I believe Biden is doing a very good job with what he's been given and frequently states that it's Hamas, not the Palestinian people! He appears a very strong leader and we need to elect him again next year! He has been an excellent choice for this time!

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Oct 18, 2023·edited Oct 18, 2023

Of course, Hamas is winning the propaganda war. It’s being carried long on an incredible tide of antisemitism that is like a volcano suddenly blowing. All of the Jew hate has just finally been let loose. And it’s not just from Middle East radicals in this country people I know are just displaying such an incredible level of unaware antisemitism. And let’s not even talk about the Maga moment of hate. I don’t blindly support Israel by any means, and what Netanyahu has done and the damage he has caused is very similar to what Trump has done both men with their extreme right wing autocratic desires, trashing their countries. But most disturbing are the people who are conveniently, forgetting that this entire mess was started with the most heinous terrorist attack on young children, young girls, old people, raping, and beheading. This is not a both sides in our situation. And. It’s not gonna end well, whatever this is.

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More background on Hamas and what the Israelis and their allies are up against - again, Gatestone Institute publishes all sorts of articles advocating positions with which I might deeply disagree, but when they're on the mark, well, you be the judge of that.

From the conclusion of the article, which expands on Turkey's role in bolstering Hamas with details is in a position to understand very well:

"Islamists cannot seem to stomach the fact that Jews, who according to Islamic scriptures are supposed to be dhimmis (second class, "tolerated" subjects of an Islamic state) only, now once again have a sovereign state in their ancestral homeland of Israel and are capable of self-defense.

That is the main stance of political Islam towards Jewish statehood and sovereignty. Political Islam has the same supremacist and hateful view towards other non-Muslims. It is thus of vital significance to address and speak about the source of violent jihad: the Islamic political doctrine.

As the Center for the Study of Political Islam International also points out, once it is understood, potential future attacks and massacres can be predicted, and effective measures taken to ensure everyone's safety. At this time, however, the doctrine is not yet known by enough people. Perhaps many people think it must be similar to other religions, only in Arabic.

The main problem, therefore, is that until the root cause of the jihadi slaughters and abuses against non-Muslims is understood, these attacks are likely to continue and be justified by people who may not know what they are talking about, but do not know that they do not know.

Iran, Qatar and Turkey -- the "heads of the snake" -- must not be allowed to get a pass. They all have to be held accountable. The US should relocate its airbase in Qatar to its real ally, the United Arab Emirates.

Hamas is a problem not only for Israelis and Jews. Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks said: "The hate that begins with Jews never ends with Jews." Hamas is part of a problem of global jihad that threatens innocent human lives everywhere, as well as civilization's cultural and intellectual diversity.

As Andrew McCarthy, author and prosecutor of the "Blind Sheikh," Omar Abdel Rahman, who planned the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, put it: "Jihadist war against Israel: It is the reason Hamas exists."

Uzay Bulut, a Turkish journalist, a research fellow for the Philos Project, and a Distinguished Senior Fellow at Gatestone Institute.

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Every picture I have seen of Israeli bunker buster bombs used to target Hamas high value hideouts and places where they may be operating from leave only rubble not the kind of damage seen in these after action photos which as Lucian points out is from some kind of uncontrolled fire. And, the picures of the buildings left standing around the courtyard show minimal explosive damage. Roofs and tiles are still visible. An Israeli bomb would have left only rubble.

Whatever Hamas is going to spin this as an atrocity to take the focus and rage after what they did in the first week of this war, Executing farmers and concert goers to a music festival; That is the atrocity which is clear for all to see. Except for those who are looking for an excuse to take the focus off of an event which sad to say to the Israelis makes 9/11 pale in comparison.

Focus, everyone, focus and keep our eye on what we know, not what we do not.

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THAT is the best advice of all.

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

It was reprehensible how quickly and mindlessly major media accepted the Hamas claims that Israel had "bombed" a Gaza hospital, killing hundreds. I was watching CNN as the story came in. Clarissa Ward immediately reported the event in Hamas terms, adding only "according to the Palestinian Health Ministry," a pathetic sourcing considering her (and other) broadcasts were literally reshaping the battlefield. Not a word of warning that every "ministry" in Gaza, not to mention all the employees of the hospital will say whatever a Hamas wants. No use of more neutral formulations like "Hamas claims." No serious disclaimer about sourcing -- ""CNN cannot confirm" -- and certainly no reporting the fact that Hamas has often lied in the past about supposed Israeli "outrages." IMO, CNN should apologize, but they seem to have just glossed over their irresponsible role in this, hoping people forget.

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Another reason why I quit watching CNN earlier this year.

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

I have not watched the 24 hour cable news for quite some time. They are quick to talk without facts, thereby sending the wrong messages. And then there are those who send the wrong info intentionally. They are all at fault in the "misinformation" age, and should not be on network TV 24/7 for that reason.

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I cut down on cable news channels for financial reasons. I don't miss them at all.

