George Stephenopolis, no friend of mine, is a tainted fishmonger. Throwing Bill Clinton under a speeding bus, for the sake of hyping his own career. What an opportunist!
I wouldn’t trust him with a hedgehog, let alone our dear Biden
George Stephenopolis, no friend of mine, is a tainted fishmonger. Throwing Bill Clinton under a speeding bus, for the sake of hyping his own career. What an opportunist!
I wouldn’t trust him with a hedgehog, let alone our dear Biden
I also have never respected George for what he did after working for Clinton. In my public service career I have been a trusted assistant to many. Trust is its own reward.
The sanctimonious Snuffleupagus made a huge stink about Clinton’s adultery but guess who had no problem hanging with Jeffrey Epstein even after his Florida conviction —good ol’ boy Snuffy:
“ On the evening of December 2nd, 2010, a handful of America's media and entertainment elite—including TV anchors Katie Couric and George Stephanopoulos, comedienne Chelsea Handler, and director Woody Allen—convened around the dinner table of convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein.…. No, back then Epstein was mid-makeover. He had monarchy in-house and famous faces at his table. ”
I get enraged that the mainstream media repeatedly brings up the fact that Bill Clinton traveled on Epstein’s plane but buries the fact that Couric and Snuffy not only regularly socialized with Epstein but volunteered to help him remake his image after he was convicted for having sex with underage girls. Read the article to see how they rationalized their immoral behavior
Because those closest to him have bad judgment. He didn't even *have* to debate. He could have just said, "I choose not to debate with a congenital liar and a criminal."
My 80 year old dad keeps repeating that Biden never should have debated him, along with the Proverb, "Answer not a fool according to his folly, Lest thou also be like unto him."
I’m thinking that would be a good idea if Biden would say he won’t debate… exactly for the reason you stated. Another debate is not necessary, in my opinion.
Margo - I agree. Canceling the second debate now would be terrible optics. But... Joe Biden needs to follow his own instincts and ignore the advisors who basically set him up for a terrible first debate by over-preparing him and scripting him with excessive facts vs. letting him answer freely. Biden would have better spent the preparation time resting and thinking about what he needs to convey, perhaps some discussions with advisors but not parroting what the advisors think he should be talking about. He also should ditch the teleprompter except, perhaps, for some key words and phrases that he himself chooses.
It is now conclusive (to me, based some doctors who've gone public, plus a NYMag reporter, Olivia Nuzzi, who's seen all these signs, up close and personal) that he has Parkinson's and early dementia. It's all there. The frozen look, the gait, the Botox (not in the places to look younger) the looking beyond people. Nuzzi said he looked "otherworldly and white" when she got close to him. (Mr. T.: I would have noted the MDs who commented, but I didn't know I would post something quoting them.)
Ummmmm, he runs a country. He is the president, this kind of circus with a man known for his inteviewing style that is all about him just takes Biden away from his real job.......running the country.
I agree. And I DO fault whoever was prepping him for that "debate" which was not a debate. Anyone with a grain of sand for a brain should have known about the Gish Gallup and given Biden at least an opportunity to practice against such an onslaught of lies and crazed comments. They set him up. AND, CNN set him up also, putting him on stage with a convicted felon maniac who continued to shout his garbage even off mic while Biden was trying to figure out which lie he should address. Could anyone have blocked out the loud shouts coming from the other podium while formulating a truthful and accurate response to a "moderator's" question? I know I could not. And there was absolutely NO "moderating." They could have just put a clock on stage and run the questions on a monitor.
I agree Margo, I thought his interview of President Biden was respectful, thoughtful, probing and appropriately challenging. I really appreciated the opportunities he gave to Biden to talk to us. I felt Biden did OK, not great. Overall it was helpful to see him feeling a little better and with some make-up on (he didn't look as corpse like as he did in the debate).
George Stephenopolis, no friend of mine, is a tainted fishmonger. Throwing Bill Clinton under a speeding bus, for the sake of hyping his own career. What an opportunist!
I wouldn’t trust him with a hedgehog, let alone our dear Biden
I also have never respected George for what he did after working for Clinton. In my public service career I have been a trusted assistant to many. Trust is its own reward.
