Jul 26Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

VP Harris has lit the electorate on fire. I sincerely hope that she controls the narrative for the balance of the race.

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Jul 26Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Tragically the national media are our narrators and there isn't one among them who is worth listening to. It's up to us, through Lucian and Heather and Charlie Pierce at Esquire, Joyce Vance, TCinLA, Bob Hubbell and our own conversation to create a responsible narrative and drive it home!

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There are still a few. Paul Krugman is great and Will Bunch alone is worth the price of entry for my subscription to the Philadelphia Inquirer.

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You suppose there's any polling data, that might show voters being swayed who are also cat owners ?

I'm always telling you folks that you're an incredibly smart bunch here, and I respect Lucian more than any person I've ever read.

Picking on women who are also cat owners, and by extension their friends and family, has surely got to have an effect on this race!

Much love to all of you, I I am greatly encouraged.

Corky in KC

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Plus the whole childless cat lady thing is just another ignorant ridiculous statement. JEEZZZ!!

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Incredibly ridiculous that so many are now calling Vance “weird.” Hard to disagree.

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If the Ds don't run that statement right up to election day they are nuts. One of if not the biggest example of misogyny. JD Vance and Tucker Carlson waxing philisophical on male replacement theory. It don't get any better than that.

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My Threads feed is loaded with pics of people and their cats. I rarely read Threads, but this I am enjoying.

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I ordered a "Childless Cat Ladies for Kamala" car bumper magnet today.

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I was sure that Biden lost the cat lady vote during the debate when he compared Trump's morals to those of an alley cat- an insult to alley cats.

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Child free cat women here - yes we are fired up to work for Harris and kick some misogynist butt!

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Jul 26Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

No disrespect to others of real worth meant, but both are columnists and I fear only we and we of like minds read them, others not so much.

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Hear, hear! Will Bunch is terrific. Definitely worth subscribing to the Inquirer.

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I am a big fan of Paul Krugman's writing! He's very good.

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Think I'm switching my Post sub to the Philadelphia Inquirer. Bezos gets enough of my money for the fiction I watch on Prime. I don't need to read it too.

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Ditto to Will Bunch. He’s the only reason I keep the Inquirer though it’s so spare I refer to it as a pamphlet. So glad I dumped the rest even after 65 years.

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Here are other excellent Substack newsletters that I rely on: Hopium Chronicles, LUCID (Ruth Ben-Ghiat), The Status Kuo, Mary Trump, Democracy Docket (Marc Elias), and Chop Wood, Carry Water (Jessica Craven).

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And Timothy Snyder and Anne Applebaum and Dan Rather, and Heather Cox Richardson…….Robert Reich……

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Timothy Snyder is one of the most insightful people writing and teaching I've come across in a long time.

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Also try Above the Law.

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With those six to inform and guide us, Kamala to lead us, and Beyoncé providing the soundtrack it is going to be a rough ride but a big party at the end. Go Kamala!!

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I agree. It would be great if Joyce prefaced any remark about JD with the caveat "No relation, thank God" in her writings.

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Jul 26·edited Jul 26

Before I follow your recommendations, Mr Salvati, I would appreciate if you would state exactly what and who you read every day and what your qualifications are for dispensing such sweeping advice.

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🥥🥥🥥 I agree with you completely, but as we're a mostly *cough* older group here, we tend to forget that the under-30 crowd have their own narrators, the biggest being TikTok. Since Sunday, 'Kamala is Brat'/Operation Coconut has become one of biggest viral trends in TikTok history, which makes me wonder if the already encouraging numbers for that demographic in the Times/Siena poll aren't under-reported.

I don't understand half of what I see on TikTok, but it sure is fun to dive in and see how much they're loving on Kamala. And how the flat-footed "Dump & Chump" campaign are powerless to counter it.

I say let's join the kids and start dropping coconut emojis wherever we are online! 🥥🥥🥥

