Sep 14Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

I remember Sarah Palin attacking Barack Obama for some loose and distant association with a 1960's radical named William Ayers and charging him with "palling around with terrorists". It seemed outrageous at the time, but you had to admit that any questionable association was damaging to a presidential candidate.

Now we've fully crossed the Rubicon of Republican hypocrisy and insanity, and have entered an age where we have a Republican candidate for president who's a convicted felon himself, surrounded by convicted felons, treasonous Russian agents, grifting jailbirds, crazy racists, conspiracy theorists, and vermin like Laura Loomer. They're reprising their insurrection of 2021 by inciting violence in communities like Springfield Ohio, and yet our media treats them like normal and viable major party candidates.

What has happened to The United States, and how are we tolerating Trump and the modern day Republican Party as literal enemies in our midst?

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Republicans have sunk very low to permit a scoundrel, a conman, a degenerate such as Trump to take control of their party. But our corporate media has sunk even lower by normalizing Trump and his ilk.

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Consider the possibility that Republicans didn't "permit" anything; rather the GOP had been hollowed out from within and Trump filled the vacuum. Contemptible as Trump has always been, in 2015–16 he probably looked more interesting to low-information Republican voters than any of the other "clown car" occupants -- the "clown car" moniker stuck because it was so accurate.

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Downhill since Reagan. It makes me sick to think the party has been nothing but underhanded, greedy men, looking to fleece every nickel they could from the population, starting with 'trickle down economics'. And the outrageous McConnell turning the SC into a political body that has decimated the rights of our citizens.

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True enough, but the seeds were planted and growing long before Reagan came along. From Nixon onward, the über-rich and corporate interests have used racism, sexism, and homophobia to grow their overwhelmingly white, evangelical Christian and conservative Catholic base because the über-rich don't control nearly enough votes to win an election. And the roots go back long before that. The Supreme Court was decimating the rights of citizens (and non-citizens, e.g., the enslaved and women in general) long before McConnell came along. The Warren court changed that in the Civil Rights era, and the GOP has been working pretty much ever since to take the Court back to what it seems to consider the halcyon days of Plessy v. Ferguson, or even Dred Scott v. Sandford.

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Maybe he has “krompromat” on just about everyone who could possibly matter. He probably has a long established Dept,of Intimidation within his businesses that relies on threats and this kompromat. Isn’t that one of many tasks assigned to political operatives?

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Yes, I believe "kompromat" is very likely.

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this would not be possible if people would start behaving with honor.

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Is he really smart enough to do all that?

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Evil enough yes...RoyCohn's tutelage!

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This isn't even close to an isolated incident. Trump has had dinners and meetings with a host of white nationalists and neo-nazis.

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This quote by Fuentes from The Daily Beast: “He’s admitting… ‘I lost by a whisker’. So what was the point? What’s the point of any of it you lost in 2020? Seriously? What are we even doing anymore then? You’re a loser… you lost to Joe Biden, you deserve to be charged. If he admits that he lost, then that actually vindicates the… DOJ charge against him because the charge is that he knew he lost, but he lied to defraud the people. That’s the DOJ’s charge. So why did we do stop the steal?” Fuentes said.

“Why did anyone go to January 6th? Why is anyone sitting in jail? Why did anything bad happen to anybody? Why did everyone get censored? Why is everything bad that has happened to the people that are involved? Why did that need to happen? If you’re just going to walk it all back and say, ‘Oh, I lost.’ Well, it would’ve been good to know that before 1600 people got charged. It would've been good to know that before I had all my money frozen, put on no fly list, banned from everything, lost all banking and payment processing. It would’ve been good to know that.”

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Let me get out my violin for this pathetic sob story. Does he seriously expect sympathy for his choices?

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Yet isn't this message toward others leaving the Trump cult?

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C'mon, Fuentes, you could have told him yourself that he''d lost by a whisker. You may be crazy violent, but you're not stupid.

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He. Does. Not. Care. He doesn't even think about or consider other people's thinking or experience unless it affects him. Other people do not exist unless they are his friends or his enemies.

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So Trump changed his mind to suit today's wind direction...tough luck for you MAGA jailbirds.

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Republican Party has been on the hypocrisy and insanity road for years. Trump drove ‘em over the edge

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What he did was take up their worst ideas that have been plaguing us for 50 years or so, even longer actually, about what to do in and with a democracy: Distorting the meaning of free speech, truly believing that they are above other people in terms of handling law, money and governing, bringing religion in where it doesn't belong because of its power to make you believe in unseen and unseeable things, telling useful lies about all the above as if they knew better and we didn't, in their eyes making them superior to ordinary working people. A very upper class attitude all the way around and not suited to democracy and its all encompassing ways.

