Aug 12, 2023Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Regardless of what she said I am going to Vegas and lay money on him blabbing without restraint and daring thx judge to shut him up. Donald Trump does not believe any rules apply to him and he can skirt whatever system because he is, of course, Donald Trump.

He and his lawyers intend to make a travesty of this trial in order to prove to his people he is, in fact, a King. He simply will never ever play by any rules. All his life he has won by violating rules which are in his view for suckers and losers. He will never ever admit to being the loser. It is who he is.

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Aug 12, 2023Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Robert, I was going to say much the same thing as you but you beat me to it!! The Dumpster is pathologically incapable of keeping his pie hole shut. There is no doubt in my mind he WILL violate the judge's orders just as soon as his lawyers receive the documents from Mr. Smith.

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"She" is a federal judge, thus the entirely predictable result of the egomaniac Trump "blabbing without restraint and daring thx (sic) judge to shut him up," is that it will not end well for Trump, irrespective of his preposterous version of "Nihilistic Anarchism," as you very neatly summarized in a nutshell :

"Donald Trump does not believe any rules apply to him and he can skirt whatever system because he is, of course, Donald Trump," aided and abetted by "lawyers (who) intend to make a travesty of this trial in order to prove to his people he is, in fact, a King. He simply will never ever play by any rules. All his life he has won by violating rules which are in his view for suckers and losers. He will never ever admit to being the loser. It is who he is."

Look, let's be clear: Trump is already "playing by the rules," that's exactly his problem, he has been forced to try to overcome the awesome majesty of the law's rules with his scatterbrained word salads posted online and through his campaign speeches, baseless lies and self-contradictory gibberish, helped out by attorneys who are being funded by gullible cultists and far right wing ideologues with money to burn.

Those clueless lawyers are evidently angling for the super-fast pre-lubricated judicial bobsled run to being first, admonished to cease and desist, oh wait, that's already happened, then held in contempt, then if they insist, being jailed without bail, fined, and recommended for disbarment.

In other words, I'll fade that hypothetical bet in Vegas on my own account ; come to think of it, my brother worked in several casinos out there for years - the old El Cortez in downtown, and then the Green Valley Ranch in Henderson - is it ok if he gets in on the action, too?

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She may not have gotten through the glue that attaches his pompadour to his pate, but I would venture to say she made a bit of headway with those lawyers, who can foresee their careers coming to a fast end and/or a hastening of a trial before they can wade through the million or so items of discovery. And I would venture to say that since his not-too-bright and wholly predictable MO is that of a mob boss, the judge and the prosecutors have already strategized their next steps and the next steps after that. If this turns out to be a match of brainpower, I'd put my money on the prosecution.

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Yes, yes, a thousand times yes - I am a little surprised to see anyone insisting (not just suggesting) that Trump "won't be arrested before the trial," NO MATTER WHAT HE DOES," as if the Federal Government would quail helplessly, stamp its feet, cry, because Trump would beat them up! As if this is some kind of juvenile - but extremely vicious and with "threats and menaces" as the Brits are wont to phrase it - playground quarrel, between a bully and, not just some victimized kids, no, it is also Bully Boy & Cult versus the entire school administration, the city authorities as configured in a school board, the mayor, the police force, the county administrators, the state, even (again) some federal agencies or the FBI, all of them (this is what, TENS OF THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE in some states, along with the feds?) gnashing their teeth, bemoaning their banana-backed need to back down, with no major disputes in ANY of the decision-making bureaucracies that could lead to following the damn law, nope, just abject, helpless terror, c'est INCROYABLE!

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Isn't this the judge that let him slide before?

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No, this judge is also an immigrant and practiced law before being appointed to her role as a federal judge, but beyond that?

Here 's her Wiki bio, and very enlightening it is, too:


"Tanya Sue Chutkan (born July 5, 1962) is a Jamaican-born American lawyer and jurist serving as a United States district judge for the United States District Court for the District of Columbia. She is the judge overseeing the criminal trial of former U.S. president Donald Trump over his attempts to overturn the result of the 2020 presidential election, including the events leading up to the January 6, 2021, United States Capitol attack.

