Brilliant and very telling. My dad, a former staff sergeant in Korea and (reluctant) recipient of the Bronze Star, often said he did what he did so he wouldn’t let his men down. Thanks for this reminder that loyalty is earned, not compelled. Hope you’re feeling better.
It all comes down to one thing, Lucian: character. And Trump has none. That's why he needs artificial ways of controlling people--because he will never, ever *earn* their loyalty.
The problem with labeling people like that is that many Trumpsters would say the same things about us. I believe we can use more productive ways to describe people, remembering that they are all individuals, just like each of us reading Lucian's newsletter. My relatives who support Trump are NOT like Bannon, Giuliani, or Stefanik.
To me, making distinctions among trump worshipers is no different than talking about not-so-bad Nazis who weren't as fanatic as Goebbels or Hitler. As far as I'm concerned, a person who voted for t-Rump in 2024 forfeited any right to be considered a decent human being.
I bet the Peales are finding it hard to be positive about Trump."Belief" is a collective human brain activity that recreates archetypes --mythic, symbolic, metaphorical, and allegorical constructs that are basic human brain modes of thought, of interpreting reality. Hard to get past religion, especially when you have a black gospel choir with a Mahalia Jackson song on. Religion and politics are known for their schisms. Identification gets a rise.
i served my hitch on a tiny destroyer escort, uss edward mcdonnell. crew of a few over 200, 16 officers. above the arctic circle we encountered a very dangerous storm. for a day and a half all hands were on duty. taking cat naps on station. there were times the entire ship was underwater. the bridge crew called it being "in the green room." we had all raised our hands and taken the oath to serve. it was not the oaths that carried us through that storm. it was those of us who meant it when we said the oath. the oath taker is who proves the value of the oath. trump can swear on a stack of bibles while standing on a stack of the holy koran and i still would not believe a word he says.
Lucian, I see you’re back in “normal” form and I’m grateful. Two days ago, I deleted Facebook, Threads, Messenger, and Instagram off of my phone and computer. I cannot stand by and by manipulated by a tech bro who has no loyalty to his employees or to the people who have supported him for quite a number of years. I realize that I will not get to converse with my friends or see their photos in these social media outlets anymore but my sanity comes first. I let a few of them know that they could contact me by text or email. I get what I what I want to be informed about from the many writers, such as yourself, on Substack and bluesky. I felt a big anvil was lifted off of my shoulders, quite frankly.
Marlene, I've never used those outlets, and don't use a cell-phone. Believe me, you'll get used to using e-mail, Substack, and a phone so you can text. That's a lot! I only use e-mail, and rarely. I read a lot on Substack and I use a land line. I don't deal with the frantic and the nonsense. Give it a few weeks, and you'll see, that weight won't come back!
I love that you write letters! And I'll bet the recipients love that you do as well! How's your penmanship? Mine is terrific, and I enjoy using a pen rather than a keyboard.
Well, I don't think my penmanship is as good as it used to be, but it's passable. What I really want is a liquid ink pen, like my dad had when I was a kid.
I do have a cell phone, but the only social media I ever joined are Substack and Bluesky. They plus email and texting meet all my needs. Granted, I had reason to maintain contact with very few h.s. or college pals, but will have dinner Monday w/ coworkers from 45 years ago, something we do a few times a year.
trump is the worst example of the obscenely rich oligarchs who are currently in charge. They all think that their money makes them worthy of respect yet they all think and act like middle schoolers harboring petty grudges and craving approval. trump is an old man with obvious dementia. That he strikes terror in the hearts of Republican electeds speaks more about them than him. Clearly they still fear the bully who took their lunch money in fifth grade. And that puts us all at risk. As for me, I have ZERO respect for rich people who are rich because of they had rich parents. I have slightly more respect for rich people who earned it (Bezos and Zuck excepted, they are just assholes). But I refuse to be bullied by trump, his thuggish followers or anyone. I was bullied as a child by rich assholes (I was a faculty brat at a fancy private school). They don't scare me anymore.
Good for you, Peter! They may be wealthy but they sure are ugly, inside and out. Just look at the demented old man without his make-up....MAKEUP!!! What a pretender.
