
I am reminded of 1972, when I was not quite 15. It was a summer evening and my father and I were walking the family dog, a Labrador named Scamp. A neighbor joined us for a while and he was enthusing about Richard Nixon. Dad was conspicuously quiet. He'd been a civil servant for most of his career, but had left Washington after Nixon was elected President. He had experienced Nixon as Eisenhower's vice president, and knew he was paranoid and vindictive and would politicize the civil service. As we continued on our walk, our neighbor eventually remarked to Dad, "You're voting for Nixon, aren't you?" Dad looked at him and said, dead calm, "I would vote for Scamp before Richard Nixon." Our dog was loyal, gentlemanly and kind, and one of the best friends I ever had. He's been dead these 43 years, and I'd still vote for him (and most sentient beings) before I would vote for that vicious, fatuous, narcissistic, faithless, bigoted, bullying, mean grifter Donald Trump

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Great story Caron, I hadn't thought about it before, but while some pets can be fierce guard dogs, most are loving and gentle animals. The same can't be said for many humans

Not everyone believes animals have a soul, (some don't believe humans have a soul), If Trump has one it's got a thick concrete shell around it :)

"Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

“When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

“All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

“They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

“You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

“Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together….”

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I've owned six dogs in my lifetime. It was the worst time in my life when I had to say good-bye to them. I'm now 80 years old and a widow. For the longest time I didn't think I wanted another dog. Then changed my mind when I read that our local SPCA had a program called "Seniors for Seniors". I adopted a nine-year old dog last year and haven't looked back. She's the joy of my life.

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Wonderful, Nancy. I'm 91 but I remember my first little puppy when I was a boy with great fondness. .He knew when I was getting ready to go to school and would run to the front door and lay down to block my exit. I guess in his in his little mind so couldn't leave. I'd try to get him to stand up but he would just plop down again so I would gently slide him back about 10 feet and run to the door with him also running to try to block me again. It was so cute.

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Jul 12·edited Jul 12

I'm so looking forward to seeing our Molly Beagle again.

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The joy must be beyond measure. Many years agoa girl in our office told me her fiance had died some time before and although hesitant to go to a medium as she felt there was a lot of fakery in that field, but she did decide to go and without imparting any information to the medium she was asked "who is Rusty? Someone wants you to know he found Rusty." (Rusty was her fiance's dog that had died the year before.)

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Tears. ...

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I love this story.

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Well said as usual Lucian! I think I was more nervous than Biden! Trump cannot win and we must do everything we can so that does not happen!

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I totally agree with Lucien as well, although I really feel Harris would benefit from the extra foreign policy experience of another round with Biden, just as he got to have with Obama. the first thing I read this morning was German news where they said that our intelligence warned Germany of a plot to kill leaders in the arms industry that are supplying arms to Ukraine. This is what Biden is doing, and I am sure that Trump will not. I am not only sure that if anyone can win, it is Biden. I am also sure he is the best presidential candidate. I care little about his gaffs. I call my husband by my daughter's name a vice versa, and have been doing this since my teens with people. I never had stutter, I just think it is something people do, and some are more prone than others. It is about what is in your mind when you are talking. Biden is right that we should be listening to Trump, but also reading Project 2025. I have read the education section and it sounds like the end of Public education in favor of funneling everyone into Christian Nationalist Charter Schools unless they homeschool or can afford private schools. Those tuitions will of course go through the roof, but where will they be getting their teachers from. A lot of good ones will retire rather than teaching lies and in a way that is unethical. Glad I am already out of the field, and first of all, what will colleges of Education be teaching? They will teach what they get funded to teach, what will that be? It will be anti-science, gender affirming care and CRT that is for sure. The private schools can hire private people to teach, but they may not have had any teaching theory, just content knowledge. Also, lots of teachers will be coming from these Christian Charter schools, so what will their experiences be? I already saw this happening in the elite private school I taught in. I had at least 4 colleagues who had taught in charter schools. They were good, which is why they had been there, but they were all docile and controversy averse. Is that what you want all the adults raising your children to be like? One of them does not read, but that was common among teachers who were younger and absorbing social media like YouTube and Tiktok rather than books. Universities will also be effected according to Project 2025 because it sounds like a Trump grudge that his grifter Uni got in trouble, so instead he is going to force that situation on everyone who cannot afford higher education on their own. Discussion of getting rid of accreditation, which sounds like asking for grifting and disaster, and of course private loans. Loan sharks must be jumping for joy on reading this. I can see Russia and Saudi Arabia offering money in exchange for spying or who knows what. What they want is for people to not have an education so they can funnel them into shit jobs. I am slogging through another section now, but getting the sense that they will take every advance made in the last century and undo the USA, putting it into Medieval times. No science funding, no medical research. China is going to look progressive and advanced when they get done. Perhaps even North Korea. Here is a link to someone who has a whole substack to Project 2025, where she is trying to summarize it for people. It is called How Project 2025 Will Ruin Your Life. I recommend starting with Newbies. https://project2025istheocracy.substack.com/

Another thing you can do, since I can see the Supreme Court poised to hand Trump the presidency if Trump does not win, is to send AOC money since she is taking on impeachment of the justices that deserve it, something Dick Durbin should be leading but is not. Clearly Project does not terrify him enough. Secondly, you should be sending an email to the IRS questioning the tax exempt status of the Heritage Foundation. A friend got it off of Mastadon and someone else posted it from The Chop Wood, Carry Water substack.