Early life

Chutkan was born on July 5, 1962, in Kingston, Jamaica.[1] Chutkan has a younger brother, Norman, and a younger sister, Robynne, both of whom are physicians. Her father Winston Chutkan is an Indo-Jamaican doctor, and her mother Noelle is an Afro-Jamaican who was one of the leading dancers at the National Dance Theatre Company of Jamaica.[2][3][4] Noelle is the daughter of Frank Hill, one of the founding fathers of the People's National Party. Noelle's sister, Jean Barnes, who is Chutkan's aunt, is the mother of former Liverpool and England footballer, John Barnes.[5][6]

Education and early career

Chutkan received a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1983 from George Washington University. She later attended the University of Pennsylvania Law School, where she was an associate editor of the University of Pennsylvania Law Review. She graduated in 1987 with a Juris Doctor.[7]" *****

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tanya_S._Chutkan *****

Judge Tanya Chutkan is the toughest Jan. 6 sentencer. Next on her docket: Trump.

Trump’s trial judge in D.C. is a former public defender and was one of the first U.S. judges to reject his executive privilege claims to withhold Jan. 6 White House records

By Spencer S. Hsu and Tom Jackman

August 1, 2023 at 10:41 p.m. EDT

www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2023/08/01/judge-chutkan-trump-jan-6-special-counsel/ {{Paywall, but sometimes WAPO lets it slide for first time visitors}}

Edit: I will add this in connection with Judge Chutkan's grandfather on her mother's side as its influence in Jamaican politics over the last seventy years or so can hardly be underestimated, some people may recognize the general info in connection with the late great Bob Marley, too:


Michael Norman Manley ON OM OCC PC (10 December 1924 – 6 March 1997) was a Jamaican politician who served as the fourth Prime Minister of Jamaica from 1972 to 1980 and from 1989 to 1992. Manley championed a democratic socialist program,[1] and has been described as a populist. He remains one of Jamaica's most popular prime ministers.[2]

Early life

Michael Manley was the second son of premier Norman Washington Manley and artist Edna Manley. He studied at Jamaica College between 1935 and 1943.[3] He attended the Antigua State College and then served in the Royal Canadian Air Force during World War II. In 1945, he enrolled at the London School of Economics.[4] At the LSE, he was influenced by Fabian socialism and the writings of Harold Laski.[4] He graduated in 1949, and returned to Jamaica to serve as an editor and columnist for the newspaper Public Opinion. At about the same time, he became involved in the trade union movement, becoming a negotiator for the National Workers Union. In August 1953, he became a full-time official of that union.[5]

Entry into politics

When his father was elected premier of Jamaica in 1955, Manley resisted entering politics, not wanting to be seen as capitalizing on his family name. However, in 1962, he accepted an appointment to the Senate of the Parliament of Jamaica. He won election to the Jamaican House of Representatives for the Central Kingston constituency in 1967.[6][7]

After his father's retirement in 1969, Manley was elected leader of the People's National Party, defeating Vivian Blake.[8] He then served as leader of the Opposition, until his party won in the general elections of 1972.[5]


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Thank you. "Judge Tanya Chutkan is the toughest Jan. 6 sentencer. Next on her docket: Trump." This alone, will help me sleep tonight.

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I concur!

I also completely understand: we all have various daily, weekly, monthly or longer commitments, appointments, activities we savor or loathe or view with indifference, but there's just no practical way to avoid, no matter which attitude we have, and we can be too busy (or intentionally avoiding the mass media, that I REALLY understand) to spot this or that set of articles that highlight facts like that.

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Aug 12, 2023Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

He can’t wait to disclose the names of individuals whose testimony could hurt him. Still drawing targets.

Is it true that if he winds up in pre-trial detention it would delay the trial date?

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Just the process of sorting out legal motions from the opposing sides could at some point on a timeline be a delay, but the timeline is composed of variables whose "values" are themselves capable of being altered, even effectively reversed, it's confusing in that sense!

