In the Twitter sphere this is a defining piece. From 30,000 feet Lucian Truscott methodically examines the sorry state of the Republican Party and the dire straits we all are in as a result.

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Right on the money!

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Say it Loud! Has anyone noticed that the GOP offers up women as “the bridge going nowhere “—token females offered “third most powerful” positions always hail from remote, low-population areas like Wassilla, Alaska or Wyoming, and now, Stefanik from the least populated area, the North woods of New York State. The games are as cynical as ever…

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While I think you're largely right about what motivates those in the Republican "base" I believe there are other considerations that factor into Trump's popularity. Perhaps the biggest of these is resentment of a mostly white, largely at least nominally Christian or Jewish, academic and professional "elite." As one commentator (I can't recall who, and a web search was unfruitful) put it: what appeals to many of the Trump faithful is that Trump can't realistically claim to be morally superior to anyone.

One aspect of this resentment of elites, and of expertise in general, is denial of climate change or of any threat to the environment. This plays into the hands of those who are invested in fossil fuels or extractive industries generally.

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I don't know if she'll be able to pull off her own re-election, but if she manages to "woke" a few more women in her dying party, her efforts will at least count for something. This statement alone would be the final shot for some I know who continue hanging on to their own nostalgic vision of the party that never was. (These same women like to dress as if they are living in the 40's or 50's and still think their forte is to birth babies, bake cakes and have martini parties - truth, not hyperbole. I can even name names!):

"Trump did away with the joke. He came right out and said what Republican voters wanted to hear. When he told them he was going to make America great “again,” he was confirming that going backward to a time when gays were in the closet, women were in the kitchen and Black people either couldn’t vote or voted the way they were told was what the election was really about."

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"Nothing makes friends faster than a common enemy" is all too true. It has worked against Democrats under the Trump regime, which fostered them v. us. I agree that we should support Liz Cheney's courageous stand against Donald Trump's big election lie. Yes, she has a dismal record. However, there's the "fierce urgency of now;" his big lie has to be stopped. Most Republicans are afraid to do it. Liz Cheney is not afraid.

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Great essay. Right on target!

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She could save the country and be a hero if she runs a third party blocking move designed to insure a second Former loss...another few million true Conservatives should solve this dilemma.

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My schadenfreude is very confused… 🤔😉😊

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