
They are cretinous Republican assholes from neighboring states, so I plead confusion: I got Tom Cotton confused with Josh Hawley with the raised fist and running in fear from Trumpazoid secessionists in the Capitol. I apologize to my readers for the mistake, but to neither senator.

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I hope Tom and Kari get what they deserve before they have a chance to hurt anyone.

This is not free speech.

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I believe it was Senator Josh Hawley who raised his fist in solidarity with the mob gathered at the Capitol on January 6th, 2021.

Senator Cotton was one of the signers of a letter to Iran hinting that if Khamenei waited they could negotiate with better results.

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Lucian, I hope you're wrong, but I fear you're right. These days I understand the phrase "rule of law" in an entirely different way than when I was younger. I only now get it that if we don't have people making laws responsibly and observing those laws, we have mob violence. Apparently, would-be dictators like that sort of thing. It let's them terrify the population into allowing minority rule. But for the rest of us, the rule of law is all we have to stand between us and insane people with guns. Excellent column. Thank you.

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It is only a matter of time. There will be bloodshed.

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Hi...I think you are confusing Cotton (Who, yes, is loathsome) with Hawley. I don't think Cotton said anything about January 6th at that time. Hawley, on the other hand, raised his fist and then ran away when the traitors got too close.

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No, I can't imagine this bat sh*t crazy time we live in. One thing I learned on the playground so many years ago is that these people are cowards, bullies and gutless wonders.

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It is very SCARY! I just hope the Dems are planning something to prevent this! I heard that there is going to be combat training at the polls, however, don't remember where and from whom. I heard it on MSNBC a while back.

To put it succinctly, The GOP does not care about life at all! They want to control women and kill everyone who does not see things their way! They know they can't win at the ballot box so will try anything else including violence! November will not be a good month and it is my birthday month. My birthday is November 7 and Election Day is November 5! In 2020, Biden won on my birthday and that was the best birthday present ever! Perhaps that will happen in 2024! Let's hope!🤞🤞

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To add probable injury to insult, Cotton describing what "his people" should do on a bridge in Arkansas was a club-on-the-head reminder of, and invitation to repeat, March 7, 1965, when thugs wearing official uniforms beat peaceful marchers on the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama. The only differences between Tom Cotton and the most loathsome Southern racist U.S. Senators of the 19th and 20th centuries is style of clothing and method of disseminating messages of hate and violence. Lucian, I am teary-eyed (I am not being metaphorical, or melodramatic) because I have to believe you are correct about upcoming bloodshed.

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We are witnessing the unravelling of a once great country.

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Madness in the making. Nobody is free if people have to fear for their lives in order to exercise their right to speak or vote. The MAGAs are Eisenhower's warning about a political conspiracy to seize power.

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Amen. But are you confusing Tom Cotton with Josh Hawley? Haul-Ass Hawley was the one running away from the mob on 1/6 (after giving a clenched-fist salute to them).

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A few short, endless years ago I thought it was hyperbole or exaggeration to use the word "fascist" to describe the Trumpers and pretty much the whole Republican Party. I no longer think so. Looks like a fascist, talks like a fascist, walks like a fascist -- it's a fascist.

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Be strong. Don’t wallow. Register voters and help them to the polls. Vote yourself. We cannot hide in fear and disbelief.

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Keep beating this drum. If the vigilantism isn’t called out and condemned, the predicted violence will happen.

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Aren't these the same identical people that talk about the sanctity of life, yet are quite happy to flood the country with guns. Their bible says "Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth." and "Blessed are the peacemakers, etc.,

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