This news really infuriates me. I'm a former U.S. Navy attack submarine sailor who deeply appreciates the risks taken while conducting a mission. My fellow sub sailors are now at greater risk because of that buffoon Trump. Unforgivable. Treasonous.

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Well said, Tom K. I know how you feel. The Orange Buffoon's carelessness with extremely sensitive, highly classified information concerning ANYTHING to do with U.S. submarine operations or capabilities should put him in jail for the rest of his miserable life. I was privileged to be part of many highly sensitive U.S. submarine ops and fully understand the risks taken by the crews of our fast attack & ballistic missile boats. An American traitor (Ronald Pelton) sold extremely sensitive information to the Russians back in the 1980's that resulted in the loss of an incredibly good intelligence source and could also have resulted in the loss of an American submarine and the lives of the entire crew. That SOB is still in prison and will be until the day he dies. The Orange Buffoon deserves no less.

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Yes, Tom, I totally agree with you.This former POTUS brings shame to our military that he thinks so little of their service that he would cheapen that service by sharing critical information like he has done.

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And one of the worst things about it is that Trump probably didn't understand the info he was sharing or its significance. It's all braggadocio.

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Oct 7, 2023·edited Oct 7, 2023

Four years in office with countless people reminding him what not to blurt out on a daily basis?

I think Trump understood quite well, he simply couldn't resist bragging and showing off. He has never, in his whole life, been able to resist bragging about his importance or his amazing possessions or his gorgeous arm candy--even if he had to lie to make it awe-worthy enough.😡😒😱

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In that case he didn't really understand at all, did he? Consider the alcoholic who's reminded by countless people of the damage he's doing to himself and others but keeps drinking anyway. How much does he really "understand"?

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I think he did.

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See my comment just above. Compulsion has some things in common with addiction, and if Trump isn't a compulsive liar, I'd be surprised.

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He knew its value$

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Oh, he knew. He just doesn't care. Allegiance only to himself.

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How dare you speak about a former CinC? Treasonous. Turn yourself in for immediate execution, sailor!

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No matter how many charges are added to tRump's current collection, he will only continue to amass support for his return to the presidency among his cult base and the complicit fringe media. We are at a tipping point in our democracy and I fear that even if we, the sane side, outnumber the dictator worshipers the electoral college will prove our downfall once again. I hope the younger generations shows up in numbers as they did in 2020 and provide a Democratic Senate and House. Only then do we have a chance to remediate the political and governmental circumstances in which we find ourselves.

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Oct 7, 2023·edited Oct 7, 2023

Yes, agree. We need a HUGE turnout voting Democratic. We have to overcome the Electoral College shenanigans, which we barely managed last time in the face of all the attempts to manipulate the count and throw out votes. It really bothers me that Biden's administration is so tone-deaf to not understand how many of its actions threaten to depress turnout by turning off key voters. For instance, trying to knock New Hampshire off the first primary spot in favor of So. Carolina (which is a deeply red state in November; this just seems to be pay off to Clyburn and a block on possible primary challengers) is very insulting to NH and alienates a key November swing state. And promoting MORE "border wall" in Texas is angering environmentalists, American Indians, Democratic activists -- demoralizing your voters is never good policy. What other pratfalls is Biden going to make in this next year to reduce his chances of re-election?

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I agree - Biden's claim to not be able to do anything to prevent more environmentally destructive wall construction rings hollow to me. There is no chance pandering to the right with this ploy will garner any votes. He has left DeJoy in place to continue damage to USPS and voting rights and wealth inequality remain untalked about. He has achieved a lot, but the economy is still an issue - the improvements have not 'trickled down' to the working class, prices have not moderated and people are still frustrated and angry. Not a positive scenario moving into an election year.

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Replacing DeJoy isn’t up to the president. The Postmaster General is appointed by the Board of Governors of the USPS.

