The only solutions I see are a Dem majority in both House and Senate, a Dem president and expanding the SC. We need to abolish the Electoral College, end gerrymandering, end the assault on voting rights, and end Citizens United. These are all anti-democratic and used by the wingnuts and billionaires to buy our government officials, judges, justices and enact the laws they want. This is a 5-alarm fire! We can no longer sit back and think the courts are going to save us - the courts have been captured. Our elected Dems need to start speaking out and in the Senate start kicking ass and taking names. They need to call out msm b/s for what it is - corporate captured spin. Read Project 2025 and see where we're headed...

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And abolish Fox "News."

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Fox has, I'm told, a deliberate internal policy to serve up emotionally stirring favorable MAGA content rather than news -- a friend's son in law quit Fox over it. When Trump expected to lose and start his own TV network, he said, Fox planned to go back to real reporting, then T was elected and they decided to trade integrity for access. And that was that. I wish someone could get their hands on that memo.

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Damn, that makes sense. I watched 3 minutes of Fox last night: horrid lies for trump.

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not sure I'd go that far, First Amendment and all. But there sure are a lot of people who could successfully sue it for defamation. Get a PAC going or a GoFundMe and inflict death by a thousand cuts.

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Also, next year, have the Democrat majority House & Senate legislate crucifixion as a legal form of punishment. Only to be applied to professed pious Christians proven guilty of betraying oaths sworn upon a Bible. Such as impeached Supreme Court justices for example.

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It is going to take way more than a Dem majority to abolish the Electoral College. Even a clean sweep of only Dems. Look what happened to the Equal Rights Amendment--dead in the states.

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This is a compact among states to award their electoral votes to the candidate who wins the popular vote. There are only a couple states lacking to over ride the Electoral College. It won't happen in 2024, but there should be enough states on board by 2028 to reach 270 votes.

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I’ve seen that. I hope it works.

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I hope it does, too.

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You are exactly right. We must win the election, and President Biden must be prepared to declare martial law if it comes to that. We are going into dangerous waters and must be prepared to fight to keep our country.

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I haven't liked Alito since he mouthed the words "not true" in one of Obama's States of the Union addresses. He was sour and dour then, always an unpleasant look on his face like he's about to throw up burning bile. Now it turns out he's one of the Old Testament ugly life hate-filled vengeance guys. He's repulsive and he has absolutely no business being any kind of judge much less a Supreme. And his wife is as awful as he is. These folks are MAGAs.

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I read somewhere that before he was SCOTUS he was, judicially, quite "normal" and correct. Then something happened (if it was identified, I have forgotten the incident) and it changed him into what we have now.

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I understand that he was furious over the Congressional hearings when he was confirmed to the Supreme Court. How dare people (Democrats) question him! I guess he’s been a mean guy since. The same is probably true for Clarence Thomas.

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Thank you for filling in that important detail.

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As much as I despise Thomas and remember the horrors of his situation, I can understand how a small minded, misogynistic creep like him would be mad. Alito had none of that, just a usual thing. Alito was handled with kid gloves compared to that and still Thomas got in because they trashed, once again, the woman instead.

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And Kavanaugh, and every other conservative "Justice" on the court.

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Kavanaugh and Thomas--unpunished sexual assaulters. I'm sorry but Ginzburg's egotism got us in trouble. I love her rulings but can't revere her. Power corrrupts.

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Totally agree. It was extremely regrettable and now we're faced with that choice again.

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He became one of the nine little kings who rule the land for life, unaccountable, untouchable.

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Look at his bank account when he changed...

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It's all quite painful, isn't it, to watch our institutions become worthless?

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Yes, horrifically painful. We must stop THEIR surreal steal.

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He probably got a parking ticket in DC. Ruined his life forever. I do know what should happen to him now.

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Maybe you meant "about to throw up burning bibles".

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I can’t attribute it, but I wish I could claim it: There’s nothing more insufferable than someone suffused with religion.

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It sounds like something Marcus Aurelius said. It is different though and is "There's nothing more insufferable than people who boast about their own humility."

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haha, yes indeed. Seen on Facebook. "Humbled to accept such and such award" ... often even afraid to capitalize the IIIIII

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Tax them! We all pay for the many services they use.

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I absolutely agree.

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Shit's gonna get even worse before it gets better. That much I can tell you.

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Every time I think it's as bad as it gets, it gets worse.

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There is no bottom with these people.

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Apparently rock bottom has a basement and probably some sub-basements with these people.

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Republican Arizona Barry Goldwater saw the problem long, long, ago:

"Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them..."

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That Goldwater quote really sums it up. Que the Blues Brothers, "We're on a mission from God."

The American Taliban.

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Oh yes.I feel your fear.These freak flags flying unfettered are more than an alliterative fluke.I am not usually a conspiracy theorist but goddam WTF.This is so wrong and on so many levels. What are We The People to do next???

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Call Senator Dip Durban and leave angry messages telling him to do his MFN job that we pay him for. (202) 224-2152. Over and over! He has refused to hold ethics violation hearings. Whose side is he on?!?!

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Will do!!!

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Come on people, are we the only ones who care about this stuff. We seem to be the only ones with hair on fire. Main Stream Media - do your goddamm job. Everyone's hair needs to be on fire NOW especially the Dems in the Senate!!

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I did call Durban.and thanked Sheldon Whitehouse

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Yes, Whitehouse is working his ass off. I wish he would kick the Dip in the Reaganesque keester.

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Vote them out is the only thing left.

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You don't sound like a theorist to me, sounds like you're seeing what more people need to see.

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Me? I got eyes and just this afternoon, my opthomologist tells me that my cataract is no big deal. I got 20/30. Can pass my driving test. I don't need no mfn theories. I can see and I have a bead on what ass needs a sharp whackin'. Got dat?

