Oct 10Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Damn, what a traitorous piece of shit. And what did he do with the stolen classified documents?

I would bet that there was nefarious intent on trump's part, either out of his asskissing of Putin or for profit.

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Yes. This needs to be investigated and he needs to be indicted.

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Did the FBI search Bedminster in NJ?

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I heard they had trouble getting a warrant but I'm not sure I believe that. I suspect they have a source in place and want to wait as criminal activity is ongoing.

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I sure hope so

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According to Jeff Stein of Spy Talk yesterday, the NSA listens in to Putin's calls. They are not allowed to listen in to Trump's calls since he is an ordinary citizen, unless he is saying something illegal. Then they can keep the recordings they make. Otherwise they have to delete them. So, if there were nefarious things being said, the NSA should know. That means Democratic Senators could request copies of transcripts of these calls if they exist. What is unclear, is whether there would be recordings of secret conversations between Trump and Putin. Here is the Harris Ad addressing this treasonous behavior. https://youtu.be/8-KqC2h5IjE?si=5bn1q1KREZRIPMhu

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Yeesh. And sigh. This is all just too much. Thank you so much for the information!!!

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This is a little confusing, Linda, but I get the idea. Here's another question though: how does Bob Woodward know about this stuff? I read something about him having a source. I think the implication was that the person is Russian, but I could be mistaken. Unfortunately, though, hearsay isn't enough. I have ordered his book. I'm anxious to see how he presents this. What's the standard of journalistic proof vs. judicial system proof?

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Sorry, I did not include the article.


I read in The Bullwark that there was an aide to Trump that was uncomfortable with this, and the aide is the leaker. I can't find the article, but this is a videocast where they are discussing it. I think you will find it interesting.


However, I am not going to read the book because I think this information should have been provided before now. I feel that way about Kelly's book as well. All these people making money off of knowing illegal happenings and not letting us know in a timely manner get my goat!

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6 ft. under the ground behind the first tee at Bedminster.

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Oct 10Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Brilliant —and of course the Kremlin confirmed Trump’s gift to Putin of Covid-testing gear: the statement throws more chaos into the US political scene. . . with a hint that it might be throwing Trump to the wolves.

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Maybe Pooti-poot discovered that his useful idiot is just a fidiot.

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I have a hard time believing that after everything Putin has invested in the orange turd, he would suddenly be thrown to the wolves. I think it's more a case of admit one thing to make your forceful denial of another more believable. We're dealing with master propagandists here, after all...

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No old school KGB guy ever burns a source unless the KGB guy is at risk and even then, it takes a serious high-level decision to make that happen. If Putin believes that Mr. Trump will lose to VP Harris which in turn will lower his value to Putin, this could be the beginning of several chess moves to marginalize Mr. Trump.

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Perhaps no testing equipment actually sent (rat hole for the press to pursue and look bad with no confirmation) but many more actual phone calls? General Flynn could bring a suitcase full of burner phones to his friends that he actually swears allegiance to…

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A corollary to all of this is if Putin believes Mr. Trump will lose to VP Harris, then given all of the information out there about Governor Walz and his decades long interaction/relationship with China, then Putin figures he will still get what he needs to know through Beijing and not have to expend effort on Mr. Trump. After all, China plays chess and if they have been grooming Walz for decades, then for Putin, it almost doesn't matter who wins the election.

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Oct 10Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Yet another shocking reveal, and the usual Trump playbook. Deny, and then rationalize, JD claims Trump is just practicing diplomacy, Trump claiming "it's a good thing" to buddy up to ruthless dictators. We've known that Trump is Putin's puppet for ten years now but his cult doesn't care. We have to rid ourselves of this meddlesome traitor and stop treating him as a serious candidate. Joy is fine but it needs to be coupled with some ruthlessness.

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Oh my, going a little Shakespeare. 👍

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Mmmm—the language if not the thought is post-Shakespearean. It's worth taking a look. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Will_no_one_rid_me_of_this_turbulent_priest%3F

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Oct 10Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Two mob bosses putting their heads together and up to no good...... Not good..... Thanks Lucian for the clear update

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It just now hit me after reading this essay.

Putin is a maga.

He's in the cult.

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Putin is the Chairman of the Rethuglican party.

PS -- I can totally see Steven Chueng in a Nazi uniform gleefully shooting babies.

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Perhaps trump is a Pootie, or whatever we call Vlad's sycophants

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Rootin Tootin Pooties, that's

Putin Pooties cult.

