Well, the Democratic Party’s prosecutor-in-chief gave her closing argument last night, urging the jury to find the defendant, Donald Trump, guilty as charged. The whole time Vice President Kamala Harris was speaking last night, I was thinking how glad I am that I was never on the receiving end of one of her prosecutorial orations. This is a woman who has been in the legal trenches for decades, and as she reminded us last night, she has dealt with child abusers and murderers and the worst kind of criminals anyone could imagine. She didn’t have to say “I know his type” about Trump in her acceptance speech. It was so evident that she knows exactly who she’s running against and how guilty he is that it practically rose off her like steam.
I will be most interested to see if the compelling case she made will be enough for people like Kelly, McMaster, Esper, and the like to muster the courage to come out and endorse her. They owe it to the nation.
On a separate note, a shout-out to DNC chair Jamie Harrison. He and his team pulled off the most perfect convention imaginable in less than three weeks. Absolutely stunning. He deserves one of those presidential medals of freedom that the other guy loves so much.
And speaking of the Supreme Court, let’s hope that making significant changes to the court to bring it back in line with the majority of American values, not just the uber wealthy and maga extremists is a top priority. In addition, as a former prosecutor I hope she instills new life into the DOJ and makes them accountable to the rule of law for all Americans.
Yes and damn it, if anyone here isn’t calling potential voters or writing post cards to undecided or putting signs out in the yards of theirs or asking neighbors, especially those near Trump Sign yards then get off your rears and do that or something to get Kamala elected as our first Madam President and retire that orange one for good!
I hear what you’re saying KL. How can we separate Garland’s “holding pattern” style of justice from what happened next? By not rocking the boat more than absolutely necessary and doing just enough to have the world see what two American juries think about who Trump is, we were able to summon our resources, keep our strategy a secret and blindside them all at once.
Are you kidding? Most of trump’s legal cases have grinded to a halt. It’s been almost four years since trump’s attempt to overthrow our government, and that case is basically at a standstill. The case where he stole classified documents from our government with evidence he sold out our national security to foreign adversaries has been dismissed by a unqualified partisan judge.
I don’t understand this part of your comment, “How can we separate Garland’s “holding pattern” style of justice from what happened next?”
Are you trying to explain Garland’s inaction and foot dragging as some kind of a strategy? If so, it’s not working to hold trump accountable for his actions before the election. Voters deserve to know!
Voters already know, KL. Maybe Garland was trying to avoid sending these cases up to the corrupt supreme court until the corrupt justices are finally dealt with.
I agree completely with your assessment of Garland's excellent work as U.S. A. G., Eric. It would be helpful to us if Lucian, and or someone like Joyce Vance, could devote a column to what the rule of law requires of the DOJ, and how Garland has successfully navigated it, as frustrating as democracy is to navigate in these perilous times.
So, odds that Trump will bail on the debate? DL Hugeley said it best. He's been married to a Black woman for 40 years and hasn't won a debate yet. Kamala's prosecutor face is intimidating AF.
It would not surprise me if Drumpf finds a way to dodge the upcoming debate. But I'm hoping he's so oblivious to his condition and personally enraged that he's lost his few remaining marbles and will walk into the buzzsaw he won't dream is waiting.
It's astounding how she's reduced MAGA world to wreckage. When they get so damned desperate that they attack a Dem candidate's neurodivergent KID, we KNOW they are tottering on their last legs. The comments I saw, by t-rump's B*tch-in-Chief Ann Coulter and that bottom-feeder Dinesh D'Souza, were so appalling that they may even have turned off MAGAts who have neurodivergent children. Probably wouldn't make them vote for Harris, but I suspect some will stay home on election day as a reflection of their disgust.
Tina Brown has a new NYT op-ed welcoming Tim Walz as an advocate; Harry Evans's and Tina's 38-year-old.'on the spectrum' son lives with her (Harry died). A heartfelt as well as entertaining piece—she notes Ann Coulter's vile crack: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/23/opinion/tim-walz-son-gus.html
(Since I don't want to tempt purists who have canceled their nyt subs, that's not a gift link.)
It is fantastic. Not having that “normal filter” was definitely my brother-in-law’s superpower. One always knew where they stood. He was effusive and exuberant if he liked you. Not just like: LOVE! He knew immediately and was quite obvious when he didn’t like someone. Never said a word. Wouldn’t even answer their questions. He was a great barometer for the rest of us to know who the “good” guys or “bad” guys in the room were.
That lady can write! … Second-hand info is that a childhood friend's now middle-aged Down syndrome daughter enjoys the same kind of family adoration. I've never met the daughter—nor ever heard of her reading people that way.
