The United States is getting sicker by the day, not so much by its citizens as the ones who are supposed to be the thinkers, the serious people, the ones who uphold sane laws that protect and serve and keep us all from killing each other on sight with one misplaced sentence, thought or move. Not anymore. If you want to see how bad it is …
The United States is getting sicker by the day, not so much by its citizens as the ones who are supposed to be the thinkers, the serious people, the ones who uphold sane laws that protect and serve and keep us all from killing each other on sight with one misplaced sentence, thought or move. Not anymore. If you want to see how bad it is probably going to get, come to Louisiana, where we have a MAGA wannabe governor who has made conceal carry legal without a permit, that's going in about now as the French Quarter is becoming Grand Central for the murder of our tourist guests, who also come with their concealed carrys and many just as nutty as the criminals who are walking beside them down the sidewalk. Caution: Do not bump them, side-eye them or otherwise breathe anything that can be interpreted as an insult to their borderline personality reactions. I feel physically ill. We don't seem to be able to catch a break. What about the good guys winning in the end, you know, like before the end is so final nobody makes it to the next stage. And don't let me get started on our homeless. We have tons of them too. Wait till you see the other things he is pushing through, like you can't ask in Freedom of Information about anything he does while governor.
And the dimmest of the wits, Alito and Thomas, stacking the bribery and crimes laws so they can be part of the plunder side of the game without a wink. It kinda feels like the world is coming to an end.
The S.Ct. has gone off the rails, Roberts has gone from someone who claims, "judges are just here to call balls and strikes," to arrogating power by torturing words to say whatever he policy he wants to advance. In the obstruction case he misreads the statute to require the second clause be qualified by the first, i.e. that obstruction must include altering an official document when the second clause clearly states "or by" obstructing a proceeding. Then in the bribery case the Court again takes a plain statute making bribery or giving something of value a crime and magically says the statute only refers to bribes before the official act, and not a "gratuity" after the official has done what was requested. As Scrooge memorably says in disbelief to Bob Cratchit "I'll retire now to Bedlam."
Their view of what it means to be Catholic (capital C) is far different than what I was taught in 16 years of Catholic education. I survived and dropped much of the bull about organized religion, but the core humanity and decency and service to those less fortunate or able has remained. However,these single issue advocates (pro life…which has nothing to do with life) are uncaring, solipsistic sycophants, out for themselves and their benefactors. We’ve really become a land of tyrants.
What the Catholic clergy were teaching and what they were practicing weren't always the same, or even similar, judging by what I've read—news and fiction—which I must depend on, having been in Catholic churches only for weddings and funerals.
Yes and what about the actual paper ballots (official documents) in the official box which were protected by the congressional staffers - paper which would have been immediately destroyed by the "patriot warriors".
Oh, stop. If we can't catch a break, then let's make our own break. Democrats need to buck up, do the work and win the election. Then we can fix the damage. Chin up - no matter what.
Oh for goodness sakes, you think this is the only comment today? If you want my Onward Soldiers fight the good fight, go to the other places. No way I'm doing anything but voting for Joe Biden, even more so now. I'm not stopping. It's just comments of the moment. And about the Supreme Court. I never mentioned Biden nor was I thinking of that.
The United States is getting sicker by the day, not so much by its citizens as the ones who are supposed to be the thinkers, the serious people, the ones who uphold sane laws that protect and serve and keep us all from killing each other on sight with one misplaced sentence, thought or move. Not anymore. If you want to see how bad it is probably going to get, come to Louisiana, where we have a MAGA wannabe governor who has made conceal carry legal without a permit, that's going in about now as the French Quarter is becoming Grand Central for the murder of our tourist guests, who also come with their concealed carrys and many just as nutty as the criminals who are walking beside them down the sidewalk. Caution: Do not bump them, side-eye them or otherwise breathe anything that can be interpreted as an insult to their borderline personality reactions. I feel physically ill. We don't seem to be able to catch a break. What about the good guys winning in the end, you know, like before the end is so final nobody makes it to the next stage. And don't let me get started on our homeless. We have tons of them too. Wait till you see the other things he is pushing through, like you can't ask in Freedom of Information about anything he does while governor.
And the dimmest of the wits, Alito and Thomas, stacking the bribery and crimes laws so they can be part of the plunder side of the game without a wink. It kinda feels like the world is coming to an end.
The S.Ct. has gone off the rails, Roberts has gone from someone who claims, "judges are just here to call balls and strikes," to arrogating power by torturing words to say whatever he policy he wants to advance. In the obstruction case he misreads the statute to require the second clause be qualified by the first, i.e. that obstruction must include altering an official document when the second clause clearly states "or by" obstructing a proceeding. Then in the bribery case the Court again takes a plain statute making bribery or giving something of value a crime and magically says the statute only refers to bribes before the official act, and not a "gratuity" after the official has done what was requested. As Scrooge memorably says in disbelief to Bob Cratchit "I'll retire now to Bedlam."
What this Catholic court bribes vs payoffs (aka 'gratuities') siupposed disttinction says about Catholic Church morality is devastating.
What morality?
Their view of what it means to be Catholic (capital C) is far different than what I was taught in 16 years of Catholic education. I survived and dropped much of the bull about organized religion, but the core humanity and decency and service to those less fortunate or able has remained. However,these single issue advocates (pro life…which has nothing to do with life) are uncaring, solipsistic sycophants, out for themselves and their benefactors. We’ve really become a land of tyrants.
What the Catholic clergy were teaching and what they were practicing weren't always the same, or even similar, judging by what I've read—news and fiction—which I must depend on, having been in Catholic churches only for weddings and funerals.
You’re observations are spot on.
Yes and what about the actual paper ballots (official documents) in the official box which were protected by the congressional staffers - paper which would have been immediately destroyed by the "patriot warriors".
"Corporations are people." Devastating decision.
Oh, stop. If we can't catch a break, then let's make our own break. Democrats need to buck up, do the work and win the election. Then we can fix the damage. Chin up - no matter what.
Amen my friend. Stand up straight, get steely eyed, and effing fight like we did in 1968.
Oh for goodness sakes, you think this is the only comment today? If you want my Onward Soldiers fight the good fight, go to the other places. No way I'm doing anything but voting for Joe Biden, even more so now. I'm not stopping. It's just comments of the moment. And about the Supreme Court. I never mentioned Biden nor was I thinking of that.
It seems the world we know/knew IS coming to an end. I can't believe it was so easy for them...starting with MitchMcTurtle.