A kind of priestly posing that is not supposed to be questioned by ordinary mortals. Hypocritical to the core.

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Your list of T***p's entourage should all attend a party at Mar-El-Lego, where the beverage of choice should be Ipecac Fluidextract (look up Mayo Clinic warning) on the rocks.

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The Ipecac could only improve on the quality of everything that's come out of their mouths so far.

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Insert emoji symbolizing my laughter/tears. BTW, iit's also delicious to imagine "Chauncey Gardiner" being there in Trump's inner circle.

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Yes! 😂😂

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make that a Jim Jones special.

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A wee bit of cyanide would be SO much more effective!

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15

I ask myself this question all the time. It is incredible that so many have aligned themselves with this garbage. I hope the republican party, such as it has become, implodes in a massive way. I would also ask why aren't any CURRENT republican politicians calling out this abomination? Do they really think it's the end of the world if they lose an election if they speak out against these nazis? I, for one, do not tolerate this garbage. I speak out against it at every turn. I've been told 'be careful' by those who are afraid of them. I am not afraid. I am angry. And I am an actual American willing and able to stand up to these maniacs and fight for the country that has allowed me to live free my whole life. I will not sit idly by while these bastards try to destroy it. There have been many in the past who have died to make freedom possible. I will never forsake them, and I will always defend the U.S. Constitution and this great country.

It's about time the media and politicians alike grew a backbone, pay attention to what's at stake, and defend this nation against that orange traitor and all those who follow 'it'.

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RIGHT ON! Be Brave!! Have some courage!! If you don't stand up to the BS, they win!

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Obviously some people in this country have lost their minds. All because women and people of color are being successful, making decent money and leaving the uneducated racist and misogynist men in the dust. These men who had privilege and wealth, or at least more than those they oppressed, are seeing others succeed in a competitive market with skill and abilities they don't have. Being willfully ignorant doesn't cut it anymore. This is why they are so desperate to put people down - or back in their so called place...WE'RE NOT GOING BACK!

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The cult of celebrity trumps all…pun unintended, but totally fitting…

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That is an excellent question, Chauncey.

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A very important question.

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What Republicans? All I see are RINO's and CINO's!

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Sep 14Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Let the blood flow. I’m here in Kansas and have expressed my opinion to Jerry Moran several times in the last few years, maybe my influence along with other folks made some small difference in his thinking, I like to think it has. Forward everyone to November, 5th and a blue wave.

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I thought I would share this email with you that I sent to Jerry recently. Never underestimate your voice to your representatives. Speak to them even if it is just an email, they have to record it and count it as support or not. Now is the time to speak up.

“On Wednesday, I voted against the proposed border deal. There is a national security crisis at our southern border, and it is critical we stop the flow of illegal immigration into our country. The border deal fell short of that requirement and there was no path forward for it to become law. I remain committed to pursuing policy changes that will make our nation safer and secure our border.”

So this is your take on the deal that your esteemed colleague, James Lankford, of OK worked out with Senator Chris Murphy of Connecticut, it fell short?

It fell short for one reason and you know exactly what and who that reason is, DJT. Don’t play all of us in the state of Kansas for suckers and losers. You do yourself a disservice and did you notice the outcome of the special election in NY last night? Not a good look for the R’s going forward? Until all of you R’s kick the Orange Lunatic to the curb you can expect the same outcome.

In closing, I will do my best to defeat every one of you and your Republicans conspirators everywhere from now on and until I leave this earth, for the sake of my children and grandchildren and their future.

I’m not alone either.


Former republican and veteran.


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Now is the time to write, call, and make your voice heard.

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Very well stated, Bill!! It's hard to imagine Moran could ignore this, but then, if he's a Trumplican, he'll probably keep plodding ahead following the Rump's orders.

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Bill, well done!

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Sep 14Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

When is GW Bush EVER going to show some guts? It certainly wasn't during the Vietnam War, when he removed himself from flight status by refusing to take the mandatory annual flight physical---and that was in a RESERVE unit which had zero chance of leaving the States. He was scared of flying, period,; quite different from his Navy combat pilot father. But he took GHWBush's name and prominence to become President.

Gutless then, gutless now.

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My memory is that the rumor at the time was fear, not of flying, but that the physical would have revealed use of a certain white powder.

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15

The only reason I don't think GWB is a total moron is that he didn't kill himself and some instructor in flight training and briefly flew the F-101. Trying to emulate Daddy---who never would have quit.