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He has held off replacing the Repubs who support DeJoy even though their terms are officially up. He could name Dems - the party of the President can hold 5 of the 9 seats.

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Will this be the stone that cracks the protective glass around him. It should.

Prison. At the least

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As many know, not long ago an American nuclear engineer and his wife were sentenced to 19 years in prison for attempting to sell sub secrets. Does anyone think tRump will get 19 years? Nope. We all know former presidents are kings, they are immune from being prosecuted, according to the grifter's lawyers. Let us hope our system holds against these terrorists.

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Hang on. The fat lady hasn't sung. Even if he is confined to the apartment with gold toilets, he will be imprisoned -- and one hopes without a microphone. Maybe radio silence from the psychotic moron will help the crackpots sober up.

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When Trump was initially banned from Twitter was a brief respite from his dominating the daily news, EVERY DAY. Of course he soon found other ways to worm his way to the front again. When Trump finally got bored and fled his fraud trial, observers noted that "the tension was let out of the room." We all need that break on a permanent basis.

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That apartment is going to receivership! Can't wait to see that name pulled off that building!

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A neighbor of mine had an apartment in Toronto that was Trump until everyone complained, and it was sold to St. Regis.

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As Tricky Dick said, "If the president does it, it's not illegal." Now that is insane!

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Is there anyone he met whom this guy Pratt didn’t tell about it? Related question: Does being a billionaire lead to being a moron?

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It does seem to lead to an isolation from common sense and real-world people. After reading Jane Mayer's DARK MONEY, I started wondering about this. When someone hoards, say, cats the way the Kochs, Mercers, et al. hoard money, we know they've got a screw loose, but when it's wealth and privilege they're hoarding, many people admire and envy them.

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Pardon a walk down memory lane but does anyone else remember one of the concluding scenes from a Lethal Weapon flic where the villain is on a cargo ship trying to kill Mel Gibson and after Danny Glover foils his attempt raises his hand and claims "Diplomatic Immunity!" Glover promptly puts a bullet between his eyes. Is it too much to hope Mr. Pratt's testimony will be a proverbial bullet to the head for one Donald J. Trump's claim that anything he said (or thought) gives him automatic immunity for his criminality?

To me the story of what he told some of his club members at Bedminster about our contingency plas to strike Iran fall into the same category. The KGB did not have to insinuate a spy into Trump's entourage all they had to do was purchase an over priced membership at some of club's , sit next to him and hit "record."

It is interesting as more than one pundit has pointed out that he has chosen to attend in person the trial in NYC which could make him a, literal, pauper. The observation is that he cares one hell of a lot more about his BS net worth than anything else, including national security. Based on that and his recent statement he wants Milley executed for speaking truth to power that would appear to be true.

Yet, 40% of the nation is still in thrall of his bull s--t. Go figure. OH, I have and I have figured 40% of our nation is a combination of bat crap crazy and harbors latent fascist tendencies.

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Had any Navy person in the past or present done anything like Trump has done, they would have been incarcerated immediately. When it comes to Trump, I doubt justice will be done. He has unlimited funds from his deluded following, and therefore can fight the law forever.

With enough money one can really drag out the process. Look at Gym Jordan's sex abuse case which

was filed in 2019 and hasn't gone to trial. Meanwhile, Gym has become a Republican honcho and might even become Speaker of the House. He follows in the footsteps of the pedophile Rep. Dennis Hastert of Illinois.

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Attorney General Paxton in Texas has been under federal indictment for what, seven, eight years? Still no sign of a trial there either!! You or I would be in jail immediately for shoplifting a can of beans.

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Should Gym Jordan, shirt-sleeved dimwit, become Speaker, he will become a beacon of hope for every below average boob in the country.

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And besides: it appears that a good potion of his supporters are military/military adjacent/retired. How well are they going to take the news that he put them in real danger by his behavior?

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Evidently they don’t care.

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Judith, they either don't care or are just too stupid to fully understand the gravity of the danger the Orange Buffoon places our military personnel in.