Your mention of Roy Cohn made me think of a very well done -- while at the same time harrowingly frightening -- recent film I saw in the theaters called "The Apprentice." It covers Trump's earlier years when Roy Cohn was his "teacher." Sadly, he learned the lessons well. It is ably acted by Jeremy Strong and Sebastian Stan, spine tinglingly so.
He is a weak venal man who has always displayed a combination of megalomania, narcissism and sociopathic behavior. I am not a shrink but I believe his demanding any loyalty oath is simply because he lacks the inner courage and resolve of a true leader. He knows deep down he is and has always been found wanting in any true sense of character and personal integrity. And, he, thus, projects those weaknesses and failings on all those who surround him. For Donald Trump it is simply an impossibility to believe anyone possesses such traits so he attempts to obtain public and empty displays of loyalty, fealty and honesty.
Today he flew to California to extort something from the people of a state which has suffered tragedy and massive loss. Instead of empathy , kindness and compassion he is using their grief and loss as to negotiate , no, demand they and their state bend their knees to his bat crap crazy idea they trade independence on how they administer and enforce their voting laws for forty pieces of the silver he controls. What an a-----e on top of the aformentioned traits!
He has decided the way to attain more power is to bludgeon those he believes are weaker and in need whether that be a nation like Ukraind or the victims of natural disasters. He is not worthy of the office he holds but enough of us seem to share his world view and modus operandi so as to have granted him this power, It is a certainty many who did will in the coming months rue that decision but it would seem some of us are just as much lacking in humanity and compassion as he is. Be careful what you wish for MAGites. Reality is going to bite you sooner than you think.
As many have pointed out, everything is transactional with him, why should he give California disaster assistance unless they can do something for him? His voters are now superfluous, he has the office nothing more they can do for him.
Cohn may be laughing in Hell but he died alone, in debt, still involved in litigation (he did some illegal things with other people's trust funds) and very sick from AIDS. Donald abandoned his mentor when Cohn began to go downhill physically and got nailed for stealing an old lady's trust fund. Donald perceived his old mentor as becoming a loser and promptly forgot who he was.
We can only resist, wait and watch. I firmly believe Trump's utter arrogance and over-reach will bring him down. In the meantime, we call out the lies, keep track of his egregious actions--calling those out as well--and attack when the cracks appear and finally, fight like hell against the repubbie voter suppression bullshit before the midterms. If we can flip the House and Senate, watch the house of cards fall down!
Pacino's Cohn in HBO's Angels in America is your first big introduction to this monster...also, Jeffrey Wright appears early in his career, brilliant...must see production!
Yes, I think he was disbarred when he died...The disbarment very likely was a result of his stealing from that trust fund. I seem to remember reading something about the litigation he was involved with when he died had something to do with the theft.
It's the corollary to his long time use of NDAs in his businesses. No one likes the guy so he either has to buy their loyalty or enforce it through threat of lawsuits and economic ruin. WH must be a horrible place to work in now, everyone fearful and co-workers required to inform on you for any deviation from complete loyalty. A real-life dystopian 1984 environment.
I think Melania must have succumbed to a loyalty oath. How else could she have persevered. Oh, there’s the money of course. Loyalty is earned through trust and leadership not mandate. Management 101!
Came here to say that. She a pro and money talks! The little signs of age I see on her these days let me know that her jig is up and her power is fading. She has done the time and the crime to secure her bag. Putin mole.
You mean like her 'I don't really care. Do u?' jacket? Every quote I read from her she sounds like the perfect mate for him. In the video of that Inaugural church service her expression betrayed more anger at the plea for Christian mercy for immigrants than djt's did.
The tech bros have clearly demonstrated their cowardice, led by Zuckerberg, the UFC wannabe who thinks that lifting weights and adopting a new hairdo makes you a tough guy. No, it only makes him more foolish, but far more dangerous. Tech and bank CEOs aside, I am dumbfounded by the silence from the country's many corporate chieftains. Have they all surrendered their balls and backbones?
