Let's get to the real business at hand: when will P1135809 propose to Alina? She certainly has cultivated the Trump wife look, complete with the Melania hairdo and pouty lips. Will she be # 4 in a series? And, if so, will she negotiate her own prenup? Given her legal talents on display at the fraud trial, she'd be well advised to engage the services of a competent lawyer for that chore.

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Wonderful. Maybe because I had the same thought?

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The great minds think alike syndrome.

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You betcha'. But really, could this girl actually have gotten a law degree -- from anywhere? Well, maybe the place Gym Jordan dropped out of? And is there such a thing as a Christian law school?

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Margo, her training may possibly be legit, but it’s clear that her ethics are for sale.

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Who knew she has (or had) ethics ?

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Absolutely perfect. I had clicked her name into a search engine, then images. That hair, those lips! The one I love most is a b&w from *her* law firm. Yes, Margo, she graduated from a legit, if not top-rank-rep law school, Widener, located in Harrisburg., Pa., and no, Margo, it is not a "Christian" law school, but the Widener family for which it's named were and are high society (not so high income) a pretty common combo in Philly when I was growing up there. It should go without saying that high society in Philly then, and may still be, was high goy.

As for Deranged and Found Guilty Donnie (DFGD), the only oaths under which he should speak are the ones issued almost non-stop by R. Lee Ermy, playing U.S. Marine Gunnery Sergeant Hartman in "Full Metal Jacket." What he shouted at the recruits at the beginning of the movie fits DFGD better than his oversize, droopy suits: "You are pukes! You're the lowest form of life on earth! You are not even human f***ing beings!"

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You are hilarious but you know that. The "high goy" comment was choice. I'm a fan

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Does she have an accent? Can she fake one? He seems to like that. Melania is tough and I don't think she will let anyone pry her loose.

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I beg to differ. After bribing her to go to Washington as First Lady with a revised post-nup, everyone expected her to get divorced when his term was up. My guess is he couldn't come up with the scratch he'd promised. And she doesn't have to see him, so...

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My whacky conspiracy theory is Melania works for Putin and her folks are old time KGB now stationed in plain view in the USA.

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That certainly would've fit into his plans pre-presidency and during. The more Ruskies the merrier ...

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I LIKE it. and it has considerably more going for it (in terms of plausibility alone)

than, say, Pizzagate or QAnon.

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I don't think your concept is the least bit whacky.

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I've often wondered if that was the case.

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Absolutely right...

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My thoughts exactly. Except, he probably won't propose; he'll just do what he always does and cheat on dear old Melanoma (who probably wouldn't care.)

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She doesn't care as long as she gets her money placed on the bedside table.

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When will he propose? After he's gotten rid of the bulk of Melania's pre-nup by declaring 'witch hunt' (pun intended).

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Excellent....you are so right - she's got that look down!! LOL!

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Thank you for joining Truth Social so we didn’t have to Lucian.

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And my condolences...

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Oh, I disagree. Trump cares about only two things - himself and his money. The NY trial is going to relieve him of his money, in a much larger amount that the $250M that James asked for, and will end his ability to do business in NY. The Trump Organization will cease to exist...and it will drive him over the edge.

I think he has no appreciation for the legal peril he faces in the criminal cases. He has convinced himself that no judge would ever send a president to prison, and if they did, his MAGA horde would spring him. He's delusional, but then again Trump has never been known for his critical thinking skills.

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Whatever the amount, it doesn't matter, because he can always sell one or more of his golf clubs and pay up. There is no crime in overpaying for something, and the Saudis, American billionaire nazis, or Russians are always standing in the shadows waiting to bail him out. A big however, though, is if they will they do that if he loses next November.

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The far greater penalty would be being barred from doing business in the state of NY.

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That's about a given....God willing

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Correct. He cares only about himself and his bling. In a Dump Discussion on this subject recently, a friend of mine said, “And his kids.” I said, “fFankly, I don’t think he even gives a shit for them, except as they flatter and burnish his image. ( And in a sick, incestuous way for Ivanka.) He’s a psychopath. and psychopaths cannot make meaningful human connections ( he has no true friends, just groupies and hangers-on and lawyers), and they have conscience.

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And his kids have an interest in their inheritance only and don't give a shit about him!!

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Sent too soon They have NO conscience.

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The orange traitor views people in the context of 'what can I use this person for?'. He has no allegiance to anyone including Melania. She is arm candy, and in the past, someone to bed down.

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Agree 100%.

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I just hope all this happens before the election and the other cases go forward before the election. He needs to be convicted in all of the trials. I could not be on a jury as I cannot be objective! He wants to be a dictator and not just on day 1. Once he appointed all his loyalists, they will do what he tells them to do!

