Thank you for this Memorial Day inspiration. Now the letter you helped to write is even more firmly placed in West Point’s history. Maybe it will play a role in our national history as well.

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A terrific piece. All of us who took that oath to the Constitution need to abide by that oath. The Constitution is bigger than any candidate or party. Thank you Lucien.

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Thank you, Lucian. When I heard that Biden spoke at West Point’s graduation, I thought of you. I hadn’t heard about the letter written for the Class of 2020, in which you played a role. Thank you for writing about it.

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I am sure our mass media stalwarts had more important news to cover that day, that week, from their perspective. What that would actually be, I have no idea, especially given the occasion of Memorial Day under Trump in an election year.

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You bring a unique perspective to the current condition of our country. Thank you.

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Biden will get a lot of crap for "politicizing" the graduation but his topic was dead on and appropriate for the audience of new officers because they are the ones who will if all else fails be the ones to protect democracy from "threats foreign and domestic." Team TRump is on record as desiring to convdert this nation away from its Constitutional roots toward the antithesis: authoritarianism. What Biden said simply a reminder to the graduates they are now not just the tip of the spear defending our nation from foreign threats but can be influential in defending the nation from an enemy within.

I myself took that oath well over a half century ago and am terrified at the possibility so many of us do not see the threat and are willing to turn over the awesome power of the Presidency to a man and his fellow travelers who will take thin nation in a far different direction if given the chance. Time for those of us who took that oath to man the barricades of political action and support Joe Biden with our votes and campaign contributions.

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Politicizing to call for supporting the constitution, democratic principles, rule of law? Fundamental lie.

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How DARE the elected chief executive do that, and risk hurting Trump's sensitive feelings and insulting his deep patriotism!

Hang on, I forgot about this, first cup of coffee and so on:


Oct. 3, 2023, 8:22 AM CDT

By Summer Concepcion

Former Trump White House chief of staff John Kelly is blasting his onetime boss over disparaging remarks he says the then-president repeatedly made about service members and veterans and for what he called Trump's untruthfulness about his positions on various groups as well as on abortion.

In a statement to CNN published Monday, Kelly delivered a scathing criticism of former President Donald Trump while confirming reporting in The Atlantic in 2020 that detailed the comments he made during his presidency.

"A person that thinks those who defend their country in uniform, or are shot down or seriously wounded in combat, or spend years being tortured as POWs are all ‘suckers’ because ‘there is nothing in it for them,'" Kelly said of Trump. "A person that did not want to be seen in the presence of military amputees because ‘it doesn’t look good for me.’ A person who demonstrated open contempt for a Gold Star family — for all Gold Star families — on TV during the 2016 campaign, and rants that our most precious heroes who gave their lives in America’s defense are ‘losers’ and wouldn’t visit their graves in France.”

2020: Trump responds to accusations he called dead American soldiers ‘losers’


The Atlantic reported that Trump privately made damning statements against U.S. service members and veterans, such as the late Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., who had been a Vietnam prisoner of war, and former President George H.W. Bush, who was shot down as a Navy pilot in World War II. During a visit to France in 2018 for the centennial anniversary of the end of World War I, Trump also reportedly called Marines who died at Belleau Wood “suckers” and fallen soldiers at Aisne-Marne American Cemetery “losers.”

Kelly also slammed Trump as someone "who is not truthful regarding his position on the protection of unborn life, on women, on minorities, on evangelical Christians, on Jews, on working men and women. A person that has no idea what America stands for and has no idea what America is all about."

******* [More]

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Never forget...Trump is pure scum...86 45 STAT!

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Thank you, sir, for all that you do to protect our democracy

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Our greatest weaknesses are from within, as a person or a nation. Thanks for pointing out the principles that we as a people strive towards. When I read Lincoln I think I can see it.

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And then last night: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHCeRP2OETM

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The best part is the rubber chicken that someone was able to sneak past the Secret Service.

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I'll bet the ketchup was flying after that debacle. Biden gets an ovation at West Point while the blithering beast gets pilloried at a good old Libertarian hoedown right after sucking up on stage to two blinged up indicted scumbag murderous gang banging cretins. Rough weekend for the gipper. And the fun's just starting. Just imagine if this country at large finally woke up. It could be one of the most entertaining routs in political history as the greedsters slink away into the depth of their wine cellars and the Proud Pets and their ilk get bored and embarrassed by their flabby effeminate leader and go back to plinking beers can behind their trailers.

And the planet breathes a sigh of relief.

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"Just imagine if this country at large finally woke up."

Maybe that's it. We're not going to wake up on our own. Fat chance of that.

But the endless foot in mouth stunts by the drunken clown car that's the right are getting more and more ridiculous. They'll be the ones to wake us up! They're stumbling over each other to do it at this point.

It's a competition for who can be the most gobsmacked stupid on the national stage. Maybe Alito's strange obsession with flags that had dear Martha hauling flags up and down their many flagpoles day and night. Which one now honey? The green one and get me a damn beer!

Or Geatz with his "stand by" wink to the drooling lipwalkers in front of the rapist's trial? Hopefully he keeps a scrapbook. Proud moment for the dunce.

Or anything Ms. Cro-Magnon menace bellows as she roams the halls looking for a live one to corner while all but challenging cage fights on the floor of the House.

Or the blubberman himself twerking on stage for endorsements from freshly indicted gang bangers as if his demented daisy act with a couple of murdererous rqpists is going to haul in the gang bang vote. Show me those soft tiny palms and that adorable little dancing baby fist pump again, you vile scumbag.

Then comes the misfire at the Libertarian hoedown. Oops.

SNL may as well take the next few months off and let reality take over. It's like watching the formation of a dark star. Scary, horrifying and fascinating .

All said, I'm glad I didn't run away when I had the chance.

If living life like it's a movie is a thing, then there's no reason to sit this segment out on the sidelines. Giddy-up

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Yes, the libertarians in the Libertarian Party at least have that raucous streak of dissent, some of them, that's a very healthy thing!

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Upon exiting the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, Benjamin Franklin was asked by a passerby whether the new constitution would provide a monarchy or a republic. “A republic,” he answered, and famously added, “if you can keep it.”

And to quote Irving Berlin:

As the storm clouds gather far across the sea,

Let us swear allegiance to the land that's free.

Let us all be grateful for a land so fair

As we raise our voices in a silent prayer.

God bless America!

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Yes, I was a signer as well - Class of ‘78. I think it was one of our finer moments. Sometimes, words echo in meaningful ways.

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Why am I not surprised that you had a hand in that letter? Of course, you did and what an honor to know that Biden used your words and others to express the importance of maintaining democracy. I heard he stood and shook every graduate’s hand. My President, Our Leader.

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Duty. Honor. Country.

Sorry, no Donald Trump here.

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Great job to Joe on his speech at West Point. Let's hope he got through, not only to the cadets who already support him, but also to the hundreds of cadets who support the other guy.

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That needed to be said again and again.

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Thanks to all who hold that oath, and all who are committed to democracy’s preservation. And a grateful Memorial Day to you and your cohort for their prescience.

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Early in his presidency, probably while promoting his Wall, Trump said in a speech that he had "sworn an oath to defend the United States" and whatever he was pushing that day would fall into that category.

Except, as we all know and as LKTiv has reminded us in today's column, the oath is /not/ to defend the United States. It's an oath to defend the /Constitution/ of the United States.

This is the exact wording: "I do solemnly swear [affirm] that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

I paid special attention to Trump's error, back in 2017 or 2018, because it seemed significant that neither the president nor the people around him knew what the oath said or what it meant. Let's not go there again.

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