You had me from "Justice from Jesus."

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I am fairly sure that Jesus is pro-Biden

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LOL ! You got me with that one !

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Unless Christianity is the Devil's hoax...hmmm

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Jesus may be a little put off by Biden's closing the border, but he's probably a pragmatist under the circumstances. I am.

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Also stopped to admire that

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Sammy's god requires him to do a huge amount of bead work.

He is such an obvious fucking liar. He and Lenoard Leo are erupting pus pockets on the human species.

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And Leo recently had a similar fuck you all you peasants you can't do a thing to us. We are now god of the U.S. and more.

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Harsh, yes, true, yes

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The scary part is they were able to carry this out without a peep from us. I was a Republican for a long, long time. The way these people work is they are claiming fiscal responsibility, law and order, small government, etc., etc., pound that into American brains and carry out everything they planned right below that crusty toxic layer of camouflage. They rule every aspect of American life now. They can turn the screw on just about anything they want in cahoots with Republicans.

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Were you Republican when in 2011 Trump first offered his Obama birth certificate lie? Enrolled every racist in America and they never left him...Trump's hard core base.

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I had left or was in the process of leaving about that time. By the time Obama was president, I had left. It's not always easy to backtrack exactly when. I had three very smart, very political friends. I was shoving my Republican message out like a good little mindless idiot and they called me on it every time and they had proof. I had none. And I went, oh, wow, I have been led around by a ring in my brain.

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Is this why catholics make so much of “confession”

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Got me my name is


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Hahahahaha...May I call you "ist" for short?

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I've been a registered republican since I was 21. I see no logic in registering as something else. It gives me impact in GOP primaries. And I can always vote for whomever. And give donations to any candidate regardless of their party. Like Bernie.

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Wonder what would be affected if 50% or more Democrats registered as Republicans. The Republicans would not know how change the maps in their favor. There is probably something significant that I do not know that would make this a bad idea.

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I believe something like this occurs in some state primaries

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A person would have to be registered with the party they want to vote for in the primaries. Primaries are important too. Guess it would mean changing your party before Election Da y??

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At 84 I'll stay a registered republican unless I move to Uruguay to hang out with Pepe Mujica.

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I didn't change my registration for a long time and one reason was because when the MAGAs would accuse me of being a Democrat I could deny it and if I wanted, could show them my registration.

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That works with athiest

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Shall we be the two "ists"? Calvinist and Atheist?

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Calvinist and Athiest. I struggle with being grouped as an Athiest. It's seems like another ism. Basically the tooth fairy never left me a nickel.

Unfortunately mans inventions of gods has led to forever murderous conduct. That continues today in a desert over whose God was there first. Jesus Christ children, what is wrong with you?


I question the Big Bang. There is no beginning and no end to the infinity of space an its occupants.

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Whole other conversation. I certainly didn't just wake up one morning and say, oh, I think I'll be an atheist today. It's a choice I'm comfortable with, and it isn't like I haven't been steeped in religion with a grandfather Methodist minister, two of his brothers were, my grandmother's father and three of her brothers, Methodist and Presbyterian and my mother first deaconess in Presbyterian and Episcopal churches in her town. Or whatever the deaconess role is. I'll just be my atheist self. I don't cap it, like I'm screaming it out there.

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Great reply.

Our history sounds similar.

By 14 id been baptized a Baptist, a Methodist and a Calvinist. At 14 I got on a Greyhound bus and left for two years.

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And they laugh at us - I am furious!! Is there nothing we can do??

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trump & mindless gop’s gift to DEMOCRACY 😢

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He's their tool and he's so willing to go to the extreme of extremes, they are using the hell out of him and it's working.

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It's worse. They're laughing you off. We really don't register. I think I've said it before but because of the job I had, I was taking down hearings and meetings and all sorts of Public Service Commission machinations so after all the public testimony and speechifying, we would all retreat to the inner offices of law firms with the politicians and parties involved in that public piece that was being addressed. PSC lawyer to the city politician: Well, Jim, you think your constituents are going to go for this? (Saving them money and protecting them.) Jim: Well, Mike, the thing is constituents don't know what's good for them. And that may be the line that tells us why all this happened right under our noses and nobody did a damn thing to stop it.

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Work like the hells are opening under our very feet to elect a Dem majority in the House and Senate, so we can impeach the democracy-hating buttheads.

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TL, the hells ARE opening under our very feet. This is absolutely that big and it has to be stopped or life as the U.S. once knew it will never be the same.

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There are more of us than there are them.

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yeah...that's a description with which I'd agree.

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Your adjectives make me gag, even at that, your words are not strong enough for the likes of Alioto. Whatever his damage is, it has to have been festering since childhood. How can a person his age and position not appreciate the path of inclusion we had been on in recent history.