Used to be that corporate CEOs did more than just obsess about quarterly profits and stock prices and their own lucre. Once upon a time they cared about their employees, their customers, the cities and towns that depended on their presence and the broader health of the US economy. Jack Welch at GE put an end to all that, and he spawned a generation of greedy sycophants who think that, just maybe, fascism is good for their paycheck. Their silence and their acquiescence will bring them down with all the rest of us.
I always thought that Jack Welch was a good leader. I heard he was a great leader over the years and now to hear that wasn’t true makes me want to question all my assumptions. My father was a republican who worked for GE all his adult life.
Read "The Man Who Broke Capitalism" by David Gelles. GE was the gold standard for most of the 20th century, but Welch left it in shambles. His "approach" is still admired by a lot of CEOs, and also employees like your dad who got out before the castle crumbled.
People are too focused on the billions guys like Bezos and Musk--who built companies from scratch--are worth, and not enough attention is paid to the ridiculous compensation routinely paid to CEOs most of us have never heard of. Since most of their comp is in the form of stock options, to the tune of tens of millions of dollars, their main incentive is to goose the stock price any way they can--moving production overseas, layoffs, etc. With the wealth they accumulate, their lives and their perspectives are far removed from the daily concerns of average people. It's not just the wealth disparity, it's the disparity of life experiences.
I salute you, Lucian! Excellent writing and I’ve never read any thing of your I didn’t understand. I pray for your health to continue improving! We need your insight to today’s issues!
That he felt the need to attack Bishop Budde for having the temerity to suggest he show some mercy to the most vulnerable people in the country clearly shows his utter lack of decency and humanity. Anyone who willingly makes a deal with the orange slime demon will (hopefully) get what they deserve.
He's empty alright Lucian, astoundingly so. You would think in 78 years, the same as I have lived and I think you as well, that he would have at least once or twice done something altruistic, there is absolutely no evidence of that ever happening. The maggot bozos bring their understanding of reality to the party and have been relegated to the background. Every time I have seen clips of him blathering at one of his rallies, I watch the maggots standing behind him, they are a sad lot, almost as though they were selected at a casting call for extras. On the other hand we have the titans of industry, people who to a man all have their fuck you money, not one penny of which will they be able to take with them when they pass, yet their obvious need to be in his spotlight is a sign of their weakness. I get it that muck and bozo were there, they have huge government contracts, but the rest of them, kissing his ass isn't becoming and totally unnecessary, they have their fuck you money after all. Maybe it's like a magnetic attraction, I don't know. I'm so repelled by him, I would think people with integrity would be repelled as well.
Brilliant and very telling. My dad, a former staff sergeant in Korea and (reluctant) recipient of the Bronze Star, often said he did what he did so he wouldn’t let his men down. Thanks for this reminder that loyalty is earned, not compelled. Hope you’re feeling better.
My dad did too, as a WWII pilot of “suicide missions” over Germany in daytime.
It all comes down to one thing, Lucian: character. And Trump has none. That's why he needs artificial ways of controlling people--because he will never, ever *earn* their loyalty.
What does it say about the millions who voted for him?
They are cult members with no character.
Yep. You got that right.
It a form of like father, like son!
True, they all have deep seated daddy issues.
What it says about those who voted for him is that they are stupid, willfully ignorant, cruel, bigoted pieces of morally worthless human garbage!
The problem with labeling people like that is that many Trumpsters would say the same things about us. I believe we can use more productive ways to describe people, remembering that they are all individuals, just like each of us reading Lucian's newsletter. My relatives who support Trump are NOT like Bannon, Giuliani, or Stefanik.
To me, making distinctions among trump worshipers is no different than talking about not-so-bad Nazis who weren't as fanatic as Goebbels or Hitler. As far as I'm concerned, a person who voted for t-Rump in 2024 forfeited any right to be considered a decent human being.
Or maybe they were naive enough to believe that grocery prices would go down if they voted for him.
Tell us how you really feel, Judith!! :)
; )
Secretly I think Trump believes the same thing. He thinks his voters are suckers. We know he loves the uneducated (he said it) and we know why.
Nothing much that’s good.
Fools. Dolts. Stunted. Brainwashed because it's so easy.
Trump has character. It's called Psychopath.
Allegedly psychopaths are not capable of knowing they are psychopaths.
