I think we're only scratching the surface.

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Agreed, 10 mil sounds like seed money theses days!

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The outer shell of the entire MAGAgaGOP is head to toe ablaze with ezema, seborrhea and psoriasis.

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scabrous and cretinous

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😂😂😂Send them a case of Tegrin!

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Obviously. So, a question I have is, are the US and EU allies sharing this information given that the EU is also getting hit by Russian election interfering propaganda, and I have read that Republican organizations are funding right wing parties in Europe too. Wonder if US Dark Money is violating the election laws of other countries as well. And, we know that the nasty Steve Bannon is trying to support the AfD, and trying to bring his radio program, The War Room to Berlin. I have also been wondering whether we can get at the TikTok influencers that China is backing to interfere with the election, and do they have the same messages as the Russian ones. My understanding is that they targeted Republican voters with messages to be dissatisfied with the economy, safety and the immigrant scare, and secure borders. In the Bulwark they were discussing that Trump does really well on the lies he spreads that crime will go down under him. This is not backed up by research, but his audience does not know this, and it apparently feels right to them. Of course these are racist, sexist tropes. His favorite.

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Bannon is far too useful an idiot.

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I’d say yes

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Of courses they knew. The only question now is which one of them starts to spill it to the DOJ in the hope of saving his ass. I suspect this will eventually lead all the way to Trump and his goons and the rest of the Republican Party. Can't wait. A September surprise?

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Trump is a long-term asset cultivated by Moscow. He is useful idiot number one. Who bailed him out of bad real estate deals? Who bailed him out of his failed casino?

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There are suspicions that he is entangled with Russian crime money and may have laundered for them. Also perhaps Putin has dirt on him

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Ya think??

New laws on money laundering going into effect soon - should be revealing!

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Read Catherine Belton’s book Putin’s People Putin's People https://a.co/d/4kYV4d2

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Probably I am catastrophizing, but I worry that if Trump wins he will authorize the Pentagon and other agencies to share all our classified documents with Russia, North Korean, Hungary, etc. After all, he would have immunity for anything he might do as President...Scary! Wondering if BIden could do anything to thwart such an action before leaving office...Wouldn't he have immunity, too?

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Let it be so!

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Tim Pool’s Wiki says he quit school after the fifth grade, about the same intelligence and speaking level of Trump. The clown car continues to fill up.

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They’re riding on the roof by now…

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phew. thanks for that deep dive into the details. even for those of us who are somewhat familiar with the topic and the actors, wednesday and thursday were info overload. howeber, there is satisfaction in having the confirmation of what was always suspected/kind of known - big russian money behind so much of today's right-wing media.

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The irony is that it is through the Republican cult of personality. Ah, the irony of the McCarthy era.

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"On that day, Trump bragged to others about sharing top-secret intelligence about Israel and Iran with the two Russians."

Isn't this fodder for Jack Smith? Why hasn't something been done about this? Is there any connection between this Tenet thing and Trump? Can he be further indicted?

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Don't be surprised when this and more surfaces in the court filings from Smith!

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Well. Imagine that , Russias nominations for best foreign actors are out . The haven’t even mentioned Trump . But they will.

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DOJ makes a hole in one for this one.

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Huh. Kinda sounds like "Russia! Russia! Russia!" redux.

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Well, when you recognize that “Russia, Russia, Russia” was “Real, Real, Real,” well then, yeah, it does.

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Ugh! Another time there's negative news regarding Tennessee!

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OT but not in the least surprising: Per the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Marcee Gray, Colt Gray's mother, has a list of priors going back 17 years, including domestic violence, drug crimes, and various types of fraud, and was in jail as recently as December 2023. This kid comes from a real healthy family. And his father gave him the AR-15 as a Christmas present when the kid was 13.

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The father has been charged with murder. Good.

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Wonder where the criminal mother was in all this?

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I suspect we'll find out.

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historically, we're not the sharpest knives in the drawer...the level of grift shouldn't surprise us considering the continual fraud, prosecutions and resignations in the MAGAt dominated TN legislature

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As a script it would be rejected as way too stupid…

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Oops: we messed up big time Comrade

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All these mopes are witting agents. The influencer's outrage is cover your ass bullshit. The FBI needs to have extended conversations with everyone involved. There's a damned good chance that others are getting paid by the Russians. ( Margie, Ron Johnson, Flynn,etc ) Follow the money!!

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Maybe they should start with the entire GOP House.

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this is why the real grifters look down on the religious hucksters. sure, they're running a con, but it's a con on rubes who want to believe in the bait enough to swallow the hook. i'm sure in that buckle on the bible belt there was already fertile ground for the production of marks.

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Dump’s team is the master of distraction. His camp is “stacking the deck” in the critical electoral college states, meanwhile they’re really in cahoots w/ the Russians. Thanks for looking out everyone😺

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i am so glad, LKTIV, that you read thru all the posts for this so we didnt have to.

i gotta admit when i saw the reams of print that were surfacing my eyes glazed over and rolled scrolled over to easier reading.

here you so well lined up the usual suspects and described their roles in the subversive moves, including following the money trail so specifically.

and such a scrofulous lineup indeed. (been wanting to use this term after reading it in a historical novel)

again thanks.

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