Ukraine reminds me of "The Little Engine That Could" -- "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can." And, if you remember the story, the little engine finally achieved its goal. Biden's willingness to give up power instead of hanging on demonstrates true greatness.

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And self-sacrifice!

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Absolutely! It was an incredibly selfless act.

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It may have been a selfless act, but it may also have been self-interested -- or both at the same time. Biden may have realized that there was a good chance he'd lose the election and be indirectly responsible for the end of our democracy, the deaths of innumerable Ukrainians, the deportation of millions of Hispanic Americans, the kidnapping of thousands of migrant children and babies -- and so forth. He may not have wanted to be another Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who, though a brilliant women's rights lawyer and Supreme Court justice is remembered primarily for not retiring when she should have.

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He may also have come to realize that he couldn’t campaign as vigorously as he needed to, and at 81 also be president. I’m 84, and I’ve slowly come to embrace, not enthusiastically, my limitations, limitations which he obviously has as well. Biden’s not a showman, he’s not a spotlight grabber, but he’s thoroughly competent at quietly governing. Some Americans see politics as entertainment, a sporting event, or a form of warfare. That’s just not Biden’s style. We also worship youth, and don’t respect the wisdom that comes with age and experience. Age caught up with Biden, but he thought he had more to give, and I think he does, but the zeitgeist was against him.

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Agree. Biden merited a second term.

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The Biden administration's accomplishments merited a second term. His administration has been making steady progress for regular, not rich people. He's not flashy, but he gets things done.

It was impossible for him to overcome the disastrous debate performance. The msm like sharks in the water were relentless in pressing Biden to step aside. Ok, disgruntled Dems there's a new, younger, forceful candidate. Get off your asses and get her elected.

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Agree, but as an elder statesman Biden can still serve a significant role, he doesn't have to be involved in the day to day minutiae. It was time to give someone younger a chance.

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And except to the extent Trump and his supporters can effectively link Harris to Biden's words and actions between now and November (which he/they have yet to do successfully), Biden is now freer to say and do what he really thinks, as opposed to what the Democratic Party might demand and more to the point, what politics might demand in this election year.

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Hey, he's still President

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Your comment, "Some Americans see politics as entertainment" reminded me of this comment about a woman who supports Trump. "[S]he also revealed that her truly favorite American political figure was Michelle Obama. As Mr. Wallerstein observed: "I realized that for her and for many others, Trump, Biden and Michelle Obama do not represent political positions on the left and right spectrum, but are simply celebrities who appear on TV: some appeal to her and some don't for completely non-political reasons." https://leiterreports.typepad.com/blog/2024/08/the-election-will-be-decided-by-people-who-havent-a-clue.html

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Why doesn't this dismaying insight get the constant attention it deserves? Those votes may determine this election, indeed may have determined every U.S. election since tv overtook the national consciousness. A valuable link—thanks, Henry.

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Being president is a full time job, and being Vice President allows for campaigning too. That is a good team they have. However, the face of the campaign has changed color and gender and stands for everything Trump, Vance are their backers are vociferously against! A multiethnic, religious, gendered America is a democratic goal that the Dems are striving for and the Republicans are striving against. Anyone who is not White, Male, Christian, Cis-gendered and conservative who votes for Trump-Vance is voting against themselves.

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First of all, anyone who IS White, Male, Christian, Cis-gendered and conservative who votes for Trump-Vance is voting against themselves. White, Male, Christian, Cis-gendered and conservative people will be harmed if democracy is ended, if the economy is tanked by a massive deportation, and if the planet is made uninhabitable by Trump's denial of global warming.

Second, no one should vote on the basis solely of his or her own interests. Even if Trump would benefit White, Male, Christian, Cis-gendered and conservative people, they should vote for the candidate who would benefit us all (I mean all sentient beings throughout the world) the most. I've never forgotten the federal employee who told me that he was voting for Reagan because Reagan would be better for federal employees. Even if that had not been untrue (remember the air traffic controllers), it would have been wrong to vote for him on that basis.

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It's something Trump and his ilk will never, ever comprehend. That alone will keep Trump off balance. Hence his tirade about Biden stepping back in as candidate at the convention. Also, I like the word "bleat" here.

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I hope that Harris-Walz and their supporters keep Trump-Vance and their supporters off balance.

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If anything, President Biden's most difficult decision to step aside only elevated his already lofty status in my eyes. His humility, rationality, love of country, and awareness of the larger considerations are all rare qualities in leaders, most of whom must be forcibly pried away from the position of power. Not only would trump never do anything remotely as beneficent, he will do anything at all to regain the office of president in perpetuity. There has never been a more unfit candidate in America's history

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It also has powerful allies.

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“Vice President Harris was even able to make her choice of Tim Walz as her running mate a surprise to Donald Trump, who has remarked repeatedly that he thought she would pick Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro, for whom the Trump campaign was apparently better prepared.” I’m betting that preparation was a campaign of antisemitism that would put Henry Ford and Hitler to shame.

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George, 100%!

