Boo fucking hoo. The Obamas were mercilessly attacked by Shitstain and his acolytes. He deserves every swipe coming his way.

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The whole birther bullshit was trump at his finest. He displayed his racist thoughts, employing dog whistle politics to undermine President Obama's legitimacy. Predictably, many nutcases bought it hook, line and sinker despite the completely ridiculous conspiracy theory. The state of Hawaii received so many requests for Obama's birth certificate that the Republican governor wearily issued a public statement that the birth certificate was valid and legitimate. This was an early preview of the whacko MAGA movement to come.

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Yet even now Jesse Waters at Fox has announced sending a flunky to Hawaii for a new and more thorough search for the Obama birth certificate. Hawaii should simply arrest whoever they send for public idiocy and send him back to Fox.

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Jesse Watters is a whack job who will stoop to any depths. If he or any Fox flunky treks all the way out here, he's gonna be mighty disappointed. I wouldn't put it past him to fake something for a story

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As an 8th grader living in Kailua, Oahu, Hawaii I delivered the morning paper, The Honolulu Advertiser. When Trump started his Birth Certificate nonsense, I checked the date, I delivered that announcement long ago!

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Oh wow. How terrible. I feel so bad for Donny bone spur. Oh wait. I fell and hit my head. Better now. F him

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Not with Vance's pecker - but I do appreciate the sentiment!

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I disagree. that Vance pecker would do very nicely.

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Yeah, they’re all sorry, mostly they’re sorry they got caught and have to face the consequences….too bad, so sad. You had a choice and you f***ed around, now find out!

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I wear my Lincoln Ladies shirt with pride!!

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I pray for a democratic election without interference resulting in a Democratic landslide. Like everything felon Trump touches the GOP is bankrupt and needs to go through a cleansing massive defeat. America needs renewal.

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Dumbass Donny and his cult have poisoned the GOP. I think the old normy Republicans will have to start a new party or purge Donny and the maggots from the party. Dems are high now from a successful and joyous nominating convention. Vote Harris/Walz on November 5!

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He already has a plan to cheat on the election when he loses. But nope: trump still isn't in prison. 😡

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They were and are deplorable.

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Loved a delegate from Minnesota tonight who says: “Voting is my Black Job!” LOVE THIS!

Let me tell you. We’ve had “Senator, you’re no Jack Kennedy”, and “I won’t hold my opponent’s youth and inexperience against him”, and “There you go again!”

Moving forward, top of the list (so far) is Michelle Obama: "Who's gonna tell [Donald Trump] that the job he's currently seeking might just be one of those Black jobs?"

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There are "Voting is my Black Job" t-shirts. I ordered one earlier today when I saw it on the Sun-Times as an add of the creativity of the merch that is being created for this campaign. Right now Stevie Wonder who may love his Black job is singing, and I am sure he does not see the color that Trump is making this race about.

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Wow - “Voting is my Black Job” is already Huge! Tees available in lots of styles! Another proof that not all of the effects of modern life are bad!

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Not only available in lots of styles, but I am getting mine here in Germany! We have a lot of events coming up and have been doing a lot of events to get Americans Abroad to register to vote.

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Go Linda!!! Woo Hoo!!

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One of my German friends, who has been living in La Palma, and has darker skin then me and does not speak English that well, asked me to get him one too. He is being a White Ally! I also like the "I ❤️ my Black Job" t-shirts too.

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Any other country would have given them all a blindfold and a cigarette, and 3 days later not 3 years fer chrissakes...

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Which sets us apart. Luckily for these idjits, the very Constitution they sought to abrogate guarantees their right to due process and shields them from excessive punishment like the firing squad. Do you suppose they are cognizant of that fact and are grateful? I'll say, no

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From the examples described here, they mostly seem to have feigned remorse as long as they thought it might get them off the hook -- then reverted to type once sentenced. Enjoy your long prison terms, deplorables!