In other words, Judge Tanya Chutkan* may decide the obstructive, bad faith gamesmanship of Trump & Company (including all the relevant lawyers, which seems to be in flux) deserves a "speedup" on the assembly line of Justice. So the obstruction would boomerang, maybe Australian boomerangs are the metaphor I am reaching for, which reminds me: England 1, Colombia 1, Women's World Cup in Sydney, I am back from ten minutes on the inversion table and the rest of the game beckons.

If that doesn't answer you question sufficiently (it is confusing to the lawyers, maybe not so much to the judge though) ask for clarification, Patris!

* I intended to add a link to Judge's Wiki bio but looks like the infernally incompetent nitwit team of "Update Mavens" at Microsoft have so screwed up the display and placement of program icons that even TWO "System Recovery" failed attempts have left it as was and as is, c'est la vie, will figure it out after the World Cup semi-final.

Edit: Quarter-final, England wins 2-1, first American to referee a FIFA Women's World Cup game born in the U.S.S.R. but spent a decade in Iowa City as a medical professional. Having grown up to age 18 in Des Moines, Iowa and with various ties to Iowa City, nothing that happens anywhere on the planet that turns out to be somehow connected to Iowa City or the Iowa Writers Workshop surprises me anymore. I did blanch at what I and evidently the network "refereeing expert" and the Lady Lions fans though were two uncalled fouls, hits on the player not the ball, who knows how to call some of these plays in real time though.

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Aug 11, 2023Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Betting that if hisself is forced to keep his huge mouth shut his head will explode.

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Oh, please, let it be so!

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Dear Lord, hear our prayer.

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We should be so lucky.

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Aug 12, 2023·edited Aug 12, 2023Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Judge Tanya Chutkan telling the criminal defendant that campaigning is his day job may be my favorite thing I ever heard of anyone saying to MR trump—as she addresses him while his lawyers call him President.

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Aug 12, 2023Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

The judge should inform his lawyers that he is no longer president and they will henceforth refer to him in her courtroom as MR. Trump.

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Aug 12, 2023Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

In his arraignment that judge called him Mr. Trump and he hated it. Teehee

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Aug 12, 2023Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

I'll bet he did! She will, I'm sure, continue to refer to him as Mr. Trump, and she should order his lawyers to refer to him that way in her courtroom. Although perhaps that isn't within her authority? If they wanted to refer to their client as "His Royal Majesty, King Donald," could she stop them from doing that?

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Aug 12, 2023Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

He is probably not going to be on the stand. They will not coddle him. He is in for criminal charges no matter the greatest grift he was able to pull off. Whatever bothers him, I'm all for it.

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Aug 12, 2023·edited Aug 12, 2023Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Tanya Chutkan never let him forget he's accused of crimes..That was the context of the judge's admonition about what his priimary job is now: criminal defendant.

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I want them to use "criminal" to his face as often as is possible. Counsel, does the criminal wish to testify?

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Like it or not, former government officials and military officers are extended courtesy use of their title or rank ever after. I doubt she could or would order he be exclusively disrespected. He does that job single-handed and she makes her point quite effectively with her Mister.

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Thank you-- that's what I suspected, but didn't know for sure. She is aware of her own authority and also of its limits.

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She knocked me out yesterday. I thought her threat to move up the start of his trial if he disregards her orders was just brilliant.

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Aug 12, 2023Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

wouldn't that be the best!!!

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You know one of the interesting parallel things going on is Cannon in Florida. Now that we have a "real judge", and I don't care who appointed her, the woman is as competent as they come. The real judge won't shut Trump down completely. He can view the documents without a chaperone but he can't take any electronics in or paper and pen, not that he has the patience to write anything himself, but contrast this judge, the real judge, with Cannon, oh, my. Cannon should hang her head in shame. I really find her moderated, fair but extremely smart instructions for this very encouraging. The real judge will never sway the MAGAs, nobody will, but wow, folks, we've got a real judge, like the olden times. "Mr. Smith goes to Washington" good.

