The New York Times revised its copy on the Trump Florida speech after I copied and pasted from their earlier version of the story. They added "Former" President Trump and "Vice President" Kamala Harris and removed the "Ms" from the version I copied and pasted from. Everything in quotes in my story is copied and pasted from the version they had up this morning. Somebody must have come to their senses at the Times. Good for them.

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Does the NYT not realize they will be totally unnecessary if tffg wins?

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Au contraire mon frere, the NYT will reconfigure absolutely anything to curry favor with the corporate masters. It's a kind of talent they have.

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That's what the German papers thought they could do in the '30s. It didn't turn out that way. One of the few publishing giants to make it through, of course they were complicit as all get out, was Axel Springer. They now own Politico and Politico is much more, shall we say, "cautious" in their reporting. More in line with the Misogynistic Media aka NY Times, Bezos Post, Wall Street Journal.

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Not exactly (the 1930s in Germany). In the weeks after Hitler took control, hundreds of papers published by competing poitical parties shut down when the parties were outlawed. Look up the October 4 Schriftleitergesetz, the law defining national standards of employees of newspapers (no Jews, naturally) and *what they could print.*

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When you were researching, you found what I did. The larger houses such as Axel Springer or any of the family owned publishing houses in Germany, they saved their bacon by being "helpful." No matter how that part of history is presented, it is hard to get away from the complicity. The smaller papers may have folded, the larger publishing houses just played along.

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It's great to have people on here like you, Lawrence, that's a reference I will have to explore later today....

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Those wearing the magisterial robes at the Times may *think* they will be safe. See my comment.

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Last I checked, Sulzberger isn't on any Heritage Foundation or Trump friendship list. So, no matter what he does he will not be one of them.

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These people are not invariably good judges of their own best interests.

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That’s as may be, Linda, but it’s immaterial when Sulzberger gets his nose out of joint, for whatever reason, and oks a hatchet job on the sitting president, who is also the only credible candidate in this election. I don’t mean that as an insult to you. I’m just far from “over” Biden’s treatment by the media. Love Harris, but still……

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Not only unnecessary, but likely to be imprisoned or worse for treason. Trump and his Christian acolytes are big on public executions of people they consider to have violated them, because they are the law. Sulzberger will then get in return a thousand fold what he did to Biden. He apparently does not realize that his paper is not likely to stay under his ownership, nor is he safe from serious repercussions for having had a paper at all.

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Based on results...NO!

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That's not enough. They should be reporting on these "never have to vote again" comments every day from now to the election. Too much of this "crazy Donald stuff" is being ignored by the NYT, WP and the major networks.

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OK. Please help me sleep tonight. So...with Speaker of the House being Johnson and not Pence.....what happens if Harris wins the popular vote, maybe the Electoral College, but Johnson refuses to certify and sends it to the Republican House? Is Democracy already doomed?

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It's not the Speaker who presides over the certification, it's the president of the Senate, (the US VP.)

In 2020, that was Pence, in 2024, that will be Harris.


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Of Course!!! This latest thing with Trump & NYT has my brain working overtime. And it's getting so tired.

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I know that the NYT hated/hate Biden. Guess I shouldn't be surprised that they actually want Trump to win. But I am. What's the real story with the NYT. Seems like someone should be reporting on it. They (whoever calls the shots) keep f**king with our democracy and getting away with it

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It's the 4th generation Ochs kid, I believe.

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At least 4 generations. This one goes by the nickname of "Dash". This present iteration is just a continuation of 2016.

Good ole Nepo Maggie Haberman. Anytime you see that byline, look for an out right hatchet job. Her mentor was William Safire. Part of Nixon's cabal. He trained her well. Let's not forget Maureen Dowd who also is part of that clutch of tangerine turd apologists.

This is the world we live in.

We have work to do.

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MoDo is not exactly an apologist for Fatty McFelon.

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In the long run? Yeah, she is if only through her loathing of the Clintons. She still will not treat him with the same disrespect she has shown Hillary.

It's harder to defend him now that he is a felon.

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I agree, and let's not forget her constant snide swipes at Obama, nor her cutesy fawning Trump pieces in the early days of his rise. I'm almost tempted to call her a bitter childless cat lady, but that wouldn't be kind. Meow.