IRS complaint


Seen on Mastodon. At this link you can download a PDF form to file a complaint to the IRS, requesting that they revoke the Heritage Foundation‘s non-profit status. Fill out the form and mail it to: eoclass@irs.gov

This is what is suggested on the sample form to fill in:

Based on the statements of Kevin Roberst, the Heritage Foundation’s president, on June 11 and July 2, the foundation’s mission is no longer solely “research and education,” but now includes preparing for a possibly bloody revolution.

Specifically, in an interview on “The War Room” on July 2, Roberts stated that the Heritage Foundation has developed a prominent series of policy plans (Project 2025) to overhaul the federal government under a Republican president, and that the country was “in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be”

Sure sounds like Roberts and the other authors of Project 2025 are planning to start a bloody war as part of the Heritage Foundation’s mission.

The Heritage Foundation clearly and overtly supports presidential candidate Donald Trump. This show the organization is an 'action organization' and therefore violates the code allowing for tax exemption under 501(c)(3). This is fraudulent. Action must be taken.

See NYTimes reporting of this incident on July 3rd: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/03/us/politics/heritage-foundation-2025-policy-america.html

You'll need more information about The Heritage Foundation to be able to fill out IRS complaint form 13909. This information is from Jessica Craven, Chop Wood Carry Water:

The Heritage Foundation's street address is 214 Massachusetts Ave. N.E., city is Washington, state is D.C. Zipcode is 20002

Their tax ID/EIN was tricky to submit - you cannot have a hyphen so it's 237327730

You can name both John P. Bakiel (VP of Finance) and Kevin Roberts (President).

Jessica suggested saying something like:

The Heritage Foundation clearly and overtly supports presidential candidate Donald Trump. This show the organization is an 'action organization' and therefore violates the code allowing for tax exemption under 501(c)(3). This is fraudulent. Action must be taken.

She also says, "I just completed my complaint and found that it is easy to submit electronically." I could not figure out how to do that, so if someone does, can they please share.

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"...although I really feel Harris would benefit from the extra foreign policy experience of another round with Biden,..." Good point.

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One thing buried in that interminable Education section about "unless they can afford private schools." The Manifesto wants to take away any income restrictions over vouchers so that those who already have kids in private schools can use "state" money for a voucher and thus a free ride. This is apparently happening in Ohio already. Take a look at https://davidpepper.substack.com/ I have no idea whether vouchers are good only in the state--can someone use this program to go to Phillips Exeter?

Another thing: the plan calls for block grants to states (not a per program grant) that the state can use for "any lawful purpose." With a law that allows school choice vouchers I can see nothing that stops the state from putting all the Federal Funding (your taxes, my taxes) into school vouchers and hence the pockets of religious schools and the already rich. . And the state can keep putting state funds into vouchers too, not relieving the public schools of any drain on their resources.

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Kudos for this, Lucian. As a friend just said, it’s not as if he doesn’t know exactly who his vp and who Zelensky is.

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There’s no doubt Biden is the most qualified to lead this country.

Today l mistakenly referred to Trump as Putin, but that may be incite full. Harry didn’t divorce me, even though it drives him nuts when l mis-speak or used a wrong word!

Perhaps we’ll learn to be more tolerant of others, but also set ethical standards which have apparently been discounted by the Republicans .

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I do this sort of thing all the time too. It is why I don't get upset about that aspect of Trump, as much as his goals for our world. I am not particularly eager to live in a Christian Nationalist Nation, which basically is a formula for preparing for armageddon, or under fascism. My mom was born the year after Hitler came to power and her father got taken off because her sister said, "Heil Mussolini" in school with her best friend because her friend's father said it at home. I get the irony more after reading Strongmen by Prof. Ruth Ben-Ghiat.

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I've called our cat my son's name! I'm elderly, but I do know the difference!❣️💙❣️💙❣️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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I'll take those gaffs over the lying pussy grabbing traitor any day!

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I’m with you! And I will support ANYONE who runs against the Orange Idol the Republicans have created. I’d personally prefer Kamala Harris … but Snoopy or anyone else on the Democratic line would be preferable to that lying psycho con man!

I am not registered with any party, but for the first time ever, I will be voting a straight party line … Democracy is at stake! Democrats need our support!

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Democracy has been at stake as long as I've been voting! My first presidential election was 1972, and that was after Nixon launched his southern strategy.

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Watched MSNBC's awful rehash and found myself yelling at Jen Psaki to SHUT UP. After scaring my cats half to death, I decided to vent my rage in another email to the network. Not watching Alex also helps. Lawrence is coming on soon thank goodness. BP is back in normal range.

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Can’t bear watching Alex and the endless wind-up for milking the cow from the other side. Saw last 2 minutes with sound off with Schmidt. Most I saw of conference was Lawrence’s clips. When he said Psaki was coming up next, I turned it off. That’s always an unbearable exercise of watching paint dry.

