Trump fired the FAA director at the direction of the dope-smoking and ketamine gobbling Elon Musk because he was pissed at him for raising safety concerns about SpaceEx.
Trump disbanded the Aviation Safety Advisory committee.
Trump appointed a drunken rapist and Christo-fascist to run the DoD just before an Army helicopter crossed into the path of an airliner on approach.
Trump hired a TV reality show host and Fox talking head with zero relevant experience as Secretary of Transportation who shared the great insight that mid-air collisions are not "standard practice".
But Trump blames Biden and Obama for a catastrophe that occurred on his watch and after spending the hours since the crash making stupid and uninformed statements.
He's President Shit-Show, but our weak corporate media will let him and his crew of criminals and clowns move on to their next catastrophe without asking any of the obvious tough questions that need to be asked and answered.
To paraphrase Olympia Dukakis speaking to Shirley MacLaine in Steel Magnolias : "Lucian, you know I love ya more than my luggage". But an overwhelming sense of pettiness (emanating from the orange dear leader) has taken over, causing me to become "that guy". As in, CRJ in aviation parlance refers actually to a specific type of regional jet, Bombardier's Canadair Regional Jet. The regional jet category overall is referred to simply as RJ. Couldn't help myself, sorry.
Corporate media has lost all credibility. I'm reading tonight that the oligarch owning CBS, David Ellison, is putting pressure on CBS to pay Drumpf $15M for his groundless defamation claim against 60 Minutes for editing Kamala's interview as consumer fraud. Ellison fears Drumpf might block a potential merger where Ellison stands to make billions. Everything is transactional now, we don't need competent professionals, it's more important to put loyal white men in every position and flatter King Donald. While the country burns instead of fiddling the Orange Fraud will be golfing.
Oh. My. God. This is an incredible shit-show. It’s raining crap on all of us. I’m becoming far more vocal in my disdain. I will not be the genteel little old lady I’m expected to be. I know I won’t be deported (though the South of France would be a grand exile.) But I’ll fight as best I can before I let Donnie Darko 2.0 ruin my grandchildren’s lives.
I'm wondering when they are going to round us all up, put us on a few of Elon's SpaceX rockets, and ship our asses to Mars? Isn't that why Elon is snuggled up to Trump? I don't know who's more addle-brained (medicated) - Trump or Elon. Neither would pass any kind of sanity test, I'm sure.
There will be more deaths associated with the incompetent and racist actions of the traitor-in-chief and his nazi appointees, including the complicit republican party. MSM will continue to kiss the keister of that orange traitor. Only when the consequences (death and destruction and disgrace) effect them personally will they either speak out or leave the exorbitantly salaried positions they revere.
Trump also fired the head of TSA, which means another safety boondoggle. Why he did that? Flying is not magic. It has rules. Trump is inviting every terrorist to come to the US, just don't try to come through the Southern border. There are easier ways to get in, like through airports. Also, one can come in as an enemy agent and apply for sensitive government jobs because Trump doesn't seem to be requiring FBI background checks for people. Is this like the thief leaving the door unlocked so that his fellow thieves can break in later? Hello Putin, do you have any FSB or SVR agents you want to imbed in our Counter Intelligence infrastructure? It will be a partnership, much like Putin was openly embedded in the DDR's Stasi while also in the Russian KGB.
Let’s just call them all NAZIS, okay? You might not agree with me, Lucian, but that’s what they are. I don’t want to call them white supremacists or Christian nationalists. Their power play is right out of the handbook, “How to be A Good Little Nazi” (aka: Project 2025) which was probably written in the Reagan years and revised in 2023.
Surprised that you didn’t mention that squirrely weasel, Kash Patel! Boy, is he a charmer or what? Was happy to see Klobuchar and Schiff take some real good swings at him.
Agreed that they are all Nazis. I keep saying that Trump is following Hitlers playbook and he keeps proving me correct. The deportations are how Hitler started before progressing to the Final Solution. He also got rid of bureaucrats in the German government and replaced them with his cult members. We are rapidly entering the 4th Reich.
I believe the new edition of the Project 2025 book, now on press (when your living quarters are inspected by ICE agents "looking for illegal aliens" --- no warrant will be required --- they will note whether you have a copy and will report you if you don't), has a new, much catchier and more relevant title: MEIN 47.
