We can only hope Stone and his goon squad will be held accountable this time unlike all the other comrades who previously enjoyed obscene pardons.

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Sometime after January 6, I decided Stone was the person who planned and implemented that entire fiasco. He would consider it his masterwork, I suspect. He is the slimiest of his kind, and it would mot surprise me to find him eating flies in the tunnels of NYC.

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They really thought it would take, this coup. All of them. ALL of them. Does Roger not realize how quickly Cheezus will toss him under the bus to save his own wide hide?

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Thank you for mapping out these connections. Very appreciated!

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Seriously scary. Dapper Roger Stone maybe gets some jail time? This is just incredible. Good to know and to distribute to friends and relatives.

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Truly! I was wondering why so little mention of this sleezeball, especially since he wasn’t named in the lawsuit against Trump, et al, recently filed by the Congressmen. WTF is the FBI??? This guy has been operating out of the same corner of the GOP where they money-launder funds from Russia via UKRAINE, a lobbying front for Yanukovych...Trump got campaign money from Oleg Deripaska in exchange for reports forwarded to the Kremlin (via GRU operative, Kostya) according to politico.com...and there’s plenty more where that leads. Stone “predicted” Russian hacking w publication of emails on Wikileaks BEFORE they were released. Stone and Manafort — These guys are all laundering money with Mogilevich’s partner, Firtash and Zeev Gordon (Eural Trans Gas, Gazprom & Naftogaz) vía KMIL/ Highrock Holdings.

It’s endless.

I want to see Mueller’s ENTIRE report — not Barr’s redacted version.

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When this mutt worked in Albany in the 70s, my girlfriend at the time worked for Warren Anderson, (R) in the state senate. This fool fancied himself a Don Juan and harassed the women in Andersons' Capitol suites. Probably every office he slithered into. Well, one night I waited at the bar in Jacks' , the watering hole and upscale restaurant where pols have gathered since FDR was a state legislator. I'd hoped to catch Stone going into the mens room and sucker him with a good shot. He never showed. Good days.

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natty bowler? dapper? to use a phrase from russell long: like socks on a rooster.

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Your first name is so apt, Lucian. You enlighten us.

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Great idea to add a pertinent photo to your posts. I think more people will click and read as a result. Fascinating article, by the way!

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Stone is almost as evil as The Penguin.

No one around to pardon him when the Loser in Chief goes down...again.

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