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She was only on for a moment. Lawrence was his usual inciteful honest sel.f Hard to take the others, except for Rachel.

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You didn't miss a thing. I figure Lawrence was trying to save her neck by having her on, since the network was probably being besieged by viewers who were tuning her out. He kept her under control but she obviously doesn't deserve her salary. Bet she flies over to CNN pretty soon.

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Aha! I turned it off before Jen!

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Me too! Im getting fed up with the lot of them!

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I turned it off right away (once theyʼve started, they donʼt stop) and switched to Al Jazeera, which was showing part of the press conference. Eek! But a minute later, they had turned to the NATO conference, so I was okay. Do you see that weʼre both Ellens?

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Can't ever have too many Ellens!

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I'm privileged to be married to one!

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Moses had terrible speech impediment but he led his people out of Egypt. The vision informs the leadership. Biden has unwavering vision and direction, while Trump can only see himself in the mirror

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YES. The leader frames the issues, goals, and needs. The brilliant staff and appointees carry out the work. Why can't people grasp that??? The question is not whether he stumbles over words, but the substance of the message despite the stumbles.......

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1000% agree, Grover!

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Moses was real? 🧐

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Eric …so concrete!

All those stories have timeless themes

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He casts no shadow...

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Thank you (as always) for this column. And thank you for watching - I couldn't bear to and I'm glad to hear your positive take on things. We need to stick with him until he tells us to stick with someone else.

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I could not possibly agree with you more Lucian. Thank you for every word you wrote. I’m sticking strongly with Joe he passes it on to Kamala. Then I will support her with every ounce of energy and good will I possess. And continue to donate to Biden-Harris.

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It is a sad state of affairs for our country when we must see Biden tested while his opponent spouts gibberish 24/7 and bc he's been doing it for so long it isn't considered news.

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Great job Lucian…the only thing I wished was for a reporter to ask Biden about Project 2025…what would the press corps follow up have been to that?

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Why ask about a Christofascist blueprint for hijacking our government when someone can beat the dead horse of Biden’s age.

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I want reporters to ask *Republicans* about Project 2025, especially the ones in swing states.

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He brought it up briefly.

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People need to be reminded that Biden’s verbal gaffes have always been there. And I’m with you - a scarecrow is better than not just Trump but any Republican at this point.

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I thought Joe did brilliantly at his NATO press conference. But has this moved the needle with the naysayers? - not a bit. Even Jim Himes post presser couldn't even acknowledge how well he did. He was just like the Joe we've always known...his old self. No one seems to be able to let go of the debate.

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I agree: Joe was brilliant at the press conference. But are we going to have to wade through every appearance dreading the re-appearance of that benighted old fellow who looked like he had died the minute he stepped into the ring with the Orange Turd two weeks ago? How can we "let go of the debate"? Go Joe, do your damnedest, but if you for one minute let the doubt that you should have in your heart -- am I really the best person to save us from Trump in 2024? -- get through to your head, please be ready to yield. You've been a wonderful president -- much to my surprise, I hafta admit -- but don't let foolish stubborn pride turn your last act into disaster.

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He made the concession in an answer to a question from a reporter, that he would step aside if he felt it was necessary, but right now he doesn't.

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Damn right.

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Thank you, Lucian -- you knocked it out of the park yet again. I'm sure the press will ruminate endlessly about the "VP Trump" thing, but honestly, come on, people. For one thing, given the insane amount of stress the President has been under, I'm surprised he can even speak in front of people. Having your every utterance parsed and scrutinized by a hostile audience... Anybody would misspeak under such circumstances, for crying' out loud. Heck, I remember one time when my father -- a Federal bankruptcy judge, brilliant, and in possession of all of his many marbles -- called me by the name of our family dog. We laughed about it -- but were only able to do so because he wasn't President, I guess.

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My father would look at one of us, go through the entire litany names, then say….”you know who you are!” And he was only in his fifties and with no neurological problems.

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So did my dad! Still a joke amongst my siblings and me!

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There were 8 of us kids, so the list was long. Especially when Mom was really upset and added middle names (very Catholic of her). Sometimes I could sneak out mid-list 😂

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Michelle, just once? My father had 3 daughters and many times mismatched our names. Then when my sister brought home a female kitten from college, that added a 4th name to the mix. Lol

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I love it! My grandmother used to do this stuff on a regular basis. My sister is named Lynn, middle name Anne, and was always called Lynn Anne when we were growing up. When my grandmother was addressing me, she would almost invariably say “Lynn An — Michelle,” catching herself in mid gaffe. She did it so often that other family members sometimes jokingly referred to me as Lynn An-Michelle.

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How do you do it? Kudos. Spot on.

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I supported Biden and VP Harris before all of this media frenzy to replace Biden and I still support him! The media wants Trump as president because he’s a crazy news source. The media needs to STFU and actually report what both candidates, Congressmen, and ordinary citizens say! Quit trying to influence the election and Report BOTH CANDIDATES STATEMENTS! Trump is certifiably crazy! Biden sometimes makes misstatements as he always has. I’m sticking with Biden over the fascist!

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