Musk will not see this Twitter purchase through. And in the end, who really cares? Anybody who roots for the likes of Musk, Bezos et al are simply out of their minds . . . and I see no cure in sight.I do wish Musk would strap himself inside one of his rockets and leave the planet for good. I'll even wave.

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Aren’t “empty skulls of conspiracists, liars, ignoramuses, snake-oil-salesmen” all just pseudonyms for TFG?

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TFG finds himself in an awkward position here what with that Truth shell he can't launch probably because "Truth" is such a foreigner for him.

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I don't understand how it knows WHAT to photograph. but then again, I barely know how to use the camera on my phone. or rather, I know how to use it but am terrible at it.

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I love this post. It describes a lot of us.

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Not 100% sure but I guess it's rudimentary AI face recognition

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Makes me want to look up the South Park episode with Cartman and a drone!

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Drones scare the crap out of me unregulated in the hands of ordinary citizens. “Little brother is watching you!” I see the destruction of privacy, the random use of violence when little drones become weaponized - it’s like what trolls do online where they have anonymity to hide behind - drones give power to wreak havoc in the world at large with little accountability - like being the invisible man able to throw punches and not be seen. They are the tech bubonic plague! Tell me I’m wrong!!!

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...I'm very proud of myself for having the foresight to get myself banned forever from Twitter over a year ago.

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Didn’t have to go the “banning” route…never joined it or Facebook! My sisters & friends were furious that I didn’t keep up with their children and grands, but since I have no willpower, I would be like a 14 year old who can’t stop checking the blasted stuff!

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Until Facebook banned me for a month, I wasted a ton of time there. They did me a favor.

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I never signed up for Twitter. Saved myself from hundreds of wasted hours. I’d rather read a book, newspapers and this website.

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What did y'all do?

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Oh, several times I guess, I made i incendiary remarks about Trump and family. It was time to cut the proverbial cord.

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Unfotunately Musk has taken on all the traits of a trashy inconsiderate mean billionaire. He is such a mixed bag but everything he's touched has turned to some kind of gold so far. It's about time for a correction in fortunes one could think. And the Pixy, hmmmm, that looks like a whole lot more fun. I guess I better look at Snapchat as I feel sure Twitter is about to become State Social Media for Arch Conspiracy Republicans.

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Here! Here!

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dont get me started on lookameee!!selfie types.

but, my approach to musktwit will be to stay with it long enough to see how it evolves/devolves. then make my move. or not.

in my relatively short time on twtr i have found it to be an informative, supportive and even entertaining forum. i'll be sad and dissapointed if it degrades.

i'm hopefully counting on the reports that musk won't pull this off.

i am expecting to see reports of people who have backed up over the dropoff because their little yellow thingy told them back up back up.

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I hope Snapchat comes out on top. Musk is brilliant. I say that gritting my teeth. He made an electric vehicle that has two trunks, has a display near the dashboard, that can help you drive the car, you get updates on how to do maintenance on it, handles both iPhones and Androids, doesn’t use fuel. With that said, i cannot stomach him. He is yet another rich white guy who wants to take over the world. Twitter is losing followers everyday and their employees are in peril. Such a bastard!! These men are all little Hitler wannabees.

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This gave me a chuckle...although I won't be buying one!

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It's way more complicated than you make it sound—European regulators and all that, e.g. While some of Us were checking out, more of them were checking in. I hardly see the Snapchat toy as competition. Many twitters coexist under that umbrella. With all the balls in the air I think it's far too early to predict how it'll end.

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I just thought it was funny.

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You're right. I don't think twitter can be considered a competitor though. The Times mentions that Amazon already had a rival drone camera. I can't believe the amount of serious verbiage the twitter transaction is getting. With so many variables at play, I'm reading none of it. And I do care a lot what happens to the only twitter I know, the journalist province.

