Lucian, I could not agree more re the need for Democrats to speak more forcefully about DT and the GOP bs and outright lies. Yes, yes, yes, full stop.

But I take issue with, "Exit polls on election day revealed that about 70 percent of voters thought that the country was “on the wrong track.” ...snip...People don’t care how nice you are when they’re hurting."

Every indicator re Black Friday sales were up, and up in a big way (over 10%, https://statistics.blackfriday/). I'm not the first person to wonder how the hell that jives with, "Have you seen the price of eggs?"

The simple truth is that it doesn't, and that the electorate that went for DT was convinced they (we) were hurting by Fox et al and their constant lying. Why else did the general opinion of the economy and voter fraud change so abruptly right after the election? (https://www.politico.com/poll-trump-voters-opinion-fraud-economy)

I'm not saying Democrats don't need to do a better job, but it will fail without the development of a media environment that successfully counters the flooding of the voters' brains with bs narratives.

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It’s the “Fox et al” that the right has and the left does not. With Newsmax, Sinclair, Merit, and OAN, as well as right wing podcasts and UTube rants. the right is getting their propaganda out to the masses. The Democrats should learn from the far right how to get their own propaganda out to the voters. Of course, Trump and his worshippers have no problem with lying. The Dems are always upright citizens, taking the high road.

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Exactly, and the role of those AM radio stations in pushing a far right agenda is overlooked too frequently. They've run the Rush Lamebrain Show and worse for decades now, with little or no local broadcasts on the AM dial to counter their propaganda.

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We all certainly underestimated the power of AM right-wing radio and its ranting back in the 1980's. A bunch of crazy nobody know-nothings on AM radio which nobody we knew listed to.

It wasn't util 2004 under GWB that some liberals started the excellent Air America Radio with Franken, Maddow, Hartmann, Miller, etc. Unfortunately, it died in 2010 during the Great Recession. Nothing replaced it on radio; on TV we have MSNBC which bites with baby teeth compared to Air America Radio.

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I Heard that companies and stores raise the price of everything before Black Friday then make a sale which is still more expensive than normal times! I heard that on MSNBC, however, not sure which Anchor. It might have been either Rachel Maddow or Lawrence O'Donnell.

I also heard Howard Dean this week say that the Dems needed to ignore 45 and now 47 as he just wants the attention! It's the Mass Media that keep it going! For ratings. I do not turn on the TV now before 10 am when Joe S and Mika B are on. They are traders and doing this for ratings, meeting DT in Mara Logo.

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Well, the very first comment echoes my own sentiments! What is this "hurting" bit people have been whining about? I shop for food too, and I don't notice an increase in the price of food. Now, admittedly, I may buy different foods, and in different ways, and in different stores, but I don't see prices going up, and I don't really buy anything else, except occasionally at estate sales. If you haven't been taught to shop and to cook, maybe you spend a lot of money. If my husband and I can live on Social Security in the Bay Area, with no debt, I expect everyone else to live with some restraint. Tuesday night we went for a dinner demonstration at the Ecology Center in Berkeley and the demonstration was done on a heat pump stove top with convection oven which is manufactured in South San Francisco. My husband took one look at it and said,"I want one." And he's calling to make an appointment tomorrow. Okay, it's not Black Friday (we don't do that), but it's $4,000, which, of course, we have it in our savings. We'll be able to run it off the solar on our roof. So, yes, I'm spending a big chunk of change locally, I expect it to save us money in the long run and I'm still not complaining. What's wrong with the MAGAs?


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The financial hurting for the majority is bs. Recalling at Halloween, the Truscott’s handed out thousands of pieces of candy to the huge crowd of trick or treaters who yearly favor the neighborhood. Lucian wrote he left his candy station to visit the parking location to survey autos that had delivered families to the neighborhood. Good job Lucian, doing a survey of automobiles and reporting on it in fascinating detail. Who could believe it? Not one auto held together with baling wire and coasting on balding tires. The column appeared just days before Nov. 5 and gave me an ominous sense of how the vote might turn out.

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I love this!

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I love this!

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Exactly so!! I see it the same way!

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Sexism, racism, xenophobia and generalized hatred won the election for Trump. We are a sick and twisted nation. How the hell do we fight that?

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Especially when we're facing liars selling their con to incurious, low-information, anti-expertise voters.

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They're stupid, and willfully and proudly ignorant. They love it and they love Trump for being an asshole. They are itching to punish the people they hate and blame for their lousy lives - much easier than accepting responsibility. Hate is simple and requires no thought.