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Aug 11, 2023Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

As for Loose Cannon, it appears she's just dumb, and her clerks are no better. In a recent previous case her jury form (Her own! She chose not to use the Federal form!) omitted the option of "Not guilty." Retrial required. Of course.

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Aug 12, 2023·edited Aug 12, 2023Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

I saw some reference to that. It was a major f-up. Of course. And everyone assured us she wouldn't be doing this trial. I bet she grew her fingernails into claws so she could stick them in the case and one has to wonder. Was she trying to redeem herself or was she still overly trying to protect Trump. Well, now she has a "pacer." You know what the pacer does, right? I used to hire a ferocious worker when I was renovating and he would be my pacer. You don't try to measure up to the pacer, you should not be on the job. Go ahead, Aileen, show us just how bad you are. Start with your partisanship which has no place on any bench anywhere. Then we'll look at what the DC judge does.

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Aug 12, 2023Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

I’d say that Cannon is rolling the dice that defendant Trump gets elected in 2024 and appoints her to the Supreme Court. What’s she got to lose? If he’s not elected she still has her lifetime appointment on the bench, as well as the scorn she had earned already.

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The way her career is going she's going to be busted for some massively botched corruption eventually herself, we can expect no less.

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Aug 12, 2023Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

I just wrote this to George P: "She would be a nice companion for Amy Coney Island ..."

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Aug 12, 2023Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV


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As long as she omits “Not guilty” on the form in Trump’s case, I’m good with that.

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deletedAug 12, 2023Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV
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I went back and fixed it. I call her the good judge.

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It is a crazy world. Yes, the good judge in D.C. I'm not facile with her name yet. The inept judge in Florida. I am facile with her name, Cannon.

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Judge Tanya, that's a start!

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Great start.

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Aug 11, 2023Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Trump doesn’t need restrictions on his access to sensitive information. He just makes shit up to suit his narrative.

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When is Trump lying? When his mouth open.

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…which is all the time.

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I bet he lies in his sleep.

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I want to add a comment beyond what's in my reply below to Mr. Bell, which is, it is a blunder of epic proportions to view this kind of historically unprecedented set of indictments of an American ex-president through the lazy, superficial, tendentiously framed journalism of the mass media; that way lies madness, or if not stark raving delirium, at the very least a false sense of the entire complex process, involving thousands of our fellow citizens, as an entertainment spectacle akin to pro wrestling or a giant tractor pull.

Trump with his practically endless criminal bungling and aggrieved posturing, as well as his gaggle of blundering lawyers, are not a remotely fair match for a legal system built over hundreds, even thousands of years, and lawyers who know what the hell they are doing.

Yet if you watch the mainstream news media, and much of the cable or internet coverage, you would be hard pressed to cite instances in which the nonsense spewed by Trump and/or his attorneys is immediately followed by a cogent refutation.

Instead, we get the sensational lies and thunderous shrieks of Trump, comparing his entirely self-inflicted legal woes to the biggest witch hunt ever, the most unfair thing in all American history, along with defamatory attacks on the prosecutors, their close relatives, the Department of Justice, the FBI, Mike Pence, and on and on - none of whom are then afforded even a few seconds of time to mount a rebuttal.

Thus the crackpot's ravings and the voices of sane reason are transmogrified into a delirious shit-storm, a cynically offered amoral stew of "objective news coverage," where they are granted a false equivalence, because that sells ads, or so the mass media has believed so long they cannot even imagine a more restrained and careful kind of journalism, journalism that would still turn a profit, only maybe less of a profit.

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Yes, I completely agree with everything you’ve written Richard. It’s been my grievance since his ride down the escalator, and the fawning over his every idiotic comment. I am the most peace loving, kind hearted person, but I found myself hoping he would trip and break his neck falling down that escalator. Since then I’ve thought way worse, but I won’t get into that. Thank you for verbalizing my thoughts so succinctly.

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Mainstream media still doesn't understand amplification and multiplication whether it is from their mouths/keyboards of from R pols and talking heads. Nor do they and their producers engage in their diligence before interviewing the quacks. One part laziness and one part hubris? Finally, although there is no longer a Fairness Doctrine, it sure as fuq ain't unlawful to practice it.