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When, or if, the Judge lays the maximum penalties on him, he will appeal. My question is can he move it into Federal purview, or will the Appeals sto at whatever New York has as a Supreme Court ?

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This is a straight up state case. The judge has already ruled that Trump committed long term fraud and ordered his business licenses suspended and his assets placed under the control of a receiver. That ruling has been staid pending the completion of this trial which is simply to determine how much he will be forced to pay to the state of NY. He will appeal, but the buck, and responsibility ends at the NY State Court of Appeals. Given rulings so far, he's in deep shit.

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Well, when is Ms. Hubba Hubba going to be disbarred, or at least censured? Sorriest excuse for a lawyer I've ever seen, and I spent over thirty years as a paralegal observing the species. I suspect and hope that she may feel Trump's wrath after her ridiculous public flop.

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Habba Dabba Do is already planning for her next career as a legal analyst for Fox News. She won't need a law license for that.

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Wikipedia bio says she pivoted from a career in fashion to the law. Maybe "pirouetted" would be a better word

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What a hideous thought.

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Though she isn't a blonde, she is a great looking woman, so I'm sure Fox will find a place for her.

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The not-blonde part is easily remedied.

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Most of them aren’t blonde either.

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Only her hairdresser knows for sure!

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SMH...what a world!

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Au contraire to what Trump says about any Wharton professor saying anything he does deserves an "A", here's a reminder of what one actually DID say.

"Professor Kelley told me 100 times over three decades that “Donald Trump was the dumbest goddam student I ever had.” I remember his emphasis and inflection — it went like this — “Donald Trump was the dumbest goddam student I ever had.” Dr. Kelley told me this after Trump had become a celebrity but long before he was considered a political figure. Dr. Kelley often referred to Trump’s arrogance when he told of this — that Trump came to Wharton thinking he already knew everything. "


As for his testifying, I somehow knew he'd chicken out because after his defense lawyers were done with their case, Ms. James would be able to cross examine him.

Trump would never allow himself to be questioned by a woman-especially a black woman who has the power to strip him of everything he has.

He thinks he's pulled off a coup by not testifying. He's just delayed the inevitable.

Lucien, you did not have to throw yourself on the grenade and take one for your loyal readers by signing up for that miasma of lies called Truth Social! Oh, I hope you took a nice long hot bath after that because it's so filthy over there...eeew.

Talk about timing and irony-I just looked at my email in box. After your column, Liberty University sent me an offering of on-line education courses. See what you did!

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I didn't think of throwing oneself on a grenade when I posted my comment a while after yours, but I was definitely thinking along those lines. Thanks for the reminder of what Dr. Kelley actually said. Trump is not only the "dumbest goddam student" the professor ever had, he's by far the dumbest, and most criminal, president the U.S. ever had. (And if anything from Liberty University arrives in my inbox after I post this, I'm going to be very worried!)

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I think they just "harvest" the internet sites they are sold as part of huge lists by compiler firms, for anyone who expresses interest in politics, nothing more sinister than that.

Now if you were a juror in a Trump case, or an election worker, poll watcher, or related to Jack Smith...

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They can't be any worse than the preposterous bilge I get emailed from Hillsdale College - connected with Betsy De Vos and other notorious wingnuts.

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Hillsdale used to send stuff to my address. Finally, I stuffed as much junk mail into the return envelope as would fit and mailed it back. Never got another thing from them

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These are emails, I would take snail mail two steps to the PO Box / Mailroom trash and it's sayonara baby!

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Can you unsubscribe?

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Wait, now I see, I needed to add the crucial "Post Script" or a "Make Use of Abuse to Produce Your Own Fast & Loose Truths!" - I scan some of the weirdest RWNJ material to continue a long project of (1) discovering the opposition's rhetorical weaknesses (2) sharpening my dialectical skills for refutation of (1), and besides, they are PAYING ME, in effect, to learn their ideological flaws, fallacies, goals, sneaky lies and bogus claims about current events, this is the short summary - always study your enemies closely and take them seriously.

But I also routinely ignore anything that just retreads the same ground, for example "Introduction to the Patriot's Bible with A. Confabulus Huckster, PhD" (I just made that up but you get the idea), or sometimes as "writing warmup and rhetoric practice" I DO reply and explain exactly what I am doing (that it's to send donations to their nemeses, volunteer for them, organize for them, propagandize for them, etc. etc.) - and add a few devastating debunkings of their most egregious conceptual blunders contained in the email they just PAID to send out, wasting not my time and money, but theirs...

They won't win in the long run, and it's great fun to fight them NOW!

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Do you think you changed anyone’s mind? Probably impossible since they all drank the Kool Aid.

