For those of you who had trouble watching the video of Sean Strub and me talking about Stonewall on Dropbox, here it is on YouTube! Yay!
Note: The video cuts off before our conversation was finished. We may be able to publish the end later. Stay tuned.
Thanks, Lucien. I was able to watch most of it on Dropbox. Witnessing history firsthand in the making really makes an impact. What an assignment for a student journalist! and great start to your career. I remember the riot, in black and white photographs, and the moment seemed the same to me as the graphically horrid scene of injustice of the hosing and siccing dogs on black kids in the streets of Birmingham I saw on TV in the 60's. Now we are back to the loop of wondering how our society has de-evolved to rabidly want to inflict injustice to others. The sins of the fathers....
Thank you for the YouTube link!