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Up for the entire comment and especially "why NOT be more fair to `both sides,'" given that so frequently the Trump & Cult & Enablers side is just plain demonstrably lying?

I think also very unfortunately but a common human foible: the reporters who have their hand-held very top notch microphone and a film crew or maybe one person w/ top notch camera filming their reporting, interviews, summaries, start to just love that "reflected limelight" too much for their own good - some of it, ok, enjoy your profession and what competence you have - but letting it go to your head, just a bad plan on multiple levels (he said,, chuckling, because it IS so obvious at times, I even feel embarrassed for them! Show more self-respect, Manu Raja or whoever! Not to pick on him per se, no, it's across the mass media, on the local level, in a different form on NPR).

Example from just an hour ago Central Time, Sat. 8-11, doing some laundry in a Lavario*, I just heard some "Radio Lab" speculation about the Tungusku, Siberia 1908 massive crater-explosion "POSSIBLY" being caused by a Black Hole, fine as far as it went, very cool quasi- boundaries of physics/Star Trekky fun, but they got so forking "cutesy and self-indulgent" with it, even dragging in the original "pitch meeting" that led to the segment, as if that is gripping, fascinating for their intended audience, it become cloying and a "listen to us! We are ON THE RADIO, National Public Radio!!!!!! - you know what I am talking about.

* Key for the pandemic & not wanting to use apt. bldg laundry room:

lavariowasher.com - {Guess supply chain issues mean no production again until mid-2024}

For relatively small loads of clothes, towels, blankets, etc. REALLY works great, of course saves

the $2 or whatever for a wash an dryer, plus the environmental aspect - just added this because of course I do!}

"With over 30 years of experience in the consumer products industry, Lavario Washer Corp. began in 2014 with the goal of creating an eco-friendly, sensible option to washing clothes by hand, and {{ALTERNATIVE TO}} big electric machines."

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Aug 12, 2023Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Oh my if this isn’t a super delicious predicament. All he has ever done since announcing his run in 2015 is incessantly, outrageously attack everyone who wasn’t fawning over him and jumping when he said frog. All the media trotted after him with cameras rolling and mics on. It went on for years. Just couldn’t get enough of being indecent, uncivil, irreverent, unpatriotic, threatening and shockingly cruel. The sadism--the pure enjoyment of cruelty, he just couldn’t get enough of it.

So here he is, free to go about his “day job” of running for president. That would find any other candidate without enough hours in the day to do it all. But that’s assuming a candidate has to plan writing speeches to articulate policy ideas and and and ...... But wait, when you have NO ideas for policies to improve the country because all you have ever done is threaten your imagined enemies, which is just about everyone, well what the hell can you possibly talk about as you go about doing your “day job.” Delicious.

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Aug 11, 2023Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

So far I am not confident any judge will do anything to constrain tangeranus. We'll see.

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Aug 12, 2023·edited Aug 12, 2023Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Runfastandwin—Judge Tanya Chutkan has tried dozens of insurrectionists, often issuing sentences longer than prosecutors recommended. I have as much faith in her as I have in Jack Smith. We haven't heard a peep from the defendant all day (stay tuned …).

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He’s still in the bathroom, I’ve got a roll of toilet paper with his image on each segment, his mouth is in an O getting ready to receive the next offering, I’d donate it if I knew that it would be put in his cell.

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Why it should be televised, let the drones see their hero in action, especially in DC. The racists enrolled in 2008 with the birth certificate lie get to watch a powerful black woman handle his Orangeness.

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You have an unlimited supply of Doggo-Downahs.

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Ah, come on. Play with us.

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I wish I wasn't so cynical...

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I wish I weren't either. I guess we'll have to stick a finger out of there every now and then. They want us to not believe in anything. I don't want them to win that part of me.

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Exactly what I was thinking last night! I don’t want them to make me so depressed!

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That too. In fact, it distresses me as I watch lots of us on our side of the fence start going all ballistic and calling for the same crap we find so awful in them. Extremes are going to take us all down and I do feel the frustration all the time. I know I'm curt many times now when I never would have been before. It's depressing for sure. We are all being tainted by them.