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Good thing that's not my goal!

Clarifying one's own thinking is intrinsically valuable - I am routinely coming across some

new flaw in the Hillcrest messaging, those that as mentioned do not simply retread covered territory. Doesn't matter much if they "change their minds" unless they really swerve away from the effects of the Kool Aid, pretty unlikely. So your point is accurate enough, just not what I care about.

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So you’re just messing with them.

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Well if it's Conde Nast at it again could be tricky, they pushed through a $124.99 charge on me beginning Dec. 2022 after I in fact DID go thru their brief, recurring, quasi-opaque "Unsubscribe" hoops - but FAILED to either demand or find a "Cancel confirmation," despite trying to at least get a prorated refund -I have access to print copies of the New Yorker at SE Library /Hennepin County Library branch plus downtown, don't really need or want it online, but no, they basically guaranteed I will dis them, condemn them, mock them as profit-crazed barstewards (CN corporate not of course the NY editors, staff, reporters, who are only to that extent more cogs in corporate machine but what else can those folks do?!) Lesson is: DO NOT

accept the "6 week Into Special Offer/ You can cancel any time" unless you expect to get on the phone or spend time online to get the freakin' cancellation confirmation....

Only "Unsubscribe" experience that bad ever, so I share that as "morning writing warmup" before it's BACK TO THE MAT with Suryanamaskar, stretch stretch reach Cobra! the Shakti energy is alive & kickin'...


John McLaughlin's (81) Shakti North Sea Jazz 2023

Humphry Venema

738 subscribers

34,829 views Jul 15, 2023 NORTH SEA JAZZ FESTIVAL

John McLaughlin's Shakti featuring Zakir Hussain & Shankar Manhadevan

John McLaughin (guitar), Shankar Manhadevan (vocals), Ganesh Rajagopalan (violin),

Zakir Hussain (percussion), Vinayakram Selvaganesh (percussion)

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I am getting that damn mail from them too!! I keep sending it back to them!

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It is my hope that these two intelligent black women (Ms. Willis and Ms. James) are the demise of the orange traitor, once and for all. What cosmic justice that what he disdains the most will be the 'gotcha' he deserves!

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You read something on Untruth Antisocial?

The things you do for your readers... I am not worthy.

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None of us are for these types of great sacrifice.

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I second that emotion!

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I like to think he and Habba will elope to Cuba to escape incarceration. Think Melanie likes to think so too.

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More likely Saudi Arabia, Hungary, or Argentina. Places unlikely to extradite him even if there are treaties.

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Probably all candidates. Cuba came to mind because proximity to that whore house he likes in Florida.(with apologies to sex workers) also maybe I’m wrong but doubt we have an extradition treaty with Cuba… must check

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Doubt if Cuba would tolerate his bullshit. Much depends on where his money is hidden.

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Nearby I’m guessing

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You might be right. Cayman Islands, maybe?

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It works for Dick Cheney.

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Cuba doesn't have an extradition treaty with the U.S., but I'm guessing it would kick him out in a Noo Yawk minute, or not even let him out of the plane. Other things to look up for where he'll flee, good weather and golf courses. Check out the Maldive Islands. Really!

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Thanks for info and the “Noo Yawk” minute I laughed. The Maldives? Do they have a McDonalds though? Hmmm…

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A couple of years into The Trump Terror (2017-2021) I looked for possible landing spots if he had to take it on the lam. The Maldives have a few golf clubs/courses, one or some of which he could buy and put his (stolen) "family seal" on the gate. I didn't check fast food. If there isn't McDonalds and KFC, there sure would be after his arrival. :-)

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I guess that leaves out North Korea and his boyfriend Kim.

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No question whatsoever! It’s the Maldives!

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I heard Tim Miller at Bulwark call the “Truths,” Bleats. So, I’ve taken to calling it Bleat Social. I can’t give into the Orwellian BS of calling anything associated with Trump truth.

And since his followers are such sheep anyway, bleat is perfect.

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Purple Heart to Lucian for valor and service to his tribe!

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Dec 11, 2023·edited Dec 11, 2023

Ah yes, every visit to the supermarket I'm reminded of the fabulously valuable Trump brand. In the same block as my TJ's is the Dominick, formerly the Trump Soho. I don't think I've ever heard P01135809 explain why so many properties here and abroad shed his glittering name during his presidency.

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Perhaps Elon has bought them and will put his billion-dollar brand on them - MUSK. (Hard to call him Elon. We all knew him as Leon at Johannesburg Gesamtschule.)

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The process is no secret. Occupants all sue to be rid of the foul name. I'm just saying I've never known P01135809 to discuss it. Speaking of foul—Leon, huh? Makes ya feel sorry for all the innocent Leons of the world.

