When I read about the civil rights charges against the three men who chased and killed Ahmaud Arbery, my spirits lifted. Don’t mess with Merrick, the law, and what’s moral. Allelujah. Justice is possible again. Bravo Lucian....♥️

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What do the following have in common?

(1) Russian oligarchs

(2) Russian mafia

(3) Russian organized crime

(4) cronies of Vladimir Putin

(5) Ukrainian oligarchs

Answer: it’s a trick question. Those are synonyms. They are one and the same.

Reminder: no matter what color you use to spray paint the sewage tank, it’s still the same cesspool.

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It was just so delicious to finally see someone at the DOJ serve Rudy with the plate he's been ordered to get. That little bit about Toensing and Digenova added special spice to it. I can't wait to see how it goes down, because the last time the feds served a warrant on a lawyer for DT, he went to prison for lying to the feds, Michael Cohen. Bet he's giggling, too, tonight.

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He and the ChiefTraitor and Pompeo have all earned the right to spend the rest of their days in prison.

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🍿 🍿 🍿 🍿 🍿 🍿

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Please identify or translate those emojis.

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Of course!! 6 buckets of popcorn. I’m sitting down for a very very long show, the succession of legal developments relating to Agent Orange and his associates. Going to need an awful lot of popcorn to carry us.

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Thank you, Roland. Keeping up with contemporary emojis and acronyms keeps me on my toes. I applaud your tenacity in confronting the challenges of the trumpists.

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Love the column, but I suspect that no matter who Biden appointed to Attorney General, it’s likely he or she would be going after these arch criminals hammer and tong.

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Like you said before, Lucian: Schadenfreude is the best Freud. :-) I actually did remember Parnas, and DiGenova, but I'd forgotten (and still can't spell or pronounce) Toensing and was Rudy really once the mayor of NYC??

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Location of Office of Emergency Management headquarters:

In September 2006, Village Voice writer and long-time Giuliani critic Wayne Barrett and Dan Collins, a senior producer for CBSNews.com, published The Grand Illusion: The Untold Story of Rudy Giuliani and 9/11,[1] one of the strongest reassessments of Giuliani's role in the events of 9/11. The book highlights his decision to locate the NYC Office of Emergency Management headquarters (long-identified as a target for a terrorist attack) on the 23rd floor inside the 7 World Trade Center building, a decision that had been criticized at the time in light of the previous terrorist attack against the World Trade Center in 1993.[2][3]

The Office of Emergency Management was created to coordinate efforts between police and firefighters, but with the distraction of evacuating its headquarters, it was not able to conduct these efforts properly.[4]

In May 2007, Giuliani put responsibility for selecting the location on Jerome M. Hauer, New York City’s first Director of Emergency Management who had been appointed by Giuliani himself and had served under Giuliani from 1996 to 2000. Hauer has taken exception to that account in interviews and has provided Fox News and New York Magazine with a memo demonstrating that he recommended a location in Brooklyn, but was overruled by Giuliani. Television journalist Chris Wallace interviewed Giuliani on May 13, 2007, about his 1997 decision to locate the command center at the World Trade Center. Giuliani laughed during Wallace's questions and said that Hauer recommended the World Trade Center site and claimed that Hauer said that the WTC site was the best location. Wallace presented Giuliani a photocopy of Hauer's directive letter. The letter urged Giuliani to locate the command center in Brooklyn, instead of lower Manhattan, because "not as visible a target as buildings in lower Manhattan."[5][6][7][8][9] The February 1996 memo read, "The [Brooklyn] building is secure and not as visible a target as buildings in Lower Manhattan."[10]


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If in fact the current justice department throws this despicable egomaniac press whore in jail, and if they also convict and imprison his disgusting former puppet master, it will be interesting how it is handled from a timing and PR standpoint.

My guess is that both Garland and President Biden will do everything possible to avoid the appearance of score-settling and grandstanding, and to enhance the appearance of even-handed justice being administered.

Personally, I relish the prospect of as much appearance of Score-settling and grandstanding as possible: perp-walks, video footage of the villains in their orange prisoner suits, etc.

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You had me at "stealth bomber"!

(And, "Republicans will rue the day..." as an added cherry on top!)

Love it, Lucian, thankyew.

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Bad Karma seems to follow Rudy, like something he keeps stepping in that sticks to his shoes.

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Yesterday was such a good day...first this news and subsequent updates as more was revealed, finished off with dessert a la Biden and his lovely FLOTUS. I'm just now enjoying the delicious "stealth" meal on this rainy Thursday morning and it's just as sweet. Thank you!

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Jimmy Breslin would be in hog heaven with all this chicanery:

That Gang That Couldn't...

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Molly Ivins would also be having a good time, even if it's only peripherally related to Texas.

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