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Always was always will be..

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There were 3 slots available for the Texas Air National Guard, usually given to the top scorers on the tests. It's usually a cheap slam against draft resisters to say someone had to go to Vietnam in their place, but in this case, Shrub dodged the draft by bumping one of those three more qualified men, who presumably actually wanted to be fighter pilots.

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Warped by the experience growing up with extreme wealth and privilege--DJT, RFK, W

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Texas’ politics could use a statement from W. The Abbott/Patrick/Patton race to the bottom continues to have harsh consequences for women, young folks and persons of color. It’s all opportunism borne of the grease to the wheels from some energy oligarchs, including a couple who are christian nationalists. Cruz’ early adds in his Senate race double down on the same old tropes. There are enough old school Republicans who might respond to W to make a difference. Guessing nothing will change here until some of these hard core toadys lose their races.

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I'd like to know the answer to that question too. Where the HELL is Bush?!!

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Sep 14Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Lucian is excellent, as always. You should start a list of those who will trip all over themselves trying to get out of the way.

Mixing metaphors here, I'm reminded of something attributed to Warren Buffett. "When the tide goes out, you find out who was swimming naked." There's going t be a bunch of bare butts come Xmas time.

And just think of the raw oppo research material the Dems will have to run within 2026. Bless their little hearts.

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Great comment Charlie. The rats are going to line up to jump off of this disgusting garbage scow!

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And some of them will discover they don't know how to swim.

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Sep 14Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

"Eva Braun" circa 2024?

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Sep 14Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Eva Braun was no Laura Loomer! Isn’t this great!

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Sep 14Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

I keep hoping he's entering "the bunker" phase and just surrounding himself with only the extreme cultists. That can't work out in the long run.

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Sep 14Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Greg, doesn’t it seem he is throwing in the towel? How else can this be explained? Although; I am perfectly fine with it.😃

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Sep 14Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Yeah I think he's giving up on trying to "win-over" any new or "undecided" (if there really is such a thing) voters and is just tightening the MAGAt wagon circle. Hoping that post election legal challenges can over turn a loss. I don't know if that is a real possibility (certainly a frightening one) but then who knows what constitutes "reality" for him.

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Sep 14Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

At least now Trump will have someone to visit him in jail. That has to give him some comfort.

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I always laugh at the notion of “undecided” in this election.

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Right? How is that even possible???

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His reality is simple. He will do anything he has to do to avoid being found out, tried, convicted, and sentenced to prison time where others will have control over him. Avoid is the operative word here.

People like him can’t be without a woman. The woman has to communicate to the world how great HE is by her physical appearance. He’s holding auditions now.

Right now he’s setting up his escape route. I believe he’s going to leave before the election.

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Fine with me...Go to Russia or North Korea who cares...dead would be preferred of natural causes of course!

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That wouldn't surprise me at all.

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Hope so! And he can take Laura with him!

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If he craters in the polls in the next 7 weeks, what will be the impact for the down ballot voting? Can’t be good!

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I’ve thought too that Trump knows he’s going to lose so he’s surrounding himself with people who make him happy like Loomer and Lewandowski.

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If he’s entering his bunker phase, I hope his gun is loaded

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Oh my... I can’t imagine he has the guts for THAT

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Well now! S.S. MAGA has taken torpedo hits and some of the rats are jumping off the ship. Hey GOP! Do you think you can wash your hands of this shit? NOT HAPPENING! This detritus is stuck to your weasel asses permanently. You sowed the wind, now reap the whirlwind!


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Sep 14Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Many wonderful SNL skits can come out of this! MTG, of all people. denouncing Loomer as racist? To protect the integrity of.... MAGA? The right-wing taunting of Lindsay Graham as gay? Can't wait to see how comedians mine this material. It's almost too rich for words. And, to Lucian's point, when the rats start turning on each other and scurrying off the island, that means it's sinking.

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Sep 14Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

I understand that Nick Fuentes has turned on Trump too. Suddenly he isn't white enough or something. It's hard to figure all this out because everything seems to be splintering. Maybe the "popular" guy has finally graduated from high school and as the reality of adulthood sets in is being left behind.

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Fuentes probably can’t abide Vance’s wife being part of the top ticket family.

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Does Orange count as White?

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Fuentes turned on Trump because of Trump saying he’d lost the election “by a whisker.” Fuentes got all pissy about January 6 having been a waste or something.

That’s what it was about anyway. Maybe he’s cool again since Trump took it back during the debate.

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But a seed of division has been planted...