One newscast I heard Thursday reported that another CRJ was taking off and the Nighthawk crew may have mistaken it for the one the tower was referring to—even more plausible with your explanation about night-vision goggles.
The real danger is all that extra ambient light from the city. In fact I think that may have been the nature of the training mission: to learn night flying I am urban environment. Otherwise, why not fly over rural areas south of Ft. Belvoir where they were based?
TV news editors seem to consider everybody who ever flew to or from Reagan airport an expert, but *somebody* I heard yesterday mentioned that those training missions are frequent exactly because the airport—being downtown—*is* so popular. LATER Here it is
And the big liar's low-information followers will echo that party line that he started while victims are still submerged. … Since the first reports of that shooter's Republican registration, I've never heard one news reference since. —d
Daien, "SOME" think it was staged! Anericans love conspiracies. And TV and Movies where our God Father is charge of Earth. So your husband insulted you!
So many conspiracy theories! I never believed one before seeing that ear 'nicked' in Doug Mills' stills, followed by the world's greatest coward delaying treatment and "defying" assistant assassins to engage in stagey bravado.
Too bad candidates for president don’t have to face even half the scrutiny Air Traffic Controllers do, Trump would still be selling steaks and phony diplomas if they did.
As to “Gabbard would only concede that Snowden “broke the law and released this information in a way that he should not have,” as if there is another way that top-secrets can be shared with people who are not cleared to receive it.” But doesn’t this apply to Trump sharing top-secrets with Musk? And as for Trump’s point in his memo “The memo goes on to claim that the Biden administration “egregiously rejected merit-based hiring, requiring all agencies to implement dangerous ‘diversity equity and inclusion’ tactics, and specifically recruiting individuals with ‘severe intellectual’ disabilities in the FAA.” Individuals with severe intellectual disabilities describes Trump’s intended appointees as well as Trump himself I have to say. Call a spade a spade unless that’s too woke. I am exhausted by the White House Shit Show, too.
He may or may not be mentally lll, but he is mentally deficient, insufficient for the level of our time, an in between time, as described by Don DeLillo, where the reality of uncertainty reigns, the old anchors gone. Absent even a rudimentary scale of values, he operates on biases incubated over a lifetime of attempting to mask the pain caused by his fear that he is insufficient—a rare certainty, blatantly obvious to those with eyes to see and ears to hear.
T***p's fixation with DEI is understandable, since it emanates from a Dramatically Egomaniacal Ignoramus, who compensates for his Depressingly Empty Intelligence with Deeply Extremist Incoherences (and let's not dwell on his Degenerate Erotic Indulgences). QED.
So much I'd like to say, but I'm exhausted. I'll just say: I don't know why I continue to be outraged when he spews lies and blame everywhere but where it belongs, yet I do. (His latest EO blames former presidents Biden and Obama, saying that "“problematic and likely illegal decisions” during their administrations “minimized merit and competence in the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)"...They implemented “dangerous ‘diversity equity and inclusion’ tactics,” it said, and recruited “individuals with ‘severe intellectual’ disabilities in the FAA.”")
Just throw anything at the wall, including baseless accusations of criminality, and assume it will stick. The gall of this man accusing anyone of making hiring decisions based on "minimized merit and competence", let alone having the cojones to talk about other people having "severe intellectual disabilities"....Thanks for continuing to fight the good fight, Lucien, hope you are feeling all the way better. Good night.
That the actual president of the United States can make statements like this and it not be plastered in huge fonts all over every news outlet is unfreakin' believable. Imagine if Obama had said anything even vaguely like what this turd says every time he opens his mouth. Hell, every time Obama said "Hi" we got weeks of Repubs screaming from the rooftops about it. Deeper and deeper we plunge...
What a day! Three hearings at the same time and they focus on the airline crash! I started to think they didn’t want the public to see the confirmation hearings. I watched a little online but I couldn’t hear that well. I caught up later tonight. Lucien, you gave an excellent summary! Thanks so much! What a day!
I feel so sad about the young lives lost from the ice skaters!
RF[u]K jrs response on Medicare is indicative of the way ultra rich people pay only a teeny fraction of their income for Medicare taxes and don't need it in any event. He's 71. He's ON Medicare and doesn't know squat about it. How could he even sign up for it? Oh, he has people to do that.