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My words!

Best I could scribble given my limited vocabulary. I'm from the street. Not the University.

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Your words!! were perfect for Alioto, That's why I posted. Alioto makes my head hurt.

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Alito is an arrogant son of a bitch. He needs to be subpoenaed to a Judiciary Committee hearing and dragged. Article lll states that Congress SHALL regulate the Federal judiciary. Follow the damned Constitution for Christ sake!!😡😡

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I'm not so sure that hasn't been trampled into a whole other thing. Leonard Leo is one of the most diabolical humans alive and he's been working on this for quite a wile.

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Keep repeating your statement about Leonard Leo, Mary VH! Everybody should know about this religious maniac!

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He's terrifying. He's the shadow that has flitted across this, woven himself in and out of it and tied barbed wire around everything to protect their insular death grip on everything they need to shadow government the country into their Taliban-like religious cult. If we don't make his name a household name, he will be able to carry out every piece of his plan. This is like all the scary movies about the fall of civilizations that there is. And all because everybody just walked on by him, tipping the hat and saying, good morning, Leo. And not stopping one single thing he did. He has tied up one of the most important parts of America and he has all those cretins in his thrall. He's every villain in every war of the worlds movie you've ever seen.

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If I had to name the most likely figure to be the Anti-Christ, I would have to point the finger at Leonard Leo. Far smarter, very much more shadowy. Trump is merely a sock puppet figurehead for Lennie's evil plans.

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I would point with you. The Uriah Heep counting his successes in the attic counting up his victories one by one. He's as evil a figure as history will have. He goes right up into that pantheon, the house of the gods of power over all.

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Raving Catholic lunatic!

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Thank You Janice..

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I think, in order to subpoena any of the justices, Durbin would need the ranking minority member to sign on. Fat chance of that happening - it’s Lindsey Graham. DOJ might be able to compel oversight…..

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I concluded while teaching law and having to occasionally talk to students about opinions by Justice Alito that he is not terribly bright. I had not quite known that he was a truly dangerous low life. At this point, he appears to have absolutely no acquaintance with the notion of personal character, and he may well be mentally ill. Beyond that he seems just fine

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Can “old man screams at sky” suggest a loss of mental capacity?

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I am not professionally trained. OTOH, of course! What else?

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Not Terribly Bright 😂

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A Federalist icon now...

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LOL! but no laughing matter, sorry, I couldn't resist!

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Term limits and perhaps for the short term issue, we'll need to increase the number of Supremes once the Dems take the House, Senate, and Executive with massive margins as the moronic Repubs keep shooting themselves in the foot as they scramble for the clown's approval. What transparent slime they're being.

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Their courting the clown's approval is not for him. It's to preserve their cushy lifetime jobs and all that power. As Mitt Romney relayed when he finally became too nauseated from what is actually going on in Washington, he was taken aside and told: What are you doing? you will ruin us all. This has been coming for decades while everyone just turned the other way. And no, Alito is not bright and women certainly found that out when he dragged up an ancient law to apply to women and abortion now.

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Quite right they're grovelling to keep their jobs.

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Sadly, the Democrats won't do that, even if they can. Too many are like Durbin.

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Happily, the old Dems are gracefully handing over the reins. Prevail in November and the next generation will have an opportunity to shine, having had lessons in how to do it.

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It will set a precedent that a future republican administration as calculating as Trump’s can easily use once the door opens to that solution

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The Republicans don't need a precedent. They will do what they want. They have no precedent for supporting a convicted felon for the presidency, but that doesn't stop them. The Democrats should appoint four justices to give themselves a 7 to 6 majority.

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I would like that myself, I doubt it will happen. But you may be right. They will do things we’d find counter-intuitive - because we have a sense of shame (an unappreciated emotion when we choose to co-exist in a society) and they don’t. The opposite in fact.

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What you call a sense of shame on the part of the Democrats, I call cowardice. Adding four new justices would not be shameful but would be warranted because of the shameful behavior of the six Republican politicians on the Court. The fact that Thomas and Alito take money from right-wing donors and don't recuse themselves when they should is the least of it. The shameful behavior of the six Republican politicians is their having abandoned their role of justices who try to apply the Constitution and the law in good faith. Judicial activism is defensible, but they are not activists; they have gone rogue. They know that they can get away with deciding cases based on their political and religious views, and they do.

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What would make sense is a concerted push to establish a code of conduct where there are consequences for noncompliance. That wouldn’t have to wait for impeachment to remove a justice along with any and all accrued benefits.

That and a term limit.

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The so-called code of ethics they just published didn't seem to help Samuel decide he needed to recuse! He made up some ridiculous excuse as to why it didn't apply in this case!! Un-fecking-believable!

