Does anyone think that Thomas would review and rule unconstitutional the Loving vs Virginia decision that overturned the Virginia law that made interracial marriage illegal. Where in the Constitution is he given the right to marry a white woman! Outrageous.

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I note this: “let’s take a wild guess and say Brown v. Board of Education.” Not at all a wild guess. Several weeks ago, before the SC’s ruling even became official, some right-wing operative whose name I’ve forgotten declared jubilantly to a reporter: “Next — Brown v. Board of Education!” The wraps are off now, and the right-wingers are no longer concealing their goal, which is to destroy every right women and minorities have gained in the past 150 years.

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The new anti-Roe decision boils down to one thing:


Discrimination against women. The control and subjugation of women. The wet dream of every male sexist like Clarence Thomas is to be able to change society and laws to control, restrict, subjugate, and suppress women.

What is a conservative? A conservative is somebody who wants to keep the old history and traditions. Because society keeps turning against racism and sexism, they keep having to change their name. In the 1800s it was slaveowners. During the Civil War it was the Confederates. Then the KKK was formed. Then they all became part of the Southern Democrats. Then after LBJ’s Voting Rights Act, they migrated over to the Republican Party. Now they call themselves Originalists.

People who like Trump, people who like racist and sexist policy, they are never going to go away.

The backlash to the Obama presidency is continuing. The white supremacists and male supremacists, the people contemptuous of gender and racial equality, will continue to lie cheat and steal to keep society the way they want it. Racists and sexists are a minority now. We have to get our butts in gear and make sure they don’t keep running the show despite being on the decline.

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I am a woman well past child bearing age, but that doesn’t mean I’m not enraged by this “Supreme” Court ruling. Taking away a woman’s right to choose when and if she has children takes away her right to live a life she chooses for herself. In my opinion, because there is no 100% effective birth control, this “Supreme” Court has relegated sexual intercourse only to those people who are intentionally trying to create a child. This is absolutely draconian.

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I’m SO glad I spent much of my life studying American History and law, even if only to be able to comprehend fully the legal and practical impact of the twisted, craven decisions of this right wing (way beyond “conservative”) majority. Execrable, in crystalline form. Richard Cole. Cornell University ‘72 magna cum laude American History; Harvard Law School ‘75.

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If he is such an originalist, Thomas’s vote should only count for three-fifths of a vote. So these reprehensible tallies should be listed not asc6-6, but as 5.6-3.

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I guess the point for these six is stripping the 14th Amendment of meaning and returning us to literally the pre-Civil War constitution, which of course included an emphasis on states' rights and no rights to privacy as developed over the years. I bet that privacy is not only important to "libs" but to conservatives and Trumpets as well, but the Trumpets seem determined to define privacy in such as way that says "only for me and not for thee." Garbage.

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American fascism is on the march. Might as well call it what it is.

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Yes, it would appear the six conservative members (OK maybe 5 1/2) of this Court are more than willing to turn back the clock but to the Dark Ages?

These decisions prove beyond a shadow of a doubt elections have consequences and that a way too large segment of our voting public, particularly in red and rural states, are perfectly OK living in the past. For what reason? Evidently , to codify their superiority and dominance over the others in our society who do not look like, think like or act like them. And, that another large segment (roughly one third) who stay home on election day because they are either "too busy" or "my vote doesn't matter) have contributed consistently to giving the right more power than its numbers would indicate.

Thomas's language in his decision is what is really chilling. He is going to push for more revisionism in the future. And while the other Federalist Society blessed judges say in their opinion that is not what they believe we must remember three of these Justices lied during their confirmation hearings about stare decisis although Barrett did clarify her position to say she believed there might be instances when precedent deserved to be overturned.

The Trump nominees are young. They will be pulling the Federalist Society wagon for a couple decades or more. The United States of the late 20th Century is dead. Welcome to the GOP version of The End Times.

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Jun 25, 2022·edited Jun 25, 2022

Yes, as you note, words. Words, words, words. Ignorant, irrational, power-obsessed. I keep hearing on the air that we're stuck with this court and these decisions for decades to come. Really? Really??? How much longer, how many decisions more, is a tolerant majority going to accept—from electoral college to stacked legislative representation and attendant filibuster—reactionary minority tyranny? The life-threatening consequences are unendurable. … How long?

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Politics aside, you ever think that Gorsuch remembers that he’s sitting in Garland’s seat, that Thomas in his heart of hearts knows that he’s a scumbag, that kavanaugh understands that his appointment was a put-up job or that Barrett knows that she’s no more qualified to sit on the Court than she would be to pitch for the Yankees? They all have to know.

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I think it’s clear from Thomas’s behavior and words that he is NOT fit to serve and he is in cahoots, along with his wife, with the TRAITORS that want to end this democracy. Roberts has proven that he is a dope and a wimp, and he will be remembered for his lopsided, corrupt court. We all know the three LIARS that tRump and Moscow Mitch rammed through the system. . . The problem with embracing jingoistic, right-wing nut ideology is that you end up with the scourge of humanity controlling government. Well, WTF were all these “outraged” voters starting with the Reagan era? Charles KKKoch managed this power steal, learning from Nixon’s “mistakes.” Well, now we are staring Fascist Nazis down the throat.

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America has just been attacked by judicial terrorists.

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I spent the day yesterday vacillating between anger and disbelief. I remember watching the Anita Hill hearings when I was 25 years old. I felt in my gut that he was GUILTY of everything she was testifying to and more. There’s always more whenever you find the kind of despicable behavior that Clarence Thomas was being accused of.

Robert Reich wrote yesterday about being in law school with Clarence, and Hilary and Bill Clinton:

“In those classroom discussions almost fifty years ago, Hillary’s hand was always first in the air. When she was called upon, she gave perfect answers – whole paragraphs, precisely phrased. She distinguished one case from another, using precedents and stare decisis to guide her thinking. I was awed.

My hand was in the air about half the time, and when called on, my answers were meh.

Clarence’s hand was never in the air. I don’t recall him saying anything, ever.

Bill was never in class.”

Voting matters. I am disgusted and sad. My hope is that these events anger enough people to motivate them to go out and vote in the midterms so we can get a Democratic majority, a real majority, in senate and the house.

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I struggle to understand how a clump of cells has more rights than a fully formed human.

It's going to get much, much worse.

Expand the court. NOW

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Wait till a trigger state tries to nab ladies at their border.

This will get very dangerous and very stupid quickly.

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