Yesterday's column knocked me flat. Brilliant. But that kind of writing can be (happily) exhausting. You SHOULD take a day off to refuel. Your brain needs a break, too! But thank you so much for doing such a great job of educating us!
We all need a break with all the crapola generated by the king of it.
Rest! I recommend applying a cat every hour. Ours has her paws in my face now, on the high ledge of the back of the couch. Awaiting orders for treats momentarily.
Daniel's cat duo got him through COVID isolation, despite working for the US Census Bureau conducting in-person interviews, it was a lonely time for my son. Cat people! Even his Polish-doctor girl-friend is a convert to the DUO: Fella and Missy! And we're looking forward to our house guests when the humans go to Poland for a visit to "meet the folks!"
Lucian, I love that photo. You have always been a cat man, no? Would you take a request and put up a photo of you lounging in the Houston Street loft with a cat on your belly? I don't think it was the Jersey boat cat, but who knows?? Them was the black and white days.
No TV too. Try an old album you never have time to dig out and listen to. That's the satifaction you need when the world keeps you overloaded. I understand completely. Kitties help too.
My favorite quote: "There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats." –Albert Schweitzer Enjoy a well deserved night off with some music and kitties. Thank you for your insights and the great columns. I don't miss a post.
Absent an lkt column, for any cat lover looking for alt reading material, if you missed Tom Scocca's thoughtful wapo piece a few days ago, the terrifying url below is a gift link.
"You get the cat the world gives you
"She smashes glass, eats spiders, won’t cuddle, climbs on keyboards, interrupts bedtime. This is the cat we got."
Yesterday's column knocked me flat. Brilliant. But that kind of writing can be (happily) exhausting. You SHOULD take a day off to refuel. Your brain needs a break, too! But thank you so much for doing such a great job of educating us!
We all need a break with all the crapola generated by the king of it.
Rest! I recommend applying a cat every hour. Ours has her paws in my face now, on the high ledge of the back of the couch. Awaiting orders for treats momentarily.
Daniel's cat duo got him through COVID isolation, despite working for the US Census Bureau conducting in-person interviews, it was a lonely time for my son. Cat people! Even his Polish-doctor girl-friend is a convert to the DUO: Fella and Missy! And we're looking forward to our house guests when the humans go to Poland for a visit to "meet the folks!"
"Applying a cat" cracked me up. Goos way of putting it.
I find if I don’t she applies herself - liberally - on my head.
Lucian, I love that photo. You have always been a cat man, no? Would you take a request and put up a photo of you lounging in the Houston Street loft with a cat on your belly? I don't think it was the Jersey boat cat, but who knows?? Them was the black and white days.
That was the famous Orange. I got him from an old man giving away kittens on sixth avenue and Bleecker Street on Christmas Eve in 1974.
Find that photo, please.
I've got it.
No TV too. Try an old album you never have time to dig out and listen to. That's the satifaction you need when the world keeps you overloaded. I understand completely. Kitties help too.
Love your cat articles.
Two cool cats.
My favorite quote: "There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats." –Albert Schweitzer Enjoy a well deserved night off with some music and kitties. Thank you for your insights and the great columns. I don't miss a post.
A well-known artist once gave me this piece of advice, which has often come in handy:
"Allow things to happen." That is, in your wisdom, what you're doing.
A tuxedo cat. Does it have milk-dipped boots?
You have always been a handsome man but since your marriage to Tracy you are RADIANT❤️❤️❤️
Tazzy is such a beautiful cat! And, clearly, you care about each other. Enjoy your night off!
I feel you, man.
Just listen to Ransom. And Tazzy. And Tracy.
I love tuxedo cats.
You deserve it! I love the photo.
Absent an lkt column, for any cat lover looking for alt reading material, if you missed Tom Scocca's thoughtful wapo piece a few days ago, the terrifying url below is a gift link.
"You get the cat the world gives you
"She smashes glass, eats spiders, won’t cuddle, climbs on keyboards, interrupts bedtime. This is the cat we got."