The sanctimonious Snuffleupagus made a huge stink about Clinton’s adultery but guess who had no problem hanging with Jeffrey Epstein even after his Florida conviction —good ol’ boy Snuffy:
“ On the evening of December 2nd, 2010, a handful of America's media and entertainment elite—including TV anchors Katie Couric and George Stephanopoulos, comedienne Chelsea Handler, and director Woody Allen—convened around the dinner table of convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein.…. No, back then Epstein was mid-makeover. He had monarchy in-house and famous faces at his table. ”
I get enraged that the mainstream media repeatedly brings up the fact that Bill Clinton traveled on Epstein’s plane but buries the fact that Couric and Snuffy not only regularly socialized with Epstein but volunteered to help him remake his image after he was convicted for having sex with underage girls. Read the article to see how they rationalized their immoral behavior
Yes why did they let Biden be interviewed by him
Because those closest to him have bad judgment. He didn't even *have* to debate. He could have just said, "I choose not to debate with a congenital liar and a criminal."
My 80 year old dad keeps repeating that Biden never should have debated him, along with the Proverb, "Answer not a fool according to his folly, Lest thou also be like unto him."
Biden's campaign team is failing all of us.
His team's problems are problems for us all.
If Trump was right about one thing last week, it was that perhaps it's time Joe fired someone.
Jill?? 😉
Jesus, well there's a thought I hadn't considered. But yeah. You're not wrong!
Your Dad should run , he said it all!
Wasn't it here that I read that they should all be fired.
I don't know where you read it, but besides family, he listens to two men: Donilan and someone else who's been compared to Rasputin.
Links please.
Lost to the ages It was yesterday ...
I’m thinking that would be a good idea if Biden would say he won’t debate… exactly for the reason you stated. Another debate is not necessary, in my opinion.
He's stuck now, because he's said he would do the second debate, with the hope, I guess, of doing better.
Maybe. I still think he should cancel the debate saying he won’t debate a serial liar. That’s it and it’s true.
DEFINITELY cancel - if he's still not letting go...
he won't have to because Trump will.
oh no!!!!
Margo - I agree. Canceling the second debate now would be terrible optics. But... Joe Biden needs to follow his own instincts and ignore the advisors who basically set him up for a terrible first debate by over-preparing him and scripting him with excessive facts vs. letting him answer freely. Biden would have better spent the preparation time resting and thinking about what he needs to convey, perhaps some discussions with advisors but not parroting what the advisors think he should be talking about. He also should ditch the teleprompter except, perhaps, for some key words and phrases that he himself chooses.
I just hunted up one of the sources: Though not an MD., Steven N. Austad is a researcher in this area. If I can find the docs, I will let you know.
It is now conclusive (to me, based some doctors who've gone public, plus a NYMag reporter, Olivia Nuzzi, who's seen all these signs, up close and personal) that he has Parkinson's and early dementia. It's all there. The frozen look, the gait, the Botox (not in the places to look younger) the looking beyond people. Nuzzi said he looked "otherworldly and white" when she got close to him. (Mr. T.: I would have noted the MDs who commented, but I didn't know I would post something quoting them.)
Probably because it's time to stop shielding Biden from difficult situations if you really want him to beat trump.
Yes. He needs to out there constantly, and on the attack.
Ummmmm, he runs a country. He is the president, this kind of circus with a man known for his inteviewing style that is all about him just takes Biden away from his real job.......running the country.
I agree. And I DO fault whoever was prepping him for that "debate" which was not a debate. Anyone with a grain of sand for a brain should have known about the Gish Gallup and given Biden at least an opportunity to practice against such an onslaught of lies and crazed comments. They set him up. AND, CNN set him up also, putting him on stage with a convicted felon maniac who continued to shout his garbage even off mic while Biden was trying to figure out which lie he should address. Could anyone have blocked out the loud shouts coming from the other podium while formulating a truthful and accurate response to a "moderator's" question? I know I could not. And there was absolutely NO "moderating." They could have just put a clock on stage and run the questions on a monitor.
I looked at this again, and I was not replying to your question. Obviously I was referring to the debate with Trump.
I actually think George did a masterful job. It matters not to me that he started in the Clinton White House.
I think of Stephenopolis as a hatchet man.
When I read his memoir I was mortified.
He's shameless self-promoter.
As someone who was in the business of interviewing people, I find no fault with his
questions. And I hope you noted his paying homage to what he *has* done.
I agree Margo, I thought his interview of President Biden was respectful, thoughtful, probing and appropriately challenging. I really appreciated the opportunities he gave to Biden to talk to us. I felt Biden did OK, not great. Overall it was helpful to see him feeling a little better and with some make-up on (he didn't look as corpse like as he did in the debate).