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I don‘t much like the looks of Pixy. Looks like something that could be used to spy on one another. I hope the other commenters are correct and that Musk walks away from Twitter. I take him at his word, however, when he says he doesn‘t care about turning a buck on his acquisition, however. I think he has big, Dr. Evil-like aspirations and wants to control the narrative.

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I'm intrigued by this little yellow bird-like machine. Like all things in the dronesphere, there is undoubtedly a regulatory niche within the Federal Aviation Administration that covers this little beauty. From a regulatory standpoint, this is no big deal, but it may cause some consternation within local government, as the airspace over private property is technically violated as the ancient common law of trespass has not kept pace with recent developments in technology, but what to do about it is another question entirely. From a constitutional standpoint, there is really nothing to be said, because the law against trespass has existed since time immemorial. It's only recently that we have figured out ways to do this sort of thing within some sort of zone of toleration that treats these intrusions as de minimis. But, at some point, there's going to be some sort of serious pushback, and it won't be long in coming.

I've seen tiny little drones before, but coupling this little guy with a high resolution camera is going to drive the 'privacy police' absolutely bonkers. I'm assuming that it is preprogrammed to return to the GPS coordinates from which it was launched after reconnoitering anything and everything within, say, a 300 meter radius of its launch coordinates.

As for Elon Musk. I think that the $44 billion that he's committed to buying Twitter is a paradigmatic example of the so-called 'Peter Principle', wherein within an organizational setting someone rises to the ranks to a point where their competency to perform the job they were elevated to do diminishes to the vanishing point, or at least to the point where subpar performance becomes the norm. My personal feeling is that Musk just bought himself a world of hurt. Those jobs which Musk proved himself capable of doing well involve both his training as an engineer applying technologies bounded by the immutable laws of physics, mathematics, and probability. The boundaries surrounding these technological applications are usually explored through computer simulations performed countless times over, all the while testing a wide array of multivariate situations.

Nothing in an engineer's professional education teaches them how to deal with other people. Twitter is already in deep trouble because people do not behave like mathematical algorithms, and for many, 'debate' simply means shouting down the other side of the argument. The idea that Twitter is already a quasi-public square is a publicist's sales pitch for which the metaphor is singularly inapt. Plain and simple, it is a false equivalence to equate a for-profit company styling itself as a public utility with a stated goal of promoting 'free speech', and with no readily observable boundary markers showing users what is, and what is not an acceptable use of Twitter's product. We already know that Twitter, as it is now used, has a strong propensity to agglomerate hate speech because that is where the 'bleeding edge' of the conversation is going, and these are what the attention-directing algorithms are intended to capture to be monetized by advertising.

Historically, the idea of 'free speech' arises in a political context as an argument against censorship of ideas by government. But for many, 'free speech' simply means being able to say whatever you want, whenever you want, with no consequence to follow. Spencer Bokat-Lindell, a New York Times staff editor, citing Musk's critics, wrote in the Times newsletter Debatable (April 27), "Beneath the loft or rhetoric, Musk's critics warn that he has a troubling record of stifling speech he doesn't like." Quoting Greg Bensinger, a member of the Times editorial board, "Musk's reasons for taking control of Twitter aren't about free speech… It's about controlling a megaphone. With his legion of fans, Mr. Musk will command a gigantic megaphone and be free to plug his own investments, pooh-pooh sound health regulations and shout down critics." As was once said about freedom of the press, that only applies if you own a printing press.

The other side of the coin, the notion that Elon Musk might be a force for Twitter's betterment, relies on the argument that he has a sizable fraction of his personal fortune tied up in this venture, and that as a rational actor he would be apt to want to bolster the value of his investment. That's like saying that the owner of a Ferrari or Maserati sports car might be expected to stay within the posted speed limits on well paved highways so as to limit the wear and tear on the vehicle's motor and undercarriage. Since when was that ever true, if ever? Truly, if you can afford to own the car, you want to own the road too. And Elon Musk has already shown his propensity for heavy-handedness and for blowing his very loud horn.

