It’s already happened: Heather Heyer, 32, a civil rights activist born and raised in Charlottesville, Virginia, was killed on August 12, 2017, by James Alex Fields Jr., who drove his car into a crowd of people protesting the Unite the Right rally that had been held the night before on the campus of the University of Virginia. Fields, who drove to Charlottesville from his home in Maumee, Ohio, to attend the white supremacist rally, hit Heyer with his car and killed her as she stood on a street talking with other protesters. Twenty-four other protesters were injured in the incident.
They are cretinous Republican assholes from neighboring states, so I plead confusion: I got Tom Cotton confused with Josh Hawley with the raised fist and running in fear from Trumpazoid secessionists in the Capitol. I apologize to my readers for the mistake, but to neither senator.
What will happen if Snorleone gets totally unable to function due to all the stress? I’m looking for him to stroke out before this current trial is over. Truly Old people complain about cold rooms.
Honest mistake. There's no doubt Cotton said those things about protesters. His comments about what would happen if someone blocked a bridge in Arkansas are ironic because it has happened and no one got thrown off the bridge. Just more yammering by someone trying to grab headlines.
Getting the various Repugnant scumbags mixed up is hardly worth apologizing for. "Which Repugnant dumb fuck said this?" could be a game show. Trump could wield the hook like back in the good old Price is Right days. :). Maybe from prison, which would certainly be cool.
In real time we're seeing what happens when we defund and fuck with schooling. Decades later we get monkey-brained fuckheads like Maggie Green and the entire pack of purposely ignorant minded greedy fools elected to leadership of this way fucked up country (at this point) who are playing the only card they have; destruction and dumbfuckery. They're like that trump-like assface in the school yard that needs culling, but the system foolishly lets him stay and infest the whole. Perhaps we'll never learn that infections needs to be deal with severely and with no concern about the infection itself.
Back in the day in China one would have to be all but a renowned Confucian scholar to even be considered for public office. Instead we have romper-roomers gumming up the works with childish pranks. Good on us to be so naively surprised.
Lucian, I hope you're wrong, but I fear you're right. These days I understand the phrase "rule of law" in an entirely different way than when I was younger. I only now get it that if we don't have people making laws responsibly and observing those laws, we have mob violence. Apparently, would-be dictators like that sort of thing. It let's them terrify the population into allowing minority rule. But for the rest of us, the rule of law is all we have to stand between us and insane people with guns. Excellent column. Thank you.
Hi...I think you are confusing Cotton (Who, yes, is loathsome) with Hawley. I don't think Cotton said anything about January 6th at that time. Hawley, on the other hand, raised his fist and then ran away when the traitors got too close.
"Cotton on Monday had urged people delayed by traffic stemming from pro-Palestinian demonstrations to "take matters into [their] own hands." “I encourage people who get stuck behind the pro-Hamas mobs blocking traffic: take matters into your own hands to get them out of the way."
He said ffom the safety of his Senate Office protected by Capitol Police. This man is a bloviating piece of crap who would fold in the face of real danger.
No, I can't imagine this bat sh*t crazy time we live in. One thing I learned on the playground so many years ago is that these people are cowards, bullies and gutless wonders.
It is very SCARY! I just hope the Dems are planning something to prevent this! I heard that there is going to be combat training at the polls, however, don't remember where and from whom. I heard it on MSNBC a while back.
To put it succinctly, The GOP does not care about life at all! They want to control women and kill everyone who does not see things their way! They know they can't win at the ballot box so will try anything else including violence! November will not be a good month and it is my birthday month. My birthday is November 7 and Election Day is November 5! In 2020, Biden won on my birthday and that was the best birthday present ever! Perhaps that will happen in 2024! Let's hope!🤞🤞
It isn’t for the Dems to do something about the putative violence. I’m hoping there are detailed government plans to deal with it when it happens, and I think it will happen. Clearly there was a conspiracy to help the J6 insurrection succeed starting right at the top. The government is in different hands this time around, and that should make a big difference. That’s what I’m hoping.
To add probable injury to insult, Cotton describing what "his people" should do on a bridge in Arkansas was a club-on-the-head reminder of, and invitation to repeat, March 7, 1965, when thugs wearing official uniforms beat peaceful marchers on the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama. The only differences between Tom Cotton and the most loathsome Southern racist U.S. Senators of the 19th and 20th centuries is style of clothing and method of disseminating messages of hate and violence. Lucian, I am teary-eyed (I am not being metaphorical, or melodramatic) because I have to believe you are correct about upcoming bloodshed.
