Let's hope he is never approved. I'm calling my Senators as soon as I finish this post. Please call yours, and tell them to deny this guy. I am a female veteran, and I'm pissed about this nomination. Our government is turning into a haven for sexual predators. We can't let this happen.

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Susan Collins,the pearl clutching Senator from Maine, is mine.

Can’t hold our breath…

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Have to use your vote as leverage. Constantly, and share the idea with others.

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Markwayne is one of mine. I’m not expecting any concern from that guy.

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Have to use your vote as leverage. Keep calling, and tell others to, also.

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Writing this column turns your stomach?!! It turns my stomach that a sexual predator is returning to the Oval Office and that he is appointing other sexual predators to high positions of power. He has coarsened every aspect of life in this country since he came down that damn escalator in 2015.

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MAGA = Make America

Gross Again, 1950's Style

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This is all so disturbing and hard to comprehend that these dangerous misfits will be running our country. And that half the country voted for this. I have to keep telling myself this isn’t a bad dream but very real. So we continue to stand together and stay strong against this madness.

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Less than half. More people voted for someone besides Trump.

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3rd party voters are going to have a lot of blood on their hands.

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A la 2016. They won't care. They didn't then, they won't now.

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I've told them that.

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We must take every opportunity we can to point out that Trump got less than 50% of the vote.

Say it loud, say it clear.

Also, it isn't a given that these reprehensible nominees will be confirmed.

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I just cannot comprehend how many people seem to accept this conduct. People who should know better.

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Misfits! Yes, it’s weird that conventionally handsome men like Gaetz and Hegseth, need to pay $10,000 to an underage girl, or to perhaps drug someone to accept their “company.”

Dangerous, absolutely, for other reasons than their sexual escapades.

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Gaetz handsome? Not hardly!! He’s creepy-looking with or without allegations and botox.

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Agreed 110%

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Sexual assault is about power and control. Doesn’t matter the guy’s appearance.

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I agree with what you are saying ......but Gaetz "conventionally handsome"? Only if you think Jack Nicholson was "handsome" in The Shining. I'd say paying for sex is the only way they have partners.

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Not 50%. More like 31%.

Still too many, but we non-T Americans are the MAJORITY. We need to act like it!

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I would not necessarily assume “Transition Team to Oblivion” didn’t know about this in advance.

There’s zero reason to accept their protestations….zero.

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It sounds to me that the frat boy used a roofie on the poor victim. It’s always the woman’s fault according to the predator. Hegseth is a pathetic POS.

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I really doubt that I can stand four more years of Trump and Company's immeasurable immorality, stupidity, and ignorance. It will be a daily assault of unbelievable, infuriating bullshit. How did America get so stupid?

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Rich, I think the nation got so stupid because, for the past 30 years, our education system has failed to provide the kind of coursework in the right subjects that create citizens who can think critically and independently. Of course, right-wing news and uncontrolled social media contribute to this problem as well. Needless to say, the Repugnant Party has taken full advantage of this large & growing segment of the population to feed them falsehoods & BS about anything & everything 24/7. Methinks it's never going to change and, accordingly, get even worse.

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Why blame the horribly funded education system instead of functioning adults who made a decision to vote for a serial sexual predator?

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Total agreement KL. My Harvard classmate voted for this guy in full confidence that he would bring peace and light to the world. I am literally not kidding.

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I'm hoping your classmate was a legacy selection.

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Our education system "failed" because no one votes in school board elections. The Koch family took full advantage of this sloth and found the stupidest, most backward people to run.....they, of course, backed their candidacy and it worked! Because NO ONE VOTES IN BOARD OF EDUCATION ELECTIONS!!!! I'm sure you always voted, yes? Want an educated population? Vote for a school board that cares about education and not about keep taxes low.

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" Methinks it's never going to change and, accordingly, get even worse..."

That's what I think, too. In the morning I have to stop reading/seeing the ruinous things Trump is doing or planning to do. I can't start every day being angry and ending it furious. His future appointment of Mark Whittaker as Ambassador to NATO is an insult to NATO and us. To know the slightest bit about Whittaker should cause anybody to loathe him.

I would like Admiral Stavridis of MSNBC to give his opinion of this shyster lawyer.

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I have no doubt more accusations will come to light.

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Yes, it seems unlikely that he did something like this only once in his life.

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Issue: it's worth no one's while to bring the accusation and call for accounts. Somehow all this behavior gets flushed away.

