I hope the armed forces are loyal if the militias come out in November. Do I sound too gloomy? Is it not one of the possibilities? Some states won't ratify a Biden win? It's after midnight, I should get some winks.
I hope the armed forces are loyal if the militias come out in November. Do I sound too gloomy? Is it not one of the possibilities? Some states won't ratify a Biden win? It's after midnight, I should get some winks.
I hope the armed forces are loyal if the militias come out in November. Do I sound too gloomy? Is it not one of the possibilities? Some states won't ratify a Biden win? It's after midnight, I should get some winks.
Its midnight in the Americas.
Will we wake-up?
"Goodnight and Goodluck."
BTW do you recommend the film by that name?