The ketchup is running down the wall tonight. My fondest hope is that he strokes out from all the hamberders and rage, and ends up like Hector Salamanca in Breaking Bad. Ding ding, mf-er.

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Best bad guy demise ever!!!

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Never expected a "Breaking Bad" reference...awesome!

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When I saw the headline coming from a news feed, I rushed over to the NY Times and gasped.

It was actually true! Donald Trump is SOL and the DOJ is on course to indict him for a lot of bad things.

I love it!

His lawyers are probably packing up all their briefcases, and he's possibly frantically calling others in to see if they can take over, only to be told, "I'm sorry, but my schedule is full for the next 10 years.." by every single lawyer out there who he applies to.

Because this is where the shit really hits the fan.

He can't appeal any more. The 11th circuit court of appeals is just sitting there, saying, "Come on, just try us again!" and Judge Cannon is looking for a hole to hide in.

Donald Trump has run out of gas on appeals.

Let the games begin!

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Thank you, Merrick Garland. I also applaud the Supreme Court for boiling all the verbiage down to one sentence. Boom!

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Please, somebody..ANYBODY:


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Or Ivanka's?

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The Supreme Court does not want to go down with Trump.

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Ginny will be upset!

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thing is, they kind of already have, despite what they may or may not want.

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Yes indeed. If the public statements of the "conservatives" are to be believed, they don't seem to understand what the legitimacy of the Court is based on, which in turn suggests that they're at best ambivalent about representative democracy and the judiciary's role in it.

I wonder what Mitch McConnell is thinking about all this. IMO he's the one most responsible for packing the Court with Federalist Society types, and he's smart (canny, conniving, etc.) enough to see where this might be headed.

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They've still got ketchup residue on their robes.

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With regards to the still missing documents- is anyone but me speculating that tRump doesn’t actually have them; that they have already been “sold” to the highest bidder?? And those empty folders that were found, could those documents already be in the hands of people who should never have been allowed to see them??

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that is probably foremost in the minds of those searching for the missing docs. hopefully their investigation thereby branches out to track any indicators as to the current location or holder of those docs.

i have been hoping since first hearing about the purloined docs that all of U.S.'s impressive surveillance abilities have been tuned into any communications emanating from MaL.

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Cathy, I'm one of those who is VERY concerned about the "missing" documents. My thought is that they have already been sold to the highest bidder (Russia, Saudi Arabia?) or he's got them squirreled away somewhere that hasn't been searched (yet). If he still has them, he's planning to use them as bargaining chips when he's indicted and/or convicted. An aggressive search of Bedminster & Rump Tower is imperative.

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You mean, why did the Saudis give Jared 2 bjl to play with?

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Treason? Hopefully!

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Should be a brick wall for the Mango Messiah. Blindfold included.

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Then he would be a martyr. His followers would elevate him to sainthood.

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I agree. djt's end, supposing he doesn't soon end up in an orange jumpsuit and handcuffs, has to be a natural event and not a self-inflicted demise. Suicide would provide the MAGAs and Qs with endless fodder for a galaxy of conspiracy theories, ridiculous and otherwise.

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My fantasy for years! But no blindfold for him.

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A possibility for sure, but if it actually happened -- could Trump have managed such a transaction entirely on his own? I'm inclined to doubt it, and if he couldn't, there will be other people who know about it and who might, under certain circumstances and for their own advantage, be inclined to talk about it. I'm not even sure that Trump knew, or knew the potential value of, whatever he packed into those boxes.

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Of course he needed help, since he can’t read.

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I hope DJT’s karmic wheel starts spinning so fast, your keyboard can’t keep up!!! Thank you 🙏🏻 for pulling a double shift. ❤️🤍💙

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Excellent! The orange weirdo and his entourage of lost souls are losers again. It seems pretty obvious that there are many more Top Secret/Classified documents spread about the orange monster’s dumps and still in his possession. We’ll have to see what the next move turns out to be regarding collecting the government’s precious belongings. Thanks, Lucian, for helping all of us process this.

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Maybe the end is finally in sight. Anyone giving odds on his pulling a Snowden?

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If he’s under multiple simultaneous indictments, two from DOJ, one from Georgia, and possibly a fourth from the the NYC-DA, he may decide to do an exit. Where he would go is an obvious question. However, I can easily believe that before he goes he would give his psychotic cult the ‘go-get-‘em’ signal, wait just long enough to see how it goes, and then leave having wreaked chaos behind him. He wanted to lead the charge on the Capital on J6, but he’s not one to get out in front if there’s danger involved. He won’t even hold their figurative coats. While *Rump breathes he will be endless trouble.

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"I can easily believe that before he goes he would give his psychotic cult the ‘go-get-‘em’ signal, wait just long enough to see how it goes, and then leave having wreaked chaos behind him." Just as we've now learned that he was hoping to cause chaos in his last weeks in the WH by pulling U.S. forces from Germany, Afghanistan, Africa etc.. Thankfully, his order to do so was ignored by senior military staff.

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He’ll finally get his opportunity to build a Trump Tower in Moscow (with Russian money, of course).

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What country would want to take him in? Only--perhaps--the Saudis, who do not have an extradition treaty with us. Other than KSA, what other country would want such a useless (now essentially powerless) whiny professional victim as is djt.

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He would try to buy his way in somewhere. I agree he wouldn’t have a lot to offer, and also be a huge, yuge!, security liability besides. I’m quite sure some of those documents he stole were a form of insurance given how transactional he is. He’s already tried to use them as barter. Let’s see how many indictments come down.

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What a great day. *Rump gets a one-two punch in his ample paunch. Thank you, Lucian, for once again providing your usual clarity to convoluted legal shenanigans. I would make an observation, however. The one-sentence SCOTUS decision didn’t indicate a vote, and the assumption is that it was a unanimous action. But that isn’t necessarily true. I assume it’s Roberts who makes the call on how a decision made without argument (the shadow docket) is reported (I may be wrong). I think it could easily have been 8-1 with you-know-who being the lone dissenter as he was once before. Judge Cannon didn’t get punched in the gut, more like a healthy kick in the butt, and when the 11th Circuit rules on the full DOJ appeal I suspect her legal career will be in total tatters.

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Thanks for these updates. If I may paraphrase: not only no but hell no!

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Dear Loser,

What part of the word No do you not understand?

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Small quibble: LONG walk on a short pier.

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Awwww— I was gonna write that!

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It doesn’t sting enough! He's still not in Florence 😡‼️

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There are very few legal eagles like Garland. I'm fortunate enough to have known some of them. Social media is full of reasonable people angry with him for not speeding along and already indicting Trump. What would you rather have, an airtight case with no surprises left for Trump to try to pull or a mess and the "bullets" you fire hit everything except the target. This added to the Commission's masterful story boarding of what happened that day stitches threads of steel in Garland's case. When this happens, Trump has no arguments to make, good or bad.

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Yes! "threads of steel" in Garland's [already strong] case!!

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SCOTUS did their job. A one worded verdict “denied” was just what we wanted. Loose Cannon got smacked down which was ever so satisfying. C’mon DOJ...get your shit together and indict Trump’s ass NOW!

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