My translation. He always believes he is correct. Admitting he is wrong would destroy him.
That sounds right to me.
Vincent Norman Peale taught him that. Never admit fault, ever.
But is the belief in myths (gods) a form of insanity.
It's practiced by about 80 of humans.
That's a lot of insanity.
PS, it appears Peales family tries to avoid connecting Norman with Donald.
I bet the Peales are finding it hard to be positive about Trump."Belief" is a collective human brain activity that recreates archetypes --mythic, symbolic, metaphorical, and allegorical constructs that are basic human brain modes of thought, of interpreting reality. Hard to get past religion, especially when you have a black gospel choir with a Mahalia Jackson song on. Religion and politics are known for their schisms. Identification gets a rise.
An enforced state religion is abominable.
UR right. Now that you reminded me.
Or, I dare say, RESPECT. He wants worshipers to fill the hole in his soul.
i served my hitch on a tiny destroyer escort, uss edward mcdonnell. crew of a few over 200, 16 officers. above the arctic circle we encountered a very dangerous storm. for a day and a half all hands were on duty. taking cat naps on station. there were times the entire ship was underwater. the bridge crew called it being "in the green room." we had all raised our hands and taken the oath to serve. it was not the oaths that carried us through that storm. it was those of us who meant it when we said the oath. the oath taker is who proves the value of the oath. trump can swear on a stack of bibles while standing on a stack of the holy koran and i still would not believe a word he says.
Hard service. Thank you.
💪🌹 thank you for this and for your amazing service
From what I heard, Dumbass did not place his hand on a bible when he was sworn in on January 20.
Thank you for telling your story of real service to our country.
Lucian, I see you’re back in “normal” form and I’m grateful. Two days ago, I deleted Facebook, Threads, Messenger, and Instagram off of my phone and computer. I cannot stand by and by manipulated by a tech bro who has no loyalty to his employees or to the people who have supported him for quite a number of years. I realize that I will not get to converse with my friends or see their photos in these social media outlets anymore but my sanity comes first. I let a few of them know that they could contact me by text or email. I get what I what I want to be informed about from the many writers, such as yourself, on Substack and bluesky. I felt a big anvil was lifted off of my shoulders, quite frankly.
Marlene, I've never used those outlets, and don't use a cell-phone. Believe me, you'll get used to using e-mail, Substack, and a phone so you can text. That's a lot! I only use e-mail, and rarely. I read a lot on Substack and I use a land line. I don't deal with the frantic and the nonsense. Give it a few weeks, and you'll see, that weight won't come back!
There's two of us! I've starting writing letters again, except for emergencies.
I love that you write letters! And I'll bet the recipients love that you do as well! How's your penmanship? Mine is terrific, and I enjoy using a pen rather than a keyboard.
Well, I don't think my penmanship is as good as it used to be, but it's passable. What I really want is a liquid ink pen, like my dad had when I was a kid.
Fountain pen?
Yes, thank you. My words aren't very good anymore.
I do have a cell phone, but the only social media I ever joined are Substack and Bluesky. They plus email and texting meet all my needs. Granted, I had reason to maintain contact with very few h.s. or college pals, but will have dinner Monday w/ coworkers from 45 years ago, something we do a few times a year.
Your piece today brought tears to my eyes. An inspiring and comforting reminder that there is good in this country.
❤️ same
How about we send Little Donnie a copy of Doris Kearns Goodwin's Team of Rivals about the Lincoln administration?
Just kidding. Donnie can't read.
No pictures in it. Non starter.
He probably needs cartoons.
Love Doris Kearns Godwin’s books.
I am reading her new book “An Unfinished Love Story” and it is superb as are all of her books.
trump is the worst example of the obscenely rich oligarchs who are currently in charge. They all think that their money makes them worthy of respect yet they all think and act like middle schoolers harboring petty grudges and craving approval. trump is an old man with obvious dementia. That he strikes terror in the hearts of Republican electeds speaks more about them than him. Clearly they still fear the bully who took their lunch money in fifth grade. And that puts us all at risk. As for me, I have ZERO respect for rich people who are rich because of they had rich parents. I have slightly more respect for rich people who earned it (Bezos and Zuck excepted, they are just assholes). But I refuse to be bullied by trump, his thuggish followers or anyone. I was bullied as a child by rich assholes (I was a faculty brat at a fancy private school). They don't scare me anymore.