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I'm a huge fan of Elon Musk, I think he's a visionary, a true futurist, and I'm counting on him to make Twitter into something nobody has anticipated. As for the Snapchat camera drone, I don't see it catching on but then I'm the same guy that turned down an offer to open a chain of bagel stores in Manhattan from a certified New Jersey Soprano type who owned a chain of bagel shops. "No way Sonny" says I, "bagels won't sell in the city." Argh! (And yes, I love my Tesla.)

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one year, I thought it'd be cool to subscribe to "The Futurist." they were wrong about EVERYTHING. all these fucking "visionaries" give me a pounding headache on the BEST day, even if Branson DID have a really swell airline.

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If Muck is the future, I'm glad I'm 79.

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I'm glad I'm 79 too but I'd trade for 10 or 15 years younger. As for Elon, we'll both see, hopefully.

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why not ask for twenty? that way, I figure I'd retain SOME wisdom, but with two functioning shoulders and two good knees....

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Functioning shoulders and good knees? What a concept!

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He is a visionary and a true futurist and he's also becoming a bad man. And actually that started about the time he kept making millions and then doubling them and then they became billions. And then and then.

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I read a bunch of the posts here and here is my HMO. The problem is not having a platform for free speech. The problem is giving people who want to do harm to others a platform to do that. I certainly believe in free speech, but not in yelling fire in a crowded theater. If Elon gives people a platform to lie, cheat and steal from others, that is not an expansion of consciousness, it is just wrong. On the other hand, Musk has one of the only platforms that can get you to the space station and is essentially the father of EV around the world. He is probably responsible for the germination more positive tech development and research than any single person in the world in decades and much of it will go on well past his lifetime. Plus, he is a bit nuts like most of the people like him and certainly a bit mean spirited at times. So, what's new in life. One of the problems with this forum is it tends to stray a bit far from shore on occasion. There isn't any perfect on either side of the fence. And, just for the record I have never had a twitter or Snapchat account and post on face book maybe a couple of dozen times a year if that. Mostly to wish folks happy birthday or anniversary or congratulate them on a life event.

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Lucian: I am your die-hard fan but for absolute certain don't agree on the "Musk Ox" incident of the Twitter purchase. If you listen to Musk---if you really, really listen---he's an eccentric on the Spectrum who for once seems to have the future of humanity in his sights in a positive way. My daughter agrees with you and we go back and forth on Musk. LOL. If you believe in the Fermi paradox (and I do), then you can see that the expansion of human consciousness is critical to existence if you believe in human consciousness as an important element of all there is. Esoteric, I know. But, having a doughnut (Musk) who doesn't own any doughnuts, sleeps on the floor of his factory and is the wealthiest man on Earth seems to me to be a positive thing. Twitter is public utility now and you are correct in the sense that it shouldn't be wide open, probably. But I'd rather have it wide open to all thought rather than closed by people who don't agree with you. At least Musk seems to be in the corner of humanity vs. Bezos who seems to be in the corner of... Bezos. My rant for the day.

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There is a lot of accurate information out there right this minute about Musk and some crappy things he's done and does and says. You're really looking at the good PR about him. He doesn't always sleep on the floor of his factories. I understand wanting someone not to have clay feet but it's not the case with Musk. He started off a pretty good guy. He's not that now but not necessarily a bad guy either, unless he keeps heading toward what he now believes as the richest man in the world with all that money and all that power, but fortunately not infinite power. We;ll see. It's about time for a correction with Musk.

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Mary: You are correct, I tend to see Muskin a positive manner. He is eccentric, that is for sure. In reality, it is not normal for a man to have 7 children from several different mothers, etc. Not normal to sell all your houses---all of them. I am responding to his concerns about the protection and expansion of consciousness and by that I mean 'life.' With the possibility that all living things may soon cease to exist, I support moving off planet and exploring the stars---if we can live long enough. In that sense, I appreciate his madness or lunacy or whatever. But, you are correct, I am seeing the man thru rose colored glasses.

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