Vic don't need no theorizin' either. She has a clear vision too. Knows how to fly a freak flag too. We both bin there done that, if youz knows what is what.

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So what do we do, Lucian? Durbin has wrongly expressed that he is not going to pursue a case against Alito!! What the hell do we do that bullshit? Bombard his office with calls? When do these elected “officials” start working for us…US?

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If I had that answer, I could stop writing this column and retire.

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I will keep on writing to our elected officials and I urge everyone else to as well. Keep up the pressure and don’t give away our democracy so easily. This court was not elected by any of us and is the most non-representative part of our government.

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I NEVER give up! Been fighting battles since the early 70’s.

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Durbin is a weakling and a coward. Nothing will be done.

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Get rid of all these OLD white guys in Congress - they are pathetic fools!! And not just the Rs!!!

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Yes! Being an old (77) white guy. It's time to move on and chill.

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I'm an old white gal and I know when it's time to move on and chill!!

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EXACTLY, Marlene. Call Dip Durbin, over and over and leave angry messages.

(202) 224-2152

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RR I checked Durbin’s X page and he acknowledges this new tidbit that Lucian mentioned but still stated that Alito must recuse himself. I told him the he (Durbin) must demand that he remove himself from the bench.

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Call John Roberts to testify to the judiciary committee even behind closed doors. Does he even know wtf is going on???? He's probably just as compromised as Alito and Thomas.

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Called before hours. They are not taking messages and are receiving "high call volume" ... will try again.

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It goes before the Ethics Committee. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse heads that committee and he’s been working on it. He was on MSNBC last week. He’s got a good head on the issue

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I will not deny the right of Alito and Johnson to fly the Appeal to Heaven flag or the US Flag upside down. What I will decry is when they use the power of their elected or appointed office to impose their so-called righteous values on others, taking away the right of women to control their bodies, the right of LBGTQ people to live their lives the way they choose and denying people of color the right to vote or the opportunity to obtain higher education. And what I I deplore are those judges who swear an oath to uphold the Constitution yet with the same breath undermine that very same document. In short, they are anti-Americans, seditionists and traitors to the principles upon which this Country was founded.

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Excuse me, but they only have that right if they resign. Period.

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Traitors deserve the death penalty. The US government executed the Rosenbergs for doing FAR less damage to the USA than these evil monsters are doing! And NOBODY is doing anything to stop them!

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The news today, for me, has been brutal. Of course we knew that Nikki Haley would fall in line and join the ranks but all of this is just so disturbing. I’m not even living in the country anymore and I’m still so bothered by all of this.

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Lucky you! I so envy an old friend who married a lovely French woman and moved to the Loire Valley 30+ years ago.

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Oh good grief! What will be the breaking point for Roberts? When Alito’s wife hangs his BVDs on the flag pole at the Supreme Court?

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Roberts is complicit. He will do nothing.

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Jane Roberts, wife of John Roberts, made over 10 million as a "legal recruiter" for top law firms as of April 28 2023. Sources: Forbes. Daily Beast, Business Insider etc.

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The six fascist justices are thoroughly corrupt. In a sane society they would be impeached and removed from the Court. But of course this is not a sane society and the pigs will continue to rule unchecked.

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I do want to see that tbh

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Skid marks and all.

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Stars and Stripes pair?

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I don’t understand how someone can have one of the most prestigious, elite jobs in the country and still be filled with so much grievance and hate.

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And stupidity.

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I thought they were trying to take us back to the 40s. Now it's clear that they're trying to take us back to the Old Testament.

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Sheldon Whitehouse is trying his best!

We must elect a Democratic House and Senate and President with wide margins so we can make some changes! The GOP made their bed and they must lie in it in 2025!

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Whitehouse is wonderful.

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CREW is on it too. Noah Bookbinder was on MSNBC with Ari Velshi last week, I believe. Noah is very concerned that those Justices are involved in Jan6 cases. He’s trying to get Alito first. I think when the Justices know they are being investigated, maybe the other three will sit up in buggy. I sure hope they can get those two to recuse themselves since it’s going to be beyond this Congress as they are just as guilty not doing anything. Roberts should be ashamed of himself as Chief Justice.

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It could never happen in a democratic system like ours, and indeed would set a dangerous precedent if it did, but what a good feeling it would be to be if while watching TV see Alito and the other bad apples led away in handcuffs and prosecuted as enemies of the state and replaced with fair-minded justices that would never let their political views and prejudices interfere with their rulings.

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Alito disgusts me as much as he disgusts anyone, but he has not committed a crime and therefore should not be prosecuted, let alone executed, as the commenter before you suggested. Rather, he should be impeached, and he should have been before his conflicts of interest were disclosed. He should have been impeached for failing to uphold the Constitution, as when he joined the other Republican politicians on the Court in allowing Texas to ban abortion while Roe v. Wade was still in effect. To call for him to be prosecuted is to sink to the level of the orange turd. Let's not do that.

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Of course you are right, Henry, and I think I expressed it as a fantasy. I said it couldn't happen here and shouldn't happen, but said it would be pleasing to see. (I guess I should have said pleasing for me to imagine). Now on the other hand if Trump gets in power again and the reverse happens, and he is ruled against by Democrat leaning justices. he might well have them arrested if he gets the absolute power that he craves..

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When do think Durbin will decide it’s finally worth the effort of getting up off his ass to do something? You know, send a stern letter…..

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With white powder?

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Maybe Durban and Susan Collins share similar “concerns.”

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One day Rs/cons are raising hell regarding O not wearing a US flag lapel button, the next displaying non-US flags at equal to or greater height than the Stars & Stripes, or in this incident as the only flag of prominence.

The better flag for R/con men is a diaper.

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