Sep 17·edited Sep 17Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

We're tired of the drama. Even when the media insists we Pay Attention to This Very Important Story, the problem is that I have laundry to fold. Moving on. Turning the page. Not going back.

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

If Republicans were serious about the critical need to protect their dictator maybe they would encourage him to stop playing golf daily and hold his fake rallies in a secure building.

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The story is lack of gun control, not Trump.

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I have been by that course, it defies logic that the Secret Service would allow a POTUS to play there, impossible to secure.

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Leigh, I agree with you on that. In fact, I think that the acting head, should say follow their rules or he is on his own. Also, I still want someone to tie it to DeSatan and his lack of support for gun control in his state. Although, Florida has red flag laws and supposedly do a better job of using them than my Blue state of Illinois.

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Sep 17Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Too many questions about the "assassination attempt". I believe it was just another set-up for Trump's moment in the news so that could fundraise off of it. We are so tired that we don't even care any more. Shoot him, don't shoot him, I really don't care.

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Sep 17Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

What I can't figure out is why MSNBC keeps referring to the first incident as an assassination attempt when the evidence on that is still very unclear. The whole country is so afraid of offending this clown. It makes me ill.

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Kudos to the excellent Lawrence O’Donnell on MSNBC. The rest are useless. Many Substack writers helping save Democracy every day. Grateful for you Lucian.

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Fwiw, I've seen the word "alleged" prefixed to "assassination attempt" fairly often in online news stories, but I couldn't tell you exactly where because the MSM all run together in my head and I can't always remember what was a news story and what was commentary.

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

What you said. I saw some of the fundraising emails that went out right after - written by and for morons.

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“….. some of the people all of the time….”

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Sep 17Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

What grown man uses the word “nasty”? Teenage girls might use it but old men discussing how they are mistreated??

Silly, old orange blob.

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Sep 17Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

He has a very limited vocabulary. Always uses the same tired words.

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Sep 17Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

I think the word "nasty" is a great descriptor! And it keeps me from being vulgar.

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Wait a minute! I’m an old lady and I say “nasty.” Usually when referring to the present Repugnican candidate.

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Chimps have a larger vocabulary...

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One with mentality and self-awareness that both ceased development somewhere between 5 and 8 years of age.

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My rose breasted cockatoo talked at a higher level than that orange idiot…

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Sep 17Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

What gets me is the outrage from the GOP lickspittles. Shouldn’t Trump simply get thoughts and prayers? After all, a bad guy with a gun was stopped by a good guy with a gun. What more need be said or done? Just following the unhinged gun owner protocol established by the NRA/GOP asses.

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Sep 17Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Right. When innocent school children are slaughtered, the GOP sends their lugubrious "thoughts and prayers." That's all they ever do.

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One of these days, the powerful weapons they think are okay for everyone in the country to own are going to come back and bite them in the ass.

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I’ll stick around for the ass-biting!

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hopefully soon...

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My prayers won't be appreciated lol

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We’ll said David…

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Sep 17Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

May we all just as soon forget the names of the Republican presidential ticket in 2024 and all of their minions.

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Sep 17Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

I would rather see a lot more coverage of these terrifying stories than for Trump to get even more attention of him as a victim:

“Ohio sheriff tells residents to "write down the addresses" of Harris-Walz supporters;

Sheriff Bruce Zuchowski urged residents of an Ohio county to report neighbors with Harris-Walz signs”


“ LULAC steps up voter registration after Texas attorney general's raids;

The raids on the homes of members of the nation's oldest Latino civil rights group as part of an election investigation "lit a fire" among some Texas Hispanics, a LULAC leader says.”


“Police are questioning Florida voters about signing an abortion rights ballot petition”


Where is the shock at these blatant violations of American’s constitutionally protected rights by law enforcement? Where is the discussion of the extreme danger of allowing these acts or possible legal recourses available to victims of these thugs?

We won’t learn anything more of great relevance to our democracy from more days of clickbait assassination attempt coverage. People are already well aware of the important facts. However I am sure very few people are aware of these grave threats from fascists with power to the freedom and safety of ordinary Americans just trying to exercise their right to participate in our politics.

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Yes!!! And none of it came out of nowhere either. DeSantis's crackdown on academic freedom in FL, restricting access to the ballot in most red states, the treatment of migrants in TX and elsewhere . . .

