomaniac oligarchs in Russia and the USA? How do we explain Fox “news” propaganda undermining the President and cozying with the Russians? How do we explain the GOP obstruction politics? What’s the goal? Our Oligarchs launder their money looted from the remains of the USSR and abundant resources; and promote anti democratic politics. Is there a oligarch symbiosis? Is democracy destruction the goal so the oligarch alliance can freely exploit and plunder?

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It’s a wonder any senior Russian officer can look at himself in the mirror. On second thought, maybe not. Maybe their ranks are filled with cold killers in the mold of their C-I-C, Putin.

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Thank you. Agreed. This is the criminal type of warfare. Also a crime that the Russian people are being kept from the truth and completely unaware of the scope of their country’s actions.

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So so sad. Lavrov thinks they are justified. I’d barf if I could stop crying.

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Reincarnation.....Putin=Stalin. I can't see the G"8" convening ever again in my lifetime.

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How can there ‘ever’ be a reintegration with Russia - Beyond Awful 🥲🤬☮️🇺🇦

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