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Ooo, ooo, a new nickname to add to my list!

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Aug 12, 2023·edited Aug 12, 2023Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

From varying accounts, the judge was either harsh or lenient, depending on your political viewpoint.

I know defendants have some restrictions on what they can do or say, and for most of the time, those restrictions are honored by the defendant.

Normal defendants would be very wary and cautious about invoking the judge's wrath, but I'm pretty well convinced that Donald Trump does not give a big rat's ass about any restrictions and that he's going to blow off his big fat face every chance he gets without any repercussions whatever.

If he were an ordinary defendant he'd be looking at a gag order and possible jail time to spend until the first of his trials.

What is obvious is that justice is not even being given a hearing, as the notorious alleged fraudster Samuel Bankman-Fried was jailed today for violating his bail conditions until his trial in October for the possibility of intimidating witnesses against him.

I guess Donald Trump can do anything he wants because it's pretty damn clear that of two fraudsters the less wealthy one is in jail.

And yes, I know that Trump isn't that wealthy but you really want to have his cult go insane?

Oh, speaking of which:

Today there was an article about Trump's financial situation and a comment section after. One of the letters was so egregious that it was astonishing.

Some people asked if the writer was being sarcastic or ironic. I can't imagine it, but this guy really is a cult member:

"President Trump is standing up for and defending the unheard and the forgotten who have been overrun and abused by the entrenched deep state bureaucrats who run the country at the direction of radical left-wing progressives.

He has earned the support of the public who know things will only get worse if President Trump loses his battle to protect their freedom.

The price is high but worth it."

This is an example of the people Trump attracts-true believers and they're dangerous when they actually believe this shit.

That's why Trump isn't but should be in jail pending trial.

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Get an early start on the promised civil war?

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Don't kid yourself. He is not going to jail pending trial. There is no one who believes he will. And if he were, by some happenstance, I just wonder what would happen then. More violence from the ignorant mob.

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"More violence from the ignorant mob," is that proffered as some sort of inevitably successful move in this game of what I will term "Cylindrical Chess,"* where losers can be jailed, fined, fired from their jobs, turned over to the FBI by their own embarrassed, possibly heartbroken relatives, possibly just outraged and unsurprised relatives, tried by juries of their peers or by judges if the defendants opt for that or the controlling law mandates it - the violent, seditious form of CC, to extend my fanciful metaphor to its logical conclusion, that produced January 6 and thus, the largest single criminal investigation in United States history?


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LOL, thanks for remind us of the popular theory holding "Trump, why Trump can do ANYTHING and no legal rules, no laws, no norms, no established processes with roots thousands of years old running through Runnymede where the English barons and King John faced off in 1215 producing the Magna Carta, back to the rational legal reforms of the Roman Republic and before them, the Greeks in Periclean Athens, nor the Judeo-Christian contribution, NOTHING established in the entirety of world civilization can place bonds on the Stormy Petrel of Stormy Daniel's condign mockery, Trump IS BATMAN! He is the super-duperest of all would-be gangster bosses and all considerations to the contrary are so much ephemeral soap bubbling Pollanna Cock-Eyed Optimistic NONSENSE!

Why? Because ipse dixit*, that's why! Because argumentum ad populum**, too!

And let's not forget the old standby, the preposterous "Big Lie" technique, seen here:

"There is no one who believes he will."

Evidently "unbelievers" are "non-persons" of no account, nohow!