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I agree with you 101%. The words NYT/Sienna poll mean crappy math to me. More importantly it means that the rule that journalists report them news but do not create it are violated. I actually do not subscribe to papers that endorse candidates. Just like the courts I just think our journalism has gotten so corrupted. Have a balance of opinions is not like writing an article that is balanced. Balanced does not mean treating the two sides as equal. Most Americans do not know what Biden accomplished because they have no idea what government is and does and what it should be, and how far we strayed from that since Reagan. When a poll is reported on it should be by an independent organization and the full methodology should be clearly explained with every poll published. How do they get their samples. I do not care at all about any results if I do not know the questions, how they got their samples, and the responses. No one I know has responded to any poll coming at them online, or on their phone. So, unless they went door to door how is this a valid sampling? I do not care what demographics they have, they do not have the sample of people who are less eager to give out their personal info in some random poll. Given that, who is responding? They miss this whole sample. Also, while I support Harris because she is the candidate, I am not "enthusiastic," I am in a wait and see mode. When I hear that people were not going to vote until they heard that she was the candidate, I think unless they are infinately wealthy they just don't have a clue about why they should be enthusiastic to vote so that Trump does not get in. As Judy Dempsey points out in Carnegie Endowment for Peace this week, Biden has a historical memory of why the US and Europe are allies that younger voters and politicians do not even know or understand. Biden has this same memory of US political history because he has been right there.


Biden has been a tremendously respected leader by the countries in NATO and that matters because as he pointed out, he has been leading us to support our allies without going to war ourselves. The USA is viewed as an imperial nation by the world. I know a lot of Europeans who would love to see the US military leave the continent. At the same time they are in no shape to replace the US military, which many will agree acts as a deterrent to even more roughshod action by Putin and others. Also, I do believe I am reading that Russia is weakening. Putin has been trying to hold on for Trump victory, which would be a victory for him (not Russia since the people are suffering for his ego), but a loss of autonomy for Ukraine. Biden has taken on the other largest nuclear power and is the main reason that Ukraine has not yet lost to Russia. Zelensky is an amazing leader, but he could not have done it without Biden who has respected his sovereignty and followed his lead, but with the caution of experience trying to use intelligence as the main tool of warfare. I get my news in the US and my other home in the EU from a variety of sources, but I am growing more and more critical of the kind of journalism that I am experiencing and it has caused me to drop my subscriptions to many sources, even those that are free. I am appreciative to Andra Watkins of the How Project 2025 Will Ruin YOUR Life Substack for teaching me so much about the thinking of the Christian Nationalists and The New Apostolic Reformation Churches think and particularly to understand their ideas of the end of the world for sinners versus themselves, or why they accept the racism while considering themselves Christian. No one in my family supports Trump, not even my devil's advocate nephew. There are a few people who think that there is not a lot of difference between Dems and Repubs, and that both are corrupt. That is a different discussion. The hope is for those who feel there is not a lot of difference and both are corrupt, will Harris be the shinning light of uncorrupted difference to make them vote. Some will, some won't. Let us hope it is enough.

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But I hear Joyce Vance through national media -,namely MSNBC. There is credible national media - but it’s not Fox, an entertainment license- but only if you find lies and cruelty entertaining.

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Yes, and forward those Substacks widely.

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I should have aded John Ganz and Kareem Abdul Jabbar

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We must not let P01135890 define Kamala Harris!!

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Jul 26Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

You make a good point. Trump is so old he doesn't realize how old and out of sync he is with Millenials on down. Of course it doesn't help that his brain is melting.

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Crazy old drunk uncle!

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Versus cool mom!

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According to that asshat JD, that doesn’t count.

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Just goes to show how little he knows!!!

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Jul 26Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

She's been great so far and Vance has been a disaster. Perhaps now the press will concentrate on The Bloated Yam's misstatements -- he obviously is obsessed with Hannibal Lector, electric boats and sharks. There is life in the Democratic Party yet!

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Jul 26Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

A quick celebration, and then we have to get back to guarding our flanks

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Jul 26·edited Jul 26Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Here's what Kamala should be using as her campaign ad:


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Respectfully: "should be"?

How can you state should be when Kamala is in charge, not you or any man?

The concept behind Kamala 4 President/CinC is men no longer set the tone, agenda, etc. because men fucked it for so long. And not just a song. Men have been long wrong.

Don't expect a woman to have the same perspective as a man or take the same approach.

Respect and honor wimmin by refraining from offering unsolicited advice and from casting doubt with " I sincerely hope she ...." The cycle next moves to, if only she had taken my advice blah, blah, blah, followed by serving up more.

This is the 21st-C, the year is 2024. It's one reason behind the expression, the Youngs and the Olds.

Note: Going to continue this until other men reflect upon how they speak and act toward wimmin (and the young), regardless of politics, party affiliation, marital status, or professional or career accomplishments. No matter what that may entail, you've nevah evah were birthed as a gurl.

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Yeah, better phrased as "might like to" instead of "should" but it is a great song.

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Did you ever notice RFK's preference for NOT wearing a jacket and his love of appearing in shirtsleeves?

Elements of culture include but are not limited to diet, dress, and dance (aka music).