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Sep 14Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Trump being trump, should we have seen this coming? I would guess Melaria's prenup is way more lucrative than Marla's. Somehow, I can't see Melaria crying on MTG's shoulder the way Ivana cried on Liz Smith's when Marla moved in. Barron? So much to think about, it boggles.

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Barron should do his best to only pay attention to his NYU coursework and set up some kind of therapy.

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Therapy for all of them. If this goes on much longer they’ll all be lost.

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It's an investment opportunity, too!

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I see a truly vile sequel to "The Freshman" being produced.

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It will be interesting to see how Barron turns out. As far as I know, we don't have a choice of parents. He has been stuck with two flawed people, one so over the top bad that he defies belief, and the other less so but still not a stellar exemplar of empathy or kindness. He has to deal with all the publicity and things said about them and his family. If TFG had any consideration for them, he would not behave as he does. It's clear his sociopathy and narcissism precludes that.

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I believe the other is a Russian agent.

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I think Barron is on the spectrum!

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Sep 14Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Barron? You're not thinking what I was just thinking, are you?

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Sep 14·edited Sep 14Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

You're going to have to spell it out, Bliss. I was just thinking of him starting college with this going on. Will he be living at home with Mom on Fifth Avenue? Lardo will surely claim Mal-a-lardo. Curious to read when Mary Trump starts talking about the family angle.

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Sep 14Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

I was just trying to get you to tell me what you were thinking. This is the closest thing I’ve ever seen to a Soap Opera in my life. Comedy gold. I watched a video about Barron the other day. I don’t know what to make of him, except that he’s tall. and if he speaks as many languages as reported, he’s probably fairly intelligent.

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15

Melaria has reportedly been super-protective of Barron. Remember, after other family members announced he'd participate in the RNC she interceded. Said he had other commitments and declined on his behalf. She did a photo op, he no-showed. Since he grew up bilingual with Melaria's parents, mastery of other languages shouldn't surprise. 0nly jarring note is M. sez he likes djt's politics and offers suggestions.

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Barron is going to NYU and I understand he’s not living on campus but will be going home at Trump Tower. I’m thinking that’s where Melania has been hiding out. She has a book coming out beginning of Oct. I don’t know if I want to read it. I’m tired of reading stuff on the Trump’s. I can’t even read Mary’s new book.

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15

If Barron really is going to live with Mom 50 blocks north of NYU, the household is a bit more pathological than I thought. The boy has always had her full attention, but at what age does he stop needing her to hover? The other trumpkins all went away to college. Yeah, the book. If it reveals more than a photo op I'll be surprised. She's self-publishing, I believe.

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I really have nothing nuanced to say about any of this. It all seems to be out in plain sight. Hell, the innuendo about Lindsey has never been subtle, but to see somebody blurt it all out? Only a Republican, and only one as sleazy as the big liar.

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Once Trump outs Lindsey, what does he have to hold over him for 'loyalty?'

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15

Well, so far only Loomer has said it, don't know if djt was present. If not, not sure how that works. Have you heard that he says in his latest book that Fidel Castro was Justin Trudeau's father? There really must be something we can do for those poor Haitians in Springfield. What the big liar and mini-me are doing is unconscionable

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I don’t wish any of his children ill. I hope they get help. For a couple it’s too late I’m afraid..

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Well…maybe I wish his three oldest children a bit of ill…😆

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Ivanka is a lost cause. I suspect every day she dreads looking in the mirror in case something else needs modifying.

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They all are lost, and joking aside, it’s really sad to see how an entire family has been decimated by the disfunction. Makes me feel extremely grateful for my small but happy life.

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I completely agree, Patris. I do feel that there is no redemption for some of the progeny, and saving Barron won’t be easy.

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Barron's height—6'7"—is such a strange twist.

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If he loses, in a year or so you'll have a hard time finding anyone who voted for him. "I never liked Trump. He wasn't a true conservative anyway." It's what happened after George Bush the Lesser left office.

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In the aftermath of WWII, you could hardly find a German who admitted having been a Nazi.

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And 30 years later, in Europe, I couldn't find any Germans in England and Scotland (when I lived in Tibetan centers) who believed that their parents didn't know anything.

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Sep 14Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

This November I am hoping and sending get out the vote postcards. I hope the country gets it right and elects Harris, I hope the country gets it right and dems re-take the house, and I hope the country gets it right and the dems hold the senate. And one more right, the best of all for Trump. I hope he finally is told about his right to remain silent!

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Trump being told about his right to remain silent? This could be a great SNL skit!

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Prayers answered.