The answer in times past was to meet brutally with equal brutality in the sentences handed to insurrectionists and traitors,Death by hanging ! Extreme? Yes ,but what alternatives are likely to quell repeat attempts at overthrow of the Constitutional Republic? Trump is the perfect example,he refuses to accept the orders of a legally empowered court not endanger others with his constant threats and disregard of the laws that hold the country together! I’m not a proponent of Capitol punishment normally,but if that’s what it takes to save the country,so be it ! The events about to befall this country are so potentially devastating,Capital punishment might seem mild ! I sincerely hope that I’m wrong!
I like to think of my self of a pacifist -- but I may be changing my mind. Jan 6 was a treasonous effort, so yes, historically let us do what was formerly deemed necessary.
Madness in the making. Nobody is free if people have to fear for their lives in order to exercise their right to speak or vote. The MAGAs are Eisenhower's warning about a political conspiracy to seize power.
^^^^^^^ Or else it loomed so closely Ike realized the potential for a "political conspiracy to seize power" happening much sooner after he left office:
"In the Introduction to his thought-provoking book, JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters, Jim Douglass explains:
In the course of my journey into Martin Luther King's martyrdom, my eyes were opened to parallel questions in the murders of John F. Kennedy, Malcolm X, and Robert F. Kennedy. I went to Dallas, Chicago, New York, and other sites to interview witnesses. I studied critical government documents in each of their cases. Eventually I came to see all four of them together as four versions of the same story. JFK, Malcolm, Martin, and RFK were four proponents of change who were murdered by shadowy intelligence agencies using intermediaries and scapegoats under the cover of "plausible deniability."2
The fact remains that the murder of John Kennedy in 1963, together with those that followed it – Malcolm X in '65, and Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy in '68 – continue to have an enormous impact upon our lives even now as we near the close of the first decade of the 21st century. For one may convincingly argue that, during those four and-a-half inglorious years – November 22, 1963 through June 5, 1968, these four public executions did not happen in isolation but rather, taken as a whole, represent nothing less than a concerted cumulative right-wing putsch that effectively shot dead the very life of our democracy. What has been at stake over the intervening four and-a-half-plus decades, and remains at stake even now, then, is truly nothing less than the brutal decapitation of our democratic republic by a ruthless national security state intent on waging a covert war against "We the People."
That sounds like something written by RFK, Jr. It does not need to repeat itself if we just go to the polls and vote the crazies out. Bibi is doing his best to interfere with the campaign so he and others can have trump to manipulate. They know if they compliment him, he will do as they say to the detriment of all of us. We must throw the buzzards out.
Amen. But are you confusing Tom Cotton with Josh Hawley? Haul-Ass Hawley was the one running away from the mob on 1/6 (after giving a clenched-fist salute to them).
A few short, endless years ago I thought it was hyperbole or exaggeration to use the word "fascist" to describe the Trumpers and pretty much the whole Republican Party. I no longer think so. Looks like a fascist, talks like a fascist, walks like a fascist -- it's a fascist.
Aren't these the same identical people that talk about the sanctity of life, yet are quite happy to flood the country with guns. Their bible says "Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth." and "Blessed are the peacemakers, etc.,
You sound like a commie or an atheist, why do you hate God so much? Receive Jesus in your heart and strap on that Glock, yippee, you're saved and washed in the Blood of the Lamb!
Oh wait, that didn't come out right. Saved, saved, that's the important part, saved and ready to send money to support our ministry in Waxahachee, C/O "May God Save You, Sinner!"
PO Box 333, sign of the semi-Christ, RR 12 Apostle's Road to Damascus, Texas.
LOL, reminds me of Nietzsche's comment about taking a religion more seriously if its proponents only "looked more saved."
His father was a Lutheran minister and after he died when Nietzsche was very young, the household was composed of Fritz and what seems to have been diehard Christian fundamentalists, his mother, aunt and two sisters, albeit of that Germanic, more restrained and severe era, the 1850s' and not exactly Westboro Baptist Church, but even so...
They are cretinous Republican assholes from neighboring states, so I plead confusion: I got Tom Cotton confused with Josh Hawley with the raised fist and running in fear from Trumpazoid secessionists in the Capitol. I apologize to my readers for the mistake, but to neither senator.
Not sure which of the senators should be more embarrassed by the mix-up. I’d be mortified if anybody mistook me for either of them.
I didn't even notice. These guys are all starting to blend together.
What will happen if Snorleone gets totally unable to function due to all the stress? I’m looking for him to stroke out before this current trial is over. Truly Old people complain about cold rooms.
Honest mistake. There's no doubt Cotton said those things about protesters. His comments about what would happen if someone blocked a bridge in Arkansas are ironic because it has happened and no one got thrown off the bridge. Just more yammering by someone trying to grab headlines.
