Too little, too late, still a mere ripple in a raging sea of anti-Biden bullshit. Read the comments on the editorial if you want to get really depressed. My personal favorite "Our choice is between a crook and a vegetable". That voter must read either the NY Times or the NY Post (she is from NYC) to get that negative a view of Biden, and that mild a view of Trump.
Too little, too late, still a mere ripple in a raging sea of anti-Biden bullshit. Read the comments on the editorial if you want to get really depressed. My personal favorite "Our choice is between a crook and a vegetable". That voter must read either the NY Times or the NY Post (she is from NYC) to get that negative a view of Biden, and that mild a view of Trump.
Too little, too late, still a mere ripple in a raging sea of anti-Biden bullshit. Read the comments on the editorial if you want to get really depressed. My personal favorite "Our choice is between a crook and a vegetable". That voter must read either the NY Times or the NY Post (she is from NYC) to get that negative a view of Biden, and that mild a view of Trump.