May 5, 2021Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

"seditious charlatans"?

"conniving hucksters"?

Jeebus, talk about classic, textbook "Projection".

It must be great, living a life completely free of shame.

Please forgive me for saying so, but, "Once a slave state..."

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May 5, 2021Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

About the only think lacking from the Tennessee legislator was a Foghorn Leghorn dialect.

I live in South Carolina and can attest many of the locals who go back several generations simply would like to forget , as it is called down here, the recent unpleasantness. Losing the Civil War has indelibly stamped locals with the belief the Federal government will always be the enemy except of course when it comes time to dole out the money for the roads, bridges and port dredging.

Trump won the state by 20 points. When that much willful ignorance is embedded in a state don't expect them to admit what happened a hundred plus years ago much less last week. History may always be written by the winners but in the Old South of the USA the losers are going to keep trying no matter how dumb they might look in doing it.

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May 5, 2021Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Perhaps Former can explain all this in his new blog? Weren't we taught that in 1619 we got slaves, women and representative government?

Where is National Lampoon when we really need it?

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May 5, 2021Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

They’ve been getting away with spouting fantasy-for-fact since “Reaganomics” was coined. Now the Monsters are full grown and have the keys to the asylum, thanks to the fascist KKKoch Billionaire Club. If people like Liz Cheney can muster opposition, maybe the Nation will be saved.

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OMG, these people! I wonder what they make of the Missouri Compromise, the Kansas-Nebraska Act, or "Bleeding Kansas." (Rhetorical question. As the old saw goes, Denial isn't a river in Egypt.)

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May 5, 2021Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Let's face the truth-the only thing keeping the GOP from all donning white robes and carrying burning crosses is that they'd probably not be allowed into the state and federal buildings. Otherwise, they'd be fine with it, just like they are by slashing the voter rolls (of minorities), shutting down all 'them high-falutin' librul' dens of inquity" and promoting the lie that DT did not lose the election.

Because the truth hurts the GOP. They're in denial so hard that I'm surprised they know what day it is.

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May 5, 2021Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

I heartily recommend all members of the Tennessee legislature watch “Inherit the Wind” (preferably the Spencer Tracy - Frederick March version). Oh, wait, wasn’t the actual Scopes trial in Tennessee? Some folks never learn, I guess.🤔😉😊

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May 5, 2021Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV


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May 5, 2021Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

This is brilliant: "Poor things. All they were doing was trying to stop the steal by the Union, and if that doesn’t remind you of our very recent history at the United States Capitol, nothing will."

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May 5, 2021Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

When I heard about that legislator’s speech, I thought of the day the father of a high school friend called me from Mississippi to give me hell for “casting slavery in such a poor light” in my novel Visible Spirits. You’re all too right, Lucian: every now and then folks slip up and say exactly what they mean, as the cretin in Tennessee did the other day.

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May 5, 2021Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Lucian: I read almost every post you do. I hope when we play Connecticut you and your fiancé will be able to come. This Fall, no doubt. FYI: I enjoy your writing and don't always agree but I always end up having to think. Not enough thinking going around these days as you may have noticed. I wanted to up my subscription but how do I do that? I already booked a cheapo sub... You derisive more than that, Sir.

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