The only thing Boris Johnson didn’t do in his desperate attempt to cling to power that finally failed this week was unleash a mob of armed Brexiteers on Parliament. He did everything else: he acted as if the rules that applied to everyone else didn’t apply to him. He was contemptuous of facts and spewed lies as if exhaling them were as natural as breathing. He sacrificed everything and everyone in a single cause: himself. His party didn’t matter. His friends were forgotten. His political allies were expendable.
I've written about our immense good fortune in having Joe Biden as president. At a deeply personal level, Joe Biden epitomizes the kind of man many of us would have wanted our own fathers to have been more like him. Biden has the ability to relate, unprompted and unrehearsed. I replay in my memory, Biden's comforting of a young boy who struggles with stuttering. Watching that scene play out, I was reduced to tears. With every political hopeful struggling to advertise their political chops and lifetime accomplishments, wearing them like military campaign ribbons, Biden conveys an in-depth sense of groundedness and competency, all without fanfare or hyperbole. He's been seriously underrated, mostly by millenials whose superficiality has been the scandal of our age. Bill Maher commented recently on that point, and how Joe Biden's accomplishments are manifold. Compared to the former president, the contrast in Biden's style and accomplishments could not be more complete.
Thank you for writing this. I saw video footage of his comment on the 10 year old girl today and you could feel his emotion through the TV. It was moving and his outrage was genuine. You never saw that juvenile fat ass trump ever come near that. And he never will. And yet Fox denigrates Biden and his character and abilities every five minutes on their bullshit fest and the networks lie in wait for a gaffe. I see people with “Let’s go Brandon” tee shirts every day and I’ve lately taken to laughing at them. Biden has really gotten the short schrift.
Thank you. We need to rally with specifics. To be ahead all he had to be was NOT-TRUMP. And yet he’s done so much more. The press has missed the deep significance of what’s really been happening through the whole debacle. The hearings remind us every day about what was not reported in real time.
“Nobody is writing about Joe Biden’s goodness as a man and a president. Well, I am.”
And I am very glad you are. Biden is a decent man and he has grown as a leader and statesman through the decades. He has the courage and spine to face down the vitriol (and worse) of the far right without responding in kind, and to lend stability, character, and simple decency to the governing of this bruised and divided nation. He is exactly the man we need right now, and it’s time someone says it.
We are indeed very lucky that he stepped in nearly at the last minute to take the presidency away from a toddler who threw his din-din at the walls of the WH when he was told that 'no, there is no voter fraud' from his own hand-picked Attorney General, who characterized the entire episode as 'bullshit.'
I mean, he doesn't have to do this.
He could have stayed home and had fun times with the grands, gone on speaking tours (making a lot more money than the present gig does,) and enjoyed a well-earned retirement with his wife.
There are some people upon whom greatness is thrust, and I think Joe Biden is one of them, even when the entire GOP is pissed off he's still in office.
And Donald Trump is still not the POTUS, and probably won't be able to run again because there are some who say that criminal indictments are close at hand (but we've heard that before, too) and he shouldn't bet on being able to do any campaigning at all.
Sure, Biden's made mistakes-but by god, his mistakes are not taking us to the brink of war in a tweet.
Thank god we have an adult in the White House, no matter what else is going on because right now that's what we need.
Thanks for this, Lucian. I feel the same. I don’t think his party has been a huge help to him. Sometimes I wonder what world some of my fellow Democrats think they’re living in.
I've written about our immense good fortune in having Joe Biden as president. At a deeply personal level, Joe Biden epitomizes the kind of man many of us would have wanted our own fathers to have been more like him. Biden has the ability to relate, unprompted and unrehearsed. I replay in my memory, Biden's comforting of a young boy who struggles with stuttering. Watching that scene play out, I was reduced to tears. With every political hopeful struggling to advertise their political chops and lifetime accomplishments, wearing them like military campaign ribbons, Biden conveys an in-depth sense of groundedness and competency, all without fanfare or hyperbole. He's been seriously underrated, mostly by millenials whose superficiality has been the scandal of our age. Bill Maher commented recently on that point, and how Joe Biden's accomplishments are manifold. Compared to the former president, the contrast in Biden's style and accomplishments could not be more complete.
Thank you for writing this. I saw video footage of his comment on the 10 year old girl today and you could feel his emotion through the TV. It was moving and his outrage was genuine. You never saw that juvenile fat ass trump ever come near that. And he never will. And yet Fox denigrates Biden and his character and abilities every five minutes on their bullshit fest and the networks lie in wait for a gaffe. I see people with “Let’s go Brandon” tee shirts every day and I’ve lately taken to laughing at them. Biden has really gotten the short schrift.
Thank you. We need to rally with specifics. To be ahead all he had to be was NOT-TRUMP. And yet he’s done so much more. The press has missed the deep significance of what’s really been happening through the whole debacle. The hearings remind us every day about what was not reported in real time.
“Nobody is writing about Joe Biden’s goodness as a man and a president. Well, I am.”
And I am very glad you are. Biden is a decent man and he has grown as a leader and statesman through the decades. He has the courage and spine to face down the vitriol (and worse) of the far right without responding in kind, and to lend stability, character, and simple decency to the governing of this bruised and divided nation. He is exactly the man we need right now, and it’s time someone says it.
You have. Bravo.
Thank you! The media needs to read your blog. But they won’t, sadly.
We are indeed very lucky that he stepped in nearly at the last minute to take the presidency away from a toddler who threw his din-din at the walls of the WH when he was told that 'no, there is no voter fraud' from his own hand-picked Attorney General, who characterized the entire episode as 'bullshit.'
I mean, he doesn't have to do this.
He could have stayed home and had fun times with the grands, gone on speaking tours (making a lot more money than the present gig does,) and enjoyed a well-earned retirement with his wife.
There are some people upon whom greatness is thrust, and I think Joe Biden is one of them, even when the entire GOP is pissed off he's still in office.
And Donald Trump is still not the POTUS, and probably won't be able to run again because there are some who say that criminal indictments are close at hand (but we've heard that before, too) and he shouldn't bet on being able to do any campaigning at all.
Sure, Biden's made mistakes-but by god, his mistakes are not taking us to the brink of war in a tweet.
Thank god we have an adult in the White House, no matter what else is going on because right now that's what we need.
Well said Lucian! Pres Biden is a good man and a good president who was handed the tRump shit show
How to best/better transmit this humanity? What would be today's equivalent to FDR's "fireside chats?"
That would be so good. A regular conversation with American people emphasizing our common concerns/ threats and his laying out what is being done
Yes, this good man. Thanks Lucian. I don't understand why the polls look the way they do. I just don't.
Well said my friend and certainly overdue from the rest of the third estate!!
Every word of this, thank you. It’s so tiring and depressing to hear all the Biden bashing, from all ends. Thank you, big sigh
Thank you for this very welcome piece.
well said and thank you!
Thanks for this, Lucian. I feel the same. I don’t think his party has been a huge help to him. Sometimes I wonder what world some of my fellow Democrats think they’re living in.
In complete agreement with you on Biden’s character. Considering his political situation, he has acted with intelligence and courage