Thanks for the gift. Great article, and even better are the 200 or so comments I read. I subscribe to WaPo and I opened the NYT comments expecting a WaPo type of nasty trolling opinions in equal measure with positive ones. I am flabbergasted by the poetry, empathy, sincerity and kindness flowing in 99% of what I read. Can someone tell me if that is the typical voice of NYT readers??
I've started reading nyt commemts only recently but, yes, that seems accurate to me. They're moderated, of course. After you post a comment only you see it till they confirm acceptance by email. (They've sent me three of those emails lately.)
Am second to no one in my criticism of today's mainstream media. That said, find your comment to be overly harsh. One can pick through the bones of any dying or dead media outlet to find something to support anything one pleases.
The article went to a subject long buried by society. And such issues are best presented in anecdotal form including by the author.
As to your point about your finding that the NYT is supporting Trump the larger point is NYC media is no longer the center of gravity for news. That forces each player to include anything they think might return them to the center of the news universe. So, it is foreseeable there will be above the fold articles that belong on p28, stories on p40 that belong above the fold on the front page, headlines that are akin to click bait, Op-Eds, and columns which offend some.
The entire business model of mainstream media is now much more predicated on profit/loss rather than informing the public. Journos are increasingly more concerned with teevee spots, X formerly known as Twitter likes, and writing books, than deep dives in what they cover.
So, you are intentionally passing by ignoring an article that is insightful, current, educational and highly touching due to your own bias. Not a good look, KL. You owe difny an apology.
I owe someone who posted a NYT article an apology for not reading it? 🤣
I stand by what I said and you confusedly proved my point somewhat in your comment. You seem to confuse my opinion about the NYT with the topic of the article. If that’s the case, you’re simply wrong.
I take some offense at being called a “purist” because me and thousands? millions? of other former subscribers are no longer interested in supporting a publication that has become harmful to our democracy.
In the polite parlance of the Midwest: “Mind your own damn business.”
(1) Dispensing w/the worst of what you wrote first. When a person publicly posts they forfeit the line of mind your own business. A child knows that.
(2) The article you linked to affirms what I wrote about the NYT and beyond however the author is so solely focused on one leaf on one tree he can't see the trees, the forest, and the ecosystem. By doing so he is MTP that NYC media is no longer the center of gravity. Instead he tries to make off as if it still is. It's not and hasn't been for a long. Same applies with so0called mainstrream media. It's own numbers are dwarfed by new media (common knowledge).
(3) Made no mention of purist or purity. That was D. I stepped all over your nonsense because you dismissed the article she linked too w/o reading it. I demonstrated respect by reading your link. You demonstrated your disrespect by dismissing/ignoring that of D's by over focusing on a single word. What adult does that and expects to be taken seriously? It's what immature men do especially when they go up against a woman. They ignore everything else and lose their minds over a single word. How childish.
(4) Your words fell to my word blade the first time. Now for a 2nd time. Chirp away like the Black Knight. Am silent to you.
Thanks for the link to this article by Hartmann. It is both chilling and wonderful in equal measure. Captures the carnival of cruelty that the GOP has become.
I think too that the Republican speakers were very effective. Trump must have been furious about that.Just their presence alone at the Democratic convention had to be very humiliating. I thought it very courageous of them considering Trump's reputation for setting his dogs on anybody that shows the slightest disloyalty. But unlike so many of their colleagues who privately agree with them, they put country before party.,
Wonderful, exultant column, Lucian! We all feel your HOPE and JOY. Kudos to the organizers. I have never sat through four full nights of a political convention before. It was thrilling.
This! "It is now our turn to do what generations before us have done, guided by optimism and faith to fight for this country we love, to fight for the ideals we cherish and to uphold the awesome responsibility that comes with the greatest privilege on Earth, the privilege and pride of being an American."
Wow she crushed it... Little surprised to see her threatening Iran like that at the end but my feeling is she wanted to come across strong. She was strong and compassionate. Will be an interesting few months, here's to a blue trifecta this November!
The 3 elements of the speech Lucian summarized, the open door, the potential Trump threat, and not going back, cover all but the farthest-right of the population. If we all work our butts off, a trifecta is quite possible!
I’m hoping for an electoral surprise (no electoral landslides in the modern era). Wouldn’t it be nice if Harris had enough electoral votes without tamper-focused Georgia?…. How about more Senate seats? But……. Only if we volunteer, and donate, and work our butts off!!!
What an experience , watching Kamala deliver to all of us , a message that mentally rights the wrongs we’ve heard from DJT in the past too many years.
