Amazing. At times I still can't get my head around the fact that We The People allowed this transparently hollow con-man to hold the highest office in the land, more or less the most powerful position on Earth, and he was always no more than a cartoon super-villain from a comic book, like when arch-criminal Lex Luthor was elected president in the Superman universe. I always thought then, "What a crock, that could NEVER happen! Stupid comic book script." Until it did. And Superman wasn't there to protect us.

This is what you get when a man who's only famous for being a celebrity, and a shyster, and has never held a public or elected office, is installed in one. Let that be a lesson to everyone about why we ought to expect more from candidates than fame and demagoguery.

I really feel shame for about half of our fellow citizens who did and still do fall for this snake oil salesmanship. And I wonder if we can get through this bardo of transition without further eruptions of chaos and violence.

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Clearly "We" did not. He lost by 3.5million votes. The "electoral college" did. It must be eliminated.

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Now we need to let the courts do their job while we do all we can to protect the vote and get out the vote. Be an election official, monitor and fight legislative attempts to discourage voting, knock on doors, phone voters, offer rides to the polls. People are trying to make it hard for minorities and young people to vote. Fight back. The right to vote is the only thing that stands between us and losing all our freedoms.

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"Unprecedenteds" might actually become a word -- I mean, people are now talking about "the poors," so that's a thing now. To me, this crowd of rummies, aka the co-conspirators, are the "unbelievables." One could not come up with a more piss poor gang of lawyers than Clark, Powel, Eastman, and Rudy. I agree with whichever commentator on MSNBC said Trump's comeuppance was welcome, and sad, but his underlying question was mine: How does such an unqualified, personality disordered bum become potus in the first place? I'll go out on a limb and predict he will be dead within 30 days. And there will be the feeling, if not the words of Shakespeare, "Nothing in is life became him like the leaving it."

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This is too much to hope for. Your “Scottish Play” reference would be perfect if the tragedy related to TFG and not to our loss of democracy. Out damned spot: thy name is Trump.

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Margo, love this line! Could be applied to others--looking at you, Mr. Turtle. Can you please cite which work it is from, for us non-Shakespearean scholars

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Macbeth - or as theatre people call it, The Scottish Play.

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While I’m all in favor of his demise, by what means of his death are you referring? Suicide? The physical toll of the stress, on his body? As far as suicide, he’s too gutless and egotistical to do that. I can’t see that happening, at all. He’s the Coward in Chief.

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30 DAYS???? What a nice fantasy!

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That's my guess and I'm sticking to it. 😁

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I sure DO HOPE you’re correct! The sooner the better!

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Bravo. A long time coming, but here we are. His outs are to fly somewhere that doesn’t have extradition or plead.

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N.B. because pleading abject stupidity isn't acceptable.

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Thanks Lucian. I don't think Republicans can long hold to their defense that orangehead has the first amendment right to lie so egregiously that he incited a riot in order to stay in power. It looks ridiculous just writing it here, and the more it sees the light of day the more ridiculous it will get until they finally have to give it up.

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that's exactly what they'll continue to do because they have no other option. actually, of course they have other options, but they're unwilling to think about them. at least as of now.

I changed the station to Fox at a certain poin t, just to see what they were doing. Pigboy Hannity was doing his bit about the "Biden Crime Family" and then went into how the indictment didn't blame TFF for the riot, so it was therefore invalid because obviously, Smith is afraid to do so (obviously, keeping the indictment to things that are now incredibly easy to prove is pretty fucking brilliant, if you ask me) and after all, what really HAPPENED except for delaying the certification for "a few hours." I noticed that he DID refer to the riot as a riot, which might or might not mean something. if this is the best thing they could come up with, they're once more proving how pathetic they are. when I saw them pushing the "indictment of free speech" argument, it was obvious to me that Hannity hadn't read the indictment past page one, if at all. actually, I have no doubt that he didn't CARE what the truth actually was because why start now?

it occurs to me that if the trial isn't televised it will be very easy for people to tell themselves that it's another typically opaque "deep state" proceeding. I mean the people who might be a little unsure about what they think they're supposed to think since the "base" isn't going to budge on anything.

and the indictment makes really great reading. this guy Smith is remarkably good at his job.