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Just think how much better off our country will be while they are behind bars and not spewing poison into the public consciousness!

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There will be endless appeals, sadly. They should just rot in prison while hanging out with their racist buddies.

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Not sure, but I don't think so. Criminals need access to the kind of money the big liar has to pay for endless appeals. His goons can't campaign for the presidency and fund raise among the musks, thiels, and miriam adelsons to stay on the street. Thus, many have already started rotting in prison.

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The exception is the men being held at Guantanamo for more than two decades without a trial. Bush, Obama, Trump, and Biden should all have been impeached for not ordering their release. The Magna Carta outlawed this 800 years ago.

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No - they should have been brought to NYC where a trial should have been held in front of the public with 9/11 families and survivors as witnesses. Then they would have been either acquitted or sentenced to life. Guantanamo was created by Bush to allow the CIA to continue torturing them and keep the evidence secret. The Saudi's also wanted it covered up and still do to this day. We are approaching the 23rd anniversary. Never forget.

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I guess as foreigners the rationale is that those prisoners aren't protected by the Constitution. Same reason for why they're held outside the US, I have heard

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It was intentional by Bush. His relationship with Prince Bandar, the then Saudi Ambassador to the US was in play. In fact, the Bush family goes way back in their relationship with Saudi oil. The Saudi's did not want any of the mountain of evidence against them regarding their complicity in 9/11 ever to see light. Thankfully, President Biden declassified FBI and CIA documents clearly implicating Saudi Arabia in aiding and abetting the hijackers.

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But hairsplitting like this is how Drumpf keeps skating out of courtrooms and prisons.

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Yes, if anyone belongs in Guantanamo it is him. I hope I live to see justice done.

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The Fifth Amendment provides that no “person” shall be denied due process of law. It applies to foreigners.

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Not in Cuba.

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Guantanamo is U.S. prison. Take a look at amnesty.org.

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we might recall that Obama tried to get them OUT of Gitmo and everyone went bananas.

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For some reason, last night, when I was trying to relax before sleep, I thought these people crying about how bad they had it with punishment might cast their minds back to Ceaușescu and his wife in 1989. After the trial, they were promptly removed and experienced the firing squad. I'm not advocating for that sort of punishment to happen here, but I think these people cry too much. Then again, I'm not sure many know what happened in Romania in 1989.

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And, yet, NBC and other mainstream media continue to treat Trump and Vance like legitimate candidates.

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That is a travesty! Mainstream media needs to wake up! Ignore, and do not report the trash that comes from the mouths of those two wretched miscreants. Their abhorrent lies, cruel, racist, and misogynistic nonsense should never be repeated. It is not news. It is despicable and should get no mainstream coverage. The only place where that shit might show up is on lousy platforms like X and the failing Truth Social. A reputable outlet should recognize it is vulgar sleeze. It has no place in the public forum.

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20 Million people watching the convention are getting the truth!

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Well, you and I don’t like them, but legally and practically Don-old and his slimy side-kick JD ARE legitimate candidates nominated by one of America’s two political parties AND they still could win. Bad mouthing them may feel good in the moment, but taking them seriously and planning for how to beat them soundly is the smarter approach, by far.

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Hearing the insincere remorse in an effort for leniency is pathetic, in light of their subsequent action and words displaying no remorse. Apparently they did not get the trump apptd judges, whonare like Aileen Cannon, Clarence Thomas et al. There remain a good amount of judges who are smart, respect the rule of law and are not easily fooled by those who harm capitol police, storm and threaten Congress. They are thugs and power hungry, easily manipulated by a man who is an insurrectionist, all of whom at the very least are domestic terrorists. I have no sympathy for them, nor should they have mercy by the court having killed a capitol police officer with 4 others dying as a result of physical and mental wounds. The full measure if the law is what they risked by their actions and now they face it.

This was not about free speech, this was insurrection planned and implemented from the highest source, trump in the WH and mark meadows.

