God forbid anyone hint that bigotry motivates the self-righteous indignation of the right-wing—you’re liable to be murdered in the streets. A 17-year-old illegally obtained a military-grade weapon, crossed state lines, and self-righteously declared he was ready to “protect” Kinosha, WI, as if they needed this juvenile delinquent, white supremacist, vigilante. But, hey! Brandishing this weapon, looking for a fight, apparently is his god-given right. The victimizer claimed to be a victim—textbook sociopathic behavior. The bigots breath easy once more …as they chip away at democracy, they hold up flags and declare their patriotism. A bonfire of vanities, once again.

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Photos like this (and many others) are showing the ugliness that has been among us, but now is visible for the entire world to see. These ranting, frothing people apparently are so self UNaware, they have no idea how disgusting and pathetic they look to normal, sane people. Maybe they are filled with some sort of demented pride in themselves for behaving like the mentally ill, but whatever they hoped to achieve by such behavior is completely lost by the images they force upon us. Marshall McLuhan wrote about it when he coined the phrase "the medium is the message." We look at those pictures and we get the message. And since a picture is worth a thousand words, we get FAR more in that message than the messenger may have intended.

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Thank you so much for your historical perspective and TRUTH: a commodity sorely lacking in our current environment. Our children and grandchildren are charged with doing the right thing, fighting for liberty, justice and equality for ALL. I think I’ve heard those words somewhere. Do you think elected officials will ever have the integrity to implement them? My hope is waning.

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Racism is as American as apple pie, Thanksgiving, and denial.

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Wow. That photo just sums up what the state of the USA is in this early 21st century. Angry people screaming in rage. This union has failed. Half the citizens hate or despise the other half. We're living in a bad, abusive marriage that no longer serves any purpose, far as I can see. D-I-V-O-R-C-E -- split up as amicably as possible -- before something worse happens.

Let the trumpistas have their own country or countries to tear apart and leave the rest to make something better, salvage something worthwhile from the wreckage.

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I am truly frightened that we are headed to another civil war. One with no clear-cut geographical boundaries as divided the country in the first civil war. Neighbor v. Neighbor?

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Resistance to historical truth is often loud and threatening, but it only ramps up awareness and causes people to think, if only in a dark room. The republicans can win a few elections but not all and eventually they will burn away their support as society changes, and it is changing.

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Tell it like it is, old friend.

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Thanks for restating the obvious…it’s facts and not theory that need to see the light of day when it comes to race relations in this country.

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So true, but so many don't want to hear the truth.

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Opposition to critical race theory will spotlight it! Right in their white supremist faces for all to see!

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It's like reading children's Bible stories with no mention of all the blood and gore.

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Thank you Lucian. Your essays make some of my days hopeful

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For your resume, education, writing experience and age, you're woefully naive.

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It's quicker than than taking scalps.

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