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Thanks for taking one for the team, Lucian! The idea of joining Truth Social (to be known henceforth as Lying Sociopath) and having to read all that stream-of-consciousness all-caps vomit will not be on my to-do list anytime soon. It sure sounds like he is scared shitless. I hope so.

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Your post raises an interesting point within the science of abnormal psychology - when a deranged psychopath, or "quasi-psychotic," or someone plagued with multiple serious personality disorders straight out of the DSM-IV or V presents as Trump does, how can an

observer - even highly trained experts like the psychiatrists and other mental health professionals who contributed to The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump : 37 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President (2017, 2018) edited by Bandy X. Lee, for example -

disambiguate profound fear, that is, terror so extreme that it causes incoherent raving and ranting near-gibberish to be vocalized and/or expressed in online posts by Trump, from the usual, routine episodes of incoherent nonsense, grandiose claims, fantasy posited as reality, astoundingly obvious falsehoods, and attempts to bully his way out of the psychic hell he is experiencing?

I mean - Trump is almost constantly lying, pushing insanely implausible versions of his acts, goals, and his own merits, so how do we distinguish being shaken and scared about this and other cases in court, and his normal - strike that, his routine behavior?

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That is a very good point! If there are any psychologists or other mental health professionals here who have thoughts on this, I’d love to hear them. Thanks for raising this.

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‘Scared shitless’ would be pretty hard since he’s so full of shit.

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Should add this even though you and shee-rah are already familiar with Bandy X. Lee's efforts, so it's more for anyone else who happens upon this location on LKTIV's fantastic column in the service of real progress & so WE don't have to deal with TS aka BS....


0:13 / 23:04

Dr. Bandy X. Lee in Conversation with Dr. Mary L. Trump

Dangerous Case Now

2.55K subscribers

36,329 views Aug 11, 2020

Exclusive Interview:

Two Mental Health Experts Assess the World’s Most Dangerous Man

For more of similar, please visit: BANDYLEE.COM


Follow along using the transcript. ******* From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bandy Lee

Born 27 May 1970[1]

New York City, U.S.

Education Yale University (MD, MDiv)

Medical career

Profession Forensic psychiatrist

Institutions Yale School of Medicine (2003 - 2020)

Sub-specialties Violence prevention

Notable works The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump (editor, contributor)

Awards National Research Service Award

Bandy Xenobia Lee is an American psychiatrist whose scholarly work includes the writing of a comprehensive textbook on violence.[2] She is a specialist in public health approaches to violence prevention who consulted with the World Health Organization[3] and initiated reforms at New York's Rikers Island Correctional Facility.[4] She helped draft the United Nations chapter on "Violence Against Children,"[5] leads a project group for the World Health Organization's Violence Prevention Alliance,[6] and has contributed to prison reform in the United States and around the world.[7] She taught at Yale School of Medicine and Yale Law School from 2003 through 2020.

In 2017, Lee organized a conference at Yale on the mental health of Donald Trump with the participation of other psychiatrists including Robert Jay Lifton and Judith Lewis Herman.[8] Following the conference, in March 2017, the American Psychiatric Association released a statement reaffirming the Goldwater rule that restricts comments related to the mental health of public figures without their consent or evaluation.[9] Lee characterized the statement as silencing concerns raised by psychiatrists about the Trump presidency.[10] *******

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Ok, all true, but...

Don't you bail first, then pull the rip cord? That's how I did it anyway.

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“hence my turning over my birth date and email address to the team of incompetent fools Trump has running the place. “ Lucian, I hope you didn't give them your real birth date or an email address you actually use. As Fats Waller sang: “Don't give your real name, no, no, no!”

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As Robert makes clear in his closing paragraphs, T has already been proven to have done something wrong despite T's claim to the contrary. This is about how much he will have to pay and, I think, whether he can continue to do business in NY state.

As for not appearing on the witness stand tomorrow, I'm sure all of the hyperbole about how he was going to testify was purposeful P.R. - he never intended to testify.

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Lucian, you know I hugely admire your writing and have learned a tremendous amount from it, esp. about military strategy and NYC life in the '70s -- that's why I'm a happy paid subscriber. But knowing that you joined Truth Social in order to better inform your readers . . . I'm awed. I'm 99.9% certain that I could not have done likewise for the cause, or even for lots of money. May your virtual Hazmat suit hold up to the stress, and may you get out of there safely as soon as possible.

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OMG....if this statement came from anyone besides TFG, it would be labeled the rantings of a delusional egomaniacal loser (which he is) and never published or acknowledged by mainstream media or cable news. God save us from another bout of tRumpism with this imbecile living in the White House!!!!

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