The way to fund Medicare is to raise considerably the top income that has to pay the tax. Adjust the "max payout" per month to account for some of this. But maybe people's people will get them to care about what it IS they are getting.
The more they pay in the more invested they are. Fair-minded people sometimes ask why people who won't need Social Security and Medicare should have to pay in. Teddy Kennedy's answer was irrefutable: If they were exempt, they would see the programs as entitlements, as expendible as welfare.
In the past 10 days...
Trump fired the FAA director at the direction of the dope-smoking and ketamine gobbling Elon Musk because he was pissed at him for raising safety concerns about SpaceEx.
Trump disbanded the Aviation Safety Advisory committee.
Trump appointed a drunken rapist and Christo-fascist to run the DoD just before an Army helicopter crossed into the path of an airliner on approach.
Trump hired a TV reality show host and Fox talking head with zero relevant experience as Secretary of Transportation who shared the great insight that mid-air collisions are not "standard practice".
But Trump blames Biden and Obama for a catastrophe that occurred on his watch and after spending the hours since the crash making stupid and uninformed statements.
He's President Shit-Show, but our weak corporate media will let him and his crew of criminals and clowns move on to their next catastrophe without asking any of the obvious tough questions that need to be asked and answered.
To paraphrase Olympia Dukakis speaking to Shirley MacLaine in Steel Magnolias : "Lucian, you know I love ya more than my luggage". But an overwhelming sense of pettiness (emanating from the orange dear leader) has taken over, causing me to become "that guy". As in, CRJ in aviation parlance refers actually to a specific type of regional jet, Bombardier's Canadair Regional Jet. The regional jet category overall is referred to simply as RJ. Couldn't help myself, sorry.
Corporate media has lost all credibility. I'm reading tonight that the oligarch owning CBS, David Ellison, is putting pressure on CBS to pay Drumpf $15M for his groundless defamation claim against 60 Minutes for editing Kamala's interview as consumer fraud. Ellison fears Drumpf might block a potential merger where Ellison stands to make billions. Everything is transactional now, we don't need competent professionals, it's more important to put loyal white men in every position and flatter King Donald. While the country burns instead of fiddling the Orange Fraud will be golfing.
Oh. My. God. This is an incredible shit-show. It’s raining crap on all of us. I’m becoming far more vocal in my disdain. I will not be the genteel little old lady I’m expected to be. I know I won’t be deported (though the South of France would be a grand exile.) But I’ll fight as best I can before I let Donnie Darko 2.0 ruin my grandchildren’s lives.
Fiddling and golfing… I like the comparison.
I'm wondering when they are going to round us all up, put us on a few of Elon's SpaceX rockets, and ship our asses to Mars? Isn't that why Elon is snuggled up to Trump? I don't know who's more addle-brained (medicated) - Trump or Elon. Neither would pass any kind of sanity test, I'm sure.
There will be more deaths associated with the incompetent and racist actions of the traitor-in-chief and his nazi appointees, including the complicit republican party. MSM will continue to kiss the keister of that orange traitor. Only when the consequences (death and destruction and disgrace) effect them personally will they either speak out or leave the exorbitantly salaried positions they revere.
Exactly. There is also the immigration situation which is the USs Nazi moment. Here lawyer Leeja Miller lays it out for us.
Thanks for laying all of that out, Chauncey. I am sickened and disgusted by the garbage that spews from the ffpotus's mouth every time it opens.
The problem is, we can ask the tough questions, but we can't make him answer them.
I agree Hugh, but asking is a start, and making sure to assert that you haven't received an honest answer helps.
A true president would join the people in national mourning. Oh, Hell. Why do I bother to point that out? We are in the middle of a coup.
EVERY Republican politician that bends the knee to the orange traitor is a sack of shite. Period. That means all of them.
What about the Democratic politicians who bend the knee? Or the leaders media organizations?
They are a sack of shit as well...