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Along with don’t care and just plain stupid, our current volunteer military no doubt also has many pro-t-Rump white guys who resent black superior officers, and who dream of t-Rump doing some ethnic cleansing.

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Sadly, I think you're right, Judith.

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He is desperate for approval and attention so his sharing nuclear secrets with Pratt is hardly surprising. He would tell anyone anything to get some attention. This is a dangerous man who must never again be anywhere near power.

This is a little off-subject. I am not an architect but Mar-A-Lago looks like an architectural monstrosity to this girl. The buildings are all over the place and there is no cohesive design, the Winchester Mystery House in California comes to mind. Mar-A-Lago is an ugly pile of slapped together buildings and *Rump's pride of it speaks volumes about his taste, which is all in his mouth.

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What about his gold “33,000 sq ft” NYC apartment?

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“It is not known if Special Counsel Jack Smith will add additional charges to the indictment Trump already faces for mishandling top secret information. He might not have to.” With Judge Cannon presiding, there is good reason not to add additional charges: she has shown herself in the bag for P1135809. While Smith has an airtight case, Cannon will expend every bit of her discretionary power to punch holes in it. It would not surprise me at all if this case is dismissed immediately after the prosecution presents its case on a defense motion calling for dismissal of all charges because the government failed to prove its case. So why go through the time and effort to add charges -- especially charges that further risk top-secret information being revealed at trial?

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In the Middle Ages, harbingers of bad news had their tongues cut out. Careful!

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If he's ever found guilty and gets sentenced to jail time (🙏🙏🙏) they're going to need 2 cells. One for his body and one for his ginormous ego.

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He won’t have much room in his cell because it will be packed with Depends.

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Our mantra needs to be: Vote Blue. Vote in every election. Get every trustworthy person you know to do likewise. Go online to Swing Left, Vote Forward, Indivisible, or Postcards to Voters. Write letters or postcards to voters, join phonebanks. If you can afford it, donate. If you have good feet, canvass door to door in your nearest swing state. Our opinions here are interesting and entertaining, but have no effect on elections. Democracy is not a spectator sport.

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However, according to reports, Aileen Cannon (I won't dignify her with the "judge" title she so carelessly wears) has given Trump another delay.

"U.S. District Court Judge Aileen Cannon authorized a paperless order delaying the deadlines she'd previously set for October 2023 through May 2024, when the trial for Trump and his three co-defendants in the case is scheduled to start in Fort Pierce, Florida."


In that light, Jack Smith should not bring new charges against Trump until he gets the 11th Circuit court to remove her from the documents trial.

She's incapable of doing her job, don't add to it. Remove her then he can bring new charges-but I would rather he be tried in DC instead of the Magaland Florida has become.

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It would have been cool if they could have arranged “very special” briefing sessions and fed him completely bogus information. Possible effects: obviously, to mislead his contacts, but also to make his contacts aware that his info was crap, thus removing his special status with them. That could be fun. I’m sure some clever people could work out how best to do it.

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Serious question--if she throws the case out, what happens then? Can prosecution appeal?

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I think Jack Smith has figured out every scenario that Cannon might do or will do. I believe he can request that the Ninth Court (I think 9th...) remove her from the case if she keeps extending time to Fake45.

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Here we have Chapter 556 of "He Cannot Shut His Mouth." His need to show off is yet another proof that he was The Great Mistake.

I'd read that the Aussie billionaire joined as a lark -- to see if Trump would let anything slip. (He guessed right.)

What the normal faction of the country needs now is a silenced and punished head-case. And quickly, please.

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P1135809 needs to be collared and quarantined in a prison to await trial--just like any other traitor indicted under the espionage act. Letting him continue to roam free, inciting sedition and violence is a travesty to Justice. LOCK HIM UP now.

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My vision is to see Trump in a Hannibal Lecter cell and mask.

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