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Why have we never heard from Meadows??? He knows where the bodies are buried. Drumpf will get off scot-free if he wins this election. We cannot let that happen. He's only running so he won't go to jail!

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Mark Meadows is a slimeball. Liar. Claimed to live in a dive trailer in NC. (Scaly Mtn, near Highlands) A local woman outed him. Cassidy H described how he sat scrolling through his phone during the insurrection.

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The cognitive dissonance is jarring. Herr Law & Order somehow finds police officers to serve as his props, while he and his followers break laws at will. Even worse, Dishonest Don then pardons his convicted cronies, and the his lapdogs on the Supreme Court grant him immunity for his crimes. And then Maga trumpets Tim Walz' thirty year old arrest for suspected DUI as showing "unfitness for office." The debate between the prosecutor and the Felon should be fun.

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The Supreme Accomplices need to be dealt with for accepting bribes for favorable outcomes in the court. They too are criminals, like the orange traitor, who needs to be dealt with harshly by the DOJ.

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If the Jan 6th rioters were just tourists it proves once and for all that American tourists really are the worst.

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The Ugly Americans!

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Lol. I've been looking for a good come-back to that "tourist" claim and that's it.

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He has forgotten that no one has to be nice to him. He is not a nice guy. His own family has abandoned him. He constantly lies and makes false statements about everything. He increased our national debt to his rich friends/ family .

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When has he ever been nice to anyone, or even extended some sort of courtesy. He declared a profit of $300K from sales of his Bible. Anyone, let along a billionaire, would donate that money to a charity, but not Trump. His greed knows no bounds.

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The Gideons giveaway free Bibles. Without the constitution, or the bill of rights. True separation of church and state!

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Dumbass is a private citizen now; he’s no longer part of the government. He’s returned to his previous job of huckster, one in which he certainly excels.

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Good to see those violent insurrectionists are getting lengthy sentences. Sad to see that after being sentenced, they reinforce their affinity for extremism. I hope SoRelle is disbarred. Oh, sorry to nitpick, Lucian, but the Unite the Right hate rally was in August, 2017.

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Because she was convicted of committing a felony, there is no doubt that she will be disbarred.

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She can work at Chic-Fil-A where her cross can be freely displayed

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Speaking of working, I am watching Bill Clinton and he looks younger than when he was president, and Barack did too last night. I can imagine how much younger Biden will look at couple of years after this. He is carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders.

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I had to miss some of the speeches last night as I had a prior engagement. We have Oprah Winfrey, John Legend and Stevie Wonder. They have Hulk Hogan.

Just sayn'.

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Not lengthy enough. Some are already out of prison, and none of them should be out before after the next couple of elections because they cannot be trusted to behave. In fact, they should not get out as long as DT is still alive.

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They should all get life sentences without possibility of parole.

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That "reinforcing their loyalty to extremism" is the very reason they should get life sentences without parole. The minute they are out of prison, they will go right back to trying to violently overthrow the government.

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Suzie Proofreader showed up to say the same thing: 2017 for sure.

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What are the odds that the small fry will have completed their sentences before a singe big fish spends a day incarcerated?

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Kellye SoRelle was too ethically incompetent to practice law -- but she graduated law school and passed the bar anyway. Just like the Rudy Giulianis and the Sidney Powells and most of the Republicans in Congress. And don't get me started about the anonymous lawyers who make very big bucks making it possible for their clients to evade accountability.

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I am watching coverage of the January 6 riots being covered at the DNC right now. It ties in with the theme of Freedom along with them discussing immigration and the border together. I hope DT is getting no coverage from the press tonight.

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My bet is that his head is exploding night after night!!

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If only that assassin in PA was a better shot...

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Are you sure you want to let djt drag you down into his gutter?

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I know, I know. We were so close to being free of the menace. Damn!

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We need Orange Foolius alive and drooling...martyrdom a bad outcome!

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