I too can’t wait for the debate to see that sniveling ‘ victim’, Trump opposite a composed, gracious, direct , eloquent woman.
A woman who is so on to him and his BS .
His attempts to hide the truth about his inadequate self by attacks and lies and more lies, quashed by Kamala Harris’ knowledge of the truth , should be an uplifting exercise for all of us .
This whole DNC convention was uplifting and validating .
Validating , in
what we’ve had the displeasure to ascertain from ‘ word salad’ Donald .
I see that there is only one valid choice for president , and it ain’t the Donald .
Vice President Kamala Harris and Governor Walz are perfectly suited and experienced to their future roles , as President Kamala Harris, and Vice President Tim Walz.
Chicago wasn't the battleground it was in 1968, but we still witnessed a Revolution. The convention reminded me most of the Obama victory celebration in Grant Park after his election, and just the sheer joy and enthusiasm shown by a unified group of supporters. Kamala and Coach Tim are made for this moment and we can't let the enthusiasm slow. The Evil Dark Lord and his cult are still scheming and have to be conquered for a third and final time.
Felt to me too like Obama's Grant Park, in no way like the long-ago cop-riot Daley convention. But it's up to Harris-Walz to continue inspiring us. The more their positions fall in line with enthusiastic never-trumpers', the less consistent they are with this Democrat's. (NOT threatening, just saying.) Amid an otherwise picture-perfect convention, I thought failure to give a pro-Palestinian speaker a measly five minutes was a glaring sour note.
Great way to put it, we are now the jury.
I will be most interested to see if the compelling case she made will be enough for people like Kelly, McMaster, Esper, and the like to muster the courage to come out and endorse her. They owe it to the nation.
On a separate note, a shout-out to DNC chair Jamie Harrison. He and his team pulled off the most perfect convention imaginable in less than three weeks. Absolutely stunning. He deserves one of those presidential medals of freedom that the other guy loves so much.
And speaking of the Supreme Court, let’s hope that making significant changes to the court to bring it back in line with the majority of American values, not just the uber wealthy and maga extremists is a top priority. In addition, as a former prosecutor I hope she instills new life into the DOJ and makes them accountable to the rule of law for all Americans.
Wouldn't changing the makeup of the SC be difficult, and most likely impossible, without a large Dem majority in both Houses of Congress?
Yes and damn it, if anyone here isn’t calling potential voters or writing post cards to undecided or putting signs out in the yards of theirs or asking neighbors, especially those near Trump Sign yards then get off your rears and do that or something to get Kamala elected as our first Madam President and retire that orange one for good!
AOC already started the impeachment process for the two most corrupt justices, that process needs to be supported by all responsible politicians.
86 all CINO'S and RINO'S!
Garland needs to go. We need someone who isn’t afraid to prosecute, in a timely manner, these MAGAts who break the law!
Justice delayed is justice denied!
I hear what you’re saying KL. How can we separate Garland’s “holding pattern” style of justice from what happened next? By not rocking the boat more than absolutely necessary and doing just enough to have the world see what two American juries think about who Trump is, we were able to summon our resources, keep our strategy a secret and blindside them all at once.
Are you kidding? Most of trump’s legal cases have grinded to a halt. It’s been almost four years since trump’s attempt to overthrow our government, and that case is basically at a standstill. The case where he stole classified documents from our government with evidence he sold out our national security to foreign adversaries has been dismissed by a unqualified partisan judge.
I don’t understand this part of your comment, “How can we separate Garland’s “holding pattern” style of justice from what happened next?”
Are you trying to explain Garland’s inaction and foot dragging as some kind of a strategy? If so, it’s not working to hold trump accountable for his actions before the election. Voters deserve to know!
Voters already know, KL. Maybe Garland was trying to avoid sending these cases up to the corrupt supreme court until the corrupt justices are finally dealt with.
And when do you and Garland suppose the corrupt SCOTUS justices will be dealt with?
Plus, many were prosecuted for J6.
Maybe the letter of the law, but not the spirit of the law
Not with any type of alacrity!
I agree completely with your assessment of Garland's excellent work as U.S. A. G., Eric. It would be helpful to us if Lucian, and or someone like Joyce Vance, could devote a column to what the rule of law requires of the DOJ, and how Garland has successfully navigated it, as frustrating as democracy is to navigate in these perilous times.
If garland had not been so spineless trump would have been in prison two years ago.
He put special councils on both Biden’s while ignoring the jan6 committee evidence.
Meritless garland is pathetic.
Absolutely perfect column, Lucian. You are a master of the form!
“Practically rose off her like steam”. Damn, that’s just perfect. Awesome!
Agree. She was incandescent.