Mapping the deadly cost of cutting public safety: Trump guts aviation safety advisory committee and freezes FAA employee hiring
Map of fatal plane crashes during President Trump, Biden and Obama: Check the facts - ignore the lies
Trump also fired the head of TSA, which means another safety boondoggle. Why he did that? Flying is not magic. It has rules. Trump is inviting every terrorist to come to the US, just don't try to come through the Southern border. There are easier ways to get in, like through airports. Also, one can come in as an enemy agent and apply for sensitive government jobs because Trump doesn't seem to be requiring FBI background checks for people. Is this like the thief leaving the door unlocked so that his fellow thieves can break in later? Hello Putin, do you have any FSB or SVR agents you want to imbed in our Counter Intelligence infrastructure? It will be a partnership, much like Putin was openly embedded in the DDR's Stasi while also in the Russian KGB.
Facts don't lie. Thank you, Deepak!
I got the same info and posted it on Bluesky for all to see and pass on.
Let’s just call them all NAZIS, okay? You might not agree with me, Lucian, but that’s what they are. I don’t want to call them white supremacists or Christian nationalists. Their power play is right out of the handbook, “How to be A Good Little Nazi” (aka: Project 2025) which was probably written in the Reagan years and revised in 2023.
Surprised that you didn’t mention that squirrely weasel, Kash Patel! Boy, is he a charmer or what? Was happy to see Klobuchar and Schiff take some real good swings at him.
Agreed that they are all Nazis. I keep saying that Trump is following Hitlers playbook and he keeps proving me correct. The deportations are how Hitler started before progressing to the Final Solution. He also got rid of bureaucrats in the German government and replaced them with his cult members. We are rapidly entering the 4th Reich.
I believe the new edition of the Project 2025 book, now on press (when your living quarters are inspected by ICE agents "looking for illegal aliens" --- no warrant will be required --- they will note whether you have a copy and will report you if you don't), has a new, much catchier and more relevant title: MEIN 47.
They sure did.
One newscast I heard Thursday reported that another CRJ was taking off and the Nighthawk crew may have mistaken it for the one the tower was referring to—even more plausible with your explanation about night-vision goggles.
The real danger is all that extra ambient light from the city. In fact I think that may have been the nature of the training mission: to learn night flying I am urban environment. Otherwise, why not fly over rural areas south of Ft. Belvoir where they were based?
TV news editors seem to consider everybody who ever flew to or from Reagan airport an expert, but *somebody* I heard yesterday mentioned that those training missions are frequent exactly because the airport—being downtown—*is* so popular. LATER Here it is
Daien, regardless of the final investigations, Trump will blame it on Obama, Biden and wokenness.
The kid that tried to kill Trump?Was a registered Republican?
And the big liar's low-information followers will echo that party line that he started while victims are still submerged. … Since the first reports of that shooter's Republican registration, I've never heard one news reference since. —d
Daien, "SOME" think it was staged! Anericans love conspiracies. And TV and Movies where our God Father is charge of Earth. So your husband insulted you!
No problem.
Luca Brasi is coming.
So many conspiracy theories! I never believed one before seeing that ear 'nicked' in Doug Mills' stills, followed by the world's greatest coward delaying treatment and "defying" assistant assassins to engage in stagey bravado.
How about The bullet wasn't close. Just Donald sticking himself with a pin.
Or break open a packet of stage "blood," something he'd know about from his performance career.
I saw another plane in the night sky.
Not everything in the night sky is what it seems. I once saw a very persuasive flying saucer—IRL—a story I'll share at a more appropriate time.
Exactly what I heard, and one of the videos seems to show it.
Helicopter far above its approved altitude is unlikely to be the only additional anomaly that will emerge before the official report is released.
Too bad candidates for president don’t have to face even half the scrutiny Air Traffic Controllers do, Trump would still be selling steaks and phony diplomas if they did.
As to “Gabbard would only concede that Snowden “broke the law and released this information in a way that he should not have,” as if there is another way that top-secrets can be shared with people who are not cleared to receive it.” But doesn’t this apply to Trump sharing top-secrets with Musk? And as for Trump’s point in his memo “The memo goes on to claim that the Biden administration “egregiously rejected merit-based hiring, requiring all agencies to implement dangerous ‘diversity equity and inclusion’ tactics, and specifically recruiting individuals with ‘severe intellectual’ disabilities in the FAA.” Individuals with severe intellectual disabilities describes Trump’s intended appointees as well as Trump himself I have to say. Call a spade a spade unless that’s too woke. I am exhausted by the White House Shit Show, too.