Getting the various Repugnant scumbags mixed up is hardly worth apologizing for. "Which Repugnant dumb fuck said this?" could be a game show. Trump could wield the hook like back in the good old Price is Right days. :). Maybe from prison, which would certainly be cool.
In real time we're seeing what happens when we defund and fuck with schooling. Decades later we get monkey-brained fuckheads like Maggie Green and the entire pack of purposely ignorant minded greedy fools elected to leadership of this way fucked up country (at this point) who are playing the only card they have; destruction and dumbfuckery. They're like that trump-like assface in the school yard that needs culling, but the system foolishly lets him stay and infest the whole. Perhaps we'll never learn that infections needs to be deal with severely and with no concern about the infection itself.
Back in the day in China one would have to be all but a renowned Confucian scholar to even be considered for public office. Instead we have romper-roomers gumming up the works with childish pranks. Good on us to be so naively surprised.
Cut from the same cloth
I hope Tom and Kari get what they deserve before they have a chance to hurt anyone.
This is not free speech.
I believe it was Senator Josh Hawley who raised his fist in solidarity with the mob gathered at the Capitol on January 6th, 2021.
Senator Cotton was one of the signers of a letter to Iran hinting that if Khamenei waited they could negotiate with better results.
The two punks look very much alike. In my mind they are one and the same, too. It is not worth knowing which is which. They are both aholes.
Well, I will certainly agree that they are both obnoxious, traitorous aholes.
I believe Hawley was also seen scurrying across a hallway in the Capitol to escape the mob that he helped incite.
Traitorous cowards ALL !
Lucian, I hope you're wrong, but I fear you're right. These days I understand the phrase "rule of law" in an entirely different way than when I was younger. I only now get it that if we don't have people making laws responsibly and observing those laws, we have mob violence. Apparently, would-be dictators like that sort of thing. It let's them terrify the population into allowing minority rule. But for the rest of us, the rule of law is all we have to stand between us and insane people with guns. Excellent column. Thank you.
It is only a matter of time. There will be bloodshed.
Hi...I think you are confusing Cotton (Who, yes, is loathsome) with Hawley. I don't think Cotton said anything about January 6th at that time. Hawley, on the other hand, raised his fist and then ran away when the traitors got too close.
"Cotton on Monday had urged people delayed by traffic stemming from pro-Palestinian demonstrations to "take matters into [their] own hands." “I encourage people who get stuck behind the pro-Hamas mobs blocking traffic: take matters into your own hands to get them out of the way."
He said ffom the safety of his Senate Office protected by Capitol Police. This man is a bloviating piece of crap who would fold in the face of real danger.
It was Cotton.
No, it was Hawley who raised his fist and then ran away from the mob invading the Capitol. That link about Cotton is much more recent.
No, I can't imagine this bat sh*t crazy time we live in. One thing I learned on the playground so many years ago is that these people are cowards, bullies and gutless wonders.
That may be, but they think their guns make them Superman fighting for truth, justice, and the American Way.
It is very SCARY! I just hope the Dems are planning something to prevent this! I heard that there is going to be combat training at the polls, however, don't remember where and from whom. I heard it on MSNBC a while back.
To put it succinctly, The GOP does not care about life at all! They want to control women and kill everyone who does not see things their way! They know they can't win at the ballot box so will try anything else including violence! November will not be a good month and it is my birthday month. My birthday is November 7 and Election Day is November 5! In 2020, Biden won on my birthday and that was the best birthday present ever! Perhaps that will happen in 2024! Let's hope!🤞🤞
It isn’t for the Dems to do something about the putative violence. I’m hoping there are detailed government plans to deal with it when it happens, and I think it will happen. Clearly there was a conspiracy to help the J6 insurrection succeed starting right at the top. The government is in different hands this time around, and that should make a big difference. That’s what I’m hoping.
It's scary to imagine what will have to be in place.
To add probable injury to insult, Cotton describing what "his people" should do on a bridge in Arkansas was a club-on-the-head reminder of, and invitation to repeat, March 7, 1965, when thugs wearing official uniforms beat peaceful marchers on the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama. The only differences between Tom Cotton and the most loathsome Southern racist U.S. Senators of the 19th and 20th centuries is style of clothing and method of disseminating messages of hate and violence. Lucian, I am teary-eyed (I am not being metaphorical, or melodramatic) because I have to believe you are correct about upcoming bloodshed.
We are witnessing the unravelling of a once great country.
And what shall we do about those who think Trump is just ducky?