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Sorry for the all caps; caught up in my energy agreeing with the post I've been dying to write myself!

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Sep 17Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

It's kind of ironic to see the Bloated Yam, full of violent rhetoric, one who has inspired so many violent actions in others, and one who used his power to undo gun safety laws, now whine that the two assassination attempts on his life were due to speech from Harris and Biden. The Bloated Yam obviously thinks we're as stupid as he is.

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Sep 17Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

We aren't but MAGATs are. Stupider in fact.

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Sep 17Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

He plays the victim so well. Does it all the time.

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Sep 17Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

The Bloated Yam is truly a disgusting individual.

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Sep 17Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

It's not illegal especially in Florida to hide out in a bush for 12 hours with a cache of rifles and ammunition. He may not have been trying to assassinate anybody for all we know.

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Sep 17Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

The charges against him will have to be dropped because he was just "exercising his Second Amendment Rights" as the S.Ct. directed him to do.

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Right it was a concept. I don’t even think that the assassination word need be attached.

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Don't the Boy Scouts have a Armed and Concealed Badge?

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Sep 17Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Man, that SS agent has bionic vision to spot a gun barrel among the foliage from that distance.

Another curious detail about this whole incident.

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Sep 17Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Agreed. Perhaps the guy was shooting squirrels? And the immediate fundraising B.S. Not to mention a getaway car sitting in proximity for 12 hours. Nobody picked up on that?

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And a convenient eyewitness who photographed the car and license plate

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Mebbe the guy was there just to act like a potential assassin, with no actual intent. He could have been giving the SS an apprehension opportunity

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When the turd was shoe horned out of the White House, he chose the SS detail that would protect him in his dotage. Their loyalty is to the turd, not to the Constitution. Ask Mike Pence about how much he trusted his detail on 1/6 or Pres. Biden making sure his detail was the same as the one that was assigned to him when he was VP. This alleged assassin was easier to track than foot prints in new fallen snow. So now, just like Hitler, there have been 2 alleged assassination attempts. We know what happened in Germany after that....what happens here? Those who do not know history are condemned to repeat it. I hope not. Vote blue the entire ballot.

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Blue only blue.

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17

I doubt we'll ever get the whole story on either "assassination" incident.

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Or geese

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Awfully fishy...

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If you have a chance google the pics of Routh's "shooting nest" It wasn't obscured by foliage. The USSS agents walk the fence line a hole or more ahead of the protectee. A professional uses all sorts of cover and the barrel would not be visible. In the location shown in the pics a professional would set self BACK from the fencing by meters and fire through the fence opening, never placing the barrel on the fence wiring.

Even in daytime, a muzzle flash can be easily detected so a pro sets up deeper not closer. Pros know the length and duration of their weapon's muzzle flash. Routh was not confident he could make the shot or else he wouldn't hung up bags on the fencing. Reporting is not yet settled what they contained other than food. Been some reports of protective elements but what kind is still open.

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Anyone who watched Mark Wahlberg in "The Shooter" and Clint Eastwood in "In the Line of Fire" should know most of this stuff.

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17

And yet his shot missed the target…..

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Which incident are you addressing? Routh never discharged his weapon nor was struck (to current reporting) by any round fired by the USSS.

In PA a young man who up to then had never shot a hooman climbed a top a building (heart rate goes up, then crawled to his selected spot (heart is racing from physical exertion and adrenaline knowing what he was about to do, KILL for the first time). It's a skill to shoot w/precision even more so in rapid succession. Ghosting a hooman is not same-same with plunking a target. Have no idea how matched his ammo, optics were to his rifle. The act of putting a rifle back together is easy but not adjusting for any change made when doing so. Ain't easy controlling breathing while trying to squeeze one off never mind many in succession. The distance doesn't matter if you can't steady your mind, breathing, body, and weapon. He was head hunting with a weapon that doesn't require precision, only accuracy to kill. Had he aimed at the body and squeezed 3+ more chances are high 2 or more woulda ripped thru his target and it's more than 50-50 one woulda caused a fatal wound. Not at all he chose the head and not surprised he missed

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

The problem is the stupidity or willful ignorance of 45% of the electorate in addition to the corruption of Republican politicians and six members of the Supreme Court.