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Oct 10·edited Oct 10

Huh? I'm more inclined to call trump a MRGA cult member—make Russia etc. It may well be that Putin's ambition to make the USSR whole again inspired the big liar's agenda to reclaim a mythological U.S. past.

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Of course

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He is the brains of the cult!

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They bonded over their mutual germaphobia . What a pair.

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No golden showers?

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Oct 10Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Don’t forget all the classified documents he had - and some he likely still has. Those would make for juicy conversations with Vlad. He is a traitor, full stop.

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Oct 10Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Wonderful piece, although, on behalf of even the most unkempt and surly poodle, I must protest putting any pooch in the same frame of reference as T***p lickspittle Steven Cheung. If this were 1967, the year Wentworth & Flexner's Dictionary of American Slang was published, Cheung would have been the lead example of the word "blivet," used then (far less frequently now) as ten pounds of feces, to be polite, in a five pound bag. Going back 60 more years, this time for a symbol as well as wording, RCA illustrated its first phonograph records with the picture of a dog, ear cocked toward a crank-wound 78 rpm phonograph horn, with the words "His Master's Voice." What Cheung spews today, in whatever media, are his master's turds.

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Oddjob Cheung should wise up and get a regular job now because once his run as a trump stooge is over, he will find his reputation is in the shitter like other former trump admin people who whined that they had trouble finding positions after his trainwreck term was over.

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Cheung will go back to flacking for whichever wrestling group he was working for when he took the job with T***p. When flacking for T***p is considered a step UP the career ladder, you can imagine the level from which someone is climbing. (Frame of reference: the pipe through which Andy Dufresne waded to escape Shawshank.)

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Nice Shawshank reference

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Well, flacking as promoting is better than what he’s doing for trump, which is lying

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Curious about 'blivet', I looked up the definition. Three great definitions:

blivet noun

-- Anything overfull.

-- A program that has been worked on by many poor programmers and is now a mess.

-- An electronic signal that is normally high or on, but goes low for a very short period and then returns to high. A low going spike.

Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License • More at Wordnik

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So funny. I remember that word from the aerospace industry years ago. Thanks for the memories.

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Let me add one more definition (albeit unofficial): in the Navy, we had containers that looked like large, (empty) external aircraft fuel tanks that were used to transport personal items (i.e., luggage, golf clubs, etc.) during long, cross-country flights. These "blivets" were utilized by S-3 aircraft but were probably used by other carrier-based aircraft like A-6s and A-7s, and they might still be in use by F/A-18s.

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Oct 10Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

I concur! You have it exactly right in every way, which is not only possible but probable.

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Oct 10Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Truth-in-advertising campaign bumper sticker: "Vote Republican. Elect Trump/Vance/Putin/Orbán"

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Oct 10Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Oh Lucian, you are the master of crafting the accurate and pointed lede, “Presidential candidate and convicted felon…” is the appropriate way to start any story about the traitor in question, especially when we know the number who died of COVID here at home thanks to this buffoon.

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Oct 10Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

How many documents went to Putin along with the testing machinery? How many secrets were revealed in the phone calls? Trump's actions may not fir the narrow legal definition of treason, but he is a traitor nonetheless. Is anyone going to do anything about this? Where the hell is the DOJ? Oh, silly me, I forgot - Garland is a complicit coward.

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Oct 10Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

The real reason that Trump is doing Putin’s bidding is that Putin holds the sex tapes of Trump.

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Actually, I think Putin holds sex tapes of many congresspeople, too, especially Republicans. The fact that the majority of Republican elected officials can't walk away from Trump tells me that someone has way more information on them than we want to know. At least we don't want to know the actual details. Ick, ick, ick.

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Pissing on bed

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Come on, Cal, at least I said "ick, ick, ick."

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Ickity ick

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Oct 10Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

This is the second picture I've seen of Defendant 45 and Putin together. The first one was with both of them seated. In each, the expressions are the same. Defendant 45 is intent on something. Putin is relaxed and amused. Cat eating the canary relaxed. If I'm in the Executive Office, I'm not happy about this. At. All.

Good grief. Why do I feel like Defendant 45 sold us down the proverbial river?

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I’m confused regarding the relationship between the handful of U.S. oligarchs (the ones who pull the strings of the courts), fit into idea that Putin controls Trump. What’s the point of all the Judicial power if the worlds super powers go into total chaos, economic collapse occurs, devaluation of the dollar. Doesn’t make sense. New world order in the mix? Something is missing to the puzzle.

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Try reading Project 2025 if

you haven't already. This is

the tip of the iceberg and

involves all the pieces of the

puzzle and those backing it.

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And then there's Steve Bannon

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Oct 10Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Logan Act?

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