I was looking for the right adjective. I think you found it.
So, odds that Trump will bail on the debate? DL Hugeley said it best. He's been married to a Black woman for 40 years and hasn't won a debate yet. Kamala's prosecutor face is intimidating AF.
It would not surprise me if Drumpf finds a way to dodge the upcoming debate. But I'm hoping he's so oblivious to his condition and personally enraged that he's lost his few remaining marbles and will walk into the buzzsaw he won't dream is waiting.
He probably thinks that the debate with Harris will be easy and just be a matter of another blitzkrieg of lies.
I am thrilled to be sworn into the jury box.
Excellent as always, Lucian
It's astounding how she's reduced MAGA world to wreckage. When they get so damned desperate that they attack a Dem candidate's neurodivergent KID, we KNOW they are tottering on their last legs. The comments I saw, by t-rump's B*tch-in-Chief Ann Coulter and that bottom-feeder Dinesh D'Souza, were so appalling that they may even have turned off MAGAts who have neurodivergent children. Probably wouldn't make them vote for Harris, but I suspect some will stay home on election day as a reflection of their disgust.
"Totally faked! I know from experience that kids never show affection for their parents like that!" -- Donald Trump
I defy anyone to imagine a child running into djt's awaiting open arms. …
NEXT DAY Only Maurice Sendak could do this justice. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/aug/23/trump-arizona-rally--rfk-jr#img-1
OMG...seriously??? That happened???
No, I totally made it up. Believable though, no?
Completely believable!!
Tina Brown has a new NYT op-ed welcoming Tim Walz as an advocate; Harry Evans's and Tina's 38-year-old.'on the spectrum' son lives with her (Harry died). A heartfelt as well as entertaining piece—she notes Ann Coulter's vile crack: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/23/opinion/tim-walz-son-gus.html
(Since I don't want to tempt purists who have canceled their nyt subs, that's not a gift link.)
It is fantastic. Not having that “normal filter” was definitely my brother-in-law’s superpower. One always knew where they stood. He was effusive and exuberant if he liked you. Not just like: LOVE! He knew immediately and was quite obvious when he didn’t like someone. Never said a word. Wouldn’t even answer their questions. He was a great barometer for the rest of us to know who the “good” guys or “bad” guys in the room were.
That lady can write! … Second-hand info is that a childhood friend's now middle-aged Down syndrome daughter enjoys the same kind of family adoration. I've never met the daughter—nor ever heard of her reading people that way.
difny, thank you for posting the link. I just read Tina Brown's article and feel that everyone needs to read it. So here's a gifted link. If you're purist, you don't need to click on it. It's a wonderful article. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/23/opinion/tim-walz-son-gus.html?unlocked_article_code=1.FE4.4xmJ.n0JeJinGQsBs&smid=url-share
Thanks for the gift. Great article, and even better are the 200 or so comments I read. I subscribe to WaPo and I opened the NYT comments expecting a WaPo type of nasty trolling opinions in equal measure with positive ones. I am flabbergasted by the poetry, empathy, sincerity and kindness flowing in 99% of what I read. Can someone tell me if that is the typical voice of NYT readers??
I've started reading nyt commemts only recently but, yes, that seems accurate to me. They're moderated, of course. After you post a comment only you see it till they confirm acceptance by email. (They've sent me three of those emails lately.)
It’s not being “purist” to stop supporting a publication that is actively promoting a tRump presidency.
Am second to no one in my criticism of today's mainstream media. That said, find your comment to be overly harsh. One can pick through the bones of any dying or dead media outlet to find something to support anything one pleases.
The article went to a subject long buried by society. And such issues are best presented in anecdotal form including by the author.
As to your point about your finding that the NYT is supporting Trump the larger point is NYC media is no longer the center of gravity for news. That forces each player to include anything they think might return them to the center of the news universe. So, it is foreseeable there will be above the fold articles that belong on p28, stories on p40 that belong above the fold on the front page, headlines that are akin to click bait, Op-Eds, and columns which offend some.
The entire business model of mainstream media is now much more predicated on profit/loss rather than informing the public. Journos are increasingly more concerned with teevee spots, X formerly known as Twitter likes, and writing books, than deep dives in what they cover.
So, you are intentionally passing by ignoring an article that is insightful, current, educational and highly touching due to your own bias. Not a good look, KL. You owe difny an apology.
Here’s some additional context. I hope you’ll read it.
I owe someone who posted a NYT article an apology for not reading it? 🤣
I stand by what I said and you confusedly proved my point somewhat in your comment. You seem to confuse my opinion about the NYT with the topic of the article. If that’s the case, you’re simply wrong.