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Directing that the ensuing trial under this indictment be televised could be a way for Chief Justice Roberts to regain a little bit of honor (a teeny tiny bit).

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more and more, it seems to me that he actually doesn't give a shit.

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I read it and was read to by Bulwark’s artificial voice thing while I read. Everyone should definitely read it. It is masterful the way it’s laid out. All the other cases can just step aside now for this one. I saw somewhere that Alvin Bragg has already said he has no problem with that.

Thanks for your take on it, Lucian. You must work like greased lightning.

I was hoping you’d tell me who CC 6 is. I knew the others. Whoever he is, he’s made the big time.

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Loved the phrase “prolific lies” in the indictment. Great epitaph for Trump.

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Reading this makes me think: My God, these men are stupid. Then I think: too easy. It's about boundaries, which they have none of. Anything goes. The point is power, keeping it, getting more. Yeah, I'm cheered by these indictments. I'm also terrified. What comes next?

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PS I never thought we'd see this day. I am happy to be wrong and I am sorry for insisting it would never happen.

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I appreciate your being mensch enough to say so, Runfastandwin. It confirms your Democratic status since the defendant and his kind never admit error.

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Me too! But I still doubt that the fantasy of TFG in cuffs and an orange jumpsuit, on his way to a cell in a federal prison, will ever come true.

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I dunno, this seems real. We'll see.

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We can dream!

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Thank you, Lucian! I will try and read this particular indictment because I really want to understand everything. Speedy trial against Trump is what Jack Smith wants. He has named co-conspirators who haven’t been charged yet because it’s Smith’s goal is to get to Trump all by himself. It’s a brilliant plan. Now, I have a question for you. You have mentioned the 6th person not yet named, may he a young supporter who got caught up in this madness. Could the 6th person not be Bannon or Stone?

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Door #6 :

Lots of suspects. Do recall much talk about a devoted young aid. If my memory serves his last name begins with M. That said my bucket of wishful thinking (have an aversion to wishful thinking yet there are exceptions)

-Jared Kushner

-Fitton dude from Judicial Watch

-Ka$h Patel

-3shirt Bannon


-The Ghost from the deranged source of the most outlandish elx conspiracies.

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CC6 is described as a Political Consultant. I think of a Political Consultant as a profession. Political advisors are not necessarily Political Consultants. I guess we'll find out eventually.

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Agree. Plus it is good to have some mystery in a matter that has been so public for soooo sooo long.

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Lucian, it's late night in Southern California. Tomorrow noon I'm going to Ukrainian restaurant Traktir on Santa Monica Boulevard, order some cold borscht and raise a glass of Lvivske 1715 Ukrainian beer in toast to you, for the splendid work you've done and are doing to keep us informed, and to Jack Smith, for what he has done and is doing to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America. Maybe I can sketch a t-shirt with a diverse group of (appealing, of course) little kids, each holding a little American flag in one hand, and in the other, a little flag, each bearing one of three sets of numbers on them: 18 U.S.C. 371, 18 U.S.C. 1512(k), and 18 U.S.C. 241.

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💕 Hope you'll follow up on your T-shirt idea, Lawrence Dietz. Meanwhile, your lunch plans 🇺🇦 could be a celebratory template for anyone lucky enough to live in a town with a Ukrainian restaurant. Za nas, za vas, i za Donbas i za Jack Smith!

