So cool that you are connecting with two of my faves!

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Besides Lucian,mine too.

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My bad, I am ignorant about these people. I thought he was the telescope guy, and she Jessica Rabbit's x-rated sister.

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Looking forward to seeing three of my favorite Substack writers on the Zoom. Spent a few hours there this afternoon; truly inspiring.

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Can’t wait to watch your segment!

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Jerry. Thanks but I don't do audio.

No tv. No utube. No zoom. No podcasts.

At 84 I just read.

Currently im reading "Guilty of Journalism"

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Much love to you. I'm the last of the no TV kids, so I don't do much tv. I occasionally watch a song on You Tube, but zoom fairly often and I've never listened to a podcast. I have a stereo, though. I read a lot and Iike to do hand sewing.

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My hearing is GONE.

I do use my tv as a monitor and watch dvd movies with captions.

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My husband worked in the music business most of his life. Unless you're looking at him when you're talking he usually can't hear you. He doesn't know., but it can be annoying. I don't want to be the one to tell him. Take care.

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Cal and Ellen, you’re my kind of people. I don’t do acronyms either. Ditched the corporate main stream media too. So glad for substacks.

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Oh man, I hope that's 2:00 PST . Robert referes to you often and he and Jessica were at a Swing Left event a coupls of weekends ago nearby. It will be great to hear you three kickin' it.

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Yes please , the time zone for the call ????

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Tracy, aren’t you on daylight time still? Fall just got here but we have still got Indian Summer, one of my favorite times of the year, the light lately has been magical.

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Ya see! Biden and Harris have taken away Daylight Savings Time from Truscott and the "Other Harris." If America, led by the Jews, elects the once-upon-a-time Asian, now-Black Harris, that Democrat nee Marxist will take away all the Daylight that has been saved up by loyal White American Christians, Beautiful Christians. She will plunge White Christian America, the Real America, into Darkness --- with no (White Christian) incandescent light bulbs to light their way Home or to Church.

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Channeling Marjorie Taylor Green is exactly on the mark.

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This is very cool. I will be there!

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More info here about the event!


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I want to be there but I have to see if I can get a PT appointment changed, I’ll know in the morning, thanks 🙏

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yes. Here's the linktree with info https://linktr.ee/24hoursin24

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Was this recorded and available to watch on demand?

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Thank you for advising us about this Zoom event, Lucian. I enjoyed it. Quite the 24-hour event, about which I knew nothing. Nor about the groups leading it. Glad I now do.

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You are 3 of my must-reads every day!!! I am sooo hoping this will be recorded as I'm (sadly) unable to join today. Thanks for all you do Lucian.

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I’ll see you at 2:00 👍😎

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Is Trump not a convicted felon? Can he vote?

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