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Right! Even Trump is well aware of this qnd doesn't speak much about abortion for the same reason/ He knows the whole subject is a vote killer. Nikki Haley says that like abortion the states should decide, but fails to mention as did the Supreme Court that by states it doesn't mean the people in the states but the lawmakers, who apparent…
© 2025 Lucian K. Truscott IV
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Right! Even Trump is well aware of this qnd doesn't speak much about abortion for the same reason/ He knows the whole subject is a vote killer. Nikki Haley says that like abortion the states should decide, but fails to mention as did the Supreme Court that by states it doesn't mean the people in the states but the lawmakers, who apparently decide for themselves what is good for the people whether they like it or not, even though it was the people who voted them into power to represent their interests.
The scientific advancement as described by Lucian that enable so many women to bear children who otherwise would not have been able to is miraculous in itself and is a godsend to humaity. But then you get a bunch of religious ignorant and may I say stupid old men who see something dark and sinister in the whole thing as somehow a sin against God. I read that nature aborts many more embryos tha are carried to term - often very early on when the embryo is the size of not even a pinky nail and many women don't even know it happened. So are they going to prosecute God for abusing the sanctity of life? Destroying creatures made in his own image? At least the state AG says he is not going to prosecute anyone over But what about ie Texas goes this rout? Paxton wouldn't hesitate.
If God supposedly makes humans in her image, she certainly f@cked up when she created the Mango Monster. Big mistake there!
:) Hey shee-rah, as Joe E. Brown said at the end of Some Like it Hot when he found out his fiance' Jack Lemon, was a man, Nobody's perfect :)
I happen to be the lucky Grandfather to a pair of marvelous twin boys who would not be here save for the miracle of IVF. They turned 12 years old yesterday, 23 February. If this absolutely stupid, religiously fueled decision by the Alabama Court does drive big nails into Republicans political Coffin, I have no idea what will.
A great reply, Ed. First the H GOP want to force women to have babies they eith can't safely carry to term or simply can't afford to give them a decent life for various reasons. and then they want to prohibit women from giving birth because the science needed to bring that about also means some cells will have to be discarded in the process. This apparently offends God in their minds. Who appointed them God's spokesperson and assigned them to be monitors of everyone else's life choices?