Good for you, Peter! They may be wealthy but they sure are ugly, inside and out. Just look at the demented old man without his make-up....MAKEUP!!! What a pretender.
I like to call it Revenge of the Nerds🤣
Your mention of Roy Cohn made me think of a very well done -- while at the same time harrowingly frightening -- recent film I saw in the theaters called "The Apprentice." It covers Trump's earlier years when Roy Cohn was his "teacher." Sadly, he learned the lessons well. It is ably acted by Jeremy Strong and Sebastian Stan, spine tinglingly so.
Mr Stan is up for an Oscar for his portrayal of the felon.
I must see that
He is a weak venal man who has always displayed a combination of megalomania, narcissism and sociopathic behavior. I am not a shrink but I believe his demanding any loyalty oath is simply because he lacks the inner courage and resolve of a true leader. He knows deep down he is and has always been found wanting in any true sense of character and personal integrity. And, he, thus, projects those weaknesses and failings on all those who surround him. For Donald Trump it is simply an impossibility to believe anyone possesses such traits so he attempts to obtain public and empty displays of loyalty, fealty and honesty.
Today he flew to California to extort something from the people of a state which has suffered tragedy and massive loss. Instead of empathy , kindness and compassion he is using their grief and loss as to negotiate , no, demand they and their state bend their knees to his bat crap crazy idea they trade independence on how they administer and enforce their voting laws for forty pieces of the silver he controls. What an a-----e on top of the aformentioned traits!
He has decided the way to attain more power is to bludgeon those he believes are weaker and in need whether that be a nation like Ukraind or the victims of natural disasters. He is not worthy of the office he holds but enough of us seem to share his world view and modus operandi so as to have granted him this power, It is a certainty many who did will in the coming months rue that decision but it would seem some of us are just as much lacking in humanity and compassion as he is. Be careful what you wish for MAGites. Reality is going to bite you sooner than you think.
As many have pointed out, everything is transactional with him, why should he give California disaster assistance unless they can do something for him? His voters are now superfluous, he has the office nothing more they can do for him.
Excellent comment
We're back in the 1950s, when loyalty oaths were forced on millions of people and fear reigned supreme. Roy Cohn is laughing in Hell - he won.
It's only one battle in a war
Thank you. I will try to keep that in mind.
Good point.
Not yet he hasn't.
Cohn may be laughing in Hell but he died alone, in debt, still involved in litigation (he did some illegal things with other people's trust funds) and very sick from AIDS. Donald abandoned his mentor when Cohn began to go downhill physically and got nailed for stealing an old lady's trust fund. Donald perceived his old mentor as becoming a loser and promptly forgot who he was.
But his protege is squatting in the White House. And he has no intention of leaving. How the hell are we going to stop him?
We can only resist, wait and watch. I firmly believe Trump's utter arrogance and over-reach will bring him down. In the meantime, we call out the lies, keep track of his egregious actions--calling those out as well--and attack when the cracks appear and finally, fight like hell against the repubbie voter suppression bullshit before the midterms. If we can flip the House and Senate, watch the house of cards fall down!
Pacino's Cohn in HBO's Angels in America is your first big introduction to this monster...also, Jeffrey Wright appears early in his career, brilliant...must see production!
It takes one to know one.
Didn't Cohn also die a disbarred lawyer?
Yes, I think he was disbarred when he died...The disbarment very likely was a result of his stealing from that trust fund. I seem to remember reading something about the litigation he was involved with when he died had something to do with the theft.
The punch line of my favorite techie joke from the 80’s is Satan saying to Bill Gates in Hell: “Oh that! That was the demo version.”
He won alright, and he'll be having company soon enough.
Let's hope it gets really crowded in Hell.
Like Hell he did.
He didn’t win yet! Like the Christians fighting the gladiators, I’ll fight to my death!!