* Ipse dixit (Latin for "he said it himself") is an assertion without proof, or a dogmatic expression of opinion.[1][2]

The fallacy of defending a proposition by baldly asserting that it is "just how it is" distorts the argument by opting out of it entirely: the claimant declares an issue to be intrinsic, and not changeable.[3]

** In argumentation theory, an argumentum ad populum (Latin for "appeal to the people")[1] is a fallacious argument which is based on claiming a truth or affirming something is good because the majority thinks so.[2]

Other names for the fallacy include:

appeal to (common) belief[3][4]

appeal to popularity[5][6]

appeal to the majority[7]

appeal to the masses[8]

argument from consensus[9]

authority of the many[9][10]

bandwagon fallacy[6][11]

common belief fallacy[3][4]

democratic fallacy[12]

mob appeal[citation needed]

truth by association[13]



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Meanwhile in Floriduh Judge Cannon is hard at work rehearsing for her big case:

(1) Last week, Reuters exposed how Cannon kept family members of an accused viewer of child sex abuse locked out of her courtroom during some of his trial in June, violating his Sixth Amendment rights to have a public trial—and somehow forgot to swear in the prospective jury pool, the most basic of mandatory procedures.

(2) Cannon, who is currently overseeing a deeply complex and highly scrutinized federal case where former president Donald Trump is accused of obstruction of justice, made an "egregious" error where she did not give a jury an option of finding a defendant "not guilty" and now that verdict is being appealed.

As the report notes, in the case of Christopher Wilkins, she provided jurors with a verdict form that did not list "not guilty" as an option and defense lawyer Jeffrey Garland formally filed an appeal on Thursday. Cannon dismissed the agreed upon verdict form of the prosecution and defense and crafted her own.

No comments needed.

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Aug 12, 2023Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

So, either side can complain, wonderful.

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Wow. Thanks for the succinct, timely update, ~Shadowcloud~.

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Aug 12, 2023Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Not to be *too* much of a fanboy, but every time Judge Chutkan issues a calm, measured opinion or order, it gladdens me, in part because from across the country I can hear (Criminal) Defendant Trump denigrating her looks and ethnicity. As others have commented, the possibility that (Criminal) Defendant Trump will heed "I caution you and your client to take special care in your public statements in this case" is between slim, which (Criminal) Defendant Trump hasn't been since decades into the previous century, and none. "For one who transgresses the Truth, and is given to lying, and who is unconcerned about the life hereafter, there is no evil that he dare not do." -- Buddhist Dhammapada, Verse 176.

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Aug 12, 2023Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

This Trump & his Felonies circus is a real ulcer-maker. I'm wondering if the long established "citizens arrest" has a cousin called "citizens gag order." I'm waiting to see, when he says something over the line, and he will, whether or not he winds up in the cooler. 🤞

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With no catsup.

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We can only dream.

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Aug 12, 2023Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

This may lead me back to reading about TCinLa’s cats.

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There are worse options.

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Aug 12, 2023Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Judge Chutkan does not seem keen on f’ing about. I’d say “refreshing,” but that is only in comparison to Judge Cannon. This is how federal judges are supposed to operate. At least that has been my experience.

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Aug 12, 2023Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

I don’t know about you, Lucian, but I’m of the mind that *Rump will absolutely do everything he’s been told not to do. He’s done it before, and gotten away with it. He will push this judge hard and far to test her, dare her to sanction or imprison him. And believing he’ll get away with it as he always has. Rules and restrictions are for losers, suckers, and anyone but him. I don’t know the answer to this, but are any rulings she makes to further restrain him appealable? He’ll do anything to delay the trial, to give the finger to the justice system, and prove to his cult that he’s above the law. His tactics are entirely predictable, not to mention oh so tiresome.

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Aug 12, 2023Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Of course he can't keep his big fat mouth shut, so the question for me is will she throw his ass in jail? He has already threatened people who are potential witnesses against him. He thrives on the attention, has his own social media site, his entire personna is one of vengeance, spite, grievance, belittling. I would like to think she is giving him just enough rope to hang himself so she can restrict him, but so far no one has contained him. Sam Bankman-Fried was just jailed by the judge for what appeared to be witness tampering, and apparently, he pulled a Trump and couldn't shut up about himself. We'll see very shortly how big Chutkan's stones really are.

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Aug 12, 2023Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

She will only move up his trial date if he violates her orders and that is the last thing he wants - Smart Judge!

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Aug 12, 2023·edited Aug 12, 2023Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Not a word from him since she warned him of that.

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In Chutkan I trust.

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No more coddling from mommy and daddy, Sammy boy.

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