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Oct 18, 2023·edited Oct 19, 2023Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

For quite a while this morning, the only outlets reporting that the hospital bombing was Hamas were the Guardian overseas and the daily beast in this country. Everybody else was still sticking with the narrative. It’s almost like they wanted to blame the Jews yes?

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV


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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

The Times is still at it. Take this piece today, in which "Palestinian journalists" are used as sources. The Times seems not to care that NO source inside Gaza can be relied upon, given Hamas iron grip in the place.


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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

I don't know as we will ever be sure who caused the explosion. The blame seems to correlate 100% with who you support in this conflict. That said, two universities I work for have sent, via their IT departments, warnings about a) fundraising requests and b) accepting photos or other information at face value. As you said Lucian, there is a lot of propaganda about, be wary of accepting anything at face value.

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I don't accept anything written about this or any other subject. What I do is analyze the available evidence and draw what conclusions I can.

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Lucian, thank you for an excellent analysis of what happened (based on limited data). I find no fault in any of your explanation of what occurred and who caused it. Sadly, if Islamic Jihad is responsible, not one person in the Arab world will believe they caused this tragedy. Hamas, Iran, Hezbollah, etc., will be shouting from the rooftops that Israel, and Israel alone, is responsible, and THAT is what the Arab street will buy into. With that as impetus, I fear a wider conflict may well be in the offing.

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Biden needs to stay out of Israel, and he needs to refrain from showing total support to Israel. The people in the Gaza Strip under Israeli control have not had happy lives.

Criticism of Hamas, yes.

Did our blind allegiance to Israel encourage 9/11?

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

You take a principled stand when warranted. We should never tolerate antisemitism, rascism or misogyny. All are poison.

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Hamas is Palestinian but the Palestinians living there are not Hamas!!!! They have suffered because of Hamas attacking Israel!

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Gaza is under Hamas control. Hamas brought war to Israel w/the 7Oct attack. Then brought war back with them to Gaza by its barbarism resulting in north of 1400 dead of which 1100+ were civs (massacred, mutilations, rapes, and pillaging) and the snatching of over 200 Israeli, dual nationals, and foreign nationals. The total includes a number of Americans. In a civilized world that equates to Hamas and Islamic Jihad as well as any other participant having forfeited their lives. Same would apply to any group or nation on this Blue Marble.

Total US support includes asterisks of adhering to the laws of armed conflict, pressure campaign to allow humanitarian aid to enter the Egypt-Gaza crossing, and most of all to set aside rage in order to think clearly in order to eliminate doing something stoopid.

None of what I wrote excuses Bibi and his government of any wrong doings in the past, present or future. Bibi and his government own each and every one including failing to protect its own citizens and those of foreign nationals.

And to answer your 9/11 question: not according to the original planner or those who followed. Black flag Islamic groups liv luv to use the plight of Palestinians as a pretext. Usma Bin Ladem masterminded the assassination (car bomb) of the Palestinian who was his predecessor of what became known as AQ.

Current members are Hamas are suspected of leaving Gaza to fight alongside daesh aka ISIS in the Sinai, then returning with the same tactics employed by daeshbags of targeting cics, overkill, mutilations, rapes, destruction of anything they can and hostage taking.

Keep in mind Hamas is Islamic in their minds and mouths. Yet the Holy Quran forbids harming the People of the Book, Jews. Square that circle.

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To whom are you referring as bin Laden's predecessor? Name? What is your source for this history?

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Oct 19, 2023·edited Oct 19, 2023Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Do any of these from the WABAC Machine ring a bell?

Maktab al-Khidamat, the org which preceeded AQ and was Palestinian-centric. It's head mofo was Abullah Yusuf Azzam, the widely known Palestinian Islamist scholar and Jihadist-in-Chief. He recruited UBL, then mentored him. His reward was 72 Virgins for each piece of his carcass.

UBL continued to purge Palestinians including Azzam's right hand dude, Mustapha Shalebi (sp) prolly by UBL protege el-Hage who after that ghosting became UBL personal secretary. Not to be confused w/the western definition.

This is all common knowledge. Since I named names am certain you can use sources other than me to learn the history and org charts of Black Flag groups. They kinda read like the bible with who begat who. Suggest you do get a better feel of how Black Flag groups love shouting Palestine blah, blah, blah w/o having any association with them. Hamas is changing that.

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Oct 19, 2023Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Fascinating - many thanks for this.

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You're welcome.

My larger point is the ~truism~ all politics is local. The Arab/Muslim world as well as the Black Flag mofos don't give 2chits about Palestinians because life is cheap across the Arab/Muslim world (doesn't include wimmin) and their hatred of Jews and the west fuels them. As stated many times, treachery is their number1 currency. Latest example being oh my IDF bombed a hospital.

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Oct 19, 2023·edited Oct 19, 2023

I agree, and I am well aware of that. I knew the later history of al Qaeda, bin Laden's reigning period, the 1990s through 2001, and of course his end - thank you, Obama. The reminder of his early years is important context for today's nightmare.

