Next you will hear from MAGA, "Well, you should never take him literally, he just means, he will have everything solved if you give him four more years." Adolph Hitler's excusers said the same thing about his speeches and his Mein Kampf- don't take him literally, he will just make Germany great again. Wonder how that worked out for Germany?

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His campaign spokesman, Steven Cheung, responded to a request for an explanation claiming that he just meant he'll "be uniting this country and bringing prosperity to all Americans." Coincidence or does that sound like it's taken directly from Hitler's excusers?

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Sounds like campaign spokesperson bullshyte to me.

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Now Trump is saying the same thing and claiming, as usual, that his direct quote was taken out of context.

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Hah. Trump bullshyte, now.

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That is similar to what the female “academic expert” interviewed on CNN seems to imply in this interview about that speech. She’s too cool for school to let herself get freaked out by his clear implication that this will be our last election.


Most of the media still seems to be downplaying this speech by not making it their headline or making excuses like this interviewee did. Hopefully it will get traction on social media. But hey, at least we can be glad Trump isn’t too old, right?

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And there will be more shoes like this he'll drop--from a shoe closet the size of Imelda Marcos.

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I would like to think vast majority of Christians will be deeply offended by the disrespect and manipulation in Trump’s comments. Curious what others think.

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Only the most fanatical evangelicals will believe this horseshit!

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I have nonstop heard from those Catholic friends who are churchgoers that invariably there’s a message from the priest - that if you vote for a candidate who is pro choice you risk your soul.

Please ask someone who is a Catholic Church goer. Then approximate how many parishioners, then how many nation wide, then believe that it’s only the evangelicals. Can you?

Also since you’re there, think about the civic concept of the separation of Church and State. Remember that these churches are exempt from taxes, despite the enormous real property they own, let alone income from donations that are tax deductible. Enjoy.

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Polls regularly show that about 60% of Catholics are pro choice and overwhelmingly pro birth control.

I grew up in Catholic in the post-Vatican II era. Things were much more liberal back then. Unfortunately the US Catholic Church was pushed by the previous two Popes to the far right. They did this by appointing extremist bishops who then forced parish priests to follow their lead or be replaced. Pope Francis has gradually been taking away their power, as well as the power of far right cardinals, led by the US Archbishop Raymond Burke. Burke has been forced to move out of the Vatican and back to the US without giving him a new position of power. Another rightwing Bishops Joseph Strickland has been removed from his post in Tyler Texas and not given another. Strickland was involved with the extresmist Jericho March rally the night before Jan 6.

Pope Francis also recently had the extremist Archbishop Vignano who had been the previous Popes’ ambassador to the US (nuncio) excommunicated. Vignano was a close ally of the US bishops, especially Burke. Luckily as the old conservative cardinals have retired Franchise has been able to replace them with ones who share his views. By the end of this year he will have appointed enough of them to ensure his replacement will not be a rightwing extremist.

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Great news about his appointees! The slog has probably unnecessarily strained his frail health. Hope the victory gives him a second wind. Such a good-hearted man.

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I agree. Considering what he’s up against he’s done more than some give him credit for.

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He is trying, swimming against the old school, I admire him for it.

I’m not sure he can accomplish what he seems to want to - bring the church into the new century, though I hope he can.

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No wonder the Catholic church keeps hemorrhaging membership—this and sexual predators. Despite a tolerant Pope … American Bishops!

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I agree. Their catechism has gotten as hypocritical as the Republican Party. Both dinosaurs, but very dangerous.

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Tax the hell out of the church!

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I view Christianity as basically a fear-based religion: fear the wrath of God, etc. Trumpism is largely a fear-based ethos, so very wide overlap. More traditional Jesus-centric Christians remain embarrassingly silent despite the damage the trumpies do to their religion on a daily basis. The Harris message should appeal to these more socially liberal folks. Their leaders just need to become more vocal.

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Churches are tax-exempt so they're not supposed to tell parishioners who to vote for. Not that the IRS enforces that in any administration.

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Interesting point. I'd bet Protestant ministers are speaking up in church services, but statements must come from higher in the hierarchies to be news.

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Actually it can be risky for them to do this. I have a friend who attends a Methodist Church. When her minister spoke out for accepting other people no matter their sexual orientation they lost a lot of members.

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Displaying the stupidity of fear and outdated societal ‘norms’.

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The whole Methodist Church just split in two nationally over the issue of gay clergy. Emotions must be high. So sad your friend got stuck in a church on the wrong side. When I was growing up Methodist Episcopal and Southern Methodist churches were a few blocks apart in my town. I was well into adulthood when the meaning of the Southern church dawned on me. Guess the gay split is the 21st century version.

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They will have to see the clips of the speech in order to react and most of the mainstream media doesn’t seem interested in making sure they do.

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Mon Dieu! What's with "the Christians"? And there'll be no more voting? His synapses are definitely fried, and if he had loving children instead of leeches he would have been in Payne-Whitney some years ago. (I actually think he'll end up there anyway ... assuming there's money enough.)