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She actually wrote a column titled “Will Hillzilla Crush Obambi” and wrote about Michelle wearing the pants in the family. Clearly Down has a serious problem with men that don’t act macho.

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Her treatment of Gore was despicable. I will never forget this bizarre, misogynist statement:

“ Dowd wrote in one column that "Al Gore is so feminized and diversified and ecologically correct, he's practically lactating."”


The whole article is worth reading.

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That seems soooo long ago. It was the first time the Supreme Court screwed us over.....It's like we're on an endless loop.

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What happened to "Pinch" and "Punch?" I guess they could go no further than that.

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They lost me at Pinch, it was all just too twee to be believed. Hence.....Dash!

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Arthur G. Sulzberger, a spoiled brat and an arrogant little creep.

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You're probably right. I probably mistakenly said Ochs.

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He's a descendant of the Ochs family. They're all related, as in the late Arthur Ochs Sulzberger.

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And there's more than a taint of uppercrustiness disdain not just for Democrats but working class people who make it into high office almost as if Sulzie is maintaining and defending the castle against the hordes and all their disgusting equalities. "All the news that's 'fit' to print."

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Thank goodness Lucian’s reporting on them!

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Ding,ding,ding! Exactly! Why is the NYT getting away with this? They are going on their 3rd presidential hatchet job.Why isn’t someone doing something about this? It is anti-democracy to the enth degree. Asking for a friend.

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Response from Vice President Harris's team:

Tonight, Donald Trump couldn’t pronounce words, insulted the faith of Jewish and Catholic Americans, lied about the election (again), lied about other stuff, bragged about repealing Roe, proposed cutting billions in education funding, announced he would appoint more extremist judges, revealed he planned to fill a second Trump term with more criminals like himself, attacked lawful voting, went on and on and on, and generally sounded like someone you wouldn’t want to sit near at a restaurant – let alone be President of the United States.

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To recap: why I’m not going to get my Sunday NYT delivered tomorrow. Why I’ve subscribed to The Guardian for the past year.

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I've been reading the (Manchester)Guardian since my grandfather started sharing it with me back in 1955. He got the daily Airmail Edition printed on flimsy, or as they called it, onionskin paper. Airmail was expensive. As an old time Hollywood commie screenwriter, he told me the Guardian was the only newspaper that was truthful. I still believe him, rest his soul. (Even commieatheists have souls. It matters not).

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We had the Herald-Tribune and NYT. Liberals but newsy

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The Guardian is a great paper. Definitely worth subscribing to.

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I have to correct you Lucian. In the Times snippet on "fixing elections" they refer to him as former President Donald Trump and they refer to Kamala as Vice President Kamala Harris. Later in the blurb they call each Mr. and Ms. Otherwise I agree totally with your sentiments about the Times. Yesterday when this obnoxious speech was first reported in the Times they didn't even mention this bit about fixing elections. Today at least they finally did although briefly. And they placed it prominently in their edition earlier this morning.

I grew up with the Times. My family and I lived in Queens in the 1950s and 60s. We read the Times and the Herald Tribune (a wonderful newspaper) cover to cover every day. Sundays the Sunday Times was spread out all over the living room floor as my parents, my sister and I devoured the entire opus. It was a brilliant paper then. When the buildup to the Iraq War was happening was when I first noticed their bias in supporting Judith Miller's pieces. And then in 2016, 10 days before the election, they placed 3 articles above the fold on the front page about the supposed Hillary Clinton email scandal. It was influential enough to turn the election against her. You could say the Comey and the Times were responsible for Trump getting elected, even though she was not a perfect candidate. She sure would have made a great President and the Times should be holding its head in shame.

The Times is responsible for Biden angst as well. They highlighted his age long before anyone else did. It is rumored that the Times publisher had it against Biden because Biden refused to do a one on one interview with the editorial staff.

I don't know what happened to the Grey Lady either but it is a terrible loss and shame.

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That wasn't me writing in the story under the Times BOLD headline. I copied and pasted what they printed on their website at that time. I looked at it just now and they added "Former" and "Vice President" and removed "Ms".

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Lucian you reported on this yesterday a full day before The Times even mentioned it. Now every paper is reporting it, including big coverage in India, Israel, Australia et.al..

