What really astounds me is how the "pro-life" people can want to force a woman, even at the risk of her life, to bear a non-viable fetus as long as it remains alive in her womb. (I'm thinking of Kate Cox among other victims of "pro-life" people.) If the fetus is never going to be a child, then what does banning abortion have to do with l…
What really astounds me is how the "pro-life" people can want to force a woman, even at the risk of her life, to bear a non-viable fetus as long as it remains alive in her womb. (I'm thinking of Kate Cox among other victims of "pro-life" people.) If the fetus is never going to be a child, then what does banning abortion have to do with life? Or does "pro-life" refer to the lives of non-viable fetuses while they are in the womb? The forced birthers are not just evil. They are insane.
What really astounds me is how the "pro-life" people can want to force a woman, even at the risk of her life, to bear a non-viable fetus as long as it remains alive in her womb. (I'm thinking of Kate Cox among other victims of "pro-life" people.) If the fetus is never going to be a child, then what does banning abortion have to do with life? Or does "pro-life" refer to the lives of non-viable fetuses while they are in the womb? The forced birthers are not just evil. They are insane.
Yes, they are just insane.