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Ukrainian for the obvious reason, but also because one of Defendant Trump's puked-up promises is to withhold American-made artillery shells from Ukrainian cannons unless Ukraine helps him put Hunter Biden on the MAGA (Hang Mike Pence!) gallows. But hey! Go American! Burgers, hot dogs! If Bud Light is too pallid a toast, raise a glass of Modelo or Negra Modelo, the brand that has taken over top sales spot from Bud Light AND is owned by Grupo Modelo, *a division of AB InBev,* which is turn owns Bud Light. You'll be putting your money in a different pocket of the same corporate pants, a tactic beyond the strategic comprehension of Ron ("Just as Stupid, None of the Charm") DeSantis. I am writing down your toast (thank, you, Google Translation), and will say it out loud in a few hours. [Insert emoji of Ukrainian flag and American flag side by side.]

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All well said, Lawrence.

I should have included the link where I borrowed that toast. As you'll see, I improvised slightly. Maybe this will be useful for other celebrations: https://whatson-kyiv.com/a-guide-to-toasting-in-ukraine/

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Just this evening I was thinking-'what makes what Donald Trump a criminal when everyone is claiming that he wasn't?"

The the answer occurred to me:

When he did the same action over and over again without prompting from advisers.

He did it willfully, even when told outright that it was illegal and he was breaking the law.

He did it because he wanted to break the law.

He'd been told over and over again to not to commit these crimes, but he refused to listen.

That is the basic element of being a criminal, and Donald Trump has no defense whatsoever.

I just hope they also charge all of the his unnamed (but known) co-conspirators with the same crimes.

This day has long been coming.

Merrick Garland picked the right man for the right time and the right reasons.

If anyone is going to save our country from these people, it's going to be Jack Smith.

Now let's see if a jury of 12 people will agree with him. I hope they will and we can put this behind us and Donald Trump in prison where he so rightfully belongs for the rest of his life.

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I commend Garland and Smith.

Clear headed, sane and patient Turtles.

The charges are well founded.

Born a pessimist i will continue not to celebrate, just yet.

Lots of shit still on the path to a calmer, saner country and planet.

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Please add to your commendations former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and the members of the J6 Committee which laid the groundwork that enabled Jack Smith to take off running once he was on board as Special Counsel.

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Oh yeah. Ok. Alright.

Im a toad on da road a while.

Can youall maybe handle dat?


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Been waiting to hear from you tonight. Nailed it! Thanks

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But of course the GOP stalwarts will still back trump and his cult will send him millions of dollars to hire more lawyers to drag out the pursuit of justice in the courts. Nothing much has changed and trump has yet to face a jury for his crimes…what a country and what a sad spectacle it has become because of trump.

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Five co-conspirators are lawyers.

Let that sink in... 3 years of law school, passed the bar, worked as practicing attorneys for years -- in Giuliani’s case as one of the most powerful US Attorneys in the US.

It’s like having five licensed MDs -- including several of national prominence -- making strenuous arguments in favor of Theodoric of York, Medieval Barber-style bloodletting to treat appendicitis.


Quit Law School in Disgust in ‘82

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Yes. Except Medieval Barber-style bloodletting stopped the pain and lengthened the lives of my ancestors who suffered from hemochromatosis (too much iron in their blood). Today the treatment is to donate blood monthly.

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Honestly, Donald Trump is one sick little boy. He achieved physical but not mental puberty.

What real crooked politician (think tricky dick nixon) runs around town, naked, screaming i got the biggest cock. Little boys are not qualified to be anything but children.

Dangerous real criminal politicians dont run around naked with their erection in hand, grabbing pussy's.


The fully clothed statesman and politican Richard Nixon should have gone to prison. His loyalty was to Mafia bosses Meyer Lansky and Beebe Rebozo. And supported by corrupted CIA STAFF.

The reason we didnt put George W Bush in prison. He fell off his bicycle as a child. We felt sorry for his mom and wife.

Prison however would have been good for the adults in Georges room. Powell, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld and Rice.

That said, Trump has to be stopped from any political gain. And all others that seek to emulate him.

Big work ahead considering 40 percent of the US population is mentally defective.

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Worse than merely “mentally defective.” They are willfully ignorant, cruel, bigoted, selfish people. I am ashamed that they can call themselves Americans, when they are a total disgrace to this country!

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