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When Lucian first reported on it, the Washington Post was as well though not as prominently. Yesterday the Times reported on Trump's speech but didn't bother mentioning the most important part. That didn't happen till today. Now everyone is talking about it as you say. That's good news. The media has been terribly cruel to Biden these past weeks, often ignoring Trump's numerous foibles. Perhaps they are making up for lost time and finally holding him accountable. I won't be holding my breath though.

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I think they are having some moments of clarity. Maybe

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Yes. But must consider the profits...........and tax advantages,

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They never forget those. Maybe they’re not getting the advertising revenue they hoped for. Or just hedging their bets.

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The rumor is something that has not been denied. Probably true.

In 2016, when they interview all of the candidates, they also recorded and videotaped it. Unfortunately, they never quite figured out that a tape recorder records everything, not just the interviews. The comments made by the editorial staff before the interviews, and in some cases, afterwards were cringe worthy. Particularly the comments concerning Sec Buttigieg. The New York Times has all the professional decorum of a fraternity or sorority during rush week.

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Well said, I still enjoy their features and world coverage but politics is terrible, biased, and incomplete at best.

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I agree. But even their features have changed. They used to print a full 8 page supplement weekly called Science and Health Times. It was fantastic. No ads. Just a full 8 pages of detailed coverage of important subjects like how immigrant populations changed after moving to America, highlighting obesity before anyone else would. Some of the studies they reported on became foundational in my own teaching on health and aging. But now these kinds of issues are handled far more briefly and repetitively. Gone is the real depth of their science reporting for the most part.

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The Sunday City section was great too—even if the best Greenwich Village stuff was suggested directly by the Villager weekly. For the record, I concur on everything you've written here that i've read—Judith Miller, Hillary, etc. The nyt has had such a women problem historically that it's been treated in courtrooms and between book covers (see Jan Kriebs's comment).

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I'm guessing....but could it be because they let go of so many reporters?

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That sounds right.

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Anyone who didn’t agree with their philosophy. Maybe. But if so really stupid of them

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I agree that the NYT outside of domestic politics has some excellent reporting and features. They've done some really good investigations into the Gaza war and what is actually behind it. That's why I keep my subscription. I just don't bother to read most of the political crap. Whatever revenue they get from "clicks" on their stories they don't get from me.

And remember, folks, the revenue from clicks is WAY more than from subscriptions.

For a long time I was able to respond in comments to their domestic political coverage. Now, more and more, I find there are in fact no opportunities to comment. I still do write letters to the editor via email. I suspect that's why the titles changed, though it was not anything I wrote to them that did it. The WaPo has somewhat better coverage and still, by and large, allows comment, and without screening them for acceptability to their party line.

Whatever you may think of Bezos, he isn't running a string of cowards.

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Yeah their investigative pieces on who funds Hamas (Iran) and Islamic Jihad in Palestine (Iran) and Hizbollah aka the "Army of God" in Lebanon (Iran) and the Houthis in Yemen (Iran) are brilliant journalism.

But they still insist on claiming a death toll of about 39,000 in Gaza since October 7, yet somehow there's no mention of any Hamas terrorists in that total, it's weird.

https://www.newsweek.com/vilifying-israels-use-2000-pound-bombs-only-ends-costing-more-lives-opinion-1927905 EXCERPT:

By John Spencer

chair of urban warfare studies at the Modern War Institute (MWI) at West Point; served for 25 years as an infantry soldier and two tours in Iraq

This week, Israel very likely killed the long-time head of Hamas's military, Mohammed Dief, with multiple 2,000-pound bombs. This comes directly after United States announced it was lifting the restriction on 500-pound bombs shipments to Israel but keeping a block on larger diameter munitions to include 2,000-pound bombs. In his press conference on the issue, President Joe Biden laid out his rationale. "I have not provided them 2,000-pound bombs," President Biden said. "They cannot be used in Gaza or any other populated area without causing great human tragedy and damage."

President Biden's remarks reflect the conventional wisdom about these powerful weapons. Like all conventional wisdom, it is at least in part misguided and unfair. To be sure, the war in Gaza has been incredibly destructive, and thousands of Palestinians have tragically been killed. Unfortunately, widespread destruction and high civilian casualty rates are common in urban warfare. And in Gaza, the numbers are as high as they are because Hamas has cynically dug itself in beneath densely populated areas.