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Oct 18, 2023·edited Oct 18, 2023Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Biden just gave a speech in Israel noting pretty much what you said about the people in Gaza strip. He's not letting Israel off the hook. (Sorry, can't relocate the video or would post it here).

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Oct 18, 2023·edited Oct 18, 2023Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

"Did our blind allegiance to Israel encourage 9/11?" Can anyone explain that? PS The people in the Gaza Strip have been under Hamas control.

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I don’t think so. I believe the Bush administration ignited Bin Laden’s anger with whatever dealings they were making with Arab nations. The problem is that we did exactly what Biden warned Netanyahu about...we immediately reacted and went gun-ho GI Joe on the wrong country!

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First an international coalition was assembled to depose the Taliban-ruled sanctuary for AQ and UBL, about 41 nations (including those who sent non-military assistance personnel) participated in operations beginning in late September and early October 2001.* That should have been wrapped up by the next spring but the Bush administration tried "nation building" in Afghanistan. The invasion of Iraq based on the extremely dubious intel information was in March 2003.


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You don't think so what?

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

It becomes ever more clear that Israel did not bomb the hospital - as we would expect. Israel would gain nothing from such an act, so why would they? Occam's razor sez it was a stray missile, misfired or knocked off course by counter-missile fire.

Of course, Hamas, which launches missiles at civilian areas without remorse, has no qualms about mere lying, so the propaganda battle continues.

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Thank you Lucian. Just realised that until now I had an anger building and burning, because I didn't believe and couldn't trust any of the few media sources that I allow brief windows of opportunity to present me information. Al Jazeera, NZ TV news, and a few substack sources have been displaying some one-eyed behaviors and/or contradictory behaviours in their rush to publish commentary on the latest events in these volatile times.

I'm feeling much calmer now that you have taken the time and care to present a logical reasoned theory backed with images. Facts and analysis, eh? Better than diazepam.

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"Better than diazepam." <dead>

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Thank you, Lucian, for once again explaining military matters so well. I was horrified by the story of the hospital in Gaza being hit by something and causing so many deaths and injuries. Your newsletter has provided more insight on the matter than any other source. Thank you.

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Arab leaders rejecting a meeting w/President demonstrated their short-sightness. The Arab Street isn't going to turn their rage against Israel or the US. It will be directed at their own leaders for saying Israel bombed the hospital yet aren't doing anything about it. Arab authorities will end up having little choice other than killing their own...again. Brutally as is their way.

Each Arab leader looks small now, They have the open source intel and is a safe bet US diplomats shared other intel affirming the strike was a Islamic Jihad rocket with the zoomies. Wouldn't want to be in their shoes suspect niithah do they.

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Exactly. Happened before many times.

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

I very much appreciate the "explainer" pieces you write. Keeps my TV off and I feel better avoiding the "experts"there.

Btw just finished reading Full Dress Gray. Excellent! A good diversion from being stuck inside with my usual change of seasons head cold.

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Hmm, by coincidence I had to take the first novel and the sequel back to the Hennepin County Library, had a lengthy set of correct eye vision contact lens prescription issues among other things, THEN I came down with a similar "change of seasons head cold," have to check them out again. Excellent fiction, first on my list to finish.

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

This is great coverage by L Truscott. We are on the cusp of possibly huge losses of USA troops and equipment. Possibly. Anything can happen from here with 2000 Marines on the move. Who knows how many SEALS and Rangers are cleaning their rifles and aiming Drones, I suppose. The Hospital tragedy looks like an errant cheap Rocket. Pray for a happy ending. But don't be in a big hurry. The Dogs of War are being released.

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

"Teams." Ah jeez JOE?

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

There is so much disinformation floating around. It's terrifying. My FB and Instagram feeds are flooded with re=posts by what seemed like rational people. Everyone needs to stop amplifying. It's making the world situation worse.

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President Biden gives the appearance of a sad, shuffling, stuttering. stumbling old has-been without strength or the passion to pretend. It is embarrassing to hear him speak and watch him croak and gasp. To call the adversaries members of one "team" or another is especially stupid. This isn't a bowl game. It's a sickening war that needs full fledged leaders to win, not withered old specimens. It is painful that almost nothing can be done and an even worse await in the wings.

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Oct 18, 2023·edited Oct 18, 2023Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Sad? The situation is sad. Embarrassing to hear him speak? Did you watch his recent 60 Minutes interview? Should you reach Biden’s age, let you have no arthritis or trouble with your voice, baldness, wrinkles.

Please recommend some full-fledged leaders. (Zelenskyy would be great but he has another gig.) In the movies leaders look and sound the part. The rest of the characters listen to them and show deference, which makes them look like leaders. In real life, leaders look and sound like themselves. Leaders are what they accomplish, not what they look or sound like.

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associate self w/your remarks

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Might i suggest that "most" of what Joe says is scripted and approved by Antony Bliken.

Recall Dick Cheney.

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