You might want to think of some of the reasons Kamala chose Beyoncé's Freedom only after seeking permission.

Speaks volumes about both wimmin including their mutual respect.

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Well, it actually speaks of respect for copyright, above all. If she wanted to use Keb Mo I'm sure she'd also ask whoever the copyright holder is. That's called a part of the rule of law.

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That is secondary or lower to people of good character. The law is about what you can't do.

Some people live by what is unwritten and unspoken. If more people did there would be far fewer written laws.

SCOTUS turned the written law and American Jurisprudence on its head, then shook a few more times w/the latest immunity decision. A super-majority ruled the written law doesn't apply to a US President/CinC. It went on to say (5-4) illegal acts of a President in conjunction w/any official duty can't be used as evidence in a criminal court.

Now, a order from a CinC to the military that is unlawful puts the US Mil in a true dilemma. Disobeying have consequences, none are good. Obeying an unlawful order has consequences, none are good. Same with DoJ with an order to engage in illegality.

Respectfully say this, the written Law is THEE lowest standard./bar It ain't the highest. Good people know that and live accordingly. All w/o the entire set of US CODE and the Revised Statutes of states and commonwealths and without the latest version of Black's Law Dictionary or a modern shaped replica of The Ten Commandments on a wall.

And since you want to invoke the written law more than >200 Treaties with my kind are the settled law of the land, in writing only. Whites haven't followed them the moment they were signed, never mind became part of the 2nd US Constitution.

The largest mass slaughter or massacre in US history is Wounded Knee, not Las Vegas, not some school or night club. Slaughter/massacre is an interesting way of saying murder. Rather than punishment for violating an existing Treaty and for murdering elders, wiimin, including those with a baby in her belly, and children, the perps were issued medals, including 20 MOHs. It took to the Black man who is SECDEF (the name Biden forgot) to say JFC, at a minimum the US Mil owes the participants and the victims a review. It's 2024, the murders occurred in 1890 as did the Treaty violation.

And you might ask, what does that have to do with a song?

It was all about a "song", the Ghost Dance. Gave the US Cav a license to murder. That was their defense against any threat under the law. And it carried the day. Then were richly rewarded. There were more medals, not just the nation's highest "Honor".

While am grateful for you calling out copyright law, there is much more to living right than not violating civil or criminal law.

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Of course. But in this age of massive use of other people’s works it is important to remember that it is NOT Ok, or just a “peccadillo,” except for fair use. But it is something people forget.

At one point I worked in a rare book store. The owner had our local classical music station playing low in the background. And then he got visited by ASCAP. You can play your radio loud as you want in your car, but not in a commercial establishment without a fee. The fee wasn’t much and he gladly paid it. He was of perfectly fine character—it just didn’t occur to him that a radio station (which itself had permission) couldn’t be used in the context HE was using it.

And that was before download and streaming made not paying for other people’s works so common. trumpie knows full well he can’t play the Stones, and does it anyway. THAT is indeed a character flaw, one of his infinite flaws.

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Jul 26Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Totally agree!!!!

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Kamala's actual first ad leaves the CFDT campaign in the dust. It's spectacular. She and her campaign staff are doing just fine:


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This is an excellent ad! Thank you for posting this link.

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Beyoncé’s song is just perfect!

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Says it all! Thanks.

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This Keb' Mo' song is awesome, but Kamala's actual first ad is even better. The Keb' Mo' piece can circulate on Facebook.

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I love KebMo Now on my FB page

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Dang !

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Or maybe Dinggg! Or Ping !

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Fantastic Song! Love it! Thanks!

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100% right on!!!!

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Jul 26Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

And the idiocy of Trump's choice for VP is just starting to marinate.

Fat boy Trump's age and incoherence have finally come to the fore.

His insult, name-calling game is old -- Lyin' Ka-MAL-a aint gonna cut it.

Wonder if Trump will dump Vance?

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JD's cat lady comment just shows how completely out of touch he is. I thought Kerstin Emhoff's (Doug's ex) today supporting Kamala as a step-mother was great.

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JD already lost the stepparents, adoptive parents and cat owners for the Trump-Vance campaign. That’s a lot of lost votes as well as good will. I have a feeling he’ll be dumped. He’s a drag on the campaign. And we know that Trump has no loyalty to anyone (except perhaps to Putin).

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True, but JD was nominated at the convention, I don't think they can dump him now. Joe had yet to be formally nominated or that could have been a big problem.

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True. I hadn’t considered that. I suppose he could ‘voluntarily’ step aside.