It's the corollary to his long time use of NDAs in his businesses. No one likes the guy so he either has to buy their loyalty or enforce it through threat of lawsuits and economic ruin. WH must be a horrible place to work in now, everyone fearful and co-workers required to inform on you for any deviation from complete loyalty. A real-life dystopian 1984 environment.
I think Melania must have succumbed to a loyalty oath. How else could she have persevered. Oh, there’s the money of course. Loyalty is earned through trust and leadership not mandate. Management 101!
She's a Slovakian hooker. She got paid a high price and that's what mattered.
AND she brought her parents over after marrying the rich old man and had an anchor baby. Good thing for her that she's white.
She makes him look like an amateur at the con.
Came here to say that. She a pro and money talks! The little signs of age I see on her these days let me know that her jig is up and her power is fading. She has done the time and the crime to secure her bag. Putin mole.
You mean like her 'I don't really care. Do u?' jacket? Every quote I read from her she sounds like the perfect mate for him. In the video of that Inaugural church service her expression betrayed more anger at the plea for Christian mercy for immigrants than djt's did.
The tech bros have clearly demonstrated their cowardice, led by Zuckerberg, the UFC wannabe who thinks that lifting weights and adopting a new hairdo makes you a tough guy. No, it only makes him more foolish, but far more dangerous. Tech and bank CEOs aside, I am dumbfounded by the silence from the country's many corporate chieftains. Have they all surrendered their balls and backbones?
How would their stockholders like it if they did otherwise?
Used to be that corporate CEOs did more than just obsess about quarterly profits and stock prices and their own lucre. Once upon a time they cared about their employees, their customers, the cities and towns that depended on their presence and the broader health of the US economy. Jack Welch at GE put an end to all that, and he spawned a generation of greedy sycophants who think that, just maybe, fascism is good for their paycheck. Their silence and their acquiescence will bring them down with all the rest of us.
Welch was as evil as his contemporary, 'Chainsaw Al' Dunlap
just a lot slicker.
I always thought that Jack Welch was a good leader. I heard he was a great leader over the years and now to hear that wasn’t true makes me want to question all my assumptions. My father was a republican who worked for GE all his adult life.
Read "The Man Who Broke Capitalism" by David Gelles. GE was the gold standard for most of the 20th century, but Welch left it in shambles. His "approach" is still admired by a lot of CEOs, and also employees like your dad who got out before the castle crumbled.
Thanks for the book recommendation, Steve. You’re right. Dad retired when GE was at the top of its game in 1983 or so.
People are too focused on the billions guys like Bezos and Musk--who built companies from scratch--are worth, and not enough attention is paid to the ridiculous compensation routinely paid to CEOs most of us have never heard of. Since most of their comp is in the form of stock options, to the tune of tens of millions of dollars, their main incentive is to goose the stock price any way they can--moving production overseas, layoffs, etc. With the wealth they accumulate, their lives and their perspectives are far removed from the daily concerns of average people. It's not just the wealth disparity, it's the disparity of life experiences.
I believe so.
I salute you, Lucian! Excellent writing and I’ve never read any thing of your I didn’t understand. I pray for your health to continue improving! We need your insight to today’s issues!
That he felt the need to attack Bishop Budde for having the temerity to suggest he show some mercy to the most vulnerable people in the country clearly shows his utter lack of decency and humanity. Anyone who willingly makes a deal with the orange slime demon will (hopefully) get what they deserve.
He's empty alright Lucian, astoundingly so. You would think in 78 years, the same as I have lived and I think you as well, that he would have at least once or twice done something altruistic, there is absolutely no evidence of that ever happening. The maggot bozos bring their understanding of reality to the party and have been relegated to the background. Every time I have seen clips of him blathering at one of his rallies, I watch the maggots standing behind him, they are a sad lot, almost as though they were selected at a casting call for extras. On the other hand we have the titans of industry, people who to a man all have their fuck you money, not one penny of which will they be able to take with them when they pass, yet their obvious need to be in his spotlight is a sign of their weakness. I get it that muck and bozo were there, they have huge government contracts, but the rest of them, kissing his ass isn't becoming and totally unnecessary, they have their fuck you money after all. Maybe it's like a magnetic attraction, I don't know. I'm so repelled by him, I would think people with integrity would be repelled as well.