They might be called conservative on some rulings, but corrupt comes to mind first.

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That phrase “conservative Supreme Court” just doesn’t work for me.

Think back to the Nuremberg Laws that legalized persecution of a targeted minority and justified massive injustices that paved the way for death camps and assorted paraphernalia of genocide.

Strike the euphemism and let the reader supply the explicative.

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Dec 13, 2023
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Like which cases?

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Every. Single. Election. Case. By. Every. Court. In. The. Land. That. Heard. One.

And. Some. Others. Were. So. Legally. Disjointed. They. Were. Rejected. Without. Being Heard.

And that is the 2020 elx cases. Post indictments not a single US District Judge or any panel of any US Circuit Court has sided with Trump's appeals.

I, for one, am glad SCOTUS during this final term prior to the 2024 elx is taking up the obstruction case and is receptive to possibly hearing SC Smith's appeal. Wouldn't trouble me if SCOTUS did the same in the so-called Box Hoax-Document case as well. Wager the same holds for the SC team because it makes legal sense to no matter how SCOTUS rules. And is best for the nation to have the legal and Constitutional issues resolved prior to 2024 elx.

Who in their right mind would want any of them to linger into the next administration no matter who is President? Certainly not the Special Counsel team, SCOTUS, the US Circuit Courts, or the US District Court Judges. And certainly not the nation at large.

As it stands today for Trump and his supporters it has been Ground Hog Day since the Nov 2020 elx. That has to END for this nation to move forward.

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Dec 13, 2023
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In the cases directly involving Trump you're right, they've either found against or declined to take the case and let the ruling of the lower court (against Trump) stand. Its in the cases with a MAGA agenda, like Dobbs and the gun cases where they have gone out of their way to find a way to rule in Trump's favor.

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I don't trust the Conservative and Right Wing Court!

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Spot on!

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Agree. Even the one was later overturned. My reply is not to you per se. It is more for the thread's Doubting Thomas - Runfastandwin- who rarely if ever engages after any person points out the issues and problems of her/his thinking. Did post same w/that person.

Every. Single. Election. Case. By. Every. Court. In. The. Land. That. Heard. One.

And. Some. Others. Were. So. Legally. Disjointed. They. Were. Rejected. Without. Being Heard.

And that is the 2020 elx cases. Post indictments not a single US District Judge or any panel of any US Circuit Court has sided with Trump's appeals.

I, for one, am glad SCOTUS during this final term prior to the 2024 elx is taking up the obstruction case and is receptive to possibly hearing SC Smith's appeal. Wouldn't trouble me if SCOTUS did the same in the so-called Box Hoax-Document case as well. Wager the same holds for the SC team because it makes legal sense to no matter how SCOTUS rules. And is best for the nation to have the legal and Constitutional issues resolved prior to 2024 elx.

Who in their right mind would want any of them to linger into the next administration no matter who is President? Certainly not the Special Counsel team, SCOTUS, the US Circuit Courts, or the US District Court Judges. And certainly not the nation at large.

As it stands today for Trump and his supporters it has been Ground Hog Day since the Nov 2020 elx. That has to END for this nation to move forward.

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Excellent response! But, as we have learned during the Trump era debacle, facts are Fake News to those cultists.

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Heather Cox Richardson wrote in her December 12 post: "The Supreme Court has agreed to consider whether it will hear the case [Jack Smith's appeal]. So far, Justice Clarence Thomas refuses to recuse himself, even though his wife Ginni was deeply involved in the attempt to overturn the 2020 presidential election. His refusal suggests that the Supreme Court’s new ethics rules are as toothless as their opponents charged."

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Of course they are. Where are the consequences?


Still looking...

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well, it sure didn't take very long for that toothlessness to manifest itself, did it?

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A conservative supreme court? How about a corrupt bought and paid for supreme court.

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If the thoroughly corrupt SCOTUS majority tosses this charge Jack Smith should amend the Trump indictment to include insurrection and seditious conspiracy. All the evidence points to the fact that he, along with unindicted co-conspirators like Stone, Giuliani and Flynn are at least as guilty as the Proud Boys that have already been convicted.

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my sense is that JS wants to keep things very simple. for now.

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Never forget, the old white men in suits who send the younger masses to war rarely pay for it.

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Sadly, tragically, way too true. But I guess we can hope that Kissinger, Nixon and others are burning in Satan's realm for all eternity.

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Extremely disturbing news.

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Not a "very conservative court" but a very CORRUPT court."

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A synonym these days.

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Although the Court has already shown its colors, especially in Dobbs, the slate of cases before it in this session will likely define it for the history books. It’s make or break time, IMO, for its credibility and current structure, which has to be changed. Some of the nine must know that. Thomas and Alito will probably go for broke on fascism. Are there three more?

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Richard, "credibility" for this SC is already irretrievably lost.

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We need to expand the court to 13 justices!

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Since diversity is an important issue in many arenas, shouldn’t diversity also apply to the Supreme Court even as it concerns religion?

Currently, our Supreme Court is comprised of 6 Catholics, 2 Protestants, and 1 Jew.

This explains their decisions.

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I am referring more to Roe vs Wade

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Since when did the Justices receive their M.D. degree? They are not physicians and have no right to make these reproductive decisions! They are not doctors! I thought we had Freedom of Religion?

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They are the current "Court of last resort" on every important legal question concerning health care policy decisions in any way funded by the state, the government. That's our constitutional system, so we need to deal with it as it is and then improve it - you just mentioned "packing the court," I've been urging that for five years now, hoping the idea would gain wider currency.

