Birx? A sell out. She had a choice. She could have resigned and told the truth to the American people, but she didn't. Case closed.

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She should have resigned LONG before she did, and joined forces with Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Instead, she and t-Rump remind me a bit of two figures from ancient Roman history: the philosopher Seneca and the emperor Nero. Seneca hung on, as the power-drunk emperor became crazier and crueler with each passing day, hoping his wisdom might have the positive effect of softening the emperor's behavior, which of course it didn't. At least t-Rump didn't have Birk put to death, or drive her to suicide, as happened to Seneca. I read James Romm's book, "Dying Every Day. Seneca at the Court of Nero," during the t-Tump administration, and kept thinking of how much t-Rump reminded me of Nero. And poor Dr. Birk up there with him, dying a little every day....

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At least she came clean! Unless you were in her shoes we’ll never know how frightening it is to really work for ‘45’!!! I can’t say or type his name!!

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When people are thrust into positions of presumed power (and let's get real, Washington is where they all are) their ethics, morals and scruples fall by the wayside. As the old saying goes: "Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely". Birx thought she would have some power to affect a positive outcome, but she got seduced (or allowed herself to be) by the radiance of power floating in the WH, not knowing it was never going to be hers.

Women were not regarded as being intelligent enough to hold any position, thus she was shoved aside as window dressing when she tried to do anything useful.

This was the reason so many people died. Competence was not a requirement, but obedience to Trump was, no matter how serious the matter.

There are a lot of targets who could and should be blamed for their actions, and Birx doesn't escape, but she's not the only one. Start with Trump and his darling son-in-law, who happened to be appointed to oversee a lot of the Covid response and failed miserably.

A whole lot of tragedy here, and a lot of heads should have rolled. But they won't because Biden doesn't want to be known as the revenge President. I just wish he would for once.

Genocide is not an acceptable way to run a country.

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The truth must be made public! Thanks for shining a light on this information

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Sure she should have resigned like so many others who didn’t. But that would have been the easy way out. Marching out of the White House and coming clean in front of the press would have done more good than making the mistake of thinking she could make a difference by continuing to plug along but remaining stoic amidst the madness. The lure of the limelight was too much for Dr. Birx.

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Will we ever know the full behind-the-scenes nightmare? I am growing more doubtful by the day. And remember that brief and passing story about Jared's so-called roll out effort? As I recall, it was designed by a bunch of incompetent buddies, to prevent "blue" states from receiving the vaccine. It failed, as did every other endeavor. That's what happens when a bunch of idiots puts a bloviated fool in our WH and then allows him to run roughshod over our country. We're still paying for it. I'm just sorry he didn't topple off that balcony when he pulled his mask off in grand machismo, "look at me" style.

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Did they ever get a regimen for the UV light and the Lysol? Insert light while inhaling lysol mist? Or? Even Brazil knows that what their bozo did, and didn't do was a crime against humanity. We presume the mighty DC Dems will at least send a few strongly worded letters?

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Charge him for malicious negligence and call her as a witness. I am scheduled for my Moderna booster on Sunday. I suspect next year I’ll have another. For that I am grateful.

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First, do no harm.

She's a doctor. Her behavior was reprehensible and violated her oath.

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She certainly ain’t no C. Everett Koop, now, is she?

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The Repugs who choose to support, enable and follow corrupt Trumpanzees cannot be “reached.” I started quarantining and masking the early spring BEFORE it became a crisis the following fall. All anyone had to do is use their head. People refusing to heed public health warnings died unnecessarily—many have themselves to blame. Did you know that nursing care facilities banned their staff from masking and did not provide PRI’s ? That doctors were threatened by administrators for masking? Do we really wonder why there is a nursing shortage??? Do we believe people like Gov Ricketts who refused nurses their workmen’s comp if they quit working at such places out of fear for their lives?

You know what? The only good Trumpanzee is a dead Trumpanzee.

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I give up with the self righteous attitudes here!

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The moment of truth for me came not when Trump prattled about an internal bleach "cleansing" to fight the virus, as if in a science fiction movie, but when Birx excused it by saying that Trump just got so excited about a new idea. Well, yeah? She spoke in maternal tones as if describing her son who gave a wrong answer during a science pop quiz... or interrupted the teacher to talk about his new chemistry set. Couldn't she have kept quiet instead of offering lame, indulgent and suck up excuses? Yes, she had to work with him at the White House. She could have resigned '"to spend more time with the family." Or for "health matters." We would have deciphered those codes. Lives were at stake, lady. And NOW you talk about them, too little, too late.

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