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Might be good to leave JD in, while the rumors generated by Trump’s insecurities are allowed to grow. And grow. 😉

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Jul 26Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Personally, I'd really like to "get tired of winning." I'm thinking Harris might be the person who makes good on that particular promise to the American people.

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Jul 26Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

I find the reliance on these polls bewildering . They seem so subjective and are conducted so fast. at the same time carry so much (too much) weight in shaping campaigns and political opinion. Within hours of Biden’s announcement on Sunday, the polls were already predicting outcomes.

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I'm not relying. I'm celebrating.

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We most certainly can’t rely on polls - look what happened in 2016, when the polls were all showing Hillary in the lead. BUT they do provide a snapshot at a particular moment, and the snapshots in the last few days have been remarkably encouraging.

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In 2016 Clinton won the popular vote with numbers pretty close to what the polls were saying. Unfortunately, our President is selected by the backwards Electoral College and not by the popular vote.

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Agree as to popular vote overall - it was how it was distributed in the states that led to the Electoral College debacle.

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I think they're meant to cover up the lack of substantive reporting by major "news"papers.

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Jul 26Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

That nine percent was made up of El Guapo of Queens, Uday and Qusay, the daughter/wife, her cuckold husband ("Daddy, why do we look like grandpa?" "Ask your mother."), Steve Bannon, the semi-paid campaign staff and JD Clueless.

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It's nice having a Democratic candidate willing and able to be aggressive attacking Trump. This is hilarious:


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A few months ago my thirty year old daughter was going to vote for Trump, because the handsome Sons of Republican tax hating sellouts drove nice cars and bought her drinks- After some careful reality education by dear old dad-me- she unenthusiastically told me she would be voting for Biden.

NOW, she is PUMPED, and totally enthused , ENGAGED, and absolutely going to vote for Kamala.

It is a sea change . Thank you Joe Biden. Rock on Kamala!

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I wouldn’t be surprised if Beyoncé is at the convention to perform the song. Trump’s gonna lose his mind over the convention anyway.

One, President Biden is going receive so much love and affection. And two, the ratings are going to blow away the Republican convention’s.

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I’m glad that the Democratic convention happens after the Repugnant convention because people will have that enthusiasm of the event fresh in their minds and be pumped up to vote for Kamala and the Dems. They’ll forget all about the Repugnants and their hideous, fascist candidates (hopefully).

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She would bring the house DOWN!

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As long as they bring the House back!!

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I would love to see Taylor Swift join Beyonce there. What a nightmare for the orange traitor and his party full of haters!

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All of this news is welcome and encouraging, but, no matter how overwhelming the turnout and no matter how big the blue wave may be the results of this election will ultimately come down to the judiciary, including the corrupt majority of the Supreme Court. Until we have passed that major hurdle I will not celebrate, this election is going to get very dirty very fast and the maga faithful will not be constrained. The closer we get to the election the wilder and more dangerous the atmosphere will become. Let’s hope the Secret Service has taken to heart their failure at trump’s rally.

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that is pragmatic game- winning vigilance. Know the field , know the terrain, know the enemy, outsmart, outmaneuver, pre empt. Fortunately and powerfully, we can use truth and facts assiduously to shred and emasculate the dogma/propaganda of insecure frightened perpetrators of violence and DIS information.Respond, educate, inform, do not react in kind. Don’t shred the person, shred his or her delusion. Leave room for them to wake up.

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Thank you.

Sun Tzu

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Yes, next stop: SCOTUS.

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Both Biden and Harris already mentioned SCOTUS Reform. That needs to be a priority!

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Absolutely, the corrupt justices need to understand there is a price to be paid for taking kickbacks and undermining our democracy. They have taken away to many rights and privileges from the American people, this cannot go unchallenged. They may think they are above the law but the people will soon abuse them of that notion.

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…disabuse? it’s a new word for me and I have yet to use it in a sentence. Please pardon my picking nits.

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No problem, that’s what happens when your cellphone spellcheck knows better what you want to write than you do!

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Biden should start remaking the court now. After all, he has immunity thanks to the supremes.

