Jun 17Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

We're glad to see you're on the mend.

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Jun 17Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Nothing helps healing like a cat caretaker.

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Jun 17Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

What wonderful cattaking indeed!!

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Jun 17Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Looking good. That Tazzy’s obviously a great nurse. Hope you’re back on your feed (not a typo) soon.

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Cats rule.

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Jun 17Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Stethoscope paws!

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Jun 17Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Dr. Tazzy recommends you drink lots of fluid and not to exert yourself except to pet her. I hope she doesn't sleep on your chest.

Pets are the best medicine ever invented. They don't cure anything but they make you feel better just by being there.

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Jun 17Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Did you pass inspection? :-)

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She is so tight lipped, I don't know.

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Jun 17Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

We don't get much response from our cat, either. We only hear from him if his food or water bowls are not sufficiently full.

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Jun 17Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

LOVE the kitty!

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Jun 17Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

This is precious.

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Jun 17Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Enjoy the healing purrs, and have the others rounded up for a purr-fest to advance your healing! Look for the story the Post just dropped about their new editors (or maybe not if Bezos has any sense)….

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OMG, just read that. Hope whoever posted that "breaking" bit doesn't get fired and/or turn out to be someone with a grudge against Winnett and/or Lewis.

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Jun 17Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

I also hope all of them remain employed and continue to unearth more sludge about the two Brit boys who want to live in DC. They won’t like it here. No one will change to be like them at the Post.

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I just read an article on Semafor about the situation at the Washington Post. I learned some more of the background of Lewis. I don't think he needs to be anywhere near WaPo. Yikes!

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NPR was reporting on it yesterday morning and the WAPO people are nervous.

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Yikes!! Sounds awful!

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Awww…Tazzy’s just concerned that you’re still kicking your heels up. 💕

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Jun 17Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV


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Jun 17Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Happy to see that you're doing better. Kitties make the best doctors and nurses. Mine got me through breast cancer surgery and radiation therapy, and made me laugh at the same time.

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Jun 17Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

How sweet. Contact with a pet tends to lower blood pressure too. Seeing pictures like this are good for out blood pressure too!

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Jun 17Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Is she also critiquing the doctor’s work? It looks serious!

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