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If it contributes toward his withdrawing as nominee, then it's worth all our whiles, including the accuser's. But I would respect her decision to remain silent.

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We need a visit from Madame Pelicot.

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Important writing. Yech.

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I'm sick to my stomach.

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🤮😱 Skeezy and sickening! I hate them so much 🤢 Standards? Morality? Rethugs only expect women to adhere to "purity"! "Locker room talk" for men!

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He's a SCUMBAG, He's a NAZI, He's an ASSHOLE

Pure Maga, thru and thru

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MAGA is an ejaculate on this country. Thanks for doing this Lucien. Now I need a towel.

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And a shower

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Every day till you realize that bad feeling means you need the police

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The lazy investigation by the Monterey PD is what strikes me the most.

-The investigator did not meet w/all the witnesses, the victim, or the alleged assailant.

Most interviews were conducted via phone. Good luck listening to a person you have never met on the phone and determining their veracity.

-Then there is the date issue. Jane Doe's healthcare provider officially reported the alleged assault to Police on 11 October. The investigator did contact Jane Doe soon there after yet the Report says it was by phone. Also, a strange entry in which the Investigator asked Jane Doe if she was willing to participate in a 3way call with her assailant and the Investigator, WTF?

The date problem is the Investigator did NOT contact the alleged assailant until...26 October (begins on line 414) That's 2weeks after first getting the case. The entire interview was telephonic. There was 1 additional short call from the alleged assailant on 27Oct regarding adding a final detail of offering the victim a chance to shower post-sex.

It's as if the Investigator treated the alleged physical sexual assault as if it was a PHONE SEX case.

The Report doesn't link to any of the recordings made by all involved. So, there is no way to determine how thorough the Investigator was with any person or if the recordings aligned w/the Investigator's written summary. Therefore, it's impossible to come to any supportable conclusion as to what happened that night/early morning. And, equally impossible to draw supportable inferences from what has been released.

Finally, there was no Monterrey County DA report released on the matter. None. Nada. Zilch. There is nothing in the Po-Po Report that takes a position one way or another. Nor is there any noted feedback from the DA's office noted by the Investigator. That too is weird.

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White men have always lived under a different set of laws.

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Agree although might word it differently.

Far too many and for far too long White men have lived above the written, unwritten, spoken, and unspoken laws.

Specific to this matter, hypothetically-if the sex was consensual he did violate the unwritten, spoken, and unspoken law regarding another man's wife and her ability to give full consent while intoxicated (if applicable). Perhaps some of those are covered in the settlement. Perhaps not. If it was a sexual assault 9rape) he needs to face all elements of the word Justice. US Justice System doesn't treat the crime anywhere near its severity because the victim receives a mental and sometimes emotional sentence of LWOP. And due to the fact rape is a violent crime a sentence of sitting around and pal'n around w/cons in the hooman zoo cage is not equal justice. It's a fuckin' timeout.

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Thanks for the useful close read, Shadowcloud.

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Nice moniker change.

YW. The press/media's focus and/or obsession with sex sells, obligated me to read the Report v. the reporting v. the commentary.

Trump's two-prong approach of seeking loyalty above all else ain't and his insistence that any person he chooses can hold and perform at any position in the USG ain't going very well for him.

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A premature test of djt's total control of the universe. He'll never stop trying. … I chose difny in haste, never liked it. My b'day a few days ago seemed a good time to rechristen as daien, scrambllng the letters in my first name the way I often do when typing fast. I learned as soon as I got online that using a girl's name among cyberstrangers can be perilous.

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It’s a tough one, but I think we may have a front runner for the illustrated Trump dictionary (coming soon, published in China) for the face next to the word “scum”. Subcategories of course show a slew of people crossed referenced as “supporters of scum”.

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I feel the same way reading it. Sexual assault seems to be a positive trait in maga land.

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Your body, my choice. Nick Fuentes.

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Since T***p is not a "reader," and loves to watch violence, it's fair to guess that his embrace (manly-man and studly-stud, to be sure) of Gaetz and Hegseth was his way of creating his own "Band of Brothers" --- in this case, of course, "Band of Bros." The three of them certanly could share some very special "locker room talk." Those who have seen the movie "Boogie Nights" will recognize the description of Mr. Hegseth's moment of ecstacy as the "money shot" in porno films, where the audience sees proof that a male performer did do that woo-woo that he do so well. In fact, it suggests a post-Pentagon (or post-failed nomination) career choice Mr. Hegseth might make.

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