I love the cats and also the way you call Trump "aging golfer." I can't remember who said it now but someone else on Substack called him "Florida Bible salesman." I thought that was hilarious.

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Sep 24·edited Sep 24

Love both characterizations, right up there with the first, the little local paper in his old neighborhood that always refers to him as "Queens. Man. …"

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I often use former Democrat from Queens, especially when I’m pointing out the irrationality of his being the arbiter of who’s a Republican in good standing and who’s a RINO.

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Jeff Teidrich calls him "aging golfer" and worse. Every day, a new insult. It's very freeing.

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Jeff Tiedrich calls DT aging golfer too.

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Your cats are ADORABLE!

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That’s a happy house. Cats in box seats, beautiful art, good food.

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box seats, yes! best in the house.

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Cardboard is highly underrated

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Lucian, speaking of adorable pets and loving wives, did you know that Trump is the only President in the last 150 years who did not have a pet (or a loving wife) while living in the White House?

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I have noted that. Animals instinctively recoil from a demon, and Drump's trophy wife has better things to concern herself with, she's not missed by anyone.

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For real! Watched a vid clip of Tim Walz in a bakery ("I don't have any trouble picking out donuts") He approached someone's husky; the dog took one sniff and then licked his hand. Can't imagine that happening to the orange blob. Dogs know.....

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zI will always believe that the Secret Service agents who got nipped by the Presidents German Shepherds were harboring evil thoughts about President Biden. Instead of banishing the Shepherd, they should have given him a medal, and fired the Security Detail

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A dog would growl at him or try to bite him, or just run. Dogs do know. Cats also but they manifest differently. Drumpf would be attacked by most animals and I'd cheer them on.

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It’s so sad that we let HRC slip through our fingers.

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Well, he had a nude model and that's not nothing. Definitely a first.

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….as well a a call girl, but that’s probably not a first.

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Animals and women smell danger first...

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It’s reassuring to know that other people have table cats as well. Great pictures, and they each have their own box. Our current Maine Coon, is a loyal table cat. She’s not interested in our food at dinner, but definitely sees that meal time as an opportunity for attention. Lunch time is a different matter. “Oh, I’m not fussy, I’ll just have what you’re having”. Or, “I know you’re busy, so I’ll just help myself.” Over 30-years of having these wonderful creatures it’s amazing how consistent their behavior has been. When we had four Maine Coons they were always close by and on the empty chairs around the table if not on the table when we were eating. Each one had their own regular spot. No encroachment allowed. That seems to be your situation too. Enjopy them. They are wonderful companions.

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Table Cats!!!!

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How do you keep them away from the food?

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Awww…I love Tracy’s work and so special that your babies enjoy your company while you eat your delicious dinner! Thanks Tracy, for sharing your pics with us.

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Cool cats, good eats and nice art, thanks for sharing. Time for the exe prez to start panicking. Blue tsunami on the way!

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Come for the commentary, stay for the cats (and commentary!)

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Oh. My. Goodness. Forbidden snacks. Love your Zen masters!😻😻

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Love your cats and can't WAIT for your story.

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cumin and cashew yogurt rice ? Sounds delicious.

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Excellent! Glad to see that the confinement boxes have been accepted and meals can be enjoyed by all in their proper places and locations!

Looks yummy, and lovely feline helpers! (Good thing no HAITIANS are pounding on the windows trying to get in, haha ho-ho!! I jest, obviously.)

A blessed evening to all!

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Delightful boxed kitties and delightful dinner and artwork!

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Sooo adorable , what a sweet family!

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𝗠𝗲𝗼𝘄, 𝗯𝗮𝗯𝘆, 𝗺𝗲𝗼𝘄!

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