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Much too nice! He should be in a padded cell somewhere, restrained with a gag and a straitjacket!

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He's not crazy, he's criminal.

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Alas, I think he is both. They are not mutually exclusive.

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I agree. I watched the entire thing this morning, so I could post a clip. His claims begin seemingly rational, the crowd claps and cheers, so he makes increasingly unbelievable claims. and the crowd's intensity builds, until he's telling them obvious lies about Doctors letting babies lay on a table after birth, to let the Mother decided what to do with it. The cognitive dissonance makes my head hurt.

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Richard, that's what happens when you're gone so long. People start getting sloopy.

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I am suddenly nostalgic for the days when direct relatives of yours, Margo, were dispensing sound, reasonable, humanistic and frequently humorous advice about life and love.

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A friend wrote me that he'd give a lot to read my mother, Jimmy Breslin, and Mike Royko on this destructive farce. (So would I!)

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Sorry, left out Molly Ivins.

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Makes a good campaign ad for the Democrats. At least I hope so. Cause if this doesn't scare the pants off non-MAGA and independents I give up.

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Anti Trump ads seem to write themselves, don't they?

How much ad budget do you need to just replay Trump's live feeds?

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I think that his quote should be on the front page of every newspaper and this video clip on every non MAGA news source.

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So far it isn’t. I have been checking the WaPo website and so far no mention I can find. Top articles are about cryto fanatics supporting Trump, one asking if Kamala can translate the energy into victory and the third a rehash of Trump’s shark musings. The NY Times has finally posted an article but just 5 minutes ago and it’s only the third article. MSNBC has been showing the speech during shows today but it’s not featured on their website. CNN has had it as their top article all day but the video interview which follows the clip of the speech has an “expert academic” downplaying what Trump is saying as just playing to his audience or it could just mean he will solve every problem so voting won’t matter as much next time — because he talks in code! You really should listen to the whole thing. It’s typical of how so many in media whitewash Trump’s extremism.

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Just when you find yourself thinking that The Bloated Yam cannot fall to any lower depth, he manages to prove us wrong.

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Gee-zus f*cking Kee-reist!!! How much clearer does he have to be???

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How does this mesh with his: we don’t need more votes? Does he think he’s already won with fewer votes? Question.

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He may mean he's counting on six SCOTUS votes to overturn the '24 election.

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It's a disgrace that this isn't all over the media. The NYTs, Washington Post, CNN - they've all become a water-carriers for MAGA,

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Happened too late for morning print papers. Has been at nyt online since morning, well before you posted. If not wapo too, amazing. I've heard it two or three times on NPR news. Have you monitored other.electronic networks? LATER wapo indeed had a piece—which was amazingly out to lunch.

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I posted the link on my FB page. It will reach a possible 700 if they choose to open it. I introduced it with a hint of what it contained. Thanks.

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Well, he certainly said the quiet part out loud this time.....

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well at least no one can say they didn't know. this dude is up front about his weird ambitions. and i do think he and his people are deeply weird and not in a good way. too bad exorcisms don't work. although i suppose remote viewing might be an option?

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Given the lack of coverage of the speech by much of the media today a lot of people probably won’t see it although I gather there are a lot of posts on Twitter.

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Unfucking believable!

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Listen to the video carefully: "I love you, Christians, (and sotto voce: "I'm not Christian") "I love you" - Why do the transcripts leave out his abjuration? TFG says what he thinks.

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That is what it sounded like, but he does pretend he’s a believer. Remember the photo of them laying hands on him to keep him safe? Ick.

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I listened to that garbled mumble a few times. Without the right equipment I can't be sure, but think he said "I'm a Christian."

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Closed caption said "I'm a Christian".

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LATER The nyTimes does have the equipment. They heard:

“I love you, Christians. I’m a Christian. I love you, you got to get out and vote. In four years, you don’t have to vote again. We’ll have it fixed so good, you’re not going to have to vote.”

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But he’s said he IS Christian— but I guess such things are easy to forget when there is no thought to what’s coming out of your mouth.

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Thank you for that gratuitous own goal, Citizen trump! I got an email from the self-styled "Next Vice-President", also known as the couch and dolphin aficionado, which read like this:

"Patriot. Deep State Democrats are lining up behind their new globalist puppet, Kamala Harris. Barack Obama endorsed her. Rebellion leader Nancy Pelosi endorsed her. Hillary Clinton slithered out of the swamp to endorse her. Now even Chuck Schumer is groveling to the new regime and endorsing her."

I especially like "Rebellion Leader Nancy Pelosi." Smile 😊

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Eew. I’ve read the buyers remorse is great there. We’ve taken to calling him J Divorce.

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I woudn't be at all surprised if Trump ditches him. I hope he does't cos J Divorce is a glorious liability, and if Trump takes Nikki Haley instead he will do better. But JD, you said yourself that spouses should remain in abusive relationships. Welcome to yours, Mr. Bowman-Hamel-Vance.

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