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Georgetown history Prof. Thomas Zimmer spoke to Democrats Abroad and pointed out that we do not need to make comparisons to Hitler or other European fascists to understand who and what Trump and Vance stand for. We merely need to look at our own history. https://youtu.be/IqpWMH5nkPw?si=MYJlfJ3dfAB8gT6z

I like that he points out in the end that as a nation we have come closest to creating a pluralistic democracy, and it is that which makes all of the White Supremacists, like Orbán back the MAGAs. Unfortunately for the MAGAs what they have to offer is so disgusting that many of the White Supremacists and the Evangelical Christians in their party are even leaving their ticket. See Republicans Voting Against Trump, and Evangelicals for Harris.


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I won't take that bet, I can't afford to lose.

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It's been a relief to see Drumpf flailing. Neither he nor mini-Me are psychologically prepared to take on a strong woman, and it's encouraging to see all the older men supporting her and expressing a desire to see a woman in the office. Looking forward to next week and seeing if the Dems can keep up the momentum.

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Lucien, as you note, the power of surprise can be extraordinary when dealing with an adversary. I applaud Ukraine’s bravery to take the battle to Russia and show the Russian People that Vladimir Putin’s effort to invade Ukraine has had significant unintended consequences. As for Biden’s withdrawal, over my years I’ve learned that in politics, rarely if ever, are decisions made without serious consideration and often theatrics. Not taking away Biden’s ultimate magnanimity or Harris’ capability (actually this is proof of it), I imagine that the ultimate timing of this decision, after the Republican convention and Trump’s selection of JD Vance, was well thought out, planned and, most importantly, kept secret.

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Mike Tyson, as far down on my list of admired people as it is possible to be, once said something quite profound;

" Everybody has a plan, until they get punched in the mouth". It's my opinion that Putin just took a Tyson Right jab, square in the kisser, to borrow from some old movies.

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It does matter, because it was timed perfectly. If it had already been out there, then the press would have ripped it to shreds, and the Republican Convention would have targeted it. Now Trump has to manufacture reasons for people to listen to him. The press and Musk have given him these opportunities, and the Harris campaign has cleverly responded. They have to be fast to handle fascist propaganda. Those are the rules.

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He must be some kind of acrobat, given Stormy Daniels's description of djt's equipment.

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Given that one of the definitive battles of WWII, the massive tank battle in Kursk resulted in a Soviet victory and really closed the door on Germany in the east, this must be a major blow to the Russian psyche.

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Thanks for being on the "front lines" for both of these stories, LT. I certainly will be tuning in.

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I was hoping you would report on Ukraine. Thank you. I keep hearing people say hat both Kamala and Biden are hiding in the basement. I just smile.

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The MSM press is not worthy of covering them. Let them give Trump his forums to rant as they jump to his beck and call hoping to get clicks and likes. I won't be watching or reading.

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Mr. T.'s Tale of Two Secrets was fascinating -- most likely because I'd never thought of either situation in that way. My guess is that it had to have been harder to keep a political secret than a military one ... given the nature of politics.

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I'd like to know how they managed to keep 1000 military personal quiet enough to invade in the first place.

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It was simple Bliss, they have witnessed first hand what the russians have done to their friends and neighbors and they want to make them stop. When I served I would have had no trouble keeping quiet about a mission like this one, had the russians been alerted, more Ukrainians would be dead now. I like the idea of pre positioning tanks and mobile howitzers with trucks, the people of Ukraine are not stupid, they know how to take a good idea and put it to use. Vlad has been exposed for being the fraud that he is, his military is not strong, I thought that after Georgia they would have rebuilt it, but no, there apparently is so much corruption in the entire system that the money spent was looted, and the Soviet system of fighting requires massive numbers of canon fodder to overwhelm an adversary with the number of dead they are willing to tolerate. Eventually the mothers and wives will put a stop to it like they did in Afghanistan, one can hope.🙏

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All you say is true, and reinforces the need for this Country to quit dithering and get on with giving everything the Ukrainian people need to boot Putin back to Moscow. IMHO, the arms we're giving Israel would be out to better use in Ukraine.

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You,re right. When Putin first invaded I watched film footage every day. I will never forget the footage of the bombed building in Mariupol a pregnant woman injured, on a stretcher, who later lost her baby, and her life. Others trapped in a basement., other reports e of of torture of civilians.

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In a way the Ukraine incursion and the Biden withdrawal present crises to Putin and Trump. Bullies and autocrats like to create crisis, especially a crisis they can create and then resolve publicly and heroically, but they hate being at the mercy of crisis they didn't create. They founder and rarely end up successful. Think Trump and Covid.

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Terrific column on two fronts. Sun Tzu: "Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when upi move, fall as a thunderbolt." I look forward, Lucian, to your analysis of Ukraine/Kurst, where geezer residents still remember, or have had their parents remember to them, the climactic tank battle there in 1943 that ended Wehrmacht-panzer offensive ability on the Eastern front. The Orange Convicted Felon (OCF)? He was never a demonstrably intelligent gent (neither intelligent or a gent), and now age and terror are mixed in with his arrogant stupidity. What's most disheartening is that he continues to prove that there is --- absolutely literally -- *nothing* he can say or do which will shake the fervor of his true believers. Remember the brainwashed description of Lawrence Harvey/Sgt. Raymond Shaw in The Manchurian Candidate (1962): "Raymond Shaw is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've ever known." The OCF's true believers use other positive adjectives, but the effect is the same.

