How is it possible, that this Country of Ours has a shadow government ? One man, who is currently a holder of NO government office, is dictating to the puppet branch named The House of Representatives Republican majority.

Johnson the Meek and Powerless speaker, is going to Florida, to raise his own status and defend His office from rabid GOP hyenas circling, of which the 4 times indicted coward is Prime.

The Party of bullies have gone Overt with their intentions. Scotus, Potus and the House in 2024. Treason and Bribery. It began with Citizens United, the Tea Party, election deniers and liars, Dobbs (!!!)

My only hope is a 90% voter turnout this November, repudiate the naked emperor and his coterie of conspirators.

Thanks for Your voice LT, in this wilderness of devolution.

Alan South of Boston

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So on point. Have a preference for truncating conservative down to con because they are closer to confederates than to any actual political ideology.

Adding here, not subtracting. Wait 'til the supermajority on SCOTUS finds out the actual meaning behind being an originalist and states' rights advocate is a return of the 1st Constitution aka Articles of Confederation and those 6 are without a job/position. Then Thomas can fulfill his lifetime goal of mixing with real people by being a greeter at WalMart.

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Next up: contraception, same-sex marriage, no-fault divorce, a return to segregation, and stripping women of the right to vote. They're just getting started.

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Apr 11·edited Apr 11

The sad thing about this headline… is, of course, that we even need to ask the question.

The sad thing is that a significant minority of our citizens are letting themselves be led down such a dark path.

Thank you, Lucian, for another great column.

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While trying to wrap my aching head around the idea that in 2024 a woman's right to bodily autonomy could be taken away with a law written in 1864 I came across this article describing how Founding Father Benjamin Franklin was publishing recipes for at home medicinal abortions in the 1700s:


I guess that's just too original for originalists like Alito. Insanity.

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how about lobbyists, dark money, corporations as people? those didn't exist either. When are they going to address the grievous harm those institutions have done to our democracy? oh, never mind - those are predominantly wealthy white male enclaves. What was I thinking?

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They want to take us back to the days when women couldn’t vote, when there was no federal income tax and you fill in whatever else you want…OY GEVALT

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Apr 11·edited Apr 11

In the Bruen gun case, discussed in the first paragraph, the Supreme Court declared that when a law addresses a “general societal problem that has persisted since the 18th century, the lack of a distinctly similar historical regulation addressing that problem is relevant evidence that the challenged regulation is inconsistent with the Second Amendment.” Law professor Andrew Koppelman explains why it is absurd to conclude that the lack of a regulation in the 18th century was ever evidence that such a regulation would violate the Constitution:

"At any given time, an infinite number of laws are not enacted. The question of why they are not enacted is an incoherent one. Just as the number of non-enacted laws is infinite, so is the number of reasons why the legislature decides not to enact them, starting with the obvious possibility that no one thought of it. Congress has never required that the Capitol building be painted with big red polka dots. This is not evidence that it thought such a decorative choice would be unconstitutional."


It seems possible to me that the framers of the Constitution in 1787 did not think to enact a ban on the private possession of automatic weapons that didn't exist. But the Republicans on the Supreme Court concluded that they didn't enact it because they thought that it was unconstitutional.

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Back in the good old 18th and 19th centuries hypocrites like Alito and Thomas would be seen as aliens and not equal to white Protestants. Wasn’t the prevailing fear of Catholics and Papist Italians rather prominent? And how can Thomas forget the original sin and stain of slavery and Jim Crow? Mind boggling hypocrisy and massive historical denial.

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These really fanatical ideologues here in the USA are like Putin, and like Hitler before him: they will not stop until they are forced to stop, their appetites grow on what they devour.

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"At this point we all know they include prosecution for miscarriages suspected of being abortions, let alone for actual abortions, and lack of timely care from medical providers, who, fearful of prosecution themselves, sometimes wait for miscarrying patients to go critical from infection or loss of blood before offering care. As the law journalist Mark Joseph Stern tweeted on 27 March, “The anti-abortion movement’s end goal is to let doctors refuse treatment – including life-saving emergency care – for patients whom they deem to be sinful and morally impure.” The patients, largely women, are supposed to die for their sins.

As if that weren’t enough, in May 2023, the Heritage Foundation declared on social media, “Conservatives have to lead the way in restoring sex to its true purpose, & ending recreational sex & senseless use of birth control pills.” It’s a fanatical statement: the vast majority of sex had by the vast majority of human beings does not have reproduction as its goal, though the term recreational disparages what can be a joy, a profound connection, or a transcendence of self, among other things.

The far right the Heritage Foundation belongs to is, nevertheless, driving toward this goal by striving to take away birth control and abortion to make sex punitively risky for anyone who might get pregnant. Taking away women’s reproductive freedom takes away other freedoms, social, economic and educational, and rebuilds a society of gender inequality, which is clearly the goal. The right has also made noise about ending no-fault divorce and marriage equality, and introduced hundreds of anti-trans bills this year and last."

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The good old days when men owned their wives children black and brown people. As property.

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Aside from everything else, isn't this decision good for Biden? Trump is flip-flopping like a fat tuna on land and all Biden has to do is say, I told you so.

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Apr 11·edited Apr 11

I am so f-ing depressed right now. I desperately need a glimmer of hope and light. It seems that the women of Arizona will bring this matter onto the next ballot. God bless them for their hard work. May good sense and decency prevail.

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Lucian! Another tater! (For moderately sane non-baseball readers, a "tater" is a home run in baseball jargon.) Strongly recommended additional reading, Monica Hesse in the Washington Post on Willam Claude Jones, Speaker of the Arizona House when that law was passed. The ages of Jones' second, third and fourth wives when they married? Twelve (possibly abducted by him), fifteen, and fourteen.

Let the AI in your RI (Real Intelligence, i.e. brain) imagine a vintage photo, like the one in "The Shining," in which William Claude Jones and one of the teenys he was bopping have been added to the famous photo of Melania Knauss, her boyfriend Donald Trump, Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislane Maxwell.

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OMG…wake me up. I’m stuck in a nightmare where damn time machine is speeding in reverse. Sweet mother….I AM awake. Why is this happening? And …if TFG and company get their way then what? I have my sister’s garden shed in Dublin, and I am abandoning my family. Sorry! My fight is waning as I age.

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