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From my own family please add greed, ignorance and religion.

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Mine too, especially religion - in my case, Catholicism.

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I was raised a Catholic and educated by Benedictans and Jesuits. They never taught me to prey on the most unfortunate among us which seems to be a maggot feature. This Christian nationalism is utter bullshit, most of our founders were Christians, and they had a far more recent look at the religious wars that had consumed Europe. They stipulated a distinct separation of church and state and we haven’t had a religious wars in 250 years. Is nobody paying attention that we have over 20 million assault weapons among us. The health care CEO that was killed in NYC yesterday was shot with a 9mm that had a silencer on it, my Ranger Company used those in VN, gunfire in the canyons of NYC would be heard for many blocks, that thing was quiet. If what the maggots want is a war it may have already started. Be careful what you wish for might be something to keep in mind.

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Many of our founders were Deists:


"Many of the founding fathers—Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Madison and Monroe—practiced a faith called Deism. Deism is a philosophical belief in human reason as a reliable means of solving social and political problems. Deists believe in a supreme being who created the universe to operate solely by natural laws—and after creation, is absent from the world. This belief in reason over dogma helped guide the founders toward a system of government that respected faiths like Christianity, while purposely isolating both from encroaching on one another so as not to dilute the overall purpose and objectives of either."

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Nice guys, bad guys - doesn't matter. "Guy" being the operative word here. America will not elect a female. Full stop. Simple as that. Breaks my heart.

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Mexico elected a woman for President and Mexican men are thought to be pretty sexist. She is a badass too. She had some choice words for Trump when he threatened Mexico with a 25 percent tariff. Trump backed off.

We can still dream.

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Can we draft her?!

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I am Sad to agree. And certainly not a brown female. What were we thinking ?

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Biden would have lost by much more than she did. In July he was on track to lose Minnesota and New Jersey. And Nicky Haley probably would have won more definitively than Trump. Kamala Harris ran a miraculous 107 day campaign in a terrible political environment and almost won. If the Democrats take away from this that we shouldn’t nominate a woman again, it would be a horrible mistake.

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100% Agreement!

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And South Asian and married to a white guy who is Jewish!

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I overheard MAGAts discussing how, if Kamala won, they were ready to start a "firefight" with the Federal Agents who'd surely be showing up at their door to haul them off to a "re-education" camp. They were not kidding. There's no rational way to plan or policy through that bubble of bullshit...

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Everything is projection with them.

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Not surprisingly, the Soviet Jews who fled in the 1980’s on the basis of religious persecution talked about the system of “protectcia” that authorized special treatment.

Our future beginning on January 20, will be following the Soviet system, further comprised by redistribution of the wealth, controlled by mafia-styled oligarchs.

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Yep--everydamnthing. If they are pointing their fingers at something you can be fekking sure that they are planning to do or already doing that same thing.

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Well , Well, Well. I agree that the “ when they go low, we go high” platform has been run over by a train too many times.

The stuff that Trump and his supporters have thrown around is some of the lowest trash ever. And he won the election. I agree that we Democrats better stop playing ‘ just nice people’ because in the trump traumatized world it’s weak.

The calling out of lies doesn’t require a smile ( maybe a smirk) .

It should be done every time a lie is perpetuated by the Maga cult.

We don’t currently have much honest media, so we can’t count on them .

When something as starkly crazy as concentration camps and deportation of immigrants begins , we need to harshly address these criminal agendas.

Passivity is killing the Democrats .

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Republicans’ repeated lies vs. Harris’s truth. The lies, repeated often enough, will always win. Reality doesn’t matter. Tell me again how many people voted for Trump because they are hurting economically so much while at the same time spending the most on Black Friday sales and holiday airline travel in decades. Trump’s lies about the stinking economy, repeated over and over, stuck. Reality doesn’t matter. Perception is everything.

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Lucien, I think that there is a fundamental lack of understanding of what we are dealing with. Trumpy is just a patsy that the real players put out there, while the Real players are the Tech Bros and Christo-Nazi billionaires that have been plotting and scheming for years to grab control. Trumpy is expendable, useful as the means of grabbing control. And they are the dirtiest players in the game. Biden has one last chance to protect democracy. Elections and legality no longer matters. Grab control, throw the whole crew into SuperMax, then go back and drag everything into the light of day. Cannot pretend that it’s business as usual. We are staring into the abyss.