That this court consistently gets it wrong on reproductive freedom for women (and hypothetically for men, in some other cases) has nothing to do with having an M.D., as is proven by the undeniable fact that even if they all nine of them had medical degrees, their 5-4 decisions would still be bogus as hell - "bogus" being the vernacular for some legal euphemism like "fundamentally flawed."

Dobbs reversed Roe v. Wade, and an expanded Supreme Court can reverse Dobbs, having no medicos on such a court as a supposed weakness to the contrary notwithstanding!

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The right-wing line is that abortion is murder. You don't have to have an MD to be against murder.

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It's not a human being yet as it is a fetus and can't live outside the womb. There is also a religious component. Not everyone believes this that it is murder. I thought we were supposed to have freedom of religion.

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The point is that some people do believe that aborting a potential human being is murder. As their slogan goes, "abortion stops a beating heart." Someone who believes that isn't going to compromise. And "freedom of religion" isn't absolute. The Church of Latter-day Saints may believe that it's OK for a man to have multiple wives, but U.S. law says otherwise.

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People don't have the right to tell others what to believe and what to do! If they believe Abortion is wrong so don't have an abortion, but don't tell someone else what to believe. Women still are treated terribly and not equal to men! The case with Kate Cox in Texas is that her baby will not survive and she was forced to suffer! Not right! I hope she is OK! I'm Jewish and I have different beliefs!

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You are 100% correct!!!👌

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It may not explain as much as you think. Sonia Sotomayor is a Catholic. Neil Gorsuch, who is nothing to write home about, is an Episcopalian (albeit raised Catholic). Since three of the four women on the Court often vote together, I surmise that sex has something to do with it. The fact that a majority of the justices are Catholic MEN -- yes, I believe that has something to do with their decisions, and not just in overturning Roe.

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After Dobbs was decided, Alito — who wrote the majority opinion… or his clerks did… —said that abortion was “barbaric.” What’s barbaric is a bunch of men making decisions about abortion. THAT is barbaric.

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Not sure the Supremes could "choose to define “benefit” or “actions” or even “corrupt purpose” any way they want, and one or more definitions might be used to exclude Fischer’s and Trump’s conduct,"

as "any way they want" is the last thing this court wants to do - they want to write a majority opinion, ex hypothesi, that might justify letting Fischer off the hook, sure, but which the courts all around the country can apply as precedent without having the opinion come back to haunt them at lightspeed - like within 2024, no less - by being used by left wing and women's rights protesters, for example, to justify acts that would then be supported by the precedent.

But everything else LKTIV is arguing is going on here makes complete sense, Trump's lawyers are going to keep seizing on any excuse to delay-delay-delay, hoping Trump wins the presidency, and that the victory lets him defeat the entire purpose of the criminal indictments.

Back to the openly fascist-authoritarian attempt at The Clampdown, in other words.

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In the midst of horrible and potentially more horrible news, ya gotta hand it to Michael Cohen's lawyers for introducing some comic relief. The judge he wants to spring him from further prison time has accused his lawyers of citing nonexistent precedents—possibly as hallucinated by AI.

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Hoping ∆rump runs off at the mouth (and text) about "his justices" like he used to go on about "his generals". Maybe being described like the personal possession of a wannabe dictator will put their future legacy into perspective and influence their thinking.

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Again, superb statutory analysis. Did you secretly go to law school? Or was whatever instruction you got in military law at West Point that good?

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I get that Biden doesn't want to do a gd thing about it, but other Democrats should be advocating loudly every damn day to expand (or contract or even eliminate IDGAF) SCROTUS due to the massive bribery going on there if nothing else.

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Reading thar Mr. Fischer said, "Can’t vote if they can’t breathe ... lol" made me hope that some judicial authority tells him, "Can't have a life if you're in prison, or maybe even solitary ... lol."

As for defining things for legal purposes, it would seem we're back to "what the meaning of "is" is.

Life in these United States has become simply awful.

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I fear that Lucian is right, there doesn't seem to be a logical reason to accept this case and bypass decisions by the lower courts except to signal support for reducing the number of charges against Trump. Of course other charges would remain.

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If these Justices do find some way to justify throwing out these cases or, at least, remanding them back for some lesser offenses which might not fall under this statute, I recommend we organize about twenty thousand indignant citizens to conduct a peaceful demonstration at the Supreme Court on a day they are in session. We, the people, then inform the police on duty that day we want to be in the hearing room for a session to make our voices heard on a particular case or two. When told the Justices do not agree we simply march up the steps of the Court right under the "you shall know THE TRUTH and it shall set you free slogan (Come to think of it that is what we will call our movement) , break down the doors and push our way into the chamber. We will cause a lot of damage to the furniture, we will scream at the top of our lungs "Hang Clarence Thomas and Joseph Alito" and when the guards try to eject us hit them with our latte cups. Wrestle a few to the ground and when they resist hit them with the bear spray we have brought with us. For the topper, a few of us find where Justice Roberts' office is and proceed to urinate all over the carpet and stealing the pictures of his swearing in ceremony.

What will the justices call us? I am betting Ginny Thomas will be calling for our heads and various other parts of our anatomies. OBTW, when some of our cases on appeal get to this same Court three years from now Justice Alito will write the opinion declaring this Court has the right of Kings and all of us will have our capital offense sentences carried out before a shouting mob of MAGA acolytes right in front of the Court by guillotine.

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