The penetration depth of a 2,000 pound bomb, depending on the kind and whether it must go through concrete, is believed to be from 16 feet to more than 30 feet. Hamas's military wing is hidden in more than 400 miles of tunnels, some as deep as 200 feet underground. And to Israel's north, Hezbollah, like Hamas, has spent years digging tunnels deeper and deeper to protect what is believed to be an arsenal of over 100,000 rockets, missiles and drones. Southern Lebanon is referred to as the "Land of Tunnels" due to the miles of deep buried underground networks.

******** {More}

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And Israel has repeatedly set up "safe zones" and told people to move to them and then bombed those very zones. It claims it gives "notice" to folks to get up and move again, and then bombs them while they are moving.

Here's a recent update on how Palestinian deaths are counted:


How many Palestinians died to get (possibly) one Hamas leader. I've lost track. Not sure if that was accomplished by the 30 at the girls school yesterday, or the 11 others in different strikes.

Say the US had chosen to bomb the cartel leader instead of luring him to the US and arresting him. How many dead Mexican civilians would justify eliminating someone who is so involved in the Fentanyl crisis.

If a gang took over your neighborhood, how many of your neighbors would you think should be sacrificed to eliminate it?

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They know no shame!

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Iraq war shameful reporting. Then Hillary bashing. I started reading the Financial Times and broadened my news abroad.

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You are smart. American media, especially today, ignores so much that is going on in the world.

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A shame indeed. She's gone from "All the news that's fit to print" to "All the news that fits" to where we are now: "All the news that gets clicks".

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nyt is pretty much FOX in print these days.

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My thought exactly Adjunct Fox.

Happy I cancelled my subscription

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I canceled my subscription to The New York Times because of the inexplicable neofascist-smelling editorial content that now shows up in every department of their news coverage. It’s a shame because there are certainly some excellent journalists who work for the paper, but the biased stuff just got to be too much for me.

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My subscription ends Aug. 1st for the same reason. I'm all for getting different opinions, but there's no reason the NY Times should be printing RW propaganda from the likes of the Heritage, the Claremont Institute, and the Manhattan Institute.

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Felt so good to cancel. Someone who also did said it was hard because she loved the food section. I asked didn’t she know the internet is loaded with culinary info and recipes from world famous chefs. Who needs the Times.

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I so enjoyed cancelling my subscription. Now we have to make sure the Melon Felon doesn't get the chance to cancel the rest of us.

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The Times has become the Aileen Cannon of newspapers. You keep hoping it will do the right thing but it never does.

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Oh man Paula that's cold.

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Sometimes honesty is a bit chilly. She's right.

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Are we surprised by the NYT? Or any others of the MSM? Not I. I am grateful for my subscriptions to my chosen Substack columnists and The Guardian.

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He also, in his talk to HIS beautiful Christians, claimed to be a Christian. I’ll bet that is as persuasive a seduction line as “you remind me of my daughter.”(Incidentally, he did find church attendance worthwhile a long time ago: when married to Ivana, he met up for trysts with Marla at Norman Vincent Peale’s Marble Collegiate Church. Yes, he treated a church like a single’s bar.)

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Actually, listen to trumps speech again. He said he is NOT a Christian! IMO neither are members of his Audience.

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You're correct. So what do you call someone who worships himself and Mammon? Egotist or narcissist doesn't even start to cover it.

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Have you listened to it slowed down? It's muddy. Transcriptions (and my ear after several repeats) hear it as "I'm a Christian." He says enough unthinkably crude things he doesn't need words put in his mouth.

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His family were members. That church and it's leader, Norman Vincent Peale, pushed love of money through the philosophy of "the power of positive thinking". It had nothing to do with the teachings of Jesus.

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Thanks for calling this out! The nyt has definitely gone to the dark side...

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The NY Trash

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I should add: Go, Guardian! Support their better reporting!!

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Who do you think does their reporting? They don't have vast u.s. news staffs. They rewrite U.S. wire and print papers' copy.

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The press gave the same racist treatment to President Obama, never referring to him as President Obama, just "Obama." It started with Fox and spread to other news outlets.

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Have you ever even read the Times? They did no such thing. First reference in text to presidents uses President, subsequently, Mr or Ms. Hedline style may differ. To suggest that Obama was treated differently is really bottomfeeding.

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We need to get out the vote.

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