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Absolutely. Is this really our country? It’s so unrecognizable: people who are anti everything that isn’t like them: gun-toting, miserables. Maybe their love of Trump stems from his only blaming “others” for his woes, and that’s what would satisfy their ills. Mmmmm? Germany in the 1930’s.

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Sep 17Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

LTK is right, we're now living in the brave new world of 1984. Harris/Biden are the ones causing political violence by calling out the guy threatening violence on a daily basis. JD is "owed an apology" because the bomb threats called in to Springfield, due to his self-confessed pet-eating lies, originated from a foreign country. Outrageous lies are good because they generate news coverage, even if negative. The border "crisis" is the fault of Harris and not Trump and Republicans blocking any attempts at a solution. Harris hates both the Jews and the Palestinians therefore causing Gaza. Ukraine is making Putin invade it because it just won't reasonably surrender to Putin rule. The NYT undecided voters focus group agrees that Trump is unhinged but will still vote for him because Harris provoked him and they still need to "know more" about her policies. The list goes on and on while reality goes down the Memory Hole.

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"need to know more about her policies". That line is such a load of shit. Why don't those ignorant 'undecideds' pay attention to what she is actually saying? Then, compare it to the drizzle that comes out of that traitors' mouth. Puh-leez.

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Alice in Wonderland time...

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Sep 17Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

I would have said that Crooks "allegedly" drew blood because to me that incident being a bona-fide assassination attempt is no certainty.

I'm not even sure it is possible to nick an ear with that weapon, the one that decapitated children, without doing some other damage. Trump had to be looking directly at the shooter (what are the odds?) or the front or back of his head would have been hit. It seems strange to me that the billion to one ear shot was the only way he could have been hit without being seriously injured in a location that could easily be covered up (what are the odds?). Then there was that ridiculous "blood" which looked like strawberry syrup. Then comes the unbelievable fact that there is no visible scar on that ear.

Then Trump gave the game up, in my opinion, with that jibber jabber about some doctor telling him the ear bleeds more than any other body part. I have no idea if that's true but it's an obvious attempt to explain away that profuse "bleeding" with zero evidence of a wound.

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17

The outer ear is mostly cartilage and as such does not have great vascularization(is that a word??). Anyone who has had an ear piercing can attest to how long it took to heal. It is the scalp that is bloody when injured

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Agree with you Eric

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Sep 17Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Maybe the problem here is the unspoken suspicion that one or both of the "assassins "were hired by "Trump friendly entities".

And clearly his ear was not shot unless it has mystical healing powers.

When will the press stop being afraid to speak truth?

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The press will lose its' fear of speaking the truth when speaking the truth becomes more profitable than spreading rumors and lies.

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That is precisely the point. Always, always follow the buckos.

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in other words never

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17

Sanford—You had me up until the line where you shoot the messenger.

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Sep 17Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Absolutely, Lucian. No other individual has been a bigger threat to America in our history. This single dictator wannabe has been able to follow the fascist playbook to perfection. He and his movement must be defeated.

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Yes, well, he has gotten a lot more mileage than J. Edgar Hoover. If you had been a teenager in the late Sixties and early Seventies, especially in Berkeley, you might think you've seen this all before, but much more quietly/underground. This movement is more popular than what J. Edgar did, but he accomplished more, if you ask me, especially in the count of dead bodies and jailed individuals. And it's true, he didn't have anything to do with Attica, etc.

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Sep 17Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Well, a delusional creep in the bushes with a gun, charged with some kind of weapons violations, seems like it could be a distraction from Vance's manufactured racists stories as well as the grotesqueries of Project 2025, which are now lost in the chaos. I'm not saying the event was a campaign-orchestrated set up, but it sure does offer another distraction.

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Sep 17Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Why? Because nobody except maybe the MAGAs and the corporate media believe that it was a real assassination attempt. I, for one, think it was a setup engineered by one of Trump's many dirty tricksters (Roger Stone anyone) to create a distraction from the Haitians eating cats story distraction from Trump got blown out in the debate story. The supposed gunman is a well known fruit fly who would have easily succumbed to an offer of cash and the promise of a pardon. And while we're at it, when will we see the medical report on Trump's gunshot non-wound?

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We think alike

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