He may or may not be mentally lll, but he is mentally deficient, insufficient for the level of our time, an in between time, as described by Don DeLillo, where the reality of uncertainty reigns, the old anchors gone. Absent even a rudimentary scale of values, he operates on biases incubated over a lifetime of attempting to mask the pain caused by his fear that he is insufficient—a rare certainty, blatantly obvious to those with eyes to see and ears to hear.
Oh, he is most definitely mentally ill.
The thing to understand is, DJT is a narcissist. (Even though the decline in his mental acuity is also dangerous.)
I suggest everyone read a little about the disorder. Wikipedia has a good summary:
(You can read it in small chunks, the first section to start, but do go back to the article at least to the paragraph labeled Grandiose/overt.)
T***p's fixation with DEI is understandable, since it emanates from a Dramatically Egomaniacal Ignoramus, who compensates for his Depressingly Empty Intelligence with Deeply Extremist Incoherences (and let's not dwell on his Degenerate Erotic Indulgences). QED.
Thank you, Mr. Dietz! Very neatly and nicely done!
As Mr. DEI's BFF (Vladdy) would say (pronounced from the Cyrillic), nazdaROvye.
So much I'd like to say, but I'm exhausted. I'll just say: I don't know why I continue to be outraged when he spews lies and blame everywhere but where it belongs, yet I do. (His latest EO blames former presidents Biden and Obama, saying that "“problematic and likely illegal decisions” during their administrations “minimized merit and competence in the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)"...They implemented “dangerous ‘diversity equity and inclusion’ tactics,” it said, and recruited “individuals with ‘severe intellectual’ disabilities in the FAA.”")
Just throw anything at the wall, including baseless accusations of criminality, and assume it will stick. The gall of this man accusing anyone of making hiring decisions based on "minimized merit and competence", let alone having the cojones to talk about other people having "severe intellectual disabilities"....Thanks for continuing to fight the good fight, Lucien, hope you are feeling all the way better. Good night.
We know who the person with. “severe intellectual disability” is.
I hear you, Tom. You continue to be outraged because the conduct is outrageous.
That the actual president of the United States can make statements like this and it not be plastered in huge fonts all over every news outlet is unfreakin' believable. Imagine if Obama had said anything even vaguely like what this turd says every time he opens his mouth. Hell, every time Obama said "Hi" we got weeks of Repubs screaming from the rooftops about it. Deeper and deeper we plunge...
Tan suit … Grey Poupon … sleeveless dress.
Arugula …
The deterioration of hiring practices best describes his Cabinet. Absolutely lacking merit or qualifications.
What a day! Three hearings at the same time and they focus on the airline crash! I started to think they didn’t want the public to see the confirmation hearings. I watched a little online but I couldn’t hear that well. I caught up later tonight. Lucien, you gave an excellent summary! Thanks so much! What a day!
I feel so sad about the young lives lost from the ice skaters!
Psycopath Donald"s White House is occupied by a a litter of submissive puppies. They include religious kooks, sadistic sociopaths and ignoramus fools.
As a supporter of Whistleblowers,
(I agree with Abraham Lincolns 1863 False Claims Act and the long list of Whistleblowers since 1777.)
I have somewhat different thoughts about Eric Snowden.
Hopefully for the next 4 years many Whistleblowers will seek to expose the real criminals. Right, Tricky Dick?
RF[u]K jrs response on Medicare is indicative of the way ultra rich people pay only a teeny fraction of their income for Medicare taxes and don't need it in any event. He's 71. He's ON Medicare and doesn't know squat about it. How could he even sign up for it? Oh, he has people to do that.
The way to fund Medicare is to raise considerably the top income that has to pay the tax. Adjust the "max payout" per month to account for some of this. But maybe people's people will get them to care about what it IS they are getting.
Same with Social Security... raise the income threshold.
for sure. I will have popped off before the system runs out of money. My disabled daughter won’t have.
The more they pay in the more invested they are. Fair-minded people sometimes ask why people who won't need Social Security and Medicare should have to pay in. Teddy Kennedy's answer was irrefutable: If they were exempt, they would see the programs as entitlements, as expendible as welfare.