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Sep 14Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

To ask a question that has been asked by many other commentators on many other blogs: Where is Melania? As I commented several months ago, there is a rumor that floated around in 2020-2021 to the effect that Melania agreed not to divorce Trump but re-negotiated several provisions in their pre-nuptial. One of those provisions obligated Melania to appear with Trump at a very few public occasions. Some thought she had only a once-a-month requirement. But as I follow the news since January it seems that she has appeared at none of them. The possible exception was Barron’s graduation from high school, and, by agreement with the press, there was virtually no coverage of that event. So as we discuss and dissect Laura Loomer, I ask again: Where is Melania?

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I don't care. Do U?

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She has some of the same views as Trump, so I am glad she is missing.

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HAHAHA!!! No I don't.

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I enjoyed her Twitter post today complaining about the FBI searching her Mar-a-Lago home and her somber warning that "this could happen to any of you." Well maybe it could if I married a convicted felon, took confidential documents after being kicked out of the WH and the lied about it all. Good catch Melanie!

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She has learned from Trump.

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If I were her, I’d cash out before he pays EJ Carroll and the state of NY

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Doesn't she have a very healthy business income of her own?

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Melania? I don’t know. She just wrote a book. I don’t know what else she does or can do

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Yes, but it's not being published by a major publisher.

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I think she does cosmetics, body care, maybe fashion accessories? I know she has her own separate businesses.

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If I were her I'd be hiding on a Lounge Chair in the Bahamas. That marriage was over a long time ago. 😆 🤣

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New York with Barron. He’s going to NYU

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She has protected Barron like a momma bear and her cub, or like Jackie protected John Jr. from the Kennedys. Barron is legally now an adult, but she still isn’t going to very far from him. If Melania splits from DJT, she already has in most ways, what will Barron do?

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I’d like to know what you think about the view that the Republicans are operating 2 campaigns. There is the one headed by Trump, with fixtures like Laura Loomer, and another one behind the curtain, aiming to take advantage of Trump’s incompetence (if he is elected or otherwise comes to power), to make JD Vance acting president, install the Project 2025 crew and worse, and carry out a coup d’état. Heather Cox Richardson in Substack explained it Sept 12. One aspect, which I believe is behind the panic of MTG and Sen Graham, is the realization that the covert campaign 2 crew have no use for them, either.

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Anything is feasible, though MAGATS don’t seem to support JD like they do Trump.

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The oligarchs who wrote Project 2025 support their boy JD.

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This seems really obvious to me. Of course there are domestic Putins playing him for all it's worth to them.

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I think JDV would retain a smaller base than DJT, so no more populist facade.

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Totally credible!

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Sep 14Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

I just saw some clips of Trump and Laura Loomer. I think she will do anything to become lardass's third wife, maybe even...(think Bill Clinton)...in public.

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Sep 14Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Fourth wife

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Sep 14Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Fourth wife. Yuck

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Sep 14Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Sorry, I forgot one.

But about why I think she is set on being next Mrs. Trump:

She seems to always be pressing her body against Trump. When females like you a lot, that is what some of them do. I know sometimes I used to feel like their big rabbit's foot.

I liked it.

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Sep 14Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Third wife? More like fourth…

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I suspect that is ongoing, Rich.

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I actually thought this was her audition tape to become #4!

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More like mistress #??

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After he pays all his dues to society? He won't be able to afford a mistress.

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He may be someone's mistress in Rikers island IF there is a god!

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There isn’t and he won’t.

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I can't imagine why anyone would want to marry someone who's in prison. Because that's where he's going to be. And broke. Good luck to her.

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In prison? NEVER!

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Let's not think Bill Clinton shall we. He never did anything that would in any way harm this country and it took Ken Starr (the first special prosecutor was fired because he refused to take part in this fraud of an investigation) - who was as corrupt as they come - to "investigate" something that was no one's business. You want to put that up against what the turd has done?

As Shirley MacLaine allegedly said of JFK - remember him? - "I don't care who the president f*cks, as long as he doesn't f*ck over the country." I agree. So, please, stop using Bill Clinton as an "example." When it comes to what this ogre has done to and plans to do to this country? There are no comparisons. None. At. All.

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THANK YOU! That needed to be said.

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Lighten up. I was joking that she would give Trump a BJ in public if it would advance her with Trump.

(Happy to report that St. Ken Starr wrapped up his horrible career mired in football team sex scandal at some Texas college. Irony thrives in the GOP.

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I'll never vote for a Republican for the rest of my life. Who's with me!?

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Sep 14Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Vance is lucky she's not old enough to be VP.

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Sep 14Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

MTG, maybe she's jealous. Could he actually be this inept, ? or does he have a reason to feel so confident that he can afford to be that stupid ?

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