I take some offense at being called a “purist” because me and thousands? millions? of other former subscribers are no longer interested in supporting a publication that has become harmful to our democracy.
In the polite parlance of the Midwest: “Mind your own damn business.”
(1) Dispensing w/the worst of what you wrote first. When a person publicly posts they forfeit the line of mind your own business. A child knows that.
(2) The article you linked to affirms what I wrote about the NYT and beyond however the author is so solely focused on one leaf on one tree he can't see the trees, the forest, and the ecosystem. By doing so he is MTP that NYC media is no longer the center of gravity. Instead he tries to make off as if it still is. It's not and hasn't been for a long. Same applies with so0called mainstrream media. It's own numbers are dwarfed by new media (common knowledge).
(3) Made no mention of purist or purity. That was D. I stepped all over your nonsense because you dismissed the article she linked too w/o reading it. I demonstrated respect by reading your link. You demonstrated your disrespect by dismissing/ignoring that of D's by over focusing on a single word. What adult does that and expects to be taken seriously? It's what immature men do especially when they go up against a woman. They ignore everything else and lose their minds over a single word. How childish.
(4) Your words fell to my word blade the first time. Now for a 2nd time. Chirp away like the Black Knight. Am silent to you.
Okay, let's back down the snark a little, both of you.
Thom Hartmann had a good take on the reaction from the right on Walz' son today.
The whole article is good.
Thanks for the link to this article by Hartmann. It is both chilling and wonderful in equal measure. Captures the carnival of cruelty that the GOP has become.
I think too that the Republican speakers were very effective. Trump must have been furious about that.Just their presence alone at the Democratic convention had to be very humiliating. I thought it very courageous of them considering Trump's reputation for setting his dogs on anybody that shows the slightest disloyalty. But unlike so many of their colleagues who privately agree with them, they put country before party.,
Wonderful, exultant column, Lucian! We all feel your HOPE and JOY. Kudos to the organizers. I have never sat through four full nights of a political convention before. It was thrilling.
This! "It is now our turn to do what generations before us have done, guided by optimism and faith to fight for this country we love, to fight for the ideals we cherish and to uphold the awesome responsibility that comes with the greatest privilege on Earth, the privilege and pride of being an American."
If... the Senate and the House.. It's possible that she would not hold back like Obama did. Lets roll!
Wow she crushed it... Little surprised to see her threatening Iran like that at the end but my feeling is she wanted to come across strong. She was strong and compassionate. Will be an interesting few months, here's to a blue trifecta this November!
The 3 elements of the speech Lucian summarized, the open door, the potential Trump threat, and not going back, cover all but the farthest-right of the population. If we all work our butts off, a trifecta is quite possible!
I’m hoping for an electoral surprise (no electoral landslides in the modern era). Wouldn’t it be nice if Harris had enough electoral votes without tamper-focused Georgia?…. How about more Senate seats? But……. Only if we volunteer, and donate, and work our butts off!!!
What an experience , watching Kamala deliver to all of us , a message that mentally rights the wrongs we’ve heard from DJT in the past too many years.
I too can’t wait for the debate to see that sniveling ‘ victim’, Trump opposite a composed, gracious, direct , eloquent woman.
A woman who is so on to him and his BS .
His attempts to hide the truth about his inadequate self by attacks and lies and more lies, quashed by Kamala Harris’ knowledge of the truth , should be an uplifting exercise for all of us .
This whole DNC convention was uplifting and validating .
Validating , in
what we’ve had the displeasure to ascertain from ‘ word salad’ Donald .
I see that there is only one valid choice for president , and it ain’t the Donald .
Vice President Kamala Harris and Governor Walz are perfectly suited and experienced to their future roles , as President Kamala Harris, and Vice President Tim Walz.
On All Counts! Forget Aileen Cannon...we don't need her!
Chicago wasn't the battleground it was in 1968, but we still witnessed a Revolution. The convention reminded me most of the Obama victory celebration in Grant Park after his election, and just the sheer joy and enthusiasm shown by a unified group of supporters. Kamala and Coach Tim are made for this moment and we can't let the enthusiasm slow. The Evil Dark Lord and his cult are still scheming and have to be conquered for a third and final time.
Felt to me too like Obama's Grant Park, in no way like the long-ago cop-riot Daley convention. But it's up to Harris-Walz to continue inspiring us. The more their positions fall in line with enthusiastic never-trumpers', the less consistent they are with this Democrat's. (NOT threatening, just saying.) Amid an otherwise picture-perfect convention, I thought failure to give a pro-Palestinian speaker a measly five minutes was a glaring sour note.
Agreed. That should have been allowed.