The answer in times past was to meet brutally with equal brutality in the sentences handed to insurrectionists and traitors,Death by hanging ! Extreme? Yes ,but what alternatives are likely to quell repeat attempts at overthrow of the Constitutional Republic? Trump is the perfect example,he refuses to accept the orders of a legally empowered court not endanger others with his constant threats and disregard of the laws that hold the country together! I’m not a proponent of Capitol punishment normally,but if that’s what it takes to save the country,so be it ! The events about to befall this country are so potentially devastating,Capital punishment might seem mild ! I sincerely hope that I’m wrong!
I like to think of my self of a pacifist -- but I may be changing my mind. Jan 6 was a treasonous effort, so yes, historically let us do what was formerly deemed necessary.
Absolutely …what do we do now about him or all of the Trumplethinskins?
Lock him up!
The powers behind him won't be done though, I fear.
Madness in the making. Nobody is free if people have to fear for their lives in order to exercise their right to speak or vote. The MAGAs are Eisenhower's warning about a political conspiracy to seize power.
^^^^^^^ Or else it loomed so closely Ike realized the potential for a "political conspiracy to seize power" happening much sooner after he left office:
"In the Introduction to his thought-provoking book, JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters, Jim Douglass explains:
In the course of my journey into Martin Luther King's martyrdom, my eyes were opened to parallel questions in the murders of John F. Kennedy, Malcolm X, and Robert F. Kennedy. I went to Dallas, Chicago, New York, and other sites to interview witnesses. I studied critical government documents in each of their cases. Eventually I came to see all four of them together as four versions of the same story. JFK, Malcolm, Martin, and RFK were four proponents of change who were murdered by shadowy intelligence agencies using intermediaries and scapegoats under the cover of "plausible deniability."2
The fact remains that the murder of John Kennedy in 1963, together with those that followed it – Malcolm X in '65, and Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy in '68 – continue to have an enormous impact upon our lives even now as we near the close of the first decade of the 21st century. For one may convincingly argue that, during those four and-a-half inglorious years – November 22, 1963 through June 5, 1968, these four public executions did not happen in isolation but rather, taken as a whole, represent nothing less than a concerted cumulative right-wing putsch that effectively shot dead the very life of our democracy. What has been at stake over the intervening four and-a-half-plus decades, and remains at stake even now, then, is truly nothing less than the brutal decapitation of our democratic republic by a ruthless national security state intent on waging a covert war against "We the People."
Are we condemned to repeating it because we have learned nothing?
That sounds like something written by RFK, Jr. It does not need to repeat itself if we just go to the polls and vote the crazies out. Bibi is doing his best to interfere with the campaign so he and others can have trump to manipulate. They know if they compliment him, he will do as they say to the detriment of all of us. We must throw the buzzards out.
Going to the polls might not be so simple an answer --- voter suppression on the rolls, threats of violence. I want to see a way through.
Amen. But are you confusing Tom Cotton with Josh Hawley? Haul-Ass Hawley was the one running away from the mob on 1/6 (after giving a clenched-fist salute to them).
Thanks...I was hoping I wasn't alone in claiming that.
I love your nickname for Hawley.
Not my original, I'm sorry to say. It started appearing not long after 1/6. But I do love it.
A few short, endless years ago I thought it was hyperbole or exaggeration to use the word "fascist" to describe the Trumpers and pretty much the whole Republican Party. I no longer think so. Looks like a fascist, talks like a fascist, walks like a fascist -- it's a fascist.
Keep beating this drum. If the vigilantism isn’t called out and condemned, the predicted violence will happen.
Aren't these the same identical people that talk about the sanctity of life, yet are quite happy to flood the country with guns. Their bible says "Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth." and "Blessed are the peacemakers, etc.,
You sound like a commie or an atheist, why do you hate God so much? Receive Jesus in your heart and strap on that Glock, yippee, you're saved and washed in the Blood of the Lamb!
Oh wait, that didn't come out right. Saved, saved, that's the important part, saved and ready to send money to support our ministry in Waxahachee, C/O "May God Save You, Sinner!"
PO Box 333, sign of the semi-Christ, RR 12 Apostle's Road to Damascus, Texas.
The only thing I need "saving" from is for them to stop trying to "save" me and the Republic.
LOL, reminds me of Nietzsche's comment about taking a religion more seriously if its proponents only "looked more saved."
His father was a Lutheran minister and after he died when Nietzsche was very young, the household was composed of Fritz and what seems to have been diehard Christian fundamentalists, his mother, aunt and two sisters, albeit of that Germanic, more restrained and severe era, the 1850s' and not exactly Westboro Baptist Church, but even so...
Ah..yes..the dichotomy between thought and action!p
I’m afraid you are right. The prospect is terrifying.