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Excellent article

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Popcorn, anyone? You are going to need it.

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He has been bleating and whining alright Lucian, what else is he going to do, he has no policies to appeal to voters, only grievances, he’s loaded with those, so he bleats, and pisses and moans about how unfair he has been treated. If he had been treated like anyone else he would already be in jail, the one good to come from this is that it shows the inequities of our legal system, and how much wealth can trump justice, we need to fix that ASAP.

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I think the main lesson djt has taught us is the profound need for judicial reform to remove the elephant standing on wealthy defendants' side of the scale. He should never—ever—have been in a position to run.

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Hello Lucien and colleagues. I live abroad and visiting the US it's a new experience for me to listen to CSPAN and NPR all day. I'm astonished at the unremitting agressive, even abusive lying about Harris by Vance (or whatever his name is). And Trump appears to have recovered footing with the back and forth of the respective rallies this week.

I note that Vance's hateful speech today before an audience of law enforcement professionals was met by applause... Sounding like about 30 ppl in a small gym. 😆. So what do you think, haven't these ghouls found their hideous stride, at least temporarily ?

As for surprise: I plucked the late-life memoirs of Vernon Walters off a Republican aunt's bookshelf and was gratified by seeing Lucien's name (your grandpa's I guess) as the first words of the book - list of photos, himself decorating the interesting Castelo Branco, head of Brazilian Expeditionary Force in WWII and later post-coup president/dictator. Made me feel good!

For any interested the Walters book ("Mighty and Meek", 2001) is quite fascinating as the man saw only the positive qualities in all Republicans, dictators, and iron-fisted leaders. Very thought provoking.

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Apologies, LuciAn! I spelled it the French way ☺️

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While it has been a Godsend for Ukraine to receive tremendous help from us and the rest of NATO it seems a bit odd to me that because Ukraine is not a member of the club (NATO) the help can never include boots on the ground. Of course the fear of "poking the bear too hard" is perfectly understandable - hence the holding back of more powerful weapons. But Ukraine is like a man fighting with one hand tied behind his back. Imagine if Roosevelt had told Churchill don't bomb Berlin or any other major German cuties we don't want to make Hitler too mad. Of course Hitler didn't have nuclear weapons, but would Putin really nuke Poland for example if he eventually attacked a NATO country and all of Nato entered the war? Regardless of drifting radiation back over Russia there'd be a full scale nuclear war and Russia would not survive or any of us for that matter.

By us and the rest of NATO holding back on longer range missiles we are merely prolonging the war causing many more civilian deaths and destruction of property (military deaths too of course on both sides).

Russia was very vulnerable in the a early days of they got bogged down, and they were not well organised. We could have easily beaten them back then with a mass invasion. Same thing now. They are very vulnerable right now, calling up raw recruits and moving more seasoned troops away fro the front. Several retired generals are all saying it is a big mistake to hold back on supplying Ukraine with the more powerful weapons. If we did it I bet Ukraine could take the Kremlin, and no doubt a lot of disenchanted Russians would join in.

So the alternative? It remains to be seen but even if an uneasy settlement is reached Pur tin will never give up his ambition to make Russia great again. He will just bide his time until he feels he is strong enough to not only take Ukraine but the Balkans and whatever other European countries he can. Maybe he'll coordinate something with China, while they invade which will take all our attention he'll start his new blitzkrieg.

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I don’t think he’ll survive it Robert, when you look at the history of russia, violence is more than not the source of change, which can be very unpredictable. Maybe this next time they will look at what has not worked and choose to do something different, say like Ukraine. Whatever happens I doubt putin will see it. I don’t know how he sleeps.

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Yeah, of course Putin has no conscience. That's why Trump likes him. He sees him as a strong man. I still think if little Ukraine can hold mighty Russia back for two years, Nato could over run them in no time,Putin's regime would collapse and a new more friendly regime could be instal;;ed. Of course no one has the guts to do this so the death and destruction will continue as is until finally some kind of settlement is reached. But yo can bet that will only last until Russian forces are back to full strength. With all the money and manpower spent by Putin so far plus the blow to his ego he's not going to depart like a beaten dog. He knows we have no stomach for a fight and he will take full advantafge of our weakness. Heck, we won't even give Ukrarain the weapons she really needs right now at this critical time. Timidity never won a war. I like old Joe, and commend him for all he has done for Ukraine, but he is weak, a timid little man. I like Kamala but I doubt she would be much different in this regard. As far as Trump goes, he'd give Putin everything he wants, all of Europe eeven.


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Watching his meltdown over the unexpected events on the Democratic ticket has been hilarious. Him demanding that Joe Biden get back in the race, his prediction that Biden will storm into the convention to reclaim what was usurped from him, his whining about Kamala, and his lame attempts to troll her have been so entertaining. I hope the stress and mental anguish (such as it is to him) are torturing him.

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His year of magical campaigning.

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