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Interesting point. Merrick Garland, who I am disappointed with, needs to bring charges against Thomas and Alito for accepting bribes. (accepting gifts for favorable outcomes on the bench ARE bribes, no matter how some may twist it) Their behavior is a fraud against the United States, and they should be prohibited from participation on the court until it is resolved. (or removed by the President)

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I have to say , I was adamant that Joe Biden be left to continue in this race . However , this change has caused the Democrats to break out of their lackluster mode . It s a good thing that’s happening here and now . We have to thank Biden for choosing Kamala for his vice president . And for just being Joe , a good man with a huge heart .♥️

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The NY Times just got caught in an incredible lie. They quoted a woman named Anna Ayala, a supposed former Biden voter who is now going to vote for Trump, but there is a screaming problem: Ayala was the woman who was convicted of fraud in 2006 after claiming to have found a severed finger in a bowl of chili, and went to jail; as a convicted felon, she can't vote. The Times first removed her quote from the article and then ran a correction, but it's too late. This is not journalism but blatant bias. Boycott the Times and cancel your subscriptions!

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Can't wait to see the orange traitor try to vote. He is a convicted felon, and you know he will put a ballot in the mail anyway. It better be refused. He may have wrangled some immunity from the crooked court, but the law is the law, and he can't vote. We'll see how many R's complain about fraud and then cry about the big ear not being allowed to vote for himself!

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Jul 26·edited Jul 26

Thus saith my most right-wing old—very old—friends, Putin's Internet Research Agency, truth.social, and Linda Fulcher. Quick, Henry—the salts.

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This is the info from Politicus USA.

The New York Times Really Needed A Disgruntled Biden Turned Trump Voter

The New York Times was apparently having some trouble spinning their latest poll, which showed Vice President Harris surging against ex-President Trump. The Times has had a defined narrative and has hopped aboard the Trump inevitability train.

Since President Biden’s decision to step aside, The Times, just like the GOP has struggled to find its footing.

All of this doesn’t dismiss what appeared in The Times’s latest poll write-up:

The name Anna Ayala might not ring a bell, but what if I say Wendy’s finger chili lady?

Do you remember her now?

Way back in the yesterdays of 2006, The New York Times reported:

A state court judge sentenced a Las Vegas couple who admitted to planting a severed human finger in a bowl of Wendy's chili to lengthy prison terms Wednesday.

The couple, Anna Ayala and Jaime Placencia, pleaded guilty in September to planting the finger as part of an extortion scheme. Their story received heavy news coverage and briefly threatened a public relations nightmare for the fast food chain.

Did no one at the newspaper think to Google the people they quoted in the story to see if there were any red flags?

To their credit, the NYT did publish a correction beneath the story, and if you go there now, the quote is gone.

Ayala is a convicted felon. She can’t vote.

Just like polling itself, journalists often rely on the honor system and assume that people are telling them the truth. When pollsters contact a respondent, they self-identify their voting status and political party. The problem is that some people lie, and if enough people lie to a pollster or the sample size is small, these lies can throw off the results.

It does not happen regularly, but it does happen. Even if pollsters use the best methods and safeguards, polls do not prove anything.

Journalists should check out the people they are quoting to make sure that they are not fraudsters or political operatives trying to shape the tone of a story.

When reading a story about a poll that contains color from voters, remember that it is possible that what you are reading might not be totally truthful or truthful at all.

Elections can be anxiety-inducing. They are full of uncertainty. Candidates and voters look to polls to provide clarity, but polls are nothing more than a byproduct of opinions asked for based on the honor system.

We’ve talked a lot about the methodological issues in polling and the difficulty pollsters have reaching some groups of voters, but political culture has become so polarized that facts are regularly assaulted, and agreed-upon reality is becoming more difficult to find.

Polling is a causality of modern times, but there is no reason for the Wendy’s chili finger lady to ever be quoted as an anti-Biden voter in a New York Times story.

The Times removed the quote and then made a correction. So eager to play their stupid games that they didn't bother to vet this woman. This ain't journalism. Maybe they should get out the salts.

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Jul 26·edited Jul 26

How in the world could the reporter and editors on deadline all forget the names of principals in an 18-year-old tabloid crime like that? In a space full of presumed adults I can't believe I'm being forced to note that all publications do, always have, and always will print errors in good faith in almost every issue. Most publications print corrections in subsequent issues. An error is not a lie. Whether an error is egregious enough to make reading future issues inadvisable is a matter of reader judgment. Different people exercise judgment of varying maturity.

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I just off of a zoom meeting attended by 2000 people that was organized by the Harris campaign. They are super organized and need lots of help for the next 100 days. You can go to https://web.kamalaharris.com/forms/take-action-for-kamala-harris/ to sign up for all kinds of ways to get involved. Phone banking and text banking are done from your laptop and do not use you own cell phone number (they will train you and give you scripts and background materials). If each of Lucian's readers commits any extra time you have before the election, together we can help save democracy!

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