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And Drumpf thinks HE is 'playing' THEM. We are all in for a rude awakening. I'm enjoying this time between - until January 20 while life is still semi-normal. Enjoy the holidays!

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Elroy spent a quarter-BILLION getting Trumpy elected. And that is just the stuff that there are records of. The real number is likely above that, with a rats nest of LCCs and an ocean of cash floating about. Like I said, the dirtiest players in the game.

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So much for draining the swamp!

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When Trump announced I was reasonably sure the psychopath lying asshole would be elected. I thought he would beat Biden and I thought Harris couldn't win.

The vote was sealed when the Assassin missed and Trump raised his fist.

The folks that voted for Harris have to go to ground and get their shit together.

Maybe dig up LBJ.

He beat most at the game.

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Excellent point

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Every single so-called expert in such fields, whether it’s a lawyer prepping witnesses to testify in a trial, or a campaign manager coaching politicians for a debate, or or a “corporate communications consultant“ training executives on how to respond to hostile questions on an earnings call, tells their clients that the number one rule they absolutely must follow is to never lose their temper and never to show anger.

For women, and particularly women politicians, this rule is multiplied a hundred-fold.

I have never bought into this accepted wisdom of that particular trade.

In fact, I’ve rejected it … angrily.

When I watch these vile Republicans lie through their teeth, I want to lunge for their throats.

I kept waiting for someone just once to angrily confront Trump on his lies and reduce him to a whimpering schoolboy.

“You sir, are a rapist, a convicted felon, an insurrectionist who not so long ago would have been executed for treason, a congenital liar whose lies have been catalogued in the tens of thousands, a grifter who has brazenly and illicitly lined your pockets and your family’s coffers while holding the highest office in the land, a serial philanderer who paid off a porn star to avoid embarrassing publicity and tried to write it off as a tax deduction, and a vile disgusting rabble-rouser who’s running a campaign based on lie after lie after lie, all designed to scapegoat and demonize people who are powerless to fight back.

In short, you, sir, are truly beneath contempt.”

And words like these should be spoken with great force. Think of Charles Laughton in “Witness for the Prosecution“ confronting Marlene Dietrich at the witness stand:

“My Lord, may I also remind my learned friend that his witness, by her own admission, has already violated so many oaths that I am surprised the Testament did not LEAP FROM HER HAND when she was sworn here today!”

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I agree with your message but maybe add ad infinitum that the almost traitorous actions of our msm contributed greatly to Biden and ultimately Harris’s demise.They really didn’t dwell on Biden’s “niceness” but rather his age and their perceived decline of his mental state.The joy of Harris’s campaign never really did translate to votes from people hurting from what basically is and was corporate price gouging.The press didn’t devote lines to stop any of this bullshit.Dems have been “too nice” but our legacy press is our enemy and are out to destroy our democracy.Full stop.

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Because Drumpf kept telling THEM how horrible everything was not because it WAS horrible. Dems let them define and did not fight back against the CONSTANT UNENDING LIES!! Notice how now everything is just hunky dory now that Drumpf 'won' the election. My head is exploding!

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“don’t care who the Republicans nominate for president next time, we can’t have a Democrat up there who isn’t willing to stand up and tell people “he’s full of shit” every time the Republican says something that is full of shit.” What makes you think there will be a “next time.” We may well have seen the last Presidential election in U.S. history.

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Understood. Hope that's not how things turn out. *sigh

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So true LTK, ever since Nixon Republicans can always be found lurking on the Low Road, destroying any and all norms in their quest for power. Voters are easily duped by a conman despite all of the positive economic achievements made under Biden. Dems need to quit graciously accepting defeat, like Biden and Schumer have done and start fighting back as you say. Don't make anything easy for them and start having fun blowing up all the Maga plans possible. Right now start with a Pardon-A-Looza.

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I agree with you about Harris's dropped balls. As for "Mr. Yalie Double-speak, J.D. Vance," your descriptive powers and use of language I believe to be your great strength as a journalist.

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Great article Lucian and mighty fine points. One of the biggest problems we face is the 24x7 firehouse of lies coming from Fox News. And you will see this garbage on all over the place in public and semi public places. And now we have twitter and Facebook spewing crap too. We need some dirty progressive media and not maddow style condescension

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Totally agree with this!

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We've been begging the Democratic leadership to fight hard and dirty, dirty as our enemies. They wouldn't do it. Trump should've been arrested and imprisoned. Instead, he was allowed to run free. Just like Hitler was. We are a stupid people.

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