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Because it effectively is an empty document without consequences if ANY of their so-called Code is violated. Useless.

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A token rule that never had a tooth in it.

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GD religion. What has it ever, ever done for mankind/womankind? There have been some enlightened philosophers from time to time but they have hardly been organized into an oppressive, coercive body. I understand that religious beliefs bring comfort to some people but they should not force that belief on others.

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We could fill another thousand pages with all the destruction the world has seen in the name of religion, just about all of them. Leonard Leo would be perfectly happy with a Taliban type government and has assured he and his buddies would sit at the head of that. I know religion comforts many, far fewer than in my distant past childhood. At least people observed the good parts of the Christian message at that time. Now, we're down to those clinging to the purple robes of religion saying to their preachers: That Jesus guy, he wants to give to the poor and lift up the oppressed. That's snowflake talk. We don't want to do that. We think they're evil. We want them dead.

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And the gall of Roberts under the circumstances to refuse to appear before the Congress, I think just that committee, is astounding. Talk about insulted. Appoint four more.

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Beautiful !!!

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Moscow Mitch and the big liar already set the precedent by colluding to stack the court with Federalist Society ideologues. Expecting and too often finding submission, they can't see beyond winning the day's power play.

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Spot on LTK! The scary part is that even a first year law student couldn't get by making an argument like Alito does, his wife owns the property, refused to take down the flag, didn't understand the meaning etc., and poor Justice is powerless against the authority of a woman. Where was this respect in the Roe decision? It's sad though that this clown is a Justice and making up facts and decisions that impact the rest of the country while Roberts sits by powerless.

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Roberts is certainly sitting by, but he’s not powerless. He has chosen to be Thomas’ and Alito’s facilitator, perhaps the role of useful idiot, by adopting the position that the Court is accountable to no one not even itself. It would be instructive to witness what he would do if one of the three remaining liberals on the court were in a conflict situation and refused to recuse themselves from a pending case before the Court.

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Sits by, yes. Powerless, no. At the very least there must be a good leather strap and a solid bench somewhere in the chamber.

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I didn't read most of this—had to stop when I felt my blood pressure ready to leap up from this building's roof. I won't allow that lowlife, on top of everything else, to kill me.

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I just quit being a reader and subscribed to say this. Fuck him. The House of Cards is falling. IF we prevail in November who knows what the future can be. If not, it seems apparent.

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Disingenuous Jesus could be a 80’s Depeche Mode song. Unfortunately it’s become an evangelical orange clown rallying cry 🖕🖕🖕

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Democrats are all herp derp dee poo poo whaddya gonna do. It's infuriating. We worked our butts off to give them power and they refuse to use it.

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If Dick Durbin won't do his job, he should hand over the gavel to Sheldon Whitehouse.

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I asked a former finance chair of his what the problem was? The answer: Old.


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Time to step aside. We need alley fighters!

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Justice From Jesus says it all, and is certainly true by his rulings, and therefore reason to recuse, from EVERYTHING! His prejudice is abuntanlty clear to this somewhat reasonable old fart.

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He sounds more like a kid trying to explain to his mother how his hand got stuck in the cookie jar than a Supreme Court Justice.

He would have been highly respected if he took full responsibility and said he'd made a serious error of judgement and would recuse himself. But then again the person he will try to protect at all costs never took responsibility for anything bad he's done in his entire life.

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He could even say simply that he observes others believe an error of judgment has been made, and as the mere appearance of impropriety is present, he recuses. The charter makes it easy.

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The two chief radical right wing justices who have stewed in the minority for so long are finally empowered and taking their terrible revenge on all us miserable low-lifes who defied and mocked them for so long.

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Justice from Jesus is good alteration and works as an opening "grab". However, I don't think Jesus would appreciate the association. In fact , I'd say that Alito is the "Justice (about as far away as you can get) from Jesus". He is a moral moron and engaged in desperate duplicity..... (couldn't resist giving it a feeble try...) Thanks for what you do for us every day---geat job today giving the words to Alito's bs.

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True. The teachings of Jesus were about caring for your fellow man and helping others, not helping yourself to other's wallets.

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Alito is so embarrassingly sub-par, but until The Federalist Society showed its face, no one really noticed. Alas, the fix is in and the jig is up. I doubt the country can climb out of thi$ $lime.

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Alito has always been like that, but no one really cared when he and Thomas were in the minority and their opinions didn't prevail. Now, they and the rest of the Catholic MAGAs are in the majority and they do matter.

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Great article. Could you please include links to relevant sources.


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I'm old fashioned. I don't do links.

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All good. It’s only because I teach NP students. They have to reference the